2 Severe Weather Policy

Small School Policy
Severe Weather Policy
Number 2
Last Updated
31 July 2015
31 July 2016
Policy Statement
This policy applies to the Small School and is in place to ensure that the School minimises the risk
to pupils in adverse weather conditions.
In the event of severe bad weather (e.g. snow, flooding or other conditions where the Met office
has issued severe weather warnings), parents should make a judgment as to whether they feel it is
safe for their child/children to come to school and return home at 16.30. For example, students
who live in Hartland will probably find the journey safe, but those living some distance away may
find access difficult. The School will respect the judgement of parents in these circumstances as
well as the judgement of staff regarding the safety of their journey too.
When severe weather has been forecast, the Head teacher will consult a variety of media to
ascertain the local travel conditions. This will be done before 7.30 am. If it appears that the staff
and students who travel the furthest are unlikely to be able to get into school and get home again
safely, then a decision will then be made by the Head teacher regarding the closure of the school.
It will also depend on the willingness of local staff to teach all pupils who have made it into school,
if it is a day they are normally expected to teach. There will also be the need to enlist the help of a
parent in the village to cook the lunch on that day even if it is not their normal routine.
Where possible, the decision to cose the school will be made before 8 am. The Head teacher will
then be responsible for ringing or texting all parents to inform them of the decision. It would also be
beneficial if parents could update the Head teacher of conditions in their area by phone or text,
prior to the decision being made.
Parents are asked to ensure that they follow the procedure whereby they ring the Head teacher
and NOT the school office as soon as they can in the morning if a pupil is going to be absent. If
such calls have not been received, then we will assume that pupils are in transit. Pupils should
follow the normal procedures if they arrive late. i.e. sign in using the book in the main classroom.
Once pupils are at school, they will follow a normal curriculum as far as staff presence allows, and
certainly no parent should make the decision to keep a child at home in the belief that lessons will
not take place.
If weather conditions deteriorate during the school day then the Head teacher may make the
decision to close the school early. Parents will be contacted and asked to collect students early.
Members of staff who travel the furthest will be allowed to leave early too, providing one of the
local teachers is willing to supervise students until they are collected by parents. Only when all
students have been collected, will the school close.
On arrival at school, the first member of staff must evaluate the health and safety of the school
premises and make a decision regarding whether or not the school will open for part or all of the
school day. If this is not the Head teacher then the Head teacher must be kept informed of any
decisions made.
All paths and access routes will be cleared of snow if applicable and salt or grit will be applied. A
quantity of salt has been bought and it is stored in the shower area of the girls’ toilets. It may be
deemed sensible to teach all lessons in the main building only in order to minimise risk.
Students will probably arrive in boots or wellingtons, but a change of footwear should be provided
so that the carpets are kept as dry as possible. Suitable outdoor clothing should be provided if
students are intending to go out in the snow at break times. A member of staff will assess any risk
Signed Helen Finn
Head Teacher
Signed S M Billson
Chair of the Trustees