Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ Vocabulary List #11-Wildcats-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin -i plural bacilli, fungi, nuclei, alumni, magi, octopi, Gemini, homunculi, literati Latin jus law justice, justify, unjust, jus soli, justiciary Latin lum light luminary, luminous, illuminate, luminiferous, superluminous Latin ann year annual, superannuated, anniversary, annuity, perennial Latin apo away apotheosis, apogee, apoplexy, apology, aphelion, apostasy Greek sen old senile, senior, senator, seniority, senescent Latin sol alone solitude, solitary, solo, soliloquy, desolate, solipsism, solifidian Latin bas low bass, base, basic, basal, bassoon, debase, contrabase, abase, bas-relief Latin rogat ask interrogation, abrogate, derogatory, arrogate, supererogatory Latin parl speak parliament, parley, parlor, parlance, parlando Latin potent power potential, potentiometer, potentate, plenipotentiary, omnipotent Latin surg rise resurgence, insurgence, surge, surgent Latin log word or reason logic, neologism, philologist, logician, illogical, monologue Greek gram writing telegram, pentagram, hexagram, hologram, grammar Greek cant sing recant, cantata, incantation, descant, canticle, canto Latin reg rule regal, regiment, regulate, regent, interregnum, regicide, regime Latin pro forward provide, pronounce, program, prognosticate, prospect, prognosis, prolix Greek gyn woman androgynous, gynecologist, polygyny, misogynist, gynephobia Greek ag to do agile, agent, agency, agitate, aggression, aggrade Latin act to do transact, react, action, activate, abreact, counteract, interact Latin mob move mobility, mobile, immobile, mobilize, demobilize Latin sess sit session, sessile, insessorial, sessility, obsessed Latin fic make fortification, fiction, prolific, horrific, soporific Latin nounce tell denounce, pronounce, announce, renounce, enunciate Latin andro man androgynous, android (droid), androgens, androphobia, polyandry Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 11 Sentences □ Complete List 10 Review List 11 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL 1. Do bacilli and fungi have nuclei in their cells? fungi: ______________________________________________________ nuclei: _____________________________________________________ 2. Can a system of justice ever be unjust? justice: _____________________________________________________ 3. The luminous moonlight illuminated the aluminum sculpture. luminous: ___________________________________________________ illuminated: _________________________________________________ 4. The superannuated doorman celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. superannuated: ______________________________________________ 5. At the satellite’s apogee we could not find it with binoculars. apogee: _____________________________________________________ 6. The senior class president befriended the not-so-senile old man. senior: ______________________________________________________ senile: ______________________________________________________ 7. On his solo transcontinental flight, he enjoyed the solitude. solo: ________________________________________________________ solitude: ____________________________________________________ 8. Basic instructions are included with each new bassoon. basic: ______________________________________________________ 9. The interrogation was derogatory in tone. interrogation: ________________________________________________ derogatory: __________________________________________________ 10. Several members of Parliament had a parley in the parlor. Parliament: __________________________________________________ parley: ______________________________________________________ 11. The plenipotentiary met twice with the potentate. potentate: ___________________________________________________ 12. The surge of the sea portended the resurgence violence. surge: ______________________________________________________ resurgence: _________________________________________________ 13. The philologist delighted in inventing neologisms. philologist: __________________________________________________ 14. The grammar in the telegram was not correct. grammar: ___________________________________________________ telegram: ____________________________________________________ 15. During the holy man’s incantation, the spirit began to appear. incantation: _________________________________________________ 16. There were no regal ceremonies in the interregnum. regal: _______________________________________________________ 17. The doctor’s prognosis was not favorable. prognosis: ___________________________________________________ 18. The musician’s androgynous appearance was widely imitated. androgynous: ________________________________________________ 19. Dozens of chairs were arranged for the general session. session: _____________________________________________________ 20. There may be little time to act or react. act: ________________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. ________21. When the National Guard was mobilized, the mobile units were ready. a. moving within and between occupations b. changing quickly in expression c. able to move freely and quickly to a given area d. a sculpture suspended midair ________22. The secret agent spilled the deadly chemical agent. a. servant b. operative c. champion d. salesperson ________23. Is that wall supposed to be beautification or fortification? a. tower b. establishment c. station d. defense c. to declare as one’s judgment d. to give an informal speech ________24. Pronounce your announcement clearly. a. to make an official declaration b. to utter or articulate ________25. The metal android grappled with the furry anthropoid. a. a cellular telephone operating system b. a cloned human being c. an automaton in the form of a human being d. a primitive, unevolved human being List 10 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: expedition altitude altimeter pedestrian mortal loquacious soliloquy immortality carnivorous incarnate 1. While Jared was shy and reserved, his twin brother Michael was outgoing and ___________________________. 2. The pilot checked the _____________________________ to be sure the plane had reached the optimum altitude before the skydivers were allowed to jump. 3. On his first ___________________________ to the New World, Columbus had only three ships under his command; on his second there were seventeen. 4. The knight received a _______________________ wound in battle, but inspired his men to victory. 5. Until the 1990’s, T. Rex was thought to be the largest _______________________________ dinosaur that ever lived. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 11 Illini-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin -i plural bacilli, fungi, nuclei, alumni, magi, octopi, Gemini, homunculi, literati Latin jus law justice, justify, unjust, jus soli, justiciary Latin lum light luminary, luminous, illuminate, luminiferous, superluminous Latin ann year annual, superannuated, anniversary, annuity, perennial Latin sen old senile, senior, senator, seniority, senescent Latin sol alone solitude, solitary, solo, soliloquy, desolate, solipsism, solifidian Latin potent power potential, potentiometer, potentate, plenipotentiary, omnipotent Latin gram writing telegram, pentagram, hexagram, hologram, grammar Greek cant sing recant, cantata, incantation, descant, canticle, canto Latin reg rule regal, regiment, regulate, regent, interregnum, regicide, regime Latin pro forward provide, pronounce, program, prognosticate, prospect, prognosis, prolix Greek gyn woman androgynous, gynecologist, polygyny, misogynist, gynephobia Greek mob move mobility, mobile, immobile, mobilize, demobilize Latin nounce tell denounce, pronounce, announce, renounce, enunciate Latin andro man androgynous, android (droid), androgens, androphobia, polyandry Greek Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 11 Sentences □ Complete List 10 Review List 10 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the best word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: expedition altitude altimeter pedestrian mortal loquacious soliloquy immortality carnivorous incarnate 1. While Jared was shy and reserved, his twin brother Michael was outgoing and ___________________________. 2. The pilot checked the _____________________________ to be sure the plane had reached the optimum altitude before the skydivers were allowed to jump. 3. On his first ___________________________ to the New World, Columbus had only three ships under his command; on his second there were seventeen. 4. The knight received a _______________________ wound in battle, but inspired his men to victory. 5. Until the 1990’s, T. Rex was thought to be the largest _______________________________ dinosaur that ever lived. List 11 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL 1. Do bacilli and fungi have nuclei in their cells? fungi: ______________________________________________________ 2. Can a system of justice ever be unjust? justice: _____________________________________________________ 3. The luminous moonlight illuminated the aluminum sculpture. luminous: ___________________________________________________ 4. The superannuated doorman celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. 5. The senior class president befriended the not-so-senile old man. superannuated: ______________________________________________ senior: ______________________________________________________ senile: ______________________________________________________ 6. On his solo transcontinental flight, he enjoyed the solitude. solitude: ____________________________________________________ 7. The plenipotentiary met twice with the potentate. potentate: ___________________________________________________ 8. The grammar in the telegram was not correct. grammar: ___________________________________________________ 9. During the holy man’s incantation, the spirit began to appear. incantation: _________________________________________________ 10. There were no regal ceremonies in the interregnum. regal: _______________________________________________________ 11. Pronounce your announcement clearly. pronounce: __________________________________________________ 12. The musician’s androgynous appearance was widely imitated. androgynous: ________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. ________13. When the National Guard was mobilized, the mobile units were ready. a. moving within and between occupations b. changing quickly in expression c. able to move freely and quickly to a given area d. a sculpture suspended midair c. reply d. estimate ________14. The doctor’s prognosis was not favorable. a. prediction b. measurement ________15. The metal android grappled with the furry anthropoid. a. a cellular telephone operating system b. a cloned human being c. an automaton in the form of a human being d. a primitive, unevolved human being Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 11 Huskies-Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin -i plural bacilli, fungi, nuclei, alumni, magi, octopi, Gemini Latin jus law justice, justify, unjust, jus soli, Latin lum light luminary, luminous, illuminate Latin ann year annual, superannuated, anniversary, annuity, perennial Latin sen old senile, senior, senator, seniority Latin sol alone solitude, solitary, solo, soliloquy, desolate Latin potent power potential, potentiometer, potentate, omnipotent Latin gram writing telegram, pentagram, hexagram, hologram, grammar Greek reg rule regal, regiment, regulate, regent, regicide, regime Latin mob move mobility, mobile, immobile, mobilize, demobilize Latin Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 11 Sentences □ Complete List 10 Review List 10 Sentences Directions: Write the meaning of each bolded word. Try to use the meaning of the stem and context clues. Make sure the definition fits in the sentences and makes sense! HIGHLIGHT THE MEANING OF THE STEM IN THE DEFINITION YOU WRITE!-NOT OPTIONAL 1. Do bacilli and fungi have nuclei in their cells? fungi: ______________________________________________________ 2. Can a system of justice ever be unjust? justice: _____________________________________________________ 3. The luminous moonlight illuminated the aluminum sculpture. luminous: ___________________________________________________ 4. The superannuated doorman celebrated his fiftieth anniversary. superannuated: ______________________________________________ 5. The senior class president befriended the not-so-senile old man. senior: ______________________________________________________ senile: ______________________________________________________ 6. On his solo transcontinental flight, he enjoyed the solitude. solitude: ____________________________________________________ 7. The plenipotentiary met twice with the potentate. potentate: ___________________________________________________ 8. The grammar in the telegram was not correct. grammar: ___________________________________________________ Part 2 Directions: Read each sentence and based on the context of the sentence and the meaning of the stem choose the best dictionary definition or thesaurus synonym. ________9. When the National Guard was mobilized, the mobile units were ready. a. moving within and between occupations b. changing quickly in expression c. able to move freely and quickly to a given area d. a sculpture suspended midair ________10. There were no regal ceremonies in the interregnum. a. royal b. reserved c. common d. large List 10 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: prenatal unique native genetics pedestrian carnival 1. _________________________________ often directly impacts an individual’s height. 2. The platypus is _________________________ as it a rare mammal that lays eggs. 3. English is not his _________________________ language and he speaks it with a slight accent. 4. A _______________________________ has the right of way when crossing a street and cars must stop. Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________ Periods: ______________________ List 11 Redbirds –Week 1 Stem Definition Words Origin lum light luminary, luminous, illuminate Latin ann year annual, anniversary, centennial, annuity, biennial Latin gram writing pentagram, hexagram, grammar, telegram Greek sol alone solitude, solitary, solo, soliloquy Latin mob move mobility, mobile, immobile, mobilize, demobilize Latin Definitions luminous (adj) producing or filled with light Sentences I saw the raccoon’s luminous eyes in my car’s headlights. illuminate (v) to supply something with light; to make something easier to understand annual (adj) yearly, relating to a year The moon helped to illuminate the dark night. biennial (adj) happening every two years; lasting for two years epigram (n) a short, witty poem; a witty, clever saying The biennial reunion was slated to happen only in evennumbered years. His speech was spiced with epigrams that kept the audience entertained. Civil War generals received telegrams describing their enemy’s location. He enjoyed the peace and solitude of the words. telegram (n) a written message sent by wire over a far distance solitude (n) a situation where you are alone usually because you want to be soliloquy (n) a long or serious speech a character makes to the audience revealing their thoughts. mobility (n) the ability to move from one position to another quickly and easily immobilize (v) to stop something from moving The annual bonfire was held every September Asides, soliloquies, and monologues help a reader to better understand a character. He was a great football player known for his mobility on the field. The doctor immobilized her arm by putting it in a cast. Week 1 Assignments (check off each as you finish): □ Create a flashcard for each stem □ Review/Study all flashcards (at least 5 minutes/day) □ Complete List 11 Sentences □ Complete List 10 Review List 11 Sentences Directions: Fill in the blanks using the correct vocabulary words. Word Bank: mobility illuminated biennial solitude epigram immobilized telegram soliloquy annual luminous 1. Stacy had the ____________________________ Halloween party at a haunted house last year. 2. The bird seemed happy with its __________________________ as if it only needed itself to keep it company. 3. Many senior citizens have limited __________________________ but can move with the help of canes and walkers 4. The construction worker was _____________________________ after he broke his leg from a fall off a roof. 5. The plant is a __________________________, it takes two years to grow from seed to fruit and die. 6. The fireworks display ________________________________ the entire sky. 7. Romeo gave an extended ______________________________ explaining his feelings for Juliet while he was alone on the stage. 8. The comedian, famous for his clever one-liners, included an ______________________ at the end of his show. 9. Stars often appear ________________________________in the night sky. 10. Years ago a ________________________ was a quick way to send messages to people who were a long way away from where you were. List 10 Review Fill in the Blank: Fill in the blank with the correct word. You will not use all of the words in the word bank Word Bank: prenatal unique native genetics pedestrian carnival 1. _________________________________ often directly impacts an individual’s height. 2. The platypus is _________________________ as it a rare mammal that lays eggs. 3. English is not his _________________________ language and he speaks it with a slight accent. 4. A _______________________________ has the right of way when crossing a street and cars must stop.