Garbage and Recycling FAQ (frequently ask questions) I’ve noticed the waste collectors putting garbage and recycling in the same truck – is the garbage being mixed with recycling? Garbage and recycling do not get mixed at any point during collection. The trucks that your waste system is using have split compartments that keep the garbage and recycling separated. Why was there one truck for garbage and one for recycling before and now I only see one truck for both garbage and recyclables? The collection procedure has changed to one truck for both materials. Previously, one truck would do garbage and another truck for recyclables. The split trucks allow versatility in collection and the collection contractor is trying this modified method of collection as a trial. It is foreseeable that collection will return to separate trucks for garbage and recycling. Do I still need to sort my blue (containers) and grey (papers) recycling materials? Yes please do, using multiple boxes helps the collectors identify non-recyclables which leads to cleaner recycling materials and a better end product. Also, collection could return to a sorted collection method (i.e. papers and containers in separate compartments). What happens with all the recycling and how does all the recycling get sorted? Curbside collected recycling gets delivered to a facility that utilizes manual and mechanical methods to sort all the material into paper, glass, metals and plastic types. The sorted material is then bundled together and marketed to businesses that utilize the material after further processing into various new products or packaging. How do we know that the recycling is not being landfilled? The recycle materials have a value and the Town gets a portion of that value when it is sold to an end market or processor. The Town receives monthly documentation of the flow of material to the end market including scale tickets, bills of lading and commodity value summaries. The bulk of the Town’s material is currently processed and marketed out of Buffalo Recycling Enterprises. A video of their operations can be seen here ( What happens with all the garbage? Curbside garbage is delivered to the Town’s landfill site. The split trucks also have two doors at the rear of the truck, which allows the recycling to be held in the truck while the garbage gets tipped out. How much does the Town recycle each year? In 2013 a total of 834 tonnes of blue and grey box recycling were collected and 1,786 tonnes of garbage was collected, that’s a 32% diversion rate. The Blue Mountains is among the top ten southern rural collection municipalities. The average residential recyclables diversion rate for Ontario municipalities was 24% in 2012. Why is my collection time not always the same? The collection contractor does make an effort to maintain a consistent route and time. However, day to day many things can change the route timing such as: mechanical problems, weather and closed roads and seasonal population changes. To ensure you don’t miss collection place your waste out by 7:00am. If you are concerned with animals or wind use a can or a stationary waste box to protect the waste.