October 26, 2014 - St. John`s Lutheran Church

October 26, 2014
Are We There Yet: The Apostle Paul
writes in Philippians 3:12, “I don't mean to say
that I have already achieved these things or
that I have already reached perfection. But I
press on to possess that perfection for which
Christ Jesus first possessed me.” Paul is
talking about becoming like Jesus, the one
who could look in the mirror (if He had one)
and see a perfect Saint staring back. Being
conformed to Christ is a life-long trip, one that
follows a winding and hilly course. There are
many twists and turns, ups and downs along
the way, and the ultimate destination is only to
be reached when we leave this life and enter
into eternity, either in death or Christ’s return.
That’s not to say that we aren’t to daily strive
to move a little closer, but until Jesus comes
to get us we will remain far from home, but in
him we are headed in the right direction.
have two adult Bible study opportunities each
Sunday morning. The Today’s Light group is
taking a more extensive journey through the
Book of Romans, meeting in the first
classroom on the left as you head down the
education wing hallway. In the fellowship area
we will turn our attention to “Church History,
From Pentecost to Present”. As Reformation
Day is next Friday we will focus on where the
Church has come from in nearly 2,000 years,
including the Reformation, and how the past
has shaped the present and will affect the
NURSERY: We welcome small children in our
Organ Donor Month: This is the FINAL
services, and if they should make some noise
that’s okay. Parents of small children who would
like some room for their child to run and play may
use the play area in the Fellowship Hall. There is a
video screen above, and help is available if parents
would like to return to the sanctuary to participate
in the service. See an usher for assistance.
on the table by the church entry doors. Busy bags
are available for children. They are located by the
door next to the play area.
WE ASK EVERYONE: please take a
moment during the offering to fill out the
attendance and Holy Communion registry and
return them to hymnal racks.
SUNDAY…Organ Donor Month
continues…we’re almost there! Last Sunday
brought in another $550 for the much needed
repairs and refurbishment of our beautiful
organ. Again, I praise and thank God for your
generosity and commitment! That brings us to
about $5,300 raised, but we still need $700
more. There’s ONE MORE CHANCE…please
consider, if you haven’t already, how YOU can
help out. REMEMBER…We aren’t looking for
a kidney or liver, even a heart, or an arm or a
leg, just a generous and willing spirit to help
get our organ back to where it should be.
Members Only Sale: Continuing today the
Donations & Participation: Our Youth
estate sale of the remaining earthly
belongings of Gladys Kumnick is at the house
on our property. This will only be open to
members and friends of St. John’s and will
end today.
Group is asking for donations…bags of
candy… for our Fall Festival Fundraiser event
on Friday, Oct. 31st. We’re also looking for
folks to come on that evening to meet the little
ghouls, ghosts and goblins from our
neighborhood. Anyone interested in
participating in our TRUNK OR TREAT please
sign up on the board…come join the fun!
Church Directories: The new Directories
are completed and published. Find your copy
in the hallway mail boxes. Please note a
name change in the Church Staff category:
Office Admin/Bookkeeper, Christine Miller. If
you note other items for correction please
contact Christine and these will be published
in future announcements. Thank you! Kay.
November Men’s Breakfast: We’ll kick
off the month in style, on the very first day,
with our monthly Men’s Breakfast beginning at
8:30am. Guys, c’mon out for a hearty pot-luck
breakfast followed by a rousing Bible study
and discussion, this month to be led by
Marvelous Marvin Faris. I’m sure it will be a
dandy. But, “at any rate”, join us in the Man
Cave and bring along your favorite breakfast
goodies to share, as well as another friend to
share them with.
2nd Sunday Brunch: Our popular Potato
Bar is back on Sunday November 9th. Sign up
the evening of Halloween, October 31st, the
St. John’s Youth will sponsor our First Fall
Festival! Come bring the kids to St. John’s
Lutheran Church for a safe alternative to
Halloween activities. St. John’s Youth Group
will be providing dinner and all kinds of fun
from 5:00 – 7:00 pm. Come in Costume (not to
scary, please) for Trunk or Treat, games with
candy prizes, crafts, popcorn bags (free),a
Cake Walk ($1.00 a ticket) and gourmet
popcorn balls ($1.00). KIDS are FREE and
adults are admitted for a $5 donation. Please
sign up on the sheet posted on the Board in
the church entry.
to bring your favorite topping. The list is
posted on the kiosk in the entry hall.
Bowling Promotes Good Health!:
Paper Napkins: Our kitchen supply of
paper napkins is in need of replenishing. Your
donation of any brand of paper napkins would
be appreciated all.
CALL FOR COFFEE: Please consider
donating decaffeinated coffee for our kitchen
pantry. All brands are welcome with the
exception of Costco Kirkland coffee which is
ground too fine.
Research shows that congregations that bowl
together get more strikes than those that
don’t. Strikes make us happy and happy
people tend to live longer. We will get together
talk about how well we bowl and then prove
how that those words are hollow this Sunday
evening up at Hugo’s on the South Hill, next
to Trader Joes’. Please get there by 5:45 so
that the fun can begin by 6:00pm. All are
welcome to join us, to actually bowl or in the
cheering section. Lately the cheering section
has begun to outnumber the bowlers, which is
a trend that needs to be reversed!
…John Sarna, grandfather of Brandon
Christiansen, who is having cardiac surgery
October 7th
…The family and friends of Gladys Kumnick
for comfort
...Don Mangis, Sandy’s husband, whose
cancer has returned
…Ellie Windler, who has spinal problems
…Zelma Garinger, for continued strength
…Barbara Duncan, who is recovering from a
broken hip
…Naida Dupree, who needs healing
…Betty Schroeder, who has cancer
…Marcy, cousin of Dan DeBoise, who was hit
with a tree during the wind storm
…Peggy Wifall, sister of Sanford Foster,
who has cancer
…Dianne Hoese, sister of Myron Molnau, who
is having radiation treatments for both
stomach and lung cancer
…Marlin Wilke, Ken’s brother, who has been
diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
…Christine Sunwold, friend of Carol Widman,
who has a return of cancer
…Gary Bowen, friend of Jim Smith, who has
liver cancer and is having chemo
…Richard Singler, friend of the Wilkes, who is
being treated for pancreatic cancer
…Jan Almekinder, friend of Pat Foster, who
has suffered a severe stroke and is
…Melanie Thoreson, who is fighting the West
Nile Virus at Regency Rehab Center
…Betty Albach, who is at the Renaissance in
Coeur d’Alene
…Glenda Clark, who lives in a group home
and has health problems
…Alijah Armstead, who is in the Air Force and
our military veterans and current
personnel and families
… Tracy Rosman, friend of Susan Beam, for
faith and strength in the midst of family
crises and tragedy.
If you would like to have your prayer needs listed in the
Sunday bulletin, please contact the church office by noon
on Wednesday. If there is no longer a need for the prayer
request, please contact the church office, 747-0984.
Thank you
October 26–November 2, 2014
Worship Reformation Sunday ...........................................
Bible Study and Sunday School .......................................
Worship Reformation Sunday ...........................................
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
OFFICE HOURS (Monday - Friday) ..................................
Women’s Bible Study at the Church ................................
Girl Scouts Meeting .........................................................
Parish Council Meeting .....................................................
8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Discussion at Trading Company .......................................
Touchmark Bible Study………………………………………
10:00 a.m.
2:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal ................................................................
7:00 p.m.
Quilting Group Meets…………………………………………
10:00 a.m.
Fall Festival Fundraiser Trunk or Treat…………………….
5:00 p.m.
Lutheran Hour on 590 AM .................................................
Lutheran Hour on 810 AM & 630 AM, 106.5 FM ...............
Worship with Communion .................................................
Bible Study and Sunday School ........................................
Worship with Communion .................................................
7:30 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Dianne POPPE
Glenn and Barbara DUNCAN
Please contact the office with changes and corrections:
THE LUTHERAN HOUR November 2 "Blessed in Hard Times". Lutheran Hour Speaker:
Rev. Gregory Seltz. During hard times, God is still with you and at work for you.(Matthew 5:1-12)
Pastor ........................................................... Brian Albrecht
Organist ........................................................... Laurie Eash
Children’s Message ........................................ Pastor Brian
Counters ........................................ Pat Foster, Linda Wilke
Attendance & Offerings
Attendance ........ 55 & 90
Building Fund... $340.00
Offerings ........ $2445.00