AP Chemistry- Midterm Review by Topic Chapter One: Introduction

AP Chemistry- Midterm Review by Topic
Chapter One: Introduction: Matter and Measurement
Definition of chemistry
Chemistry applications
Definitions of matter,
Characteristics of mixtures
Definition of physical & chemical change
Scientific Notation*
Significant figures*
Math functions using significant figures
Density calculations*
Unit Conversions using dimensional analysis*
Divisions of chemistry
Scientific method
States of matter,
Classification of matter
Qualitative vs. quantitative
Accuracy and precision
Metric prefixes*
SI units of measure*
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Conversion Kelvin/Celsius*
Chapter Two: Atoms, Molecules and Ions
Define atom
Properties of protons, neutrons, electrons
Atomic Mass
Define groups/families on the periodic table
Define chemical formula, formula unit
Write balanced formula unit (ionic)
Calculate empirical and molecular formulas*
Atomic structure
Atomic number
Calculate average atomic mass*
Organization of the Periodic table
Family properties
Recognizes ions and charges
Write molecular formulas (covalent)
Identify common acids
Chapter Three: Chemical Reactions
Write/balance equations
Solution process & solubility
Neutralization reaction and net ionic
Redox Reaction and net ionic equations
Predict products based on the type of reaction
Identify strong electrolytes
Write net ionic equations
Oxidation Numbers*
Apply solubility rules & activity series
½ reactions for redox
Chapter Four: Stoichiometry
Chemical Analysis
Apply mass relationship to chemical equations*
Theoretical and % yield
Preparation of Solutions & dilutions
Aqueous Stoichiometry
Empirical formula based on combustion
Limiting reactants
Solution Concentration (Molarity)
Beer’s Lambert Law
Chapter Five: Thermochemistry
Define energy and units in measuring energy
Enthalpy of reactions (ΔH) and associated calculations*
Understand heat flow (endo/exo)
Hess’s law and applications
Specific Heat
Enthalpy of formation (ΔHf)
Chapters Six: Structure of Atoms
Chapter Seven: Periodic Trends
Wave nature of light
Electromagnetic radiation
Relationship of wavelength, frequency and speed of light
Line spectra
Energy and electron transition
Quantum numbers
Periodic trends: ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic radius)
Role of electron shielding and affective nuclear charge
Isoelectronic series
Assign electron configuration,
Orbital filling rules
Chapter Eight: Chemical Bonding
Chapter Nine: Bonding and Molecular Structure, Orbital Hybridization
Valence electrons & dot notation
Lewis structures and multiple bonds
Formal charge
types of chemical bonds
Lewis structures for compounds
Lewis structures and resonance
Exceptions to the Octet Rule
Sigma, pi bonds
Molecular Shape
Molecular polarity
Bond Order, bond length
Electron domain
Lone pair, bonded pair electrons
Bond dipole
Bond enthalpy & enthalpy of reaction
Chapter Eleven: Gases and their Properties
Combined gas law
Gas density/molar mass
Dalton’s law of partial pressure
KMT – conceptual
Ideal gas law
Avogadro’s law
Gas stoichiometry
Chapter Twelve: Intermolecular Forces and Liquids
Chapter Thirteen: Chemistry of Solids
Intermolecular force of attraction (IMF)
Born-Haber Cycle (lattice energy)
Vapor Pressure
Properties of water
surface tension
Energy Diagram and phase change Phase Diagram
Chapter Fourteen: Solutions and Their Behavior
Solution Process
Concentration (M, m, % mass, mole fraction)*
Vapor pressures of solutions
Boiling point elevation*
Osmotic pressure*
Types of Solutions
Energy of solution formation
Solubility Curve
Raoult’s law
Freezing point depression*
Van’t Hoff Factor
*Be able to solve problems by performing calculations (similar to previous tests and worksheets).