Standard 5/7 Matching definitions activity Simple discrimination

Standard 5/7
Matching definitions activity
Simple discrimination
distributed practice
Conditioned discrimination
extinction burst
Task analysis
differential reinforcement
Whole task
step by step
fixed ratio
interval ratio
global chaining
simple discrimination
repeated practice
successive approximations
punishment type 2
discriminative stimulus
continuous reinforcement
punishment type 1
forward chaining
conditioned stimulus
1) If Karen reinforces Jonny’s hand to mouth (approximation to sign for eat) by giving him food and does
not give him food for any other behaviors including lifting his hand up or getting his hand within 2
inches of his mouth. The procedure she is using is _________________________.
2) Shaping uses _______________________ because you are reinforcing each successive approximation
and using extinction procedures for approximations below/less than current approximation
3) Kim complained of problems with her boyfriend every once in awhile. One day when Kim was
complaining, her teacher overheard and was concerned that her problems may be interfering with her
school work. Her teacher had a long talk with Kim. After that Kim began complaining more and thus
had more talks with her teacher. By talking with Kim after a complaint the teacher was using what
behavioral procedure? ____________________________________________
4) The temporary increase in a behavior after previous reinforcement provided for the behavior has been
stopped or removed is called ________________________________________
5) In shaping, Differential reinforcement must be applied to a series of
6) Mary had been teaching Joan to hang her back pack on the hook when she came into the center for
therapy. Mary was starting to hang her backpack up so Joan gave her lots of verbal praise and got very
excited. She would yell “you did it!” Soon Mary’s back pack hanging behavior began decreasing. What
procedure did Joan use?________________________________________________.
7) John was learning how to complete using the bathroom independently. He could do some of the tasks
involved but not all of them. His therapist performed a ______________________to determine what
parts of the process he needed help with. His therapists discovered he needed assistance to complete
the following tasks: wipe, flush and zip his pants. He decided to use
___________________presentation by prompting on those parts while completing the whole chain.
What type of chaining procedure was his therapist using? ________________________________.
8) Brittney received access to 30 seconds of a video clip after she completed 30 responses. What
schedule of reinforcement is this?____________________________________________
9) A stimulus that signals to a learner if you perform a certain behavior in my presence reinforcement is
likely to follow is called (a)________________________________ a stimulus that is associated with no
reinforcement is a _____________________________________________.
10) Tom’s teacher laid out a number 2, the letter G, and a picture of a wagon wheel then asked Tom if he
saw a number. The items and instruction are an example of _____________________________.
11) This worksheet is an example of _________________________________________