BOARD OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHSETTS 2013 – 2015 STRATEGIC PLAN-IN-BRIEF ROBERT C. MAIER, DIRECTOR Final plan issued: February 14, 2013 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Welcome to the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC). We see this strategic plan as another way to tell the library story through the aspirations of library users and the libraries themselves. This plan is based on library community surveys and research including our new federal LSTA LongRange Plan FY13-FY17, the Massachusetts Library System Strategic Plan FY13-FY15, the results of the Resource Sharing Unbound conference of May 15, 2012 and the subsequent work of the Resource Sharing Planning Committee. Any plan must coexist with the world of funding, and this one coordinates with the MBLC’s FY14 Legislative Agenda. While new funding is not required for all of the initiatives, many can only be partially implemented with current funds. Thank you for your interest in the great work libraries do for our residents. Originally signed by: Robert C. Maier Director This document was developed pursuant to Executive Order 540 which calls on state government to develop and publish strategic plans and institute performance management. As an agency within the Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F), the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners’ 2013-2015 Strategic Plan aligns and supports the overarching goals set forth in the A&F Strategic Plan. Please send feedback regarding this plan to: Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 2 MISSION, VISION AND POLICY CONTEXT OVERVIEW The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) is the agency of state government with the statutory authority and responsibility to organize, develop, coordinate and improve library services throughout the Commonwealth. The Board advises library trustees and municipal officials on the operation and maintenance of public libraries, including construction and renovation. It administers state and federal grant programs for libraries; promotes cooperation among all types of libraries through the Massachusetts Library System (MLS), the Library for the Commonwealth and automated library resource sharing networks; and arranges for talking book and related services for blind and disabled residents. It also works to ensure that all residents of the Commonwealth, regardless of their geographic location, have access to essential new electronic information technologies and significant electronic databases. Massachusetts was the first state to establish an agency of state government to guide the development of library service. Founded by statute in 1890, the Board of Library Commissioners oversaw the start of 100 public libraries in its first decade of work. Today, 350 of the state’s 351 cities and towns have public library services. The Board has nine volunteer members appointed by the Governor who set policy for the agency and hire the director. The agency has a staff of 22. MISSION The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners is the state agency that supports, improves and promotes library services throughout the Commonwealth. We seek to provide every resident of Massachusetts with equal opportunity to access information resources that will satisfy individual educational, working, cultural, and leisure-time needs and interests, regardless of an individual’s location, social or physical condition, or level of intellectual achievement. VISION Every resident of Massachusetts has the information resources required to participate in our democracy and lead a secure and productive life. ACHIEVEMENTS The MBLC is committed to ensuring all Massachusetts residents have access to quality library services. Over the past few years, the MBLC has enhanced its operations to improve access and service delivery. Several of its major achievements are highlighted below: Residents of Massachusetts can directly borrow materials from any public library in the Commonwealth at no cost through the State Aid to Public Libraries program. Through library networks and the virtual catalog, residents can locate resources they need and request them for pick up at their local library. Requested materials are delivered, often within two days, through the delivery system operated by the Massachusetts Library System. Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 3 Residents across the state have easy online access to consumer and scholarly journals and their back files, Boston Globe, NY Times and Encyclopedia Britannica through a partnership of the MBLC and MLS. A single statewide contract saves local libraries $90 million annually. All residents have access to ebooks through their library network or through the Library for the Common-wealth (Boston Public Library). Blind, legally blind and disabled residents can receive digital talking books, described videos, large print books and voice synthesized daily newspapers through the Perkins and Worcester Talking Book Libraries. Residents rely on their public libraries for disaster relief when an emergency strikes their community. In partnership with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 7 libraries have served as recovery centers in declared emergencies and others have assumed this role informally. Parents and caregivers can readily find nearby libraries that offer story times and programs for infants through preschoolers in the Directory of Early Literacy Programs on Libraries serve as welcome centers for new Americans offering English language and citizenship classes. The Massachusetts Library System saves libraries millions of dollars annually through purchasing cooperatives for library materials and supplies. The Massachusetts Library System keeps library staff current on everything from best practices for library operations to the latest technologies used by patrons. The statewide summer reading program helps 300,000 students maintain their reading skills during the summer months. The Massachusetts Public Library Construction Program has provided grants for 177 projects to renovate and expand existing libraries or build new library facilities in communities statewide. CHALLENGES Today’s public library is so much more than a source of books. It is an early literacy center, a community meeting place, a center of civic engagement, an internet access point, a computing center, a disaster recovery center, an access point for e-government, a center for job seekers, a health information provider, a welcome center for new Americans, and much more. The challenge is to improve the funding of local public libraries so that they can meet the demand for these services. The growing market for ebooks is now affecting libraries. The challenge is to find ways to provide ebooks, streaming media, and downloadable media to our users by leveraging our existing infrastructure to make this as affordable for libraries and as easy to use for patrons as possible. Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 4 Decades of planning and funding by the MBLC has made our system of automated library networks essential to the operation of public and academic libraries in the state. However, residents of communities whose library does not belong to an automated library network do not have equal access to library services. The challenge now is to bring the remaining public libraries in smaller communities into these library networks and to find ways to bring the benefits of networking to school libraries. Most people use smart phones or tablets to access information and they expect to find all information via mobile services. The challenge is to open access to libraries and library resources through mobile devices. Massachusetts libraries hold unique historic and cultural resources that are unknowable or inaccessible unless the user is onsite. The challenge is to digitize these resources so that they are readily available to users via the Web. There are at least 150,000 Massachusetts residents who are blind, legally blind or disabled and cannot use physical books. The challenge is to provide talking book services that meet their needs and to promote these services to reach all potential users. New media and the likely decline of the physical book as the centerpiece of the public library bring questions about how to design public libraries for the 21st century. The challenge is to properly assess the impact of these changes and to incorporate new guidelines into future public library construction grant rounds. Agency Highlight – Reaching Our Customers Web portal connects residents to library services Facebook page encourages communication with library users Who Needs Libraries? Video tells the story Tumblr blog lets residents tell MBLC why they value libraries Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 5 STRATEGIC GOALS SUPPORTING THE SECRETARIAT A&F has four strategic goals: Better Finance, Better Health Care, Better Performance and Better Government. To advance the work of A&F, the Board of Library Commissioners developed five strategic goals that support A&F’s Better Performance and Better Government work. When implemented over the next three years, MBLC’s goals will improve library services for all residents of the Commonwealth. MBLC GOALS Municipal library officials and library patrons are important customers of MBLC – the Board’s goals reflect efforts to serve both of these groups. MBLC’s Better Performance goals seek to enhance and grow the role of libraries in the Commonwealth’s culture. The Patrick-Murray Administration has shown strong support for regionalization and shared services at the municipal level, which is reflected in the Board’s goal to deliver more efficient shared services. As new technologies are changing the way that people access information and the ultimate role of libraries, MBLC hopes to work with libraries to enhance their role as community centers. In addition to supporting the work of local libraries, the MBLC also seeks to enhance customer service for the library patrons across the Commonwealth. Over the last several years, MBLC has worked to improve access to library services for all residents through a strong presence on the internet and providing specialized library services to blind and disabled residents. MBLC has also worked to enhance the quality of library services by providing training for library staff, trustees, and friends; providing a statewide digitization program; supporting the building of new libraries through the Public Library Construction Program; and empowering library staff to provide dynamic customer service. To further advance A&F’s Better Government goal, MBLC plans to conduct quarterly customer satisfaction surveys and provide marketing and media relations support for public libraries across the Commonwealth. Five Key Goals 1. Deliver more efficient shared services 2. Enhance the role of libraries as community centers 3. Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth 4. Enhance the quality of library series 5. Improve agency customer service Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 6 ACTIONS The Board of Library Commissioners will take the following actions to achieve its strategic goals:. A&F Better Performance: Provide state government services and programs more effectively, efficiently and equitably Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Action: Pilot a statewide ebook system by June 2013 and grow it until all Massachusetts libraries that wish to participate are included. Provide a collection of at least 1 million ebook titles available to all Massachusetts residents by the end of FY2015. Expand the Small Libraries in Networks program by offering each non-participating public library an incentive to join an automated library network and sustain the membership. Implement a new Virtual Catalog product in FY13-FY14 that makes requesting items easier for the patron and providing requested materials more efficient for library staff. Provide and promote access to licensed online journals and reference resources for residents and libraries. Provide and promote a statewide summer reading program in cooperation with the Massachusetts Library System to encourage reading over the summer so that students maintain their reading skills in preparation for school in the fall. Goal: Enhance the role of libraries as community centers Action: • Work with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to support public libraries as disaster recovery centers. • Adopt the Edge Benchmarks, a national system of measuring computing services in libraries, in FY14 to support public access computing in libraries. • Partner with other state agencies to coordinate with public libraries as e-government access points. • Offer federal LSTA programs that support community engagement through libraries. Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 7 A&F Better Government: Build trust in government by improving accountability, transparency and responsiveness Goal: Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth Action: • Promote use of, Facebook and other social media to provide equity of access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth including non-English speakers. • Maintain and strengthen the Commonwealth’s free public libraries by working with libraries and municipalities to meet certification requirements for State Aid. • Provide specialized library services to blind and disabled residents. Goal: Enhance the quality of library services Action: • Provide statewide and regional continuing education and training programs for library staff, trustees and friends. • Provide a statewide digitization program through the Library for the Commonwealth (Boston Public Library) that enables all libraries to digitize, mark-up, store and share documents and other digital objects of importance to their communities. • Ensure that municipalities open at least 4 new or renovated public libraries annually through the Public Library Construction Program. • Empower library staff to provide dynamic customer service in this ever changing digital environment through a new LSTA grant program “Customer Service in the Digital Age.” Goal: Improve agency customer service Action: • Provide marketing and media relations support for libraries so that residents are aware of the library services available to them. • Conduct quarterly customer satisfaction survey with a random sample of libraries. Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 8 OUTCOME MEASURES The Board of Library Commissioners will utilize the performance measures below to assess success in achieving its strategic goals: Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: % of libraries participating in the statewide ebook system Definition/Note: Percent of libraries subscribing to a platform that serves ebooks to their residents Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: # of ebooks available Definition/Note: Total number of ebook titles in the statewide collection Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: % of Small Libraries in Networks Definition/Note: Percent of libraries serving municipalities of less than 10,000 in population that are members of an automated library network Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: % of Virtual Catalog ease of use by patrons and staff Definition/Note: Percent of patrons and staff responding to a survey ranking the Virtual Catalog “Easy” or “Very Easy” to use Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Quarterly Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: # of licensed database user sessions Definition/Note: Total number of user sessions on licensed databases Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Deliver more efficient shared services Measure: # of summer reading participants Definition/Note: Total number of participants in summer reading programs reported by participating libraries Data Source: MLS/MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the role of libraries as community centers Measure: % of public library disaster center designations Definition/Note: Percent of public libraries approved by FEMA as disaster centers Data Source: FEMA Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 9 Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the role of libraries as community centers Measure: % of libraries with Edge certification Definition/Note: Edge certification is under development by the Urban Libraries Council and will establish criteria to measure public access computing in libraries Data Source: ULC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the role of libraries as community centers Measure: # of partner agencies and libraries Definition/Note: Total number of partner agencies and libraries Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the role of libraries as community centers Measure: # of community engagement projects Definition/Note: Number of community engagement projects funded by MBLC Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth Measure: # of unique website hits on the Massachusetts Libraries page Definition/Note: Total number of hits on Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth Measure: # of Facebook likes Definition/Note: Total number of likes on the MBLC Facebook page Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth Measure: % of municipalities certified in the State Aid to Public Libraries program Definition/Note: The State Aid program (MGL 78:19AandB) provides incentives for municipalities to meet minimum standards of service Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth Measure: # of blind and disabled residents served Definition/Note: Total number of active borrowers of the Perkins and Worcester talking book programs Data Source: Perkins and Worcester Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the quality of library services Measure: # of attendees at MBLC and MLS training programs Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 10 Definition/Note: Total number of attendees at MBLC and MLS training programs for staff, trustees, and friends Data Source: MLS/MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the quality of library services Measure: # of available digitized items Definition/Note: Total number of digitized items available through the Library for the Commonwealth Data Source: LFC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the quality of library services Measure: # of new or renovated libraries Definition/Note: Total number of new or renovated libraries that opened each fiscal year Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Enhance the quality of library services Measure: # of grants awarded for the Customer Service in the Digital Age program Definition/Note: These grant-funded projects will help libraries with traditional customer service and expand that concept into the world of social media and online use Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve agency customer service Measure: # of unique hits on the online Newsroom Definition/Note: Total number of hits on Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Annually Goal: Improve agency customer service Measure: % of librarian survey respondents reporting a positive customer service experience with MBLC Definition/Note: MBLC will conduct a random survey of librarians throughout the Commonwealth to solicit feedback on its customer service Data Source: MBLC Frequency: Quarterly Abbreviations MBLC= Board of Library Commissioners, MLS= Massachusetts Library System, FEMA= Federal Emergency Management Agency, ULC=Urban Libraries Council, LFC= Library for the Commonwealth Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners 2013-2015 Strategic Plan-in-Brief 11