APRIL 2015 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM State Authorization: N. C. G. S. Article 2B of Chapter 136 N. C. Department of Transportation Public Transportation Division (PTD) Agency Contact Person – Program Address Confirmation Letters To Debra G. Collins, Director Public Transportation Division N.C. Department of Transportation 1550 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1550 (919) 707-4687 (919) 733-1391 dgcollins1@ncdot.gov Wayne Davenport, Lead Auditor, CICA, CFS Single Audit Compliance Unit N. C. Department of Transportation 1507 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1507 (919) 707-4581 Fax (919) 715-2710 wdavenport@ncdot.gov The auditor should not consider the Supplement to be “safe harbor” for identifying audit procedures to apply in a particular engagement, but the auditor should be prepared to justify departures from the suggested procedures. The auditor can consider the supplement a “safe harbor” for identification of compliance requirements to be tested if the auditor performs reasonable procedures to ensure that the requirements in the Supplement are current. The grantor agency may elect to review audit working papers to determine that audit tests are adequate. The Single Audit Compliance Unit of the NCDOT Office of Inspector General reviews all single audits, financial audits, and management letters of all “grantees”. We are looking at both the presentation (information as to program, pass-through and state funding, NCDOT identification numbers) and the dollar amounts presented versus our records. Any reports not received will be requested. Grants must be properly identified by program name (“Rural Capital Program”), DOT number (“DOT-14”), and WBS number on the Schedule of Financial Assistance. This information is available from the agreement with NCDOT; program name is on the first page while the WBS number is on the second page. For Public Transportation Programs that disburse funds on an annual basis, the WBS number and program name are in the comments section of the warrant. Grantor and/or pass-through grantor, program title and CFDA number (if appropriate) should also be included. Please do not combine like projects into one dollar amount since we would need to call you for the breakdown; please report award amount, Federal pass-through, State share and local share. On NCDOT’s confirmation from the Grant Master List (GML), these moneys are shown as DOT number “DOT-14.” I. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES The General Assembly appropriation for Public Transportation includes funds for the Rural Capital Program. Grants are made under the rural capital program to provide funds to local transportation systems in rural areas to purchase vehicles, communications equipment and related capital equipment. The capital project may be funded through a separate grant C-4 DOT-14 1 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM agreement or as a part of the annual Community Transportation Program budget. If the project does not receive federal funding assistance for vehicles, communications equipment and related capital purchases, the source of funds is the Rural Capital Program. The FY08 state appropriations bill (Section 21.18 of Senate Bill 1741) allowed the Public Transportation Division (PTD) the ability to consolidate its rural funding programs for vehicles, technology and facilities into one large capital program. Therefore, effective with the FY07 grants, the funding for these programs has been consolidated. II. PROGRAM PROCEDURES Eligible recipients are lead transportation agencies including local governments, transportation authorities, nonprofit organizations and Indian Tribes. Funding applications are submitted on an annual basis. Applications are received and reviewed by the Public Transportation Division and submitted to the North Carolina Board of Transportation for funding approval. Once approved, a grant agreement between the department and the recipient is prepared and executed. The recipient can request advance payment for all rolling stock line items upon receipt of a vendor invoice. The remaining costs are typically reimbursed to the recipient once they have issued payment. III. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. ACTIVITIES ALLOWED OR UNALLOWED 1. Compliance Requirement - Funds must be expended in a manner consistent with the project application, budget and agreement. Audit Objective – Determine if funds were expended properly. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Ascertain that expenditures conform to the project budget. 2. Test expenditures and related records for compliance with the project budget. 2. Compliance Requirement - Vehicles and equipment, technology applications and transit facilities acquired under the Rural Capital Program may be used only by: - organization(s) as described in its application, - organization(s) in coordinated services for a variety of elderly and/or persons with disabilities, - operators under lease or other contractual agreement to provide only the services identified in the grant application or C-4 with the prior written approval of the Department of Transportation, vehicles and equipment may be used for other purposes provided that these other uses are consistent with uses outlined in the Community Transportation Services Plan (the grantee has a copy) and do not interfere with the primary purpose of service provision to elderly and disabled persons. DOT-14 2 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM Vehicles and equipment acquired under the Rural Capital Program cannot be used for the following purposes: Policy Guidance for Transporting Passengers to Church and Religious Services Federal and state funded vehicles may not be utilized for transportation to church and religious services if the transportation is provided exclusively for this purpose and the service is not open to the general public. The service must be provided in an open door manner and marketed as such. The service must adhere to federal and state guidelines regarding charter restrictions. Note, however, that the system cannot restrict to whom the service is provided based on religious affiliation. Policy Guidance for Transporting Passengers to Vote Federal and state funded vehicles may not be utilized for transportation to a place of voting or voter registration when the express purpose of the trip is to carry voters or potential registrants. The reason for this policy is that the grants are not provided for this purpose and there are potential partisan political activities that could occur that are beyond the legitimate scope of the services offered by the grantee and beyond the capability of the grantee, FTA, and the state to monitor. Transportation to a place of voting or voter registration is allowed when provided under the normal route structure/ service design of the system, with the service open to any member of the general public, and not provided exclusively for the purpose of voting or voter registration. Audit Objective - Determine if the equipment is being used in a manner consistent with the Community Transportation Services Plan, approved project application and NCDOT policy guidance. Suggested Audit Procedure - Examine trip data records, service related records, and vehicle lease agreement for compliance. Policy Guidance for Vehicle Leasing and Charter Services The Public Transportation Division issued policy guidance on June 8, 2005, regarding the use of federal and state funded vehicles for lease by other organizations and for charter services. The policy statement is available from the Public Transportation Division. SOURCE DOCUMENTS 1. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 9040.1F “Non-Urbanized Area Formula Program Guidance and Grant Application Instructions” effective October 1, 1998, Section VIII (www.fta.dot.gov). 2. 49 U.S.C. 5323(d) Charter Service School Bus Transportation http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/CFR-2010-title49-vol7/pdf/CFR-2010-title49vol7-part604.pdf C-4 DOT-14 3 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM 3. 49 CFR 604 Charter Service www.fta.dot.gov/laws/leg_reg_179.html Audit Objective - Determine if the equipment is being used in a manner consistent with the June 8, 2005, NCDOT policy guidance. Suggested Audit Procedure - Examine trip data records, service-related records and any vehicle lease agreements and charter documentation for compliance. 3. CASH MANAGEMENT 1. Funds Advanced Compliance Requirement – While project agreements specify that this is a cost reimbursement program, the subrecipient may receive funds in advance of incurring the cost for the purpose of paying vendors. If this occurs, the funds must be paid to the vendor within three (3) days of receipt from the department. Audit Objective – Determine if funds were advanced or paid on a reimbursement basis. Suggested Audit Procedure - Ascertain that funds received in advance of incurring the cost were disbursed within three (3) days of receipt from NCDOT. 2. Proceeds from the disposition of vehicles and equipment Compliance Requirement – Proceeds retained from the disposition of vehicles and related equipment as established by the Department of Transportation, as applicable, must be used for transportation purposes. The funds cannot go to the general fund; a separate account is required. Audit Objective – Determine if the proceeds from the disposition of vehicles and equipment were deposited to the correct account. Determine where the proceeds were used and if the proceeds were used correctly. Suggested Audit Procedure - Ascertain that proceeds were used for appropriate purposes. 4. CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY Compliance Requirement – N.C.G.S. 143C-6-23 requires each nonprofit entity eligible to receive state funds to have a conflict of interest policy which addresses conflicts that may arise when members of its governing body or its managing employees are involved in the disbursement of state funds. The entity is required to have a copy of their entity’s policy on file with the disbursing state agency before any funds are disbursed; this policy shall be approved by the entity’s governing board and a C-4 DOT-14 4 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM notarized statement of the board’s action shall be attached. All members of the board and management shall be familiar with and follow the policy and the legislation. The entity should have written procedures of how the conflict of interest policy is enforced. Audit Objective - Determine if the policy statement has been provided to the disbursing state agency, to current members of the board and management and efforts are made to follow the policy. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Obtain a copy of the policy and transmittal letter to the agencies disbursing state funds to the nonprofit entity. 2. Verify the existence and enforcement of the entity’s procedures. 6. EQUIPMENT AND REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1. Vehicle Maintenance Compliance Requirement - Under the agreement between NCDOT and the local grantee, the section on equipment requires that maintenance records be established for each vehicle acquired with federal and state funds. The maintenance program must meet the minimum maintenance requirements established by the vehicle manufacturer Audit Objective – Determine that the maintenance records were established as required by the agreement and that the agency has met the manufacturer’s minimum maintenance requirements. Suggested Audit Procedure - Inspect and test the maintenance records to determine if the recipient has a maintenance program and that it meets the minimum maintenance requirements as established by the vehicle manufacturer. 2. Procedures for disposition of vehicles and equipment Compliance Requirement – Disposition of vehicles and related equipment must be in accordance with procedures established by the NCDOT. Audit Objective – Determine if any vehicles and equipment have been disposed of and if it was according to procedure. Suggested Audit Procedure C-4 1. Interview responsible officials and review disposition records and determine whether there were any disposals of vehicles or related transit equipment. 2. Obtain current market values at date of disposal if the equipment was disposed of locally and determine if the agency received an appropriate amount. 3. Lease Agreements for Vehicles DOT-14 5 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM Compliance Requirement – The grant recipient must enter into a lease agreement for vehicles that are not operated by the recipient. The sample lease agreement is provided by NCDOT – Public Transportation Division and incorporates the required federal and state provisions. A copy of each lease agreement is forwarded to NCDOT. A copy of current lease agreements must be on file with NCDOT. Audit Objective – Determine who operates the vehicles and that this is covered by the lease agreement. Suggested Audit Procedure - Determine if any vehicles are operated by other entities. If so, check the agreement for required clause/provisions and a current period of performance. 7. MATCHING, LEVEL OF EFFORT, EARMARKING Local Match Compliance Requirement - The grantee must pay the amount/percentage as specified in the State/Local project agreement or award letter, plus all sales/highway use tax and the cost of options that the Department does not participate in funding. There is a 10% (ten percent) local match requirement. Any costs in excess of the approved project budget are the responsibility of the grantee. Audit Objective – Determine the amounts or percentages or matching funds provided were allowable and applied correctly. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Compare the total reported project cost with the expenditure category to determine the allowability and unacceptability of claimed expenses and that the required matching contributions were met. 2. Determine whether expenditures were supported by the project budget, were applied correctly and were from an allowable source. 3. Test records/transactions transaction/activities. 8. to match for compliance with allowable PERIOD OF AVAILABILITY OF STATE FUNDS Compliance Requirement - The eligible project costs are to be completed within the specified time frame. Extensions to the period of performance must be approved by NCDOT based upon justification provided by the grantee. Audit Objective – Determine if costs were expended within the specified time frame according to the agreement or award letter. Suggested Audit Procedure – Verify that project expenses occurred within the period of performance specified in the project agreement or an approved extension of the period of performance. C-4 DOT-14 6 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM 9. PROCUREMENT AND SUSPENSION AND DEBARMENT Compliance Requirement –Procurements shall be conducted in accordance with instructions contained in North Carolina General Statute 143-129. Expenditures for construction or repair work requiring the estimated expenditure equal to or more than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000); or a single class of supplies, materials, or equipment estimated in an amount equal to or more than ninety thousand dollars ($90,000) must be contracted for only after a formal low bid process and approval by NCDOT. A bid tabulation and governing agency resolution recommending award is required for contract award to lowest responsible bidder. No recipient is allowed to procure goods or services from a company, firm or organization that has been suspended or debarred by the State of North Carolina or Federal Government. Circumventing these regulations by reducing large purchases to a series of small purchases or by any other means is not permitted. Audit Objective - Determine if procurements were conducted in accordance with N.C.G.S. 143-129. Suggested Audit Procedure – Examine procurements for adherence to regulations and NCDOT guidance. 12. REPORTING 1. Compliance Requirement - Grantees must submit an annual updated Public Transportation Management System (PTMS) inventory. Audit Objective – Determine if an accurate PTMS has been submitted. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Examine the PTMS for the most recently submitted application. 2. Verify the accuracy of the PTMS by checking the PTMS against a schedule of fixed assets and/or on-site inventory. The PTMS should include all rolling stock, equipment in the vehicle (mobile radios, cell phones, mobile data terminals, etc.) and facilities. 2. Compliance Requirement – North Carolina General Statute 143C-6-23 “Use of State Funds by Non-State Entities,” and North Carolina Administrative Code Chapter 9, Subchapter 03M “Uniform Administration of State Grants” addresses reporting requirements for nongovernmental entities. These regulations along with reporting forms may be accessed at: https://www.ncgrants.gov/NCGrants/Regulations.jsp https://www.ncgrants.gov/NCGrants/PublicReportsRegulations.jsp C-4 DOT-14 7 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM Audit Objective – Determine applicable reporting requirements. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Determine if the organization is subject to G.S. 143C-6-23. 2. Determine what type of filing/report should be made with the NCDOT. 3. Projects that have federal, state and local funds: Compliance Requirement - Grantees must submit quarterly DBE Report of Awards and Report of Payments documenting actual utilization (CFR Parts 23 and 26, and the U.S. DOT DBE Final Rule, Federal Register dated February 2, 1999 Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Programs). Additional required reports include Project Progress Reports and reports of significant events (FTA Circular 5010.1D). Based on the level of FTA funding, exclusive of transit vehicle purchases, recipients are required to implement a DBE program. To monitor the progress of the DBE program, recipients are required to submit quarterly reports based on a record keeping system (49 CFR section 23.49, 23.11). Audit Objective - Determine DBE reports are supported by adequate documentation. Suggested Audit Procedure 1. Review grantee’s DBE contract expenditures (as opposed to contract awards) as outlined in 49 CFR Part 26. 2. Review the reports and trace the information to underlying data to determine completeness and accuracy. 3. Determine that for all participation amounts reported, the firms have been certified and that the certification is current. Participation by non-certified firms is not allowed. 4. Projects that have state and local funds: Compliance Requirement - Grantees must submit quarterly MBE/WBE/HUB Report of Awards and Report of Payments documenting actual utilization of Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise and Historically Underutilized Business Enterprise as specified in all grant agreements executed after October 1, 2006. To monitor the progress of the MBE/WBE/HUB program, recipients are required to submit quarterly reports based on a record keeping system. Audit Objective - Determine MBE/WBE/HUB reports are supported by adequate documentation. Suggested Audit Procedure C-4 DOT-14 8 RURAL CAPITAL PROGRAM 1. Review grantee’s MBE/WBE/HUB contract expenditures as defined in the grant agreement and the NCDOT Public Transportation Division Disadvantaged Business Enterprise External Procedures. 2. Review the reports and trace the information to underlying data to determine completeness and accuracy. 3. Determine that for all participation amounts reported, the firms have been certified and that the certification is current. Participation by non-certified firms is not allowed. C-4 DOT-14 9