THE EFFECT OF SALINE WATER ON THE FLOTATION OF CHALCOPYRITE AND PYRITE Claudia Aguirre Valdes CSIRO Chile Research Foundation, Chile, PhD student, +56 55 2637313 Leanne Smith CSIRO Mineral Resources, Clayton, Australia, Senior Experimental Scientist, +61 3 9545 8667, Graeme Heyes CSIRO Mineral Resources, Clayton, Australia, Honorary Fellow, +61 3 9545 8569, ABSTRACT Given the global scarcity of fresh water, flotation plants, now and in the future, will have to use groundwater or sea water with a high salt concentration. Previous single mineral laboratory batch flotation tests at pH 9 on chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite have shown that chalcopyrite flotation is unaffected by brackish water, sea water or hypersaline water compared to distilled water but that both bornite and chalcocite are detrimentally affected by the use of lower quality waters. The decrease in floatability appeared to be readily overcome by the addition of collector. In copper ores, chalcopyrite is often found in association with pyrite and other gangue minerals. This paper describes a series of flotation tests undertaken on pyrite/quartz and chalcopyrite/pyrite/quartz mixtures to investigate the effect of water quality on pyrite flotation and the chalcopyrite/pyrite separation. At pH 9, pyrite flotation with potassium ethyl xanthate is unaffected by the use of different quality waters but at pH 10.5, while pyrite is moderately floatable in distilled water with collector, it is poorly recovered in hypersaline water under the same conditions. From the flotation tests on chalcopyrite/pyrite/quartz mixtures, it was found that, at pH 10.5 in the absence of collector, there was a detrimental effect on the flotation behaviour of chalcopyrite in hypersaline water compared to distilled water. This is in contrast to previous findings in the single mineral tests. Further tests completed have investigated the possible reasons for the effects observed. KEYWORDS Flotation, Saline water, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite