Yr 3 Term 1 and 2 Curriculum Letter 2015

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletter – Terms 1 & 2 2015.
Dear Parents,
Welcome back. We would like to take this opportunity to provide information for you so that your child quickly
settles into our junior school and soon feels at home. We have outlined the topics that will be covered this term.
English The children will be learning about:
Term 1- narratives and non-fiction reports
Term 2 - play scripts and language play
Maths This term the children will be learning about:
Place value and how to partition numbers into hundreds, tens and units
Strategies for addition +, subtraction –, multiplication x and division ÷
Shape and symmetry
Time and data
R.E. Children follow the ‘Come and See’ Catholic Primary Religious Education Programme. The topics covered this
term will be Homes, Promises and Visitors. In the topic ‘Homes’, children will explore ways Christians live as people
chosen by God. The topic ‘Promises’ explores what happens at baptism. During this topic it would be lovely if your
child could share some baptism photographs. In the topic ‘Visitors’ children will reflect on how to prepare for the
coming of Jesus.
Science The science topics will be ‘Animals including humans; Nutrition/ muscles, skeletons’ and ‘Forces and
magnets including friction’.
In term 1 the children will learn about food groups, healthy eating, skeletons, muscles, joints and exercise.
In term 2 the children will learn about the attraction and the repel of magnets, magnetic materials, the uses
of magnets, the forces of push and pull, friction and how different surfaces affect how an object moves.
P.E. We ask that parents ensure that their children have the correct P.E. kit in school. This is royal blue shorts, a
white t-shirt with the house colours detailing. Plimsolls or trainers are acceptable. Track-suits should be brought to
school during the winter months. Please have their P.E. kit available in school. In term 1 children will be learning ball
skills and in term 2 dance.
Learning Journey Learning Journey encompasses History, Geography, Art and D&T.
In term 1 the topic is ‘Ancient Egyptians’ where the children will be finding out about how people lived in
Ancient Egyptian times.
In term 2 the topic is ‘May the force be with you!’ where the children will be finding out about forces and
Music The school have a professional music teacher to teach the recorder, singing and to listen and appreciate a
variety of music.
Homework and Reading All homework is given on Monday and should be returned by Friday. Homework is
compulsory in the junior school and includes:
One page per week of the Mental Arithmetic Maths Book
One page per week of the Spelling Book
In your child’s blue homework book there will be a choice of activities based around our topic, please pick
one to complete per term
MyMaths is an ICT programme that can support your child’s mathematical understanding. Each child has a
username and password in the front of their blue homework book with a letter of explanation.
In addition to the English lesson there will be a daily session of guided reading where the teacher will take one
guided reading group each day. In order to ensure progress is made, parents MUST read with their children for a
minimum of 10-15 minutes each evening. Each child has a reading record which must be signed DAILY by parents.
Children get an extra house point for bringing in their signed reading record each day and prizes are given out by Mrs
Turner to those children who read 5 times every week.
Dates for your diary
Friday 2nd October at 9.00am 3C Miss Seal’s Class Assembly
Friday 13th October at 9.00 am 3H Miss Crowe’s Class Assembly
Tuesday 8th December pm Y3/4 Christmas show
Tuesday 9th December pm Y3/4 Christmas show
We look forward to meeting you on Parents’ evening during the week of 19th October. Should you have any concerns
or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Crowe
Miss Seal