Where Do They Go: Single

Where Do They Go: Single-Use Cups?
Hello [insert organization/club/group name],
Single-use non-reusable/non-compostable cups must be thrown in the landfill container.
These cups include both plastic and paper that is unable to be separated during the recycling
process. However, for coffee cups, the lid and paper holder are recyclable. Take the extra few
seconds to sort these two components into the appropriate bins.
You can also help by bringing your own reusable cup to your favorite coffee location! This way
we can reduce the number of single-use coffee cups that are sent to the landfill.
If you have any questions, please contact recycle@psu.edu or tweet questions to @sustainPSU.
This is what we do, and this is how we do it,
[insert organization/club/group name]