Plant Processes Notes Photosynthesis Reaction how components of

Plant Processes Notes
a. Reaction
how components of the reaction are acquired
b. Location of reaction
organelles involved
Cellular Respiration
a. Reaction
how components of the reaction are acquired
b. Location of reaction
organelles involved
Similarities between the reactions – p. 337
Differences between the reactions – p. 337
Tropisms = response by plant to a stimulus
a. phototropism = response to light
i. positive phototropism = towards light
ii. negative = away from light
b. thigmotropism = response to touch
c. geotropism/gravitropism = response to gravity
Photoperiodism = response by plant to the number of hours of darkness in its
a. long-day plants = plants that flower because they have less than 10-12 hours of
b. short-day plants = require more than 12 hours of darkness to flower
c. day-neutral plants = flowering is unaffected by the number of hours of darkness
Plant hormones = substances acting as messengers that aid chemical reactions
a. auxins = increase plant growth; typically in phototropism to elongate cell opposite
of light source in order to cause the plant to bend to the light
b. ethylene = gas produced by seed, fruit, leaves, & flowers; stimulates the ripening
of fruit
c. gibberellins = increases the rate of cell division and cell elongation
d. cytokinins = increases the rate of cell division, especially in roots; slows aging of
flowers and fruits
Plant Reproduction
a. Alternation of generations – all plants
i. sporophyte stage = diploid
ii. gametophyte stage = haploid
b. Moss Life Cycle
i. gametophyte stage occupies the largest portion of the life cycle
1. gametophyte = photosynthetic
2. gametophyte plants grow by mitosis from haploid spores
3. separate male and female plants
ii. sporophyte stage begins with fertilization
1. sporophyte stalk grows by mitosis
2. stalk is not photosynthetic and relies on gametophyte for energy
3. meiosis inside spore case produces haploid spore to start cycle over
c. Fern Life Cycle
i. sporophyte stage occupies largest portion of life cycle
1. fronds have sori that undergo meiosis to produce haploid spores
2. spores are catapulted into the air
ii. spores germinate into microscopic gametophyte
1. prothallus = heart shaped gametophyte
a. contains separate male and female areas that produce
individual sex cells
b. fertilization produces sporophyte beginning cycle again
Seed Plant Reproduction
a. seed, parts, & their function – p. 354
i. embryo
ii. endosperm = food supply
iii. seed coat
b. pollen grains
i. pollination
c. gymnosperms – cone bearing plants
i. cones – separate male and female cones
ii. male cones – smaller or papery thin; produce pollen
iii. female cones – usually larger; contain egg
1. fertilization forms zygote in female cone
2. become seeds
d. angiosperms
i. flower parts – p. 356
ii. life cycle – p. 357
e. seed dispersal mechanisms/methods