
Lab Practical Study Guide
A. Introduction
1. Taxonomy went from a 5 kingdom scheme to a 3; Eukarya, Archea, &
Bacteria. (Monera became obsolete)
2. Bacteria: prokaryotic (oldest organisms; extremophiles), single-celled, cell
wall of peptidoglycan, no membrane bound organelles or nuclear envelope,
lack chromosomes(ring DNA called plasmids),binary fission: cell duplicates
and divides into two.
B. Exercise 1: Characteristics of Bacteria
1. bacterial colony: millions of cells grown from a single bacterium.
2. Terminology used in describing bacterial colonies:
a. Common colony shapes: punctiform, round, filamentous, irregular.
b. Common colony margins: smooth, curled, wavy, lobate, filamentous.
c. Common colony surface characteristics: smooth, concentric, wrinkled
C. Bacteria can be classified according to 3 basic shapes
1. Bacilli (rods) <2. Cocci (spheres) ->
a. Found in tooth plaque
3. Spirilla (spirals) <D. GRAM STAIN PROCEDURE
1. Gram Positive, Gram Negative, or Gram Variable.
2. Positive & Negative are most common.
3. The response of the cells to the stain is due to the cell wall.
4. Three stains are used:
a. Violet (purple)
b. Gram iodine
c. Safranin (pink/red)
Gram-Negative Bacteria
Gram-Positive Bacteria
Complex cell wall
Simple cell wall
Thin peptidoglycan cell wall layer
Thick peptidoglycan cell wall layer
*The reason it absorbs more violet.
Outer lipopolysacccharide wall layer
No outer lipop. Wall layer
Retain safranin
Retain crystal violet/iodine
E. Gram Staining:
1. Crystal violet/iodine stains all cells blue/purple.
2. Alchohol/acetone wash destains gram-negative cells.
3. Safranin stains gram-negative cells pink/red.
4. How to make a Gram Stain:
a. Cover the slide with 3-4 drops of crystal violet (wait 1 minute)
b. Rinse the stain.
c. Cover the smear with Gram iodine for 1 minute (setting the stain)
d. Destain: drop the 95% alcohol/acetone mixture down the slide one at a
time. This removes the violet stain from the gram-negative bacteria. Rinse.
e. Cover the smear with safranin for about a minute. Stains the destained
gram-negative bacteria pink/red.
F. Observations:
1. E. Coli: Gram + (purple)
2. Staphylococcus Aureus: Gram – (pink)
G. Summary:
1. Prokaryotes v. eukaryotes: plasmids free (eukaryote) & circular DNA (pro)
H. Exercise 2: Ecological Succession of Bacteria in Milk
1. Pasteurizing milk doesn’t starilize; it destroys pathogenic bacteria.
2. Community Succession: as one community grows, it modifies it’s
environment, and creates a different community as a result.
a. Lactobacillus & Streptococcus (gram-positive coccus) survive
pasteurization; they ferment lactose to lactate and acetic acid.
b. Acidic environment causes casein to curd. (Yeasts & Molds grow well)
c. Pseudomonas & Achromobacter (gram-negative rods), give milk a bad
A. Introduction: Intestinal bacteria are of prime concern when testing water. It is
cheaper to test for E.Coli and coliforms (bacteria that resemble it). Coliforms:
small, nonsporulating, anaerobic, gram-negative RODS, which ferment lactose to
acid and gas.
B. 3 part test used to evaluate the quality of drinking water:
1. Presumptive: gas present within 24 hours is positive presumptive.
2. Confirmed
3. Completed
C. First Period Procedures
1. 5 tubes of double-strength lactose broth
2. 10 tubes of lactose broth
3. Start with a 60 mL sample; dilute with tapwater.
4. Incubate @ 35 degrees C; examine @ 24 hours.
D. Second Period Procedures
1. If gas is present within 24 hours it is a positive Presumptive test. (a lot of
tubes should have positive confirmed and completed tests.)
2. If gas was not present after 24 hours, but is present after 48 hours, the test as a
doubtful positive test, Confirmed test are likely to be negative.
3. No gas after 48 hours is a negative test.
4. Selected a positive tube that received the least amount of water.
5. Streak for isolation on a plate of EMB agar; confirmed test.
E. Third Period Procedures
1. Positive Confirmed test: presence of dark-red colonies or metallic green.
2. Take some “positive” colony growth and put it into a tube of lactose broth
and a nutrient agar slant. Incubate Completed test.
F. Fourth Period Procedures
1. Lactose broth should have acid and gas within 24 hours.
2. Nutrient agar slant should be non-sporulating, gram-negative, small rods.
G. Analysis:
1. Calculated the approximate number of coliforms per 100 mL of water from
the MPN chart. # of Positive test tubes multiplied by 100.
2. A high number of positive tubes meant that the samples contained a relatively
high number of coliforms.
A. Introduction: Interphase consists of G1, S, & G2; it’s where DNA replication,
cell’s growth, and biochemical activity take place. M Phase: nucleus divides in
mitosis, cytoplasm divides in cytokenisis.
B. Ex. 1 Modeling the Cell Cycle & Mitosis in an Animal Cell
1. Homologus chromosomes are the same length, same centromere position, and
contain genes for the same characters.
2. Interphase
a. A cell performs it’s specific functions.
b. G1, S, G2 begin as cell division ends.
c. The nuclear envelope contains uncoiled/decondensed chromosomes
chromatin is DNA in this state.
d. Centrosome: located outside of the nucleus; contains a pair of centrioles
in animal cells; the organizing center for microtubules.
e. G1 phase: cytoplasmic mass increases and continues to do so throughout
interphase. Proteins are synthesized, new organelles are formed, and some
organelles grow and divide into two. Throughout interphase, one or more
nucleoli are visible in the nucleus. Centriole duplication begins in late
G1 or early S.
f. S Phase: DNA replication; create two homologous chromosomes
connected by a (magnet) centromere. Synthesis of chromosomal proteins
occurs during s phase. DNA synthesis continues until chromosomes have
been duplicated. Each strand of a duplicated chromosome is called a sister
chromatid. Sister chromatids are identical.
g. G2 Phase: continue cell activities; cells prepare for mitosis. Enzymes and
necessary proteins for cell division are synthesized during this phase.
1. Five subphases
a. Prophase: begins when chromosomes begin to coil and condense;
chromosomes become visible in a microscope; centrioles continue to
move to opposite poles; spindle is formed between the centrioles.
b. Prometaphase: centrioles are @ the poles of the cell; chromosomes
condense; nuclear envelope breaks down; spindles continue to form;
kinetochore: spindle fibers associated with chromosomes @ protein
structures. Each sister chromatid has one at the centromere; spindle
microtubules now extend from the chromosomes to the Centrosome @ the
poles. When centromeres lie on the equator, prometaphase ends.
c. Metaphase: all chromosomes are lined up @ the equator
d. Anaphase: sister chromatids are pulled apart; and move toward opposite
e. Telophase: spindle breaks down; chromosomes uncoil, nucleoli reappear,
nuclear envelope forms around each cluster.
f. Cytokenisis: in animal cells a cleavage furrow forms; in plant cells a cell
plate forms.
D. Ex. 2 Observing Mitosis & Cytokinesis in Plant Cells
1. Introduction: Plant cells don’t have centrioles, yet they have bundles of micro
fibrils that connect to the poles at the ends of spindle; cell walls dictate
2. Longitudinal Section through an onion root tip.
a. Zone of cell division: root tip pushed into soil.
Zone of cell division
E. Ex 3: Animal Cells
1. Introduction: Look @ Whitefish blastula.
2. Mitosis in Whitefish Blastula
a. Good source of cells is in the early embryo.
b. Whitefish Blastula Cross Section Slide:
c. Identify:
1. Nucleus, nuclear envelope, & nucleolus.
2. Chromosomes
3. Mitotic spindle
4. Asters: array of microtubules surrounding each centriole pair @ the
poles of the spindle.
5. Centrioles: small dots seen @ the poles around which the microtubules
of the spindle and asters appear.
6. Cleavage furrow.
3. Differences between mitosis in animal & plant cells.
a. Plant cells lack centrioles; cell plate
b. Animal cells have centrioles; cleavage furrow.
F. Human Chromosomes in Dividing Leukocytes (white blood cells)
1. Condensed chromosomes but are not aligned on a spindle equator.
2. More or less than the normal number of chromosomes & abnormalities in
banding patterns can also be an indication of mental retardation.
G. Ex. 4 Modeling Meiosis
1. Introduction: interphase between meiosis I and meiosis II doesn’t involve
growth or synthesis of DNA.
2. Interphase is the same as in mitosis.
3. Two nuclear divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II.
4. Early in prophase I each chromosome finds its homologue and pairs.
Synapsis. Tetrad: the chromosomes are duplicated; each paired duplicated
chromosome complex is made of 4 strands. Ex) How many tetrad complexes
do you have in your cell, which is 2n= 4? 2 tetrads.
5. Crossing over: represented by detaching and exchanging identical segments
of any 2 non-sister chromatids in a tetrad. The crossover site forms a chiasma;
crossing over produces new allelic combos among genes along a chromatid.
6. Metaphase: the 2 tetrads are lined up @ the equator; centromeres do not split
as they do in mitosis.
7. Anaphase I: move one homologue toward each pole.
8. Metaphase II: the centromeres finally split.
9. Anaphase II: single chromosomes move to the poles.
H. Ex. 5 Meiosis in Sordaria fimicola: A Study of Crossing Over
1. Introduction: Sordaria fimicola is a fungus that spends most of its life as an n
mycelium: a mass of cells arranged in filaments. When these n fungi meet
and fuse a 2n Zygote forms inside an ascus which is protected by a
perithecium. Zygotes does meiosis and the resulting cells, ascopores, remain
aligned. Ascopores do mitosis. 8 ascopores per ascus.
I. REVIEW: Lab Manual pg. 25
1. Define: mitosis, meiosis, cytokinesis, chromosome, chromatin, centromere,
centriole, Centrosome, kinetochore, spindle, aster, homologous, chromosome,
synaptonemal complex, synapsis, tetrad, chiasma, sister chromatid, nucleolus,
cell plate, cleavage furrow, diploid, haploid, crossing over, mycelium,
perithecium, ascus.
2. Describe the activity of chromosomes in each stage of mitosis.
3. Describe the activity of chromosomes in each stage of meiosis I and II.
4. Why would the method of cytokinesis in animal cells not work in plant cells?
In order for the plant cell to make a new cell wall it can’t pull apart like the
animal cell does; plant cells are packed tightly like bricks.
Quantitative Variation in Sunflower Seeds (seed stripes) Lab.
A. Language of comparing characteristics of populations.
1. Measures of central tendency: mean, median, & mode.
a. Mean: (Σ x)/n x is a value & n is the number of values; it is the
“Average”; adding all values with a character and dividing it by total.
b. Median: middle value.
c. Mode: number that occurs the most frequently.
2. Distribution of values
a. Standard deviation: √[Σ (x- frequency mean)²/(n-1)] where x is the value
and n is the number of values; this is a measure of the spread of
distribution; this tells you where most of the values are found;
3. Histogram: represent the distribution of populations; character being
discussed is on one axis & number of individuals in the population with that
character are on the other.
B. Procedures of the lab
1. Separate the sunflower seeds in groups according to # of stripes.
2. Calculated the mean, median, & mode of the data.
A. Introduction: Purpose of scientific papers is to be clear and concise so that your
work can be repeated. 6 key parts to a scientific paper.
1. Abstract: brief summary of experiment; critical background info; general
procedures and conclusions, key results.
2. Introduction: explains the context of the research; current understanding of the
topic; present other findings; objectives and hypotheses should be stated.
3. Materials &Methods: written in past tense; clearly describe every procedure
so that it could be duplicated;
4. Results: summarized data are presented in tables or figures; analyzed data; do
not discuss what the data means though.
5. Discussion: author’s interpretation of the data; compare original objectives
and hypothesis; unexpected results, errors, or problems should be mentioned.
6. Literature Cited: alpha order; for this course cite like a journal format.
a. For a journal article:
Linhart, Y. B. and D. F. Tomback. 1985. Seed dispersal by nutcrackers causes
multi-trunk growth form in pines. Oecologia (Berlin) 67:107-110.
b. For a chapter in a book:
Hamrick, J. L. and M. J. Godt. 1990. Allozyme diversity in plant species. In Plant
Population Genetics, Breeding, and Genetic Resources. A. D. H. Brown, M. T.
Clegg, A. L. Kahler, and B. S. Weir, editors. Sinauer Associates Inc.,
Sunderland, MA. 43-63.
c. For an entire book:
Darwin, C. R. 1877. The different forms of flowers on plants of the same species.
University of Chicago Press, London, UK.
d. For a class lab or lecture notes:
Gibson, J.P. 1997. Biology 308 lecture. April 18. Agnes Scott College, Decatur,
e. For an internet citation:
United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation
Service. 2001. The PLANTSDatabase, Version 3.1 (
National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA.
f. In text citations should have author and year (Linhart 1985).
7. Tables & Figures: each table and figure should be able to stand on its own;
numbered; captions; clear data; no raw data; referenced in the text.
B. Scientific Writing Appendix in Lab Manual
1. Scientific paper includes: Title (statement of question or problem), Abstract
(short summary of paper), Introduction (background & significance),
Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Conclusion,
2. Use metric units; italicize scientific names; clearly label sections; past tense.
3. Start by writing the materials and methods section.
A. General Terms:
1. Gene pool: all the alleles at all gene loci of all individuals in a population.
2. Microevolution: small scale changes in the genetic structure of populations.
B. Hardy-Weinberg Theorem: states that the frequency of alleles will stay the same
from generation to generation. Only valid if the 5 assumptions are met:
1. Large population
2. Random mating
3. No mutations
4. No migration of individuals
5. No selection; all genotypes are equal
C. Mathematical Formulas of Hardy-Weinberg
1. Frequencies of dominant allele (p) & frequency of recessive allele (q); when
added together they equal 1
2. Genotypic frequencies: p² + 2pq + q² = 1
3. Summarize:
a. p² = frequency of AA
b. 2pq = frequency of Aa
c. q² = frequency of aa
D. Testing HW Equilibrium using a bead model
1. Sampling with replacement: returned the beads to the bag and shook them
up to reinstate the gene pool and probability.
2. The HW expected results varied from our ACTUAL results.
3. Chi-square test: used to compare observed and expected results.
a. Observed value (o) of AA, Aa, & aa.
b. Expected value (e) of AA, Aa, & aa.
c. Deviation (o-e)=d
d. Chi-square = Σd²/e
e. Degrees of freedom: the number of variables -1; (n-1)
E. Ex 2: simulation of evolutionary change using the bead model.
1. Terms:
a. Gene flow: migration of individuals between two populations
b. Genetic Drift: effects of small population size.
c. Natural Selection
d. Mutation
2. Simulation of Genetic Drift
a. Change in allelic frequencies in small populations by just chance.
b. Genetic fixation: the loss of all but one possible allele @ a gene locus in a
c. Bottleneck effect
d. Founder effect
3. Simulation of Migration (results in gene flow)
4. Simulation of Natural Selection
a. Peppered moth & industrial revolution.
1. Initial conditions of the popgen fishbowl were in HW equilibrium
2. Collected data for intervals of 100-1000.
3. Entire phenotypes and genotypes or even alleles have the possibility to
disappear within a population; depending on the strains put on them.
A. Terms:
1. Folk taxonomies: simple ways to organize life into different groups. (dog,
fish, shrubs, fruit trees)
2. Natural Classifications: group organisms into a hierarchical system based
upon their characteristics using specific criteria.
3. Polytomy: multiple branches
4. Monophyletic: one common ancestor & all descendents.
5. Paraphyletic: one common ancestor & SOME descendants.
6. Polyphyletic: more than one ancestor & decendents.
7. Parsimony: “simplicity”
8. Outgroup: species that is a member of a closely related genus; it represents
the characteristics most likely found in a common ancestor.
9. UPGMA: unweighted pair group method and arithmetic mean.
10. Phenogram: the tree generated by UPGMA phenetic analysis.
11. Cladograms: uses the outgroup to “evolutionarily root” the ingroup species;
used to compare primitive and advanced traits.
12. Homoplasy: same/similar derived traits appear in different lineages; the
consistency index(CI) is a measure of this.
13. Dendrogrammacea/Caminalcules: Plants/Animals
A. Unlike animal cells and organs which have specific unique cell types; plant
organs have many common tissues and cell types; they’re just organized in
different ways. Their structure is directly related to their function.
B. 3 Tissue Systems:
1. Dermal: outer layer; usually one cell thick; flattened and rectangular shape;
cuticle (prevents water loss) & epidermis (protection & regulates
movement of materials). Specialized dermal cells: guard cells, trichomes
(hairs), and unicellular root hairs.
2. Ground: found throughout the plant; beneath epidermis & surrounding
vascular tissues.
 3 cell types:
1. Parenchyma: thin walled & large vacuoles. Functions:
photosynthesis, support, storage, and lateral transport.
2. Collenchyma: found near the surface of the stem, leaf petioles,
and veins. Similar to parenchyma BUT have an uneven thickening
of cell walls. Function: flexible support (young). “Cartilage.”
3. Sclerenchyma: thick cell walls (may contain lignin); function:
strength & support to mature plant structures; may be dead @
functional maturity. Commonly long thin fiber cells.
 Look @ slides on page 281 in your lab manual.
3. Vascular: functions: transport of materials throughout the plant; complex.
 XYLEM: Parenchyma cells function in storage and lateral support;
Fibers also provide additional support. Overall Xylem Function:
transports water and minerals & support.
1. Tracheids: long, thin cells w/ perforated tapered ends
2. Vessels: large diameter, open-ended, & joined end-to-end; forms
continuous transport systems.
 PHLOEM: Parenchyma cells function in storage and lateral transport;
Fibers function as additional support. Overall Phloem Function:
transports the products of photosynthesis throughout the plant as part
of the vascular tissue system.
1. Sieve-tube members: lack a nucleus; living conduction cells; have
sieve plates for end walls; cells are joined end-to-end throughout
the plant
2. Companion cells: associated with each sieve-tube member;
function: regulate sieve-tube function
C. Meristematic Tissue:
1. Primary meristems: small, actively dividing cells located in buds of the
shoot & root tips of plants; produce the primary tissues along the plant axis
throughout the life of the plant.
2. Pericycle: layer of Meristematic cells just outside the vascular cylinder in the
root; produce lateral branch roots.
3. Vascular cambium: lateral meristems; composed of small, actively dividing
cells that are located between the xylem & phloem vascular tissue. Divide to
produce secondary growth; increase “girth”
4. Cork cambium: lateral meristems located inside the cork layer of a woody
plant; produce secondary “girth” growth.
D. EX. 1 Plant Morphology
1. Herbaceous plant anatomy: non-woddy plant structures in the shoot.
Nodes: regions of the stem where leaves, buds, and branches arise;
contain Meristematic tissue.
Internodes: regions of the stem between the nodes.
Terminal buds: located @ the tips of stems & branches; enclose the
shoot apical meristem (gives rise to leaves, buds, & all primary tissue
of the stem). Only stems produce buds.
Axillary/lateral buds: located in the leaf axes @ nodes; produce
lateral branches.
Leaf Parts: flattened blades attached @ the node of a stem by a stalk
Primary root: first root produced by a plant embryo & may become a
long taproot.
Secondary root: arise from Meristematic tissue deep within the
primary root.
Root tip anatomy: root apical meristem that gives rise to a root cap
(protective layer of cells covering the root tip) AND to all the primary
root tissues. Root hairs: specialized epidermal cells; function in water
and mineral absorption.
Stems: transport nutrients
Roots: absorb nutrients
Leaves: photosynthesis
E. Ex 2: Plant Primary Growth & Development
1. Primary growth: tissues produced from apical meristem are primary tissues,
this growth is “primary growth.” It occurs along the plant axis @ the shoot &
root tip; Certain meristem cells divide in a way that one cell product becomes
a new body cell & the other remains in the meristem; beyond the zone of
active division, new cells become enlarged & specialiazed (vessels,
parenchyma, epidermis).
2. Procedure:
 Examine a slide of longitudinal section through a terminal bud of Coleus.
Youngest cells are @ the apex of the bud; cells of increasing maturity and
differentiation can be seen as you move away from the apex.
Locate undifferentiated vascular tissue: narrow/dark tracks in the leaf
 The size of the cells increases as you move away from the apex; the
vascular tissues elongate & develop spiral cell walls.
 Intermediate growth: meristems of plants continue to grow throughout
their lifetime. Contrast with growth patterns in humans: humans grow to a
certain size and age, after that the only growth is for maintenance &
repair; not increasing in size. DETERMINATE GROWTH.
 most immature cells @ the tip.
F. Ex 3: Cell Structure of Primary Tissues
1. The plant body consists of organs (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits) &
tissue systems (ground, vascular, dermal).
2. Stems: only organ that makes buds and leaves; support leaves & conduct
water & inorganic substances from root to leaves & products of
photosynthesis from leaves to roots.
Vascular Bundle.
Microtome: instrument used for cutting thin sections for microscope study.
Paraffin: what we embedded the tissue in for the slide.
Trichomes: occasionally on the outer surface of the plants. (hairs)
Cortex: between the vascular bundles & the epidermis; made mostly of
parenchyma, but the outer part may have collenchyma too.
8. Pith: center of the stem, inside the ring of vascular bundles; made of
parenchyma; in herbaceous stems these cells provide support through turgor
pressure. Pith is also important for storage.
9. Vascular System: continuous system of xylem & phloem; transport &
10. Vascular Bundles: phloem tissue toward outside & xylem toward the inside;
narrow layer of vascular cambium is between the xylem and phloem.
 VB Phloem Tissue 3 Cell Types:
1. Sclerenchyma: dead, fiberous, thick walled; support for phloem &
appear in a cluster as a “bundle cap”.
2. Sievetube Members: large, living, elongated, lack a nucleus at
maturity; they become vertically aligned to become sieve-tubes;
their cytoplasm is interconnected through sieve plates.
3. Companion Cells: small, nucleated parenchyma cells; connected to
sieve-tube cells by cytoplasmic strands.
 VB Xylem Tissue 2 Cell Types:
1. Tracheids: elongated, thick walled, closed/tapered ends; dead at
maturity; lumens connected through pits in cell walls.
2. Vessel Elements: cylindrical cells, large diameter, dead at
maturity; joined end to end lose their end walls & make long,
vertical vessels.
 Vascular Cambium: tissue that is located between the xylem &
phloem; actively divides & gives rise to secondary tissues/growth.
11. Xylem cells are larger & more distinct then phloem cells.
12. Collenchyma & Sclerenchyma provide support for the stem; collenchyma is in
the cortex & Sclerenchyma is in the vascular bundles.
13. How does the structure of collenchyma & Sclerenchyma cells relate to their
function of support? Thick & Fiberous bundles; Rigid; above ground (roots
don’t need support).
14. What’s the function of xylem & phloem?
15. The pith & cortex are made up of parenchyma cells; Relate their structure &
function: Functions: photosynthesis, storage, transport, support. Structure:
packed loosely so CO2 can circulate; thin walls allow for transport, irregular
shapes & storage. Roots= cortex Stem=pith.
G. Roots
1. 4 primary functions of roots: anchors, absorption, conduct water and minerals
from soil to base of stem, and starch storage (depends on the plant)
2. Primary root: radical; first root after seed germination; its branches are
lateral roots.
3. Taproot: primary root is the largest & most important part of the root system.
(Carrots, dandelions, and pine trees). Advantage: better in times of drought.
4. Fibrous: many main roots have formed. (grasses) Advantage: absorbs water
better. Monocots are usually fibrous.
5. Cross Section through a buttercup root: lacks a central pith; vascular tissue
is located in the center of the root & is called the vascular cylinder.
6. In the slide above, the cortex is mostly made of large parenchyma cells w/
numerous purple stained organelles. Which of the 4 functions do you think is
related to these cells and their organelles? Storage.
7. Identify: epidermis, parenchyma of cortex, vascular cylinder, xylem,
phloem, endodermis, & Pericycle.
8. Endodermis & Pericycle are unique to roots.
9. Endodermal cells: have a casparian strip- made of suberin; this strip forms a
barrier to the passage of anything moving between adjacent Endodermal cells.
10. Pericycle: layer of dividing cells immediately inside the endodermis; gives
rise to lateral roots.
11. ROOT VS STEM: roots don’t have a pith; roots have cortex parenchyma,
vascular cylinder (stem has vascular bundles), roots don’t have a cuticle
because a cuticle would prevent the root from taking in water.
12. Parenchyma in the cortex is used for storage in the roots; Casparian strip:
waxy material, barrier & filter for all ground water & nutrients to go through.
13. Endodermis: protection against water loss; land plants need it because they
don’t live in water.
H. Leaves
1. Leaf is basically a layer of parenchyma cells (the mesophyll) between two
layers of epidermis. Loose arrangement of parenchyma cells within the leaf
allows for an extensive surface area for rapid gas exchange; guard cells allow
the exchange of gases & evaporation of water; guard cells are photosynthetic
(unlike other epidermal cells) & change in shape in response to their
environment. Opening of stomata is the result of the active uptake of K+ &
changes in turgor pressure in the guard cells.
2. Cuticle: waxy layer secreted by the epidermis.
3. Veins: the vascular bundles of the leaf; xylem is on top in the leaf.
4. Where are the stomata more abundant? Lower epidermis. Because they’re
not as exposed to the sun and heat, which makes them lose less water.
5. Epidermal peel: stimulated stomatal closure by changes in turgor pressure
due to saline rather than K+ transport.
I. Ex 4: Cell Structure of Tissues Produced by Secondary Growth
1. Secondary growth arises from the meristematic tissue “cambium.” There are
two types of cambium:
 Vascular Cambium: single layer of meristematic cells located
between the secondary phloem & secondary xylem. One cell is made
toward the xylem (inside) and one toward the phloem (outside);
increases girth. The secondary phloem cells become Sclerenchyma
fiber cells, sieve-tube members, and companion cells. Secondary
xylem cells become tracheids & vessels.
 Cork Cambium: produces cork tissue to the outside of the stem and
other cells to the inside. The cork cambium & secondary tissues
derived from it are called periderm. The periderm layer replaces the
epidermis and cortex in stems and roots with secondary growth.
2. Outer cork cells of the periderm: have thick walls with suberin; these cells
are dead at maturity
3. Cork cambium: thin layer of nucleated cells.
4. Periderm: layers of cork and associated cork cambium.
5. “bark”: the periderm & phloem on the outside of woody plants.
6. Sclerenchyma fibers: thick, dark-stained walls & are in the bands of the
7. Secondary Phloem Cells: thin cell walls alternate with the rows of fibers.
8. Lateral Rays: parenchyma cells in lines that radiate from the pith through the
xylem and expand to a wedge shape in the phloem; making a phloem ray.
9. Annual Rings: xylem; they make up the wood of the stem surrounding the
pith; early wood: thin-walled, large-diameter cells, grew in the spring. Late
wood: outside of the early wood; thick-walled, smaller-diameter cells that
grew in the summer, when water is less available.
10. Indicate on the slide where the primary tissues may be found.
11. Xylem provides structural support for trees. Parenchyma cells transport
materials. Latewood= summerwood, produced slowing down cambium
activity; less rain in the summer= less wood.
J. Ex 5: Grocery Store Botany: Modifications of Plant Organs.
1. Roots have been selected so often as food because roots store nutrients.
2. The endodermis is essential in the root for water retention.
3. Plants have indeterminate growth; unlike humans.
 Vascular Tissues: xylem & phloem
 Stomata on leaves for gas exchange.
 Leaves for photosynthesis
 Roots for anchorage and to take up materials.
 Seeds and Pollen for reproduction without water.
 Avoid desiccation by retaining water in the roots and regulation of
open/closed stomata.
5. C3 & C4 Plants:
 They use different photosynthetic pathways.
 C3 plants do uptake & fixation in the same place.
 C4 plants do uptake & fixation in different places.
6. Monocot v. Eudicot:
 Monocot’s flowers are in multiples of 3; eudicots are 4 or 5.
 Monocot’s pollen grain has one hole; dicot’s has 3.
 Monocots veins are parallel
K. Plant Nutrient Deficiency
1. Macronutrients: required in a large amount; N, P, K, Ca, Mg, & S.
2. Micronutrients: required in a small amount; Cl, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn.
3. “C. HOPKiNS CAFÉ MIGHTY GOOD” mnemonic device.
4. Observed nutrient deficiencies:
 Complete- dark green, thin projections out of leaves, more leaves,
longish, thick stem.
 N- pale, thin leaves, less leaves, shorter, thin stem, red stalk.
 P- medium stem, similar to complete.
 K- like “P”; but shorter leaves.
 Fe- less, lighter leaves, thin stem.
 Ca- really thin leaves, brown & green leaves.
Transpiration Lab
A. Introduction:
1. The cohesiveness of water allows it to be pulled through the plant body.
Other water molecules evaporate from cells in the mesophyll and exit the leaf
via stomata & into the air.
2. Stomata regulate water loss, CO2 & Oxygen exchanges.
3. Transpiration also provides turgor pressure & the hydrologic cycle.
B. Visualizing stomata & guard cells:
1. Leaves from two different species; painted clear finger-nail polish on them &
used tape to peel it off; look @ it under a microscope & identify the guard
cells of the stomata.
2. How do the guard cells compare among different species? Monocots have
dumbbell shaped guard cells; dicots have kindney-shaped guard cells.
C. Measuring Transpiration:
1. Potometer: measuring device; a plant placed in a piece of rubber tubing,
attached to a calibrated pipette.
2. DID NOT GET THE LEAVES WET; that would have messed with the results
and could’ve prompted the stomata to react to things not being tested.
3. Transpiration rates can be affected by the amount of leaf surface area; along
with environmental conditions.
4. Results: control group’s transpiration rate was fairly constant and water loss
gradually increased; “no leaves” did not transpire at all; fan low had the
highest transpiration rate; fan high didn’t have a transpiration rate.
A. Adaption to the land environment traits:
Xylem & phloem
Pollen grain
More time as a sporophyte
Xylem & phloem (more specialized)
Short life cycle.
Pollen grain
More sporophyte
Embryo sac= female gametophyte
B. Gymnosperms:
1. Vascular Seed Plants; “Naked Seeds”
2. Dominated during the Mesozoic era; earth became warmer & drier. Vertebrate
animals became fully terrestrial during this period too. The development of
the amniote along with internal fertilization is somewhat analogus to
gymnosperms development of the pollen grain and seeds.
3. Features responsible for success:
 Reduced gametophytes
 Pollen grain (male gametophyte) which is desiccation resistant &
adapted for wind pollination.
 Ovule: seed is protected and had nutrients easily accessible.
 Xylem (tracheids) & Phloem
4. Trees or shrubs; large investments in woody tissue; long life cycles.
C. Angiosperms:
1. Arose during the Cretaceous period; mammals & birds dominated; now
occupy over 90% of the vegetated surface of Earth.
2. Flower evolution: resulted in big advances; efficient pollination.
3. Embryo sac = “eight-nucleated”
4. Endosperm: triploid; provides nutrients for the developing embryo.
5. Fruits: unique adaptation; the ovary.
6. Can be woody; mostly herbaceous; short life cycles; superior conducting
tissues; xylem has tracheids AND vessels; phloem cells are sieve tube
D. Phyla of Gymnosperms
(Fan shaped leaves)
Were thought to be
Found in Asia
Desert plant
Sometimes tropics.
Longitudinal section of
a pollen cone:
1. Key characteristics shared by all gymnosperms:
 Seeds
 Wind pollinated
 Trees or shrubs
 Dominant sporophyte stage
 Heterosporous: making two kinds of spores; microspores (develop into
pollen) & megaspores (develop into female gametophyte, not free
living like in ferns but retained within the megasporangium.
2. Conifers: shelter & lumber.
3. Pine Life Cycle:
 Becomes haploid when the microsporocyes produce 4 microspores.
 Becomes diploid after fertilization.
 During the second year, the ovule develops into a multicellular female
gametophyte with two archegonia; fertilization does not occur until the
second year; only one of the archegonia and its zygote develop into a
seed. The outer tissues of the ovule will harden to form the seed coat.
 The function of the wings on the pollen grain are travel & protection
 Microspores/ megaspores are produced by mitosis.
E. Angiosperms phylym Anthophyta
1. 3 unique characteristics of angiosperms:
 Flowers, Fruits, & double Fertilization.
 Increase in the rapidity of reproduction process, additional reduction of
gametophyte, & the carpel.
2. Perianth: petals; leaf-like structures.
3. Flower Morphology:
Alstromeria: two spotted petals, one huge sterile anther; predicted
pollinator = bee or a butterfly.
 Snapdragons: tubular, predicted pollinator= moth.
4. Pollinators:
 Flowers with inconspicuous sepals & petals are usually wind
 Dichotomous key was used to determine the pollinator of flowers.
 Moth- white, distinct strong/heavy/sweet odor.
 Bat- white, strong fruitlike odor; strong flower parts.
 Fly- white, feces odor.
 Bee- blue/yellow/or orange speals/petals, not tubular, sweet odor.
 Beetle- regular flower shape; spicy/sweet/fruity odor.
 Butterfly- tubular flowers, strong/sweet odor.
 Hummingbird- red flowers; tubular; little or no odor.
 *regular flower shape- radial symmetry. *irregular= bilateral
5. Angiosperm Life cycle:
 Slide of lilium anther: four anther sacs (microsporangia); microspores
forming with a single nucleus.
 slide of lilium ovary: ovules are composed of the megasporangium
and megaspores. Only one megaspore survives; it divides 3 times by
mitosis to make 8 nuclei in the embryo sac. Don’t produce an
 The female gametophyte in angiosperms is larger than in
 The seed develops from the ovule; the fruit develops from the ovary.
6. Fruit types & Dispersal Mechanisms:
 Berry: tomato; squash.
 Drupe: “pits” peaches, plums, coconut
 Legume: green beans, peanut.
 Aggregate: blackberry, strawberry
 Hesperidium: orange (citrus)
 Pome: “core”; apple.
 Nut: can be separated from the seed; acorn.
 Capsule: ovary with several cavities & too many seeds.
 Follicle: mature ovary opens along one side.
 Multiple fruit: formed from ovaries of many flowers; pineapple.
 Pepo: squash berry family.
Achenes: in grass family, they’re “grains”; ovary wall & seed coat are
7. Review Section:
 Pollen grain: move sperm to egg.
 Microsporangium: create sperm.
 Flower: attract pollinators.
 Carpel: reproductive enclosed structure.
Orange juice
Taxol, pacific yews
Cotton plants
Oak trees
Uses of plants
Angiosperms have pollen grain & fruit. Gymnos do not.
A. Introduction:
1. Protista include all organisms not placed in other eukaryotic kingdoms; it’s a
“catchall” kingdom with unicellular & multicellular eukaryotes. It’s a “general
term”, not a taxonomic category. Familiar protists are algae & protozoans.
Their phylogeny is difficult to determine; clade: group of species, all of which
have one common ancestor. Pay attention to nutrition, locomotion, & cellular
complexity of each example.
B. Ex. 1 The Protists.
1. Groups of Protists in this Exercise:
 Euglenozoans, Alveolates, Stramenopiles, Foraminiferans/Radio,
Amoebozoans, Rhodophyta (red algae), Chlorophyta (green algae).
2. Characteristics:
 Autotrophic (ALGAE) /heterotrophic (PROTOZOANS)
 Primary production: amount of energy stored by autotrophs.
 Phagocytosis: protozoans; uptake of large particles or whole
organisms by pinching inward of the plasma membrane.
 Mixotrophic: capable of photosynthesis and ingestion.
 Plankton: community of organisms floating in the ocean.
3. Lab Study A: trypanosome levesi clase Euglenozoa
 Grouped together based on their ultrastructure (can be seen only with
an electron microscope) of their flagella & their mitochondria.
Mixotrophic; contains auto & hetero organisms. Autos have
 Trypanosoma levisi locomotion: flagella supported by microtubules.
 Nutrition: parasitic; rat blood, transmitted by fleas.
Undulating membrane ->
Flagellum ->
<- nucleus
4. Lab Study B: Paramecia & Dinoflagellates
 Alveolates are single-celled; some hetero/ some auto; alveoli: unique
characteristic, membrane-bound sac-like structures just under the cell
Food Vacuole: forms @ end of the gullet; appear as dark vesicles
throughout the cell.
Macronucleus: large, grayish body in center of the cell. Many
genome copies & controls cellular activities (asexual reproduction)
Micronucleus: hard to see; small round body close to macronucleus;
sexual reproduction; more than one micronucleus.
Contractile Vacuole: water balance; two of these/one @ each end.
Observe feeding in a paramecium: add a drop of yeast stained congo
red to edge of coverslip & watch it diffuse around the paramecium; see
the food particles go through the oral groove; observe trichocysts:
structures that lie under the outer surface of the paramecium;
paramecium discharge these when irritated by a chemical or predator;
they’re long, thin threads used as defense/anchor/prey capture.
5. Dinoflagellates:
 Photosynthetic single-celled organisms.
 Cellulose wall often an armor of plates with 2 perpendiculate grooves;
each with a flagellum; autotrophic & key role in primary production.
6. Lab study C: Stramenopiles—Diatoms & Brown Algae
 Water molds, diatoms, golden algae, & brown algae. Grouped based
on their flagella structure (when present); many hair-like projections
 Diatoms (Bacillariophyta): important in plankton; unicellular OR can
be chains of star-like groups; diatomaceous earth: cell wall deposites
that are mined and have economic importance (pool filters & toothpast
abrasive); carbs and oxygen production ecological use. Shapes:
Pinnate shaped.
pinnate or centric. Locomotion: uncertain; contractile fibers make
waves of motion.
 Brown Algae (Phaeophyta): kelps; fucoxanthin: give brown
appearance; commercial value- smooth icecream & extracts of algin
(polysaccharide in cell wall) used as thickening agents in paint ect..
body plan: blades, stipe (stem-like), & holdfast (anchor).
7. Lab Study D: Formainiferans & Radiolarians:
 Ameboid, heterotrophic & thread-like pseudopodia. Pseudopodia are
cellular extentions used in feeding & some locomotion.
 Formainiferans: “forams” move & feed using pseudopodia. Secrete a
calcium-carbonate shell-like “test”
Radiolarians: common in plankton; secrete skeletons of silicon
dioxide. Axopodia: tread-like, extend out through pores int eh
skeleton in all directions.
8. Lab Study E: Amoeboxoans: Amoeba, SlimeMolds
 Have lobe-shaped pseudopodia;
 Amoeba: moves using lobe-shaped pseudopodia; no fixe dbody shape;
no shell; by extending pseudopodia, cellular membrane follows and
that’s how they move.
 Slime-Molds: heterotrophic; phagocytic; decended from unicellamoeba-like organisms; two types: plasmodial slime molds and
cellular slime molds: vegetative stage is called a plasmodium ;
multinucleated mass of protoplasm no cell walls; converted into
fruiting bodies and produce spores.
9. Lab Study F: Red Algae (Rhodophyta)
 Do not have flagella
 Autotrophic; chlorophyll a; phycocyanin & phycoerythrin mask the
chlorophyll & make the algae look red.
 Agar: extracted from the cell wall of red algae.
 Carrageenan: gives texture of thickness to foods.
 3 body forms are: single-celled, filamentous, colonial & leaf-like.
10. Lab Study G: Green Algae (Chlorophyta) - the protist-plant connection.
 Share many characteristics with land plants. A hypothesis is that plants
are derived from green algae.
 Filamentous algae Spirogyra; a long chloroplast; freshwater.
 Ulva: sea lettuce; fond on rocks or docks in marine water.
 Chara algae: muddy or sandy bottoms of clear lakes or ponds;
complex body from & often mistaken for a plant; cylindrical branches
& has nodes.
A. Introduction: Fungi are unicellular or multicellular, heterotrophic (absorption),
digest their food outside their bodies. They have complex life cycles with
alternating sexual & asexual (vegetative) reproduction. May make spores either
asexually my mitosis or sexually by meiosis. Fungi are made up of hyphae which
are organized into the body of the fungus called the mycelium. They have cell
walls made of chitin & cellulose.
 Economic Benefits of Fungi: antibiotics, wine, beer, leavened bread,
 Ecological benefits of Fungi: decomposition; mycorrhizae.
 Destructive roles of Fungi: parasites; sudden oak death, wheat rust.
B. Zygomycota (Zygote fungi):
1. Cells of Hyphae are haploid & they grow over a substrate.
2. Rhizopus reproduce sexually when compatible mating types (+) or (-) grow
side by side.
3. Karyogamy: haploid nuclei that fuse.
4. Pilobus crystallinus: shotgun fungus; grows on dung. Positively
phototrophic; and the entire sporangium is released not just spores.
C. Sac-Fungi Ascomycota
1. “ascopore producing fungi”
2. Peziza specimen: cup fungi.
4. The spores in the ascus are haploid; the ascocarp is diploid.
5. Morels: cup fungi that resemble mushrooms. But the cap is convoluted. Asci
are in the ridges.
6. Ergot fungus: large black structures seen among the grains (wheat/rye grass).
7. All sac-fungi produce asci in ascospores.
D. CLUB FUNGI- Basidiomycota
1. “club fungi” or “basidiospore-producing fungi”
2. A mushroom is a reproductive structure called a basidiocarp that makes spores
by meiosis.
E. IMPERFECT FUNGI- Deuteromycota
1. Unknown sexual stage; so asexual or imperfect fungi.
F. Comparing the 4 Phylum of Fungi:
(Zygote Fungi)
-bread mold
fungus (dung)
zygote, karyo,
-chitin wall
4 or 8 haploid
ascopores after
meiosis in an
ascus. Asci
form in
(Club Fungi)
- fairy ring
- corn smut
-wheat rust
makes spores
by meiosis.
Conidia: not
enclosed, on
the surface of
Conidia by
mature wind
-athletes foot
-ring worm
stipe, pileus,
1. Symbiotic associations between fungi & algae or cyanobacteria. Fungal
component is usually a sac or club fungus. The algae provides nutrients for the
fungus & the fungas provides a moist environment for the algae.
2. Thallus: lichen body.
3. Can withstand extreme environments; usually first to colonize a new one.
4. Different lichen types:
 Folise: leafy thallus
 Crustose: crust-like thallus
 Fruiticose: branching thallus
A. Introduction:
1. General adaptations of land plants: cuticle, stomata, vascular tissue, roots,
heterospory, seeds, pollen grain.
2. Non-Vascular Plants (Bryophytes): Bryophyta (mosses), Hepatophyta
(liverworts), & Anthocerophyta (Hornworts).
3. Vascular Seedless Plants: Lycophyta (club mosses) & Pterophyta (ferns,
horsetails, whisk ferns)
4. Seed Plants: Gymnosperms & Angiosperms.
B. Plant Life Cycles:
1. Alternation of Generations: alternate between haploid gametophyte &
diploid sporophyte.
 Diploid sporophyte does meiosis to make haploid spores inside a
 The spores divide by mitosis and make a haploid gametophyte.
 The gametophyte makes gametes inside the gametangia.
 Eggs are made by mitosis in archegonia & sperm are made in
 Fertilization in the archegonium makes a diploid zygote.
 Gametes & spores are both haploid in this cycle.
2. Nonvascular plants (Bryophytes)
 Phyla: Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, & Anthocerophyta.
 Lack vascular tissue.
 Lack stomata on the gametophyte thallus.
 No roots, stems, or leaves.
1. Gametophyte & sporophyte are usually growing together.
2. Leafy gametophytes & dependent sporophytes.
 Turn haploid when sporophytes make spores via meiosis.
 Turns diploid when the sperm and egg fertilize in the archegonium.
4. Spores develop by meiosis in the sporangium at the end of the sporophyte;
and belong to the gametophyte generation.
5. The gametes are haploid & are produced by mitosis.
6. Mosses protect ground from erosion…
1. Flat thallus, rhizoids (root-like extensions on lower surface), pores (gas
exchange but are always open because they lack guard cells), gemmae cups:
curcular cups on upper thallus surface & contain flat green tissue that are
washed out of the cups & make new genetically identical liverworts.
2. Ancestral features: motile sperm. Derived features: cuticle, stomata.
1. Analogous to amphibians in dependence on water for external fertilization.
2. Have vascular tissues; conduct water, nutrients, & photosynthetic products.
3. Well developed leaves & roots, stomata & structural support tissues.
4. Still have motile sperm, so rely on water.
5. Economic benefits: ferns.
6. Phyla Lycophyta: Club Mosses
 Advanced feature Heterospory: mega & microspores.
 Dichotomously branched?
 Sporangia: @ clusters at the tips of leafy stems, forming strobili or
cones, or dispersed along the leafy stems.
 The leafy plant parts are part of the sporophyte stage because of mega
& micro sporangium
 What features determine a seedless vascular plant? Independent
gametophyte & well developed leaves, roots, & support.
 Micro and mega spores are made by meiosis.
 Megaspores divide to make the gametophyte.
7. Phyla Pterophyta: Ferns, Horsetails, & Whisk Ferns.
 Whisk ferns (psilophytes) are diminutive, dichotomously branched
(ancestral), photosynthetic stems, reproduce sexually by aerial spores.
 Horsetails (sphenophytes) have green jointed stems with occasional
leaves or branch clusters.
 Ferns: most successful.
8. Fern terms:
 Rhizome: functions like a root to anchor the plant. Roots arise from
the rhizome.
 Sori: dark spots, which are clusters of sporangia on the underside of
some leaves, called sporophylls.
Haploid spores fall to the ground and become gametophyte plants are
heart-shaped. Depends on water for fertilization.
Each archegonium encloses an egg.
 The spores are made by meiosis.
 The archegonia & antheridia are diploid.
 Seedless plants were @ their peak during the Carboniferous period.
 Ancestral features of seedless vascular plants: need for water for
 Derived features: land for the plants, water for reproduction; vascular
Which stage?
Contains sperm
Contains an egg
Make Gametophytes
Make sporophytes
Asexual Reproduction Sporophyte
Meiosis & makes
Make spores/gametes
 Sorus: cluster of spores.
11. Rhizoids are the vascular tissues in ferns.