The 24 th Annual International

- is the youngest town
in the Czech Republic
- has 100 000 inhabitants
- was founded in 1955
- the oldest house
is dated to 1781
Diana Steponavičiuté, 15 let, Litva
Beautiful like flowers the land”
The 24th Annual International Graphic Art
Competition for Pupils of Nursery and
Primary Schools
Primary School in Frýdecká St., Havířov-Bludovice
TRANOSCIUS Association, Municipal Authority, City Library and
City Cultural Centre Havířov
The 24th Annual International
Graphic Art Competition
„Beautiful like flowers
…is the land….“
Theme: Natural elements
Get your inspiration from natural elements as water, sun, snow, fire, air,
land (soil, earth), light, darkness. Think of a subject. You can depict
your own idea or draw from any of the following topics:
- your own experience (What I met under water while I was diving; What
I am able to make with snow; A trip or a story in which the weather
played an important role; I split the air while downhill skiing; How I
imagine the world in a volcano core; Under the microscope – the
world in a water drop; How we made a campfire; The wind pollinates
- a folk song, fairy tale or folk saying about water, the sun, gloom,
weather (e.g. Snow White; Water of life and water of death; The fairy
tale characters –The Sunshade, Sunfish and Windmill; About the
cockerel and little hen; The song “It raining, it’s pouring...The natural
little spring in the vast field; A blue-eyed girl…; St. Medard’s Day - 40
days of rain
- what explorers, conquerors experienced (D. Livingstone explores
Victoria Falls; Prehistoric Landek in Ostrava – the first use of fire in
the world; Magellan’s fight with the ocean when sailing around the
world; H. Barth explores the Sahara Desert; G. Grey discovers
mysterious Aborigine paintings under the Australian sun; Ch. Darwin
met barbarians in Tierra del Fuego; Brave aeronauts in balloons and
airships; Amundsen – conqueror of the South Pole; How Eskimos
live; Leonardo de Vinci thinks about how men could fly; A story I’ve
read – J. Verne…)
All the works of art made by drawing and graphic techniques or
by their combination will be admitted to the competition.
However, we prefer graphic techniques such as monotype,
drypoint, lithography, linocut etc. We will exclude only those
works of art that will be made exclusively by paint. Delivered
competitive works will not be given back. They stay in
possessions of organizers.
Pupils of nursery and primary schools, lower classes of
high schools and graphic art seminars in these schools can
enter the competition in five categories:
1st category
2nd category
3rd category
4th category
5th category
pupils of nursery schools (up to 6 years)
1st – 2nd grades (7 – 8 years)
3rd – 4th grades (9 – 10 years)
5th – 6th grades (11 – 12 years)
7th – 9th grades (13 – 16 years)
Non – framed competitive works, max. format A1
are necessary to be delivered until
May 9th, 2014
to Základní
škola (Primary School)
Frýdecká 37
736 01 Havířov-Bludovice
Czech Republic
Work dictation: author ---name, date of birth, category,
his/her address
school---name, address, name of author´s
graphic art teacher (in a legible
way, please), e-mail
The jury will choose the best works and decide of
awarding prize–winners. The prize for the best pedagogical
guidance will be awarded too. All schools that will take part in
the competition will receive a catalogue.
The exhibition will take place in September 2014 in the
Exhibition Hall of the Cultural Centre of Leoš Janáček in