Source: Calendar of Patent Rolls (

Source: Calendar of Patent Rolls (
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1230 (membrane 7d)
Hertford.—Adam filiis Willelmi, Petrus de Goldinton, Petrus de
Welles et Johannes de Marcham justiciarii ad assisam nove dissaisine
capiendam apud Hertford in octabis clausi [Pasche], quam Radulfus de
Wudiford aramiavit versus Petrum de Essewell, Walterum Coleman,
Augustinum Juvenem, Willelmum le Blake, Walterum filiurn Geroldi,
Ricardurn Stiward et Galfridum de Sandon de tenemento in Eswell;
salvis etc. Teste rege, apud Westmonasterium, xxx die Januarii.
14 Henry III, volume 2, page 353
1270 July Westminster (membrane 10)
Simple protection, without clause, for two years, for Juliana daughter
of Richard atte Blake Grene.
54 Henry III, volume 6, page 442
1281 30 May Westminster (membrane 16)
Pardon, at the instance of Eleanor, the king's mother, to Sampson Foliot
for the death of Roger Folyot his son.
The like to Richard de la Hille, in Oxford gaol for the death of Walter le
Blake, on testimony by Henry de Chaumbernun and his fellows, justices
appointed to deliver that gaol, that he killed him in self-defence.
9 Edward I, volume 1, page 441
1282 19 May Worcester (membrane 13)
Pardon to Jordan le Blake of Speke Braniford for the death of Adam
son of Jordan le Blake, as it appears by the testimony of Salomon de
Roff' and his fellows, justices in eyre at Exeter, that he killed him by
10 Edward I, volume 2, page 20
1288 16 Apr Worcester (Membrane 14d)
Henry de Wintonia, who, being charged with the death of Thomas le Blake
of Brocton, was detained in the prison of Worcester, and, by inquisition of
the sheriff of Worcester, was found to have been so charged in hatred and
malice, and was bound over to appear before the justices at their first
assizes, but has surrendered himself to prison to obtain swift justice.
16 Edward I, volume 2, page 306
1286 Nov 6 Clarendon (membrane 5)
Exemption, during pleasure, to John le Blake, attending to the collection
of the new custom on wools, wool-fells and hides in the port of Shorham,
from assizes, juries or recognisances.
14 Edward I, volume 2, page 327
1292 24 Mar Westminster (membrane 18)
John de Fulburn, staying in England, nominating Nicholas Taf and
Thomas le Blake in Ireland for one year.
20 Edward I, volume 2, page 480
1292 26 Mar Westminster (membrane 18)
Andrew de Fuleburn, clerk, staying in England, nominating Nicholas
Taf and Thomas le Blake in Ireland for one year.
20 Edward I, volume 2, page 481
1292 26 Aug Pickering (membrane 8)
The prior of Longueville, going to a general chapter of Cluny and
La Charite, nominating brother Richard de Gedinton and Ralph le
Blake until a year after Michaelmas.
20 Edward I, volume 2, page 498
1293 26 Mar Cambridge (membrane 21)
John de Fulburne, staying in England on the king's service, nominating
Philip de Fulburne and John le Blake in Ireland, for one year.
21 Edward I, volume 3, page 7
1298 15 Sep Carlisle (membrane 8)
Pardon to John Dovenel of Sauston, by reason of his services in Scotland,
for the death of John Rote of Sauston and Thomas le Blake of
26 Edward I, volume 3, page 359
1299 1 Apr Westminster (membrane 33)
Licence, after inquisition made by the sheriff of York for the prior and
Friars Preachers of Scardeburgh, to pave a street (vicum) there within the
wall of the town towards the east, extending from the house of John de
Pycheford to that of John le Blake towards their church, on condition that
the street be not narrowed.
27 Edward I, volume 3, page 402
1302 24 Jul Westminster (membrane 18d)
The like to William de Bereford and Roger de Suthcote, on complaint by
Walter de Gloucestre, escheator this side Trent, that whereas, by reason of
his office, he had the custody of the manor of Cheping Norton, co. Oxford,
by the death of Richard Fitz Alan, earl of Arundel, sometime lord
thereof, and Henry de Roucle and William le Blake of Okeburne, his ministers
in the county of Oxford, by his orders, distrained some tenants thereof
for rents due last Midsummer term, some malefactors beat them and killed
the said William. By pet. of C.
30 Edward I, volume 4, page 85
1303 20 Apr Beverley (membrane 26)
Licence, in consideration of a fine made before Philip de Wylughby,
supplying the place of the treasurer, and the barons, of the Exchequer, by
the master of the Knights' Templars in England, for the alienation in
mortmain to the said master and brethren by Roger le Blake of Madebrok
of a toft and two acres of land in Estwode, by Robert le Dorturer of a
messuage in the street (vico) of la Cherryngg, in the parish of St. Martin's in
the Fields, by Robert de Gunwardeby of a messuage and 12 1/2 acres in
Little Stocton, by William de Wengrave of a messuage and 10 1/2 acres of
land there, by Hugh de Stocton of 2 acres of land there and in Stepyngle,
and by Robert de Carleton of Cranewell of a messuage and two bovates of
land in Cranewell
31 Edward I, volume 4, page 134
1304 29 Jun Stirling (membrane 14)
Letters for Gilbert son of Thomas de Clare, staying in England, nominating
William de Edenham and Geoffrey le Blake their attorneys in
Ireland for two years. By p.s.
32 Edward I, volume 4, page 237
1305 20 Mar Westminster (membrane 13d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert son of Payn, Peter Malorre and Hervey de Staunton,
on complaint by Peter Ernald de Ville, burgess of Bayonne, Ferand, his
fellow, and Adam de Gelde, merchants of St. Sebastian, that whereas they
had laden a ship beyond seas with merchandise to the value of 3,000 marks
for trade in England, and the ship was driven by tempest upon the coast
near Portelond, co. Dorset, and the worn-out mariners transferred themselves
to shore alive, Henry le Blake, John and Robert his sons, Richard Brunlock
John Bullock, Peter Brunlock, Thomas Kynloch, Gilbert Kynloch, John
Kiffe, John Pund, William Vale, John Vare, Ralph Bolle, Richer
Andreu, William le Vale, John le Pesshuner, Robert Kiffe, John Silverlock
Adam Traynel, John Bally, Adam Langynon, William Mei, John Alrech,
Ralph Prat, Ralph Huse, Richard Use, John Algar, Adam Selk, Richer
Lese, Jordan de Coleford, William Brun the younger, Richard Russel, John
le Moyne, Walter Russel, Adam Langynon, Robert Langynon, John Langynon,
Adam his brother, John Pers the younger, John Bosse, John Pouch
John Gilberd, Walter Robyn, William Wythe, John le Man, John Philipp,
John Gele, Philip Flour, John Portejoye, Walter le Rede, Gregory Knyft,
Nicholas Knyft, William Knyght, Robert de Weye, John Richer, Robert
Justis, William Peverel, Adam Peverel, Walter Peverel, Elias le Rede,
William Vincent, William Wrangg, Clement his brother, John Loveryng
Ralph Prat, John son of John, Adam Langinon, John his son, John
Curteys, Thomas Person, Richard Person, John Donk, William Richer,
John Pabian, William Leyonge, William his son, William Bygod, John Oisel,
John his son, Gilbert Oysel, John Algar, Thomas his brother, William
Kenry, John Alfred, Ralph Fouke, Ralph Simple, Gilbert Hurlebat, William
Rauf, William Nichole, Richard Coter, John Grygge, Richard Oysel, Walter
Russel, William Lang, Ralph Lang, Geoffrey Geoffreys ( Galfredi), Richard
le Brys, William Kym, John Justice, Adam Justice, Peter Chop, Peter
Langynon, Richard Langynon, Adam Langynon, William Mei the younger,
John Geffrey, Thomas Ingram, William Sheye, Thomas Shorie, William
Vale, Adam Traynel, William Foukes, John Wyt, Gilbert Bolle, John
Bailly, Richard Andreu, Walter Monek, Thomas le Maister, Robert
Langynon, John Stille, William Cake, John Pouch the elder (le veille),
Gilbert Pouche, Gilbert Bolle, Walter Barilly, William Prat, John Jordan,
Ralph Jordan, William Jordan, John Shepman, John Stiwe, John Gilberd,
Geoffrey le Hopere, William Hereward, William Laurence, Robert Perham,
Roger Wapel, John Godefrey, Ralph Bark, Gilbert Paule, John Pouche,
William Reynald, Adam his brother, Reginald de la Funteyn, Henry
Crepin, Henry Ranloc, John le Vale, William Wyte, Clement Vale, Walter
Robyn, William de Lym, John Batecok, John Renold, Philip Mei, Thomas
le Sauger, Henry Godefrey, John Clese, Thomas son of John Pers, John
Prat, John Vacy, John Killot, Thomas Killot, William Russel, Adam
Gordon, John Monec, William le Mouner, Nicholas le Grete, John le Frye,
John Wyte, Roger son of William de Bocland, Ralph Basset, Walter Teler,
John Sheke, Walter de Osmynton, William Batecok, William Wymgar,
Robert le Carpenter, Edward le Carpenter, Geoffrey Chykerel, Thomas le
Frye, Edward Gibelet, Thomas Pilker, Edward Mittefet, John Pilker,
Robert Swete, Robert Russel, Edward Bays, Laurence Rage, Roger
Fraunceys, John Fraunceys, William Laurence, William Gosehull, Martin
le Carpenter, William his son, John le Carpenter, Robert Mulemangere,
Henry le Venour, Richard le Bosse, Nicholas his son, Philip atte Lane,
Peter de Flete, Robert Golde, Richard Pak, John Hwe, Laurence Cole,
William de la Meer, Nicholas Bosse the younger, Edward Bosse, William
Bosse, John le Tailour, Stephen Shagg, John Prest, Robert le Blak, John
Langynon, Robert Humphrey, Richard le Pestur, Richard le Fisschere, Robert
Loef, Robert Wyppe, Richard Wyppe, Robert son of Robert le Long, John his
son, William Coppe of Melecombe, Thomas Terebagg, John Maudut, John
le Wyte, Hugh Batecok, William Basset, John Peres, Hugh Mey, John his
son, William Sarge, John Pulche, William Rauf, aud Henry Gylbert, and
others entered the ship, carried away the goods, broke the ship and cut it to
pieces. By pet. of C.
33 Edward I, volume 4, pages 349-350
1310 12 Jun Windsor (membrane 4)
Inspeximus and confirmation of a grant, 1 April, 27 Edward I., to the
prior and Friars Preachers of Scardeburgh, after inquisition ad quod
damnum taken by the sheriff of the county of York, of licence to pave a
street within the wall of that town, extending from the house of John de
Picheford to that of John le Blake towards their church, which will be a
great convenience to the men of the town.
3 Edward II, volume 1, page 231
1312 24 Aug Westminster (membrane 21)
Protection for the under-mentioned burgesses of the town of Shrewsbury:
Philip Godbert.
William Vaghan.
Thomas de Harlascot.
Richard de Ellesmere.
William de Neuport.
Peter Gerard.
Hugh le Dunfowe.
Thomas Dager.
Richard de Wemme.
Nicholas de Grymesby.
Walter de Thorneby.
John le Blake.
Alan Clement.
Reginald Perle.
William son of William de Nesse.
Henry Clarice.
Richard Beget.
Hugh de Colnham.
Robert le Spicer.
Nicholas Mue.
Thomas Colle.
John Gamel.
Henry le Munk.
Ralph de Cobbeleye.
William Godyer.
William de Lodelowe
Adam son of Adam de Stretton.
Roger Pride.
William son of Richard le Parmenter.
Walter Russel.
Geoffrey Randolf.
Thomas de Bykedon.
6 Edward II, volume 1, page 487
1313 26 Jul Westminster (membrane 17)
Pardon to the abbot and convent of Cirencester, upon-fine-made-by the
abbot, for acquiring in mortmain in the time of the late king divers
small parcels of land, tenements, mills, shops, and messuages, with the
appurtenances in Cirencester, viz. : from William de Bysele, John de
Baudynton, Margaret de Duntesburne, William le Hynder, John de
Thurghham, William Anketill, Mary Danyel, Richard de la Coue, Thomas
de Hole, William Archebaud, Robert Kent, Stephen de Caumpedene,
William del Elm, Roger de Duntesburne, Robert Oldeman, Hugh
Romayn, Walter le Wodeward, William Playn, John de Dunesdene, Isabella
la Warde, William de la Dolehalle, William de Bridlee, Walter le
Juyn, Adam le Mareschal, Henry le Blake, William le Tippere, William
le Cornmongere, William Astmer, Adam le Smyer, John Heved, William
Maynard, Richard Heuy, Robert de la Bruere, Robert de Cruddewelle,
Robert le Vannere, John le Glovere, William le Brewere, Felicia
Basily, Flora Penekes, Reginald Blankpain, Robert Gerard, Nicholas de
Pyndebury, Walter de Dune, William le Waleys, Walter de Cotes, William
Nowel, John de Hauneye, William Shepe, John de Bodenham, William de
Mune, Gerard le Wollemongere, Richard le Wyse, Henry Primates, William
Asser, Adam Gretheved, Reginald atte Wode, and Adam le Synekere.
By fine of 200 l.
7 Edward II, volume 2, pages 7-8
1314 12 Mar Westminster (membrane 20)
Pardon to William le Blake for the death of Richard Mauntel. and of
any outlawry incurred thereby.
By K., on the information of the earl of Pembroke.
7 Edward II, volume 2, page 91
1314 16 Oct Lincoln (membrane 15)
As William Cause, John de Blyton, Simon de Edelyngton, Walter de
Bayouse, Henry Bere, Gilbert le Blake, Geoffrey de Thornhagh, Gilbert de
Atherby, David le Taverner, John de Novo Castro, James Berne and Richard
de Blakedene, citizens of Lincoln, at the king's request, have bound themselves
by recognisance in the Chancery to J. bishop of Lincoln, and to the dean
and chapter of the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, in the sum of 900 marks,
which the king has borrowed from them in order to defend the realm,
against the Scots. The king declares that the bishop and the dean and
chapter of Lincoln shall out of the next aid to be granted by the clergy of the
province of Canterbury, if it be on this side Easter, collect and receive
the said sum of 900 marks in the diocese of Lincoln in satisfaction of the
loan; but if there shall be no grant made by the clergy before that feast, or
if the money collected shall not be equivalent to the said sum, then execution
shall forthwith issue upon the recognisance, notwithstanding any
protection or immunity granted to the above-named persons. [Parl. Writs]
By K.
Vacated, because surrendered in the eleventh year of the king's reign,
and cancelled and other letters made in this behalf.
Indemnity for William Cause, John de Blyton, Simon de Edelyngton,
Walter de Bayouse, Henry Bere, Gilbert le Blake, Geoffrey de Thornhagh,
Gilbert de Atherby, David le Taverner, John de Novo Castro, James Berne
and Richard de Blakedene, citizens of Lincoln, who have at the king's request
bound themselves by recognisance made in the Chancery to J. bishop of Lincoln,
and the dean and chapter of the church of St. Mary, Lincoln, in the sum
of 900 marks, which the king has borrowed in order to defend the realm
against the Scots, and which sum of money is to be repaid at Easter.
[Parl. Writs] By K.
8 Edward II, volume 2, page 189
1315 1 Sep Lincoln (membrane 22)
Commission to Henry de Cobeham, the younger, and William de Basyng,
reciting part of the statute of Winchester and the late writs of proclamation
to the sheriffs, and appointing them supervisors of the array of
arms in the county of Kent. They are to enforce the execution of the
writ, and to report defaulters to the king before All Saints, with the
assistance of the sheriff and such others in the county as may be necessary.
[Parl. Writs.] By K.
The like to the following in the counties named:
co. Norfolk: Robert Burguillon, William Dages,
co. Suffolk: Edmund de Hemmegrave, Thomas de Grey
co. Cambridge: John le Moigne, Walter de Wygemore
co. Huntingdon: William le Moigne, knight, John de Hynton
co. Essex: John de Lyston, William de Rolleston
co. Hertford: Walter de Leuueseye, Roger son of William de Broke
co. Middlesex: William de Broke, Walter Crepyn
co. Sussex: William de Northoo, John de Hydeneye
co. Southampton: Thomas de Warbelton, Richard de Portseye
co. Wilts: Walter Gascelyn, John Turpyn
co. Oxford: Richard de Bere, Thomas Golafre
co. Surrey: John de Hamme, John de la Poille
co. Berks: Richard de Wyndesore, Henry de Pentelawe
co. Bedford: Ralph Paynel, Peter de Loreng
co. Buckingham: Roger de Tiringham, Robert Lovet
co. Northampton: Hugh Blake, John de Asshton, Eustace de Burneby
co. Warwick: Henry de Erdyngton, John de Langeleye
co. Leicester: William de Neville, Robert Burdet
co. Worcester: Robert de Somery, John de Everle
co. Somerset: John de Cliveden, John de Dunmere
co. Dorset: John Peverel, Reginald de Rammesbury
co. Devon: Robert de Stokkeye, John de Bikkebury
co. Cornwall: John le Seneschal, Richard de Hywygh
co. Hereford: Roger Chaundos, John de Barewe
co. Salop: William de Lodelawe, Reginald Charles
co. Stafford: John Giffard of Chilington, John de Perton
co. Gloucester: William Maunsel, Richard de la Ryvere
co. Nottingham: Ralph de Crophulle, Peter Foun
co. Derby: Roger de Bradeburne, John Deyncourt
co. Rutland: Gilbert de Holm, John Bassett of Loffenham
co. Lincoln: in Holand: Laurence de Hollebeche, Richard de Castreton
co. Lincoln: in Kestevene: John de Albaniaco, William Gregory
co. Lincoln: in Lindeseye: Richard de Boselyngthorpe, Peter de Lekeburne
co. York: in the Northtrithing: John de Heselarton, John de Hothum
co. York: in the Westrithing: Richard de Berleye, John Mauleverer
co. York: in the Esthiring (sic): Peter Deyvile, Alexander de Cave
co. Lancaster: Roger de Pilkynton, John de Chesnale, William de Walton
By K
9 Edward II, volume 2, pages 350-351
1315 6 Oct Walsingham (membrane 21)
Confirmation of the following grants in mortmain to the burgesses of
Scardeburgh for the lodging of the Friars Minors dwelling there, viz. by
Eeginald the Miller (molendinarius) of Scardeburgh of laud in the old
town of Scardeburgh, abutting on the cemetery of St. Sepulchre and the
gutter called 'Damyet,' all the land abutting on the lands formerly of
Adam Uchtred and Walter de Collum and the land formerly of John de
Nessyngwyk, and land abutting on the land formerly of Henry de Roston;
of the grant by Robert Uchtred, knight, of all the land in the burgh
abutting on the well called 'Burghwell' and the wall of the old town and the
gutter called 'Damyeth'; a grant by John Hudred, knight, of 20 s. of rent
a year out of his two tenements in Scardeburgh, viz. 10 s. from land lying
between the land late of Simon de Roston and the land of Gilbert de
Neusom, and 10 s. rent from land abutting on the sea to the town wall, late
of Roger Haldan, to find two great wax candles burning daily at the elevation
of the Host in the choir of the said brethren, and to find oil in a lamp
burning before the Host in the same choir, and bread and wine for celebration
in the church and choir, with power for the bailiff of Scardeburgh to
distrain for the rent if unpaid; a grant by Simon son of Simon Ginner of
Scardeburgh of a messuage in the old burgh for the use of the friars, which
abuts on the lands of Margaret de Humberstan and William de Harum;
and of a grant by William de Tothale, sometime prior of the Hospital of
St. John of Jerusalem in England, made with the consent of the brethren
of his entire chapter, of a messuage in Scardeburgh abutting on the land of
John le Blake, which William de Harum holds, and upon the way called
'le Dumple.' By K.
9 Edward II, volume 2, page 355
1315 12 Jul Westminster (membrane 29d)
Commissionn of oyer and terminer to William de Bereford. John Bardolf and John de Westcote,
on complaint by the abbot of Abyndon that, when he had sent his bailiff to
hold his leet at Abyndon, co. Berks, which from time whereof memory
exists not he had been accustomed to hold in that place, Mainard de
Lambourne, John de Colecote, Hugh de Pudelcote, Thomas Sampson, John
de Byleby, John le Peintour of Mercham, John son of Adam le Peintour,
John le Blake, Henry le Daubur, William de Whyssele, John de Staunton
the elder, John de Staunton the younger, William de Cotesford, John do
Dounton, John de Henle, John le Goneys, John de Denton, John le
Boltere, Robert de Hampstede, Robert de Newenham, William de Bloxham,
Robert de Goseye and others assaulted his bailiff and prevented him from
holding the leet, and usurping authority held it, so that with impunity they
were able to break the assize of bread and ale and commit other things which
were wont to be amended in the said leet, and confederating together and
drawing other men to them, caused men coming with corn to the mill of the
abbot in the town to grind their corn there to withdraw, and meeting the men
of those parts coming to the fair which the abbot has in that town each
year in the feast of the Translation of St. Edmund, hindered them from
doing so, whereby the abbot lost all profits of the fair, and did not permit
him to receive stallage for stalls placed in the town of Abyndon on market
days, which he and his predecessors, abbots of that place, had been accustomed
to receive from time immemorial, and applied those profits to their
own uses, and assaulted the abbot's servants. By fine of 40 s.
9 Edward II, volume 2, page 405
1316 4 May Westminster (membrane 23d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Hugh de Curteneye, William de Bourn, and Robert de
on complaint by John Moriz that Thomas le Gay, Thomas de Puselegh,
Roger Coffyn, Peter le Someter, Henry atte Bourdich, Hamelin Pappe,
Jordan Fatbon, Richard Jordan, Walter Hobbe, Adam Hobbe, Thomas le
Ropere, Robert Swetyng, Adam Swetyng, William Cok, Richard Roger and
Richard his brother, Richard Reymund, Peter Saveray, Thomas de Cornubia,
Peter Batyn, John Richard, John Tissere, Thomas Tissere, Richard le Fox,
Thomas le Fox, Gelliuus Bynortheweye, Adam Blake, Thomas le Fevre,
Thomas le Hose, Richard Basse, William Attemay, Thomas Cole, William le
Taillur the elder, William le Taillur the younger, Richard le Brod, John le
Noble, Richard Kilemotte, Walter Broune, Richard Hameley, Henry Handy,
Robert Corte, Henry Corte, Stephen Gerbard, Thomas Sare, Robert Sare,
Adam de Holiwelle, John the Miller (Molend') and Goderic Handy with
others assaulted him at Goldeworth,' co. Devon. By C.
10 Edward II, volume 2, page 495
1316 12 Aug Bentley (membrane 25d and 17d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Mutford, William de
Goldyngton and John de Bousser, on complaint by John de Benstede that,
although the king took him under his protection while he was going beyond
seas on his service, Robert del Isle, John son of Roger de Beauchamp, John
de Monte Caniso, Walter de Hormede, William 'Rogereswarenner of Beauchaump'
of Sondeye, John de Cretyng, John Gernoun, William Gernoun,
Richard de Tendringe, George Burell, Peter de Longeleye, Adam le Fullour
of Kereseye, Walter le Venour, Nicholas de Barenton the elder, Nicholas
de Barenton the younger, Theobald de Barenton, Thomas de Barenton, John
de Barenton, Thomas de Brancestre the elder, Thomas de Brancestre the
younger, William de Sancto Claro, Robert le Noreys, William le Coliere,
Thomas Bartelmeu of la Barnette, William Albon of St. Albans (Sancto
Albano), John de Hales, Robert le Blake, Ralph le Forester, Edmund
Lambyn of London, Ralph Bureward of London, John le Parker of
Walkerne the elder, John le Parker the younger, Robert Basset, Ralph son
of William de Bradefeld, William le Fiz Rauf the younger and Martin
Jordon of Buntyngford with others, broke his park at Banyngton, co. Hertford,
hunted therein and carried away deer. By K.
Vacated because otherwise enrolled below in the month of October.
10 Edward II, volume 2, page 588
1316 12 Aug Bentley (membrane 17d)
Commissionn of oyer and terminer to John de Mutford, William de Goldington and Geoffrey de
Lee, on complaint by John de Benstede, that, although the king had taken
him under his protection while he was going beyond the seas on his
service, Robert del Isle, John de Cretinge, William de Brinkelee, Oliver de
Motington, William de Abiton, John Burdeleys, John Pelryn of the Isle
(de Insula), William 'Jonessometer Burdeleys,' John del Hay, Henry
Pelryn of Swaveseth, Richard Maheu, William Sharp', John le Haukere of
St. Ives, Robert Golding of Thorstanston, William Mowyn of Herst, John
de Monte Caniso, Walter de Twynham, William Bacon, Walter le Venour,
Thomas de Brancestre the elder, Thomas de Brancestre the younger,
Robert Basset, Ralph son of William de Bradefeld, William le Fiz Rauf
the younger, Martin Jordon of Buntingford, John le Parker of Walkerne
the elder, John le Parker of Walkerne the younger, Walter de Hormede,
Geoffrey de Caysho, John Gernoun, William Gernoun, William son of
William Geruoun, Richard de Tendringe, George Burell, Peter de
Longeleye, Adam le Fullur of Kereseye, Nicholas de Barenton the elder,
Nicholas de Barenton the younger, Theobald de Barenton, Thomas de
Barenton, John de Barenton, William de Sancto Claro, William de Bradefeld,
Adam le Bloy, Ralph Gernoun, John de Litlebury, Ingelram de Merk,
Robert his brother, John le Taillur of la Neylande, Hugh Sheldrake,
Geoffrey de Kerseye, Richard le Keu of la Neylande, Henry 'le Swon
Warner,' Richard de Peldon, John son of Roger de Beauchamp, William
'Rogereswarenner of Beauchamp' of Sondeye, John de Bouweles, John
Moricz, Robert le Noreis, William le Colyere, Thomas Bartelmeu of la
Barnette, William Albon of St. Albans, John de Hales, Robert le Blake,
Ralph le Forester, Edmund Lambyn, Ralph Bureward, Ralph Abenhale,
Richard But, Thomas le Archer, Thomas de Caysho, John de Wycheford,
John le Perlier, John Tuillet, John de Essex, William Hillari, Walter de
Dodyngton, John Carl of Ixning, James le Clerk of Wyresfeld, Walter le
Grey his brother, John Bailliff, Edmund Grip, Geoffrey de Sparkebregge,
Roger le Bakere, Robert le Flechere, Roger Purpel, Adam de Poselingworth,
Ralph de la Hide, Thomas del Mor of Chevyngton and Roger le Cressetter
with others broke his park at Benyngton, co, Hertford, hunted therein and
carried away deer. By K. [backdated but written in 1317]
10 Edward II, volume 2, pages 592-593
1318 28 May Westminster (membrane 25d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Goldyngton (cancelled) John de Bousser,
Thomas de Grey and Thomas de Ultyng on complaint by John de
Chelmersford, king's clerk, that Peter de Denardeston, Ralph Wynterflode,
William de Wadyngfeld, William de Angeford, chaplain, John Hachard,
chaplain, William Kyng of Middeltou, Peter de Denardeston, chaplain,
Henry Pereskoc of Denardeston, Milicent Gineie, Robert son of Andrew
le Carter, Guillot de Burdeaux, John Griffyn of Aketon, William de
Olmstede, Richard Wynterflod, Richard son of John atte Neuelonde of
Teye, and Thomas his brother, John atte Hide, Osbert le Blake, William
son of John Copsy, John son of Ralph, John son of John son of Ralph,
and Thomas and Henry his brothers, Adam le Clerk of Little Berdefeld,
Henry Damyon, Richard Campion, William atte Wode, John Purleg',
Thomas Sueft of Edwardeston, John Brennyng, Robert Avys of Little
Berdefeld, the elder, Henry Feteryk, Walter Pachet, Thomas son of
Thomas de Essex, Matilda Osbern, and Beatrix Osbern, with others
broke his houses at Little Berdefeld, co. Essex, threshed his corn, and
carried away the corn and other goods of his, and assaulted Richard de
Staunford and Ralph le Cartere, his servants.
Originally dated 20 March, but amended to 28 May
11 Edward II, volume 3, page 175
1319 18 May York (membrane 13d)
Commisson of oyer and terminer to John de Thorpe, John de Mutford
York. and John de Cauntebrigge on complaint by John, bishop of Ely, that
Richard de Pavely, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in
England, and Robert de Estestrete, his fellow monk, Simon le Forester,
' moldesman' of Thony, William Berry,' moldesman' of Thony, Ralph Aleyn,
John Aleyn, John Goscelyn, Walter Spirling, Walter Herberd, Richard
Curle, and Richard his son, Ralph Malveys, Thomas Toute, Robert le
Blake, Laurence le Porter, Hugh Skot, William le Taillur, William de
Hadeshagh, John son of William, and Richard Tulke, with others, felled
his trees growing in his soil at Shipedham, co. Norfolk, and carried them
12 Edward II, volume 3, page 368
1320 8 Aug Stratford le Bow (membrane 19d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Bousser and William de
Gosefeld, touching the persons who with Warin de Ruges and John his
brother, John Aylward, Walter Alegod, John son of Warin Martin, John
le Hore and John his son, William le Hore, John Joye, John Hamund,
John le Blake, John Warin, Robert le Lord, William Wybourgh, John le
Hunte, William Baldry, Simon le Bercher of Lebery, John Mauncel, John
Huberd, John Thurghgod, Thomas le Little and Peter his son and Andrew
brother of the same Peter, John Pittok, John Baret, Walter Baret, Geoffrey
de Tadelowe, Robert Bernard, Warin Bernard, Stephen Pernel, Simon le
Woulere, John le Thechere, Stephen le Chapeleyn, Walter Fouke, John
Martyn, William de Kyngeston, Simon le Lech, Robert Lech, Robert
Bolherd, John Bretoun, Simon in le Halle, William Gilberd, Thomas son
of Thomas Gilberd, William Sibbessone, Warin le Blake and John his
brother, Peter Huberd, Warin Huberd, John Lyoun, John son of Margery
Lyoun, Nicholas le Mouner, William le Engleys, John Gibbessone, Simon
Pynk, Simon le Waleys, John le Lord, Walter le Lord, Richard son of
Richard le Somenour, Walter Boue, Geoffrey le Longe, John Pernel, William
Woulere, John Cok, Thomas son of Robert Gilberd and John his brother,
Geoffrey Fraunceys, William in the Halle, William Hervy, Laurence Galwe,
Robert Cres, Peter Dormal, Robert Fouke of Cantebrige, Matthew Fouke,
James son of John Huberd, William Persone, Simon Wyburgh, Simon
Bate, John Avy (or Any) of Knesworth, Geoffrey Rose of Lundres, Peter
'Adarnesserjaunt le Tanour' of Fulburne, William Payfrere of Royston
(de Cruce Roesie), Henry son of John le Clerk of Royston, Robert le
Orfevre of Royston, William de Gree, 'serjaunt,' of Bassyngburne, Stephen
Hamund, 'clerk,' John le Clerk of Meldebourne and John Stabler,
assaulted Henry de Reed of Royston at the town of Royston, co. Hertford.
By p.s.
Afterwards on 27 September following Robert de Maddyngle was
associated with the said justices in the matter.
14 Edward II, volume 3, pages 539-540
1322 6 May York (membrane 16d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to the same justices, on complaint by the said William that
John de Wynton, William de Skelton, Robert Breton of Dadyngton,
John Stedeman, Robert le Cartere, John Wadde, John la Mare, Agnes de
Stowe, Richard 'Inthelane,' William 'Anneysrnanstowe,' Hugh King,
Henry Luffyng, John Rotour, Adam Hayot, John Blake, John le Fychere,
Richard Tibbesone, Richard Humber, Richard le Suour, John Bretoun, the
younger, John Bretoun, the elder, Adam Aungevyn, William son of
Richard, Michael de Wotton, Cicely de Fakenham, Isolda de Oxenford,
Alice le Ledyettere, Alexander le Barbour, John Lenglish, Richard
Ruglish, William Neuman, William Gylot, John Honyman, Emma Scorth,
William Mayo, Alice Donne, John de Oxon', John Gerveys, Agnes de
Pythinton, Ralph de Bereford, Thomas Snel, John le Mouner, Agnes de
Fakenham, John le Lokiere, John Neugh, Margery Gygour, Margery
North, William Gygour, John le Fullere, Simon Cachefrensh, William
Tonay, Robert Perkyn, Simon 'Thepersonesheldare,' Walter de Mildecournbe,
Henry Partrich of Wodestoke, Hugh le Mouner, Vincent de
Storteford of London, ' wolmongere,' Adam Hocard of Dadynton,
William Mazoun, John de London, 'taillour,' Hugh Andreu, William
Dobbe, Thomas le Glasiere, Thomas Cok, William le Suour of Dadynton,
Richard Bifeld, William le Swon, Nicholas Carlot, Simon le Sclat[ter]e,
Gilbert Kempe, Gilbert de Berewyk, William Symple, Hugh de
Tankevill, Henry Tankevill, Richard de Perle of Drayton, John
le Heyward of Sutton by Abyndon, Thomas Musard of Brackele,
Hugh Puddyng of Wodestok, Thomas Reysun, Philip Bacun, Juliana
Bretoun, William Walrond, Richard le Smyth, Agnes Aleblast[er] of
Kempton, Ralph le Peyntour, William Duryval, Robert Honyman, Emma
de Bubenhull, Robert le Cartere, Juliana Cope, Agnes de Fakenham, John
de Upton, Alice Swote, John le Taillour of Aynho, and William Godhous
with others broke his houses at Dadynton and Caveresharn, co. Oxford, and
carried away his goods. By K. on the information of R. de Ayrernynne.
15 Edward II, volume 4, pages 154-155
18 May York 1322 (membrane 6d)
Commissioner of oyer and terminer to Henry Spigurnel, Robert de Malberthorp, Walter de
and John de Heselarton, on the king's information that Simon de Refham,
mayor of the town of Cambridge, William de Thackestede, William de
Sledmere, John Pourfish and Robert de Biry, bailiffs of the town, John
Pittok, clerk of the town, John Flemyng, John Andreu, John 'Richardsman
le Tableter,' John le Sadeler, John son of Geoffrey le Irnemonger,
John de Snaylwell, John son of William de Barnton, John de Brunne,
John de Leek, 'espicer,' John Robliard, John de Denford, John de
Kymberle, John Bisshop, 'bakere,' John le Smith 'milner,' John Utlagh,
John de Tychewell, John Baroun, John Knyvet, John de Trumpeton, John
de Caumpes, John le Taverner, John le Cousyn', John de Byteryng, John
de Seccheford, John son of Guy le Spicer, John Payn, John de Lincoln,
John Edward, John le Hornyngesether, John le Barkere, John Sponge,
John le Marchal, John de Sholdham, John Pawe and John his son, John de
Ware, John le Clerc, John Pylat, John Brice, John le Fissher, John le
Spenser, John de la Sale, John de Hyndercle, John le Taillour, John Freblod,
John le Litester, John Moriz, John Berefot, John Kyng, John le Pastmaker,
John de Snoryng, John de Maydenston, John de Comberton, John de Sancto
Neoto, John de Northfolk, 'flesshmonger,' John le Blake, John Petit,
John Scot, John de Evesham, John de Trumpeton, 'cok,' John le Yonge,
'glasewright,' John Merlyn, John de Launshill, John le Heyward, John
'Bernardesman le Baker,' John Page, John de Lecton, John de Rokelond,
John le Fanner, James son of Agnes le Fissher, James Godelomb, Laurence
le Deer, Laurence de Hadenham, Laurence le Taillour, Laurence Pyttok,
Matthew le Barker, David le Souter, Nicholas le Espicer, Nicholas de
Haselyngfeld, Stephen Godeson, Stephen le Fourbour, Stephen ' Waltersman
le Flesshmonger,' William Scot, William Flemyng, William le Pulter,
William de Barenton, William le Forester, William Engayne, William
Godyer, William le Lorymer of Disse, William de Bodekesham, William
Aloum, William le Spicer, William de Haselyngfeld, William Tuylet,
William son of John Pawe, William de Castre, William de Talworth,
William Pope, William de Lenne, William Scoler, William de Biry,
William le Whelwright, William Seman, William de Hindercle, the elder,
William de Hindercle, the younger, William atte Gate, William le Auntoner,
William de Wrastlyngworth, William atte Howes, William Holay, William
Heyward, William Pellour, William le Toller, William Scot, 'le bakere,'
William 'Richardesman le Tableter,' William de Driffeld, William Whitheved,
'cok,' William Sauvage, William Tuylet, 'fissher,' William de Holme, William
le Milnere, William Redheved, William de Sengham, William de Pokelyngton,
William Snoryng, Peter le Horner, Peter de Newenham, Peter
de Bernyngham, Peter 'Williamesman Flemyng,' Adam son of Robert le
Shereman, Adam de Essex, Adam de Derham, Adam de Bungeye, Adam
de la Fermerye, Alexander de Cesterton, Alexander le Beer, Alexander
le Smyth, Alan de Refham, Ancelm de Costeseye, Alan Walshe, Alexander
le Barker, Andrew de Hyche, Alexander de Bodekesham, Albred le Mercer,
Alexander Robliard, Andrew le Litester, Andrew Fyton, Bartholomew
Moryz, Bartholmew le Barker, Bartholomew le Walshe, Benedict de Biry,
Brice de Reefham, Bernard le Baker, Berard le Baker, Geoffrey de Ely, Guy le
Spicer, Gilbert de Chateriz, Geoffrey de Wardeboys, Geoffrey de Tychewell,
Godfrey le Polter, Geoffrey de Lenne, Geoffrey de Thachested,
Simon de Helpringham, Simon de Bradele, Simon atte Ponde, Simon
Flemyng, Simon Sarteryn, Simon de Bitteryng, Thomas Nikeyt, Thomas
de Kymberle, Thomas le Tournour, Thomas de Cotenham, Thomas
de Leycestre, Thomas le Lorymer, Thomas le Furbour, Thomas le
Surgien, Thomas 'Jonesman Edward,' Thomas son of Robert le Sherman,
Thomas de Snaylwell, Thomas 'Rogeresman Prentiz,' Thomas Aleyn,
Thomas Lawe, Thomas 'Roberdesrnan le Taverner,' Thomas le, Bro[un],
'cok,' Thomas Giffard, Thomas le Porter, Thomas Tunnok, Thomas
de Barneton, Robert de Broune, Robert de Biry, Robert Spurnegold, Robert
Martyn, 'fleshmonger,' Robert de Pinchebek, Robert de Ely, Robert
Dunnyng, Robert le Goldsmyth, Robert Baroun, Robert le Taverner, Robert
de Tichewell, Robert le Barber, Robert de Pagrave, Robert le Sherman,
Robert le Soutere, Robert de Gritton, Robert de Fulburne, Robert le Baker,
Robert Hassok, Robert Scot, Robert le Longe, Robert le Bakere, Robert
atte Ponde,. Robert Thurrok, Robert Rolle, Robert le Pipere, Robert de
Mordon, Robert le Wright of Cambridge, Ralph Sabbe, Richard le Tabletere,
Richard Modibrok, Richard de Thackested, Richard Matelask, Richard de
Roderham, Richard le Bakere, Richard Tuyllet, Richard Garde, Richard de
Trippelowe, Richard de Mordon, Richard Pestour, Richard Dirivall, 'fleshmonger,'
Richard Portage, Richard Ganne, Richard le Heyer, Richard atte
Brok, Richard Gerwey,Roger le Cok,'fleshmonger,' Roger de Sancto Neoto,
Roger Fouk, Roger de Hemeye, Roger de Costeseye, Roger de Wycombe,
Roger 'WilliamesmanFlemyng,' Roger de Kent, Reginald de Trumpyngton,
Reginald de Ledbeter, Ralph le Bakestere, Ralph Balle, Ralph de Comberton,
Ralph de Feltewell, 'pelleter,' Ralph Sabbe, Richer Portejoye, Hugh
Flemyng, Hugh le Tarerner, Hugh 'Jonesman le Mareschal,' Humphrey de
Pyncebek, Henry de Grantesden, Henry de Mordon, Henry Swalwe, Henry
le Bakere, Henry le Sheremon, Henry le Glovere, Henry le F[ulur], Henry
de Wympol, Henry le Barker, Henry de Toft,'le barber,' Henry 'Jonesman
Andreu,' Henry de Scardeburgh, Henry le Mareschal, Henry de Beche,
Edmund de Briggestrete, Eudo de Helpringham, Ivo le Fleshmonger,
Walter le Fleshmonger, Walter le Dekne, Walter de Gasele, Walter de
Salesbury, Walter de Bedeford, Walter de Coton, Walter de Elyngham, and
Walter de Talworth of Cambridge with others attacked the inns of the
masters and scholars of the University of Cambridge, and killed Walter de
Shelton, parson of the church of Welton, etc. [as set forth on p. 151-153].
15 Edward II, volume 4, pages 169-171
1323 13 Feb Pontefract (membrane 5d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas de Gardinis, Richard de la Bere, John le Botiller of
Lanultut and Thomas de Achecote, on complaint by William Aylmer,
parson of the church of Dadyngton, that John de Wynton, William de
Skelton, Robert le Bretoun of Dadyngton, John Stedeman, Robert le
Cartere, John Wadde, John Mare, Richard 'Intelane,' Hugh Kyng, Henry
Luffyng, John Rotour, Adam Hayot, John Blake, John le Fychere,
Richard le Suour, Adam Aungevyn, Alexander le Bar[ker], John le
English, Richard Ruglish, William Neuman, William Gylot, John Honyman,
William Mayo, John de Oxonia, John Gerveys, Ralph de Bereford,
Thomas Su[our], John le Mouner, John le Lokiere, John Neugh, Margery
Gygour, Margery North, William Gygour, John le Fullere, Simon Cachefrensh,
Robert Perkyn, Simon 'Thepersonsheldere,' Walter de Mildecoumbe,
Henry Pertrik of Wodestoke, Hugh le Mouner, Vincent de Storteford of
London, 'wolmongere,' Adam Hocard of Dadynton, 'mazoun,' Hugh
Andreu, William Dobbe, Thomas Cok, William le Suour of Dadynton,
Richard Bifeld, Nicholas Carlot, Simon le Sclatiere, Gilbert Kempe,
Gilbert de Berewyk, William Symple, Hugh de Tankevill, Henry de
Tankevill, Richard de Perle of Drayton, John le Heyward of Sutton by
Abyndon, Thomas Musard of Brakele, Hugh Puddyng of Wodestoke,
Thomas Reyson, Philip Bacun, William Walrond, Richard le Smith,
Ralph le Peyntour, William Duryval, Robert Honyman, Robert le Cartere,
John de Upton, John le Taillour of Aynho, Richard de Ovvynge, Richard
'Jonesrnanfachel,' John Crul of Redynge, John Campo, William atte Bourne,
Hugh Blundel, William de London, John Bollenheved, Robert le Cartere,
John de Sheperugge, Thomas de Wynchyndon, chaplain, Adam de Berewyk
of the Chouweseye of Redyngg, John, abbot of Nutele, John de Tettesworth,
his fellow canon, Thomas Judde, 'the abbotesbailif' of Nutele, William le
Glasiere of Redyng, John Gobvent of Redyng, John de Scours, Ralph Mouncy
of Redyng, Adam le Peintour of Redyng, Walter de Staunton, Henry
Aylmar, Richard atte Mulle of Bereford St. Michael, Robert le Justere,
Richard le Longe, John son of Roger atte Forde, John Berteweye, Richard
le Bonde, John le Hoppere. Richard Perkyn, Richard de Brakele of
Dadynton, Robert Cokel of Dadynton, Philip Ageward, John Ageward,
Robert Sprotun, William Honyman, Thomas Jones, Richard Gerveseye,
John Perkyn, 'Roggersman atte Forde,' Adam Gerveise, 'Richardsman
atte Mersh,' and Roger Broun, and others, broke his houses at Dadynton
and Caveresham, co. Oxford, and took and carried away his goods.
16 Edward II, volume 4, pages 257-258
1323 15 July Burstwick (membrane 23d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Bichard de la Bere, John le Botiller
of Lanultut and Thomas de Achecote, on complaint by William Aylmer,
parson of the church of Datyngton, that John de Wynton, William de
Skelton, Bobert Breton of Datyngton, John Stedman, Robert le Cartere,
John Wade, John la Mare, Bichard 'in the lane,' Hugh Kynge, Henry
Luffyng, John Rotour, Adam Hayot, John Blake, John le Ficher, Richard
le Suor, Adam Angevyn, John le Englissh, Richard le Englissh, William
Neuman, John Honyman, William Mayo, John de Oxon', John Gerveys,
Ralph de Bereford, Thomas Snel, John le Monner, John le Lokiere, John
Neugh', Margery Gygour, Margery North, William Gigour, John le Fullere,
Simon Caccheffrensh, Robert Perkyn, Simon 'the persones heldere,' Walter
de Mildecombe, Henry .Partrich of Wodestok, Hugh le Mouner, Adam
Hocard of Dadyngton, William le Machon, Hugh Andreu, William Dobbe,
Thomas Coke, William le Suour of Dadyngton, Nicholas Carlot, Gilbert
Kempe, Gilbert de Berewyk, William Symple, Richard de Per[le]
of Dray ton, John le Haiward of Sutton by Abyndon, Thomas
Mussard of Brackele, Hugh Puddyng of Wodestok, Thomas Reison,
William Walrond, Richard le Smyth, Ralph le Payntor, William
Durival, Robert Honyman, Robert le Cartere, John de Upton,
John le Taylour of Aynho, Richard de Ovvyng, Richard 'Jonesmanfachel,'
John Crull of Redyng, John de Campo, William atte Bourne, Hugh
Blundel, William de London, John Bollenhevede, Robert le Cartere, John
de Sheperugge, Thomas de Wynchinden, chaplain, Adam de Berewyk,
of Choudeseye, John, abbot of Nottele, brother John de Tettesword, his
fellow-canon, Thomas Judde 'the abbotesbaillyf' of Nutele, William le
Glasiere of Redyng, John Gobvent of Redyng, John de Scours, Ralph
Mouncy of Redyng, Adam le Peyntor of Redyng, Walter de Staunton,
Henry Aylmar, Richard de Brakele of Dadyngton, Robert Cokel of
Dadyngton, Philip Akeward, John Akeward, Roger, prior of Burcestre, John
Serich of Wrecchwyk, Hugh Sirnondes, Thomas Taylour, Agnes Aylnoth,
Juliana Hardy, Gilbert Janekyns, Hugh le Duk', Thomas le Vuol, Simon
Osemond, William le Rede, Richard le Duk', Alice Onwyne, William Hardy,
John Hugwes, John Hardy, Robert Hickes, John Colyn, Nicholas Osemund,
Hugh Beuel, John Bytheheye, Hugh Kyng, Robert le Heorl, Joan de
Weston, John de Mertton, John atte Breche of Wrecchewyk, William son
of William le Flemyng of Shareshulle, Richard atte Mulle of Bereford
Seynt Michel, Robert le Joustere, Richard le Longe, John son of Roger
atte Forde, John Berteweye, Richard le Bonde, John le Hopper, Richard
Perkyn, Robert Sprotun, William Honyman, Thomas Jones, Richard
Gerveys, John Perkyn, Adam. Gerveise, Roger Broun, Roger atte Fordo,
Richard atte Merssh of Bereford, Robert de Cheddeworth, Alice la Ledietare,
Ernma Scorth', Agnes de Pythington, Agnes de Fakenham, Emma de
Bobenhull, Agnes Abbast of Hempton, Juliana Cope, and others broke his
houses at Dadyngton and Caveresham, co. Oxford, at divers times and
carried away his goods.
Afterwards 26 December, John de Trillowe and John Loveday were
associated with the above justices, of whom the king wishes John le Botiller
to be one.
17 Edward II, volume 4, pages 368-369
1323 11 Dec Ravensdale (membrane 25d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John Inge, John de Fosse and
Robert de Aston, on complaint by Richard de Portes that John Deueres,
William de Graunsoun, Peter de Graunsoun, William de Graunsoun,
George Cryketot, Roger Criketot, John de Coston, Thomas de Brokworth,
Reginald de Abbenhale, Laurence de Abbenhale, Thomas de Aston, Elias
de Blakeneye, John de Blakeneye, John de Southorl, Richard de Horteslegh,
William Waryn, William de Penbrugg, Ralph de Penbrugg, William
Baysham, William de Rustele, parson of the church of Huntelegh, Thomas
Jedeson, Thomas ap Yvor, John de Bremewich, Simon de Solers, Jordan
atte Walle, William ap Yvor, William Lilye, John le Rede, Thomas Esgar,
Adam Esgar, William Esgar, Stephen Esgar, Roger de la Haye, Walter
de la Haye, William de la Haye, Hugh de Kynardeslegh, John de
Kynardeslegh, John de Horteslegh, Robert 'Jonesservant de Pauntelegh,'
William le Brut, John le Brut, Henry le Suour of Dene, Henry de la
Chapele, Hugh 'the personesbrother' of Tyberton, Thomas le Keu, John
Irby, Ivo de Okle, Adam de Okle, Roger Tydemersh, John Dummer,
William Cotte, Bernard Haket, Hugh le Keu, Roger le Porter, Laurence
de Makele, Thomas le Prisoun, William Blake and others assaulted him at
Gloucester and broke the gates and doors of his houses at Bromesberwe,
Yockeford and Dunhampton, co. Gloucester, cut down his trees and carried
them and other goods away. By p.s,
17 Edward II, volume 4, pages 444-445
1324 Mar Westminster (membrane 20d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry Spygurnel, William de Herle, and Robert de Malberthorp, on complaint by William le Latymer that Roger Jarpenvyll of
Abyngworth, William Jarpenvyle, parson of the church of Abyngeworth,
William Stingg, William Somer, John Bount, John le Dyghere, Walter
Sweteman, John Sweteman, Peter Totebride, William Totebride, John le
Blake, Simon atte Purie, Walter de Clophoffether, William Whytyng,
Walter Shayl of Merewe, Reginald 'Rogeresman Jarpenvyle,' Richard de
Pynchurst, John Alwyne, 'venour,' John Cok, Simon Cok, Bartholomew de
Ploumpton, Robert Cok, William Blak, Nicholas son of Nicholas de Aperdele,
John son of Nicholas de Aperdele, Robert le Mileward of Padingden,
Geoffrey le Mileward of Padingden, John le Mileward of Abingeworth,
Simon le Souter of Dorkyng and Robert Coumber of Dorkyng broke his park
at Wodington, co. Surrey, hunted therein and carried goods and deer. By K.
17 Edward II, volume 4, page 448
1328 6 Mar York (membrane 22d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to the same, on complaint by John
de Brewosa that whereas he and his ancestors, lords of the town of Bukyngham,
had from time immemorial had fines of the assize of bread and ale,
when broken by his men and tenants there, and tumbrel and pillory for
offences against the assize, Richard de Kenebel, Hugh de Kenebel, William
de Kenebel, Simon de Conesgrave, John le Clerk, Richard Skoy, Roger
Mory, William de Tame, Robert Lacy, John le Proude, William Page,
Payn le White, clerk, Hugh de Lovente, John Waryn, Hugh de Hornbe,
John de Wendovere, William atte Haye, Richard le Blake, John Swynesheved,
John Hervy, chaplain, John de Cherdesle, Roger de Brackele, Hugh
de Adestoke of Bukyngham, John le Taillour, William le Muleward, Robert
Coket, Geoffrey le Sclattere, and others, broke his tumbrel erected on his soil
at Bukyngham, felled his trees and carried them away with the timber of
the tumbrel, and assaulted his servants. By fine of 20.s.
2 Edward III, volume 1, page 289
1328 24 Nov Westminster (membrane 12d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard Damory and John de Stonore, on
complaint by John de Brewosa that although he and his ancestors, lords
of the town of Buckingham from time immemorial, have had the fines for
the breach of the assize of bread and ale by their tenants there, and the
tumbrel and pillory for punishing offenders therein, yet Richard de
Kynebelle, Hugh de Kynebelle, Simon de Conesgrave, Richard Soky,
John le Clerk, William de Thame, Hugh Piere, William Vynek, John
Saer, William Coket, John le Mareschal, John de Letingburgh, William
Page, John Waryn, Robert le Palmere, John de Swynesheved, Richard de
Swynesheved, Robert Coket, Hugh de Leuente, John Dogger, Hugh de
Stratford, William atte Hay, Robert le Lord, John le Brode, Gilbert Coket,
Robert Lacy, Walter Stoker, Richard le Blake, Roger de Brakele, John
de Wendovere, Roger Bythewatere, John Potage, Robert Pye, Reginald
Mory, William Bene, Hugh de Adestoke, Luke le Smyth, Henry Norreys,
Godfrey le Lokyer, Godfrey Jacob, John Faconer, Roger le Fuller, John
Hervy, William le Roo, William de Emberton, John le Taillour, Geoffrey
Sclatier, Henry Sclatier, Payn le White, and others, broke his said tumbrel
at Buckyngham, felled his trees, assaulted his servants and carried away
trees, the timber of his tumbrel and other goods,
Innovator per petitionem de consilio quia alias dedit 20 s.
2 Edward III, volume 1, pages 354-355
1330 3 Dec Westminster (membrane 28d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Robert de
Asshele and Robert de Keleseye on complaint by Richard de Grey of
Codenoure that John Arnold of Estollebury. John de Goldhauek,
'bocher,' John Shad, Thomas atte Tye, Thomas Goldhauek, Richard
Thomelyn, Ingelram Warener of Mockynge, Sewall le Charettere of
Mockynge, William Auncel, John de Neweton of Stanford, Adam Brig,
Henry Salle, Simon Salle, Walter Bright, Henry Bereward, William
Eylward, Thomas Eylward, John Auncel, William Lete, Benedict Wyld,
John de Fulmere, chaplain, William Arnold of Stanford, Adam Birle,
William Pruz, John Child, John de Assheby the younger, William Bereward
of Staunford, John Bereward, Salomon de Wythefeld of Vobbinge,
John Eylwyne, Thomas Elwyne, John Baker, Robert Rede, John Gerlaund,
Richard Hilke, Thomas Somoner of Horndon, Ivo atte Chirche of Chaldewell,
Richard Prest of Orseth, Simon Blake of Fybbynge and others
besieged him in his manor of Turrok, co. Essex, broke his doors and
windows, carried away his goods and assaulted his servants. By K.
Afterwards, on 16 May next, John de Cantebrigge was appointed in the
said commission in place of the said Richard employed elsewhere in the
king's service.
4 Edward III, volume 2, page 58
1331 8 Jun Norwich (membrane 2)
Pardon to William le Blake of Erlham for acquiring in fee from Gilbert
de Erlham and John and Geoffrey his sons land in Erlham, held in chief,
and entering thereon without the late king's licence, and restitution to him
of the same, By fine of 1/2 mark. Norfolk,
5 Edward III, volume 2, page 124
1331 11 Oct Westminster (membrane 4)
Pardon, at the request of Robert de Ufford, to John de Norwyco, knight, of
the 106 marks whereby he made fine for himself and his servants, Edmund
Senior, John son of Simon and John Bret, knights, William Prest of Norton,
Robert de Wytton, Richard le Bulwer, Robert de Brampton, Robert de Scadefeld,
John Ondyn, Thomas le Parker, Roger de Antyngham, Bartholomew
Edrich, William son of Ralph de Hoo, Thomas de Saunford, John de Somerton,
John Ode of Norwitz, John de Waltham, Thomas Carbonnel of Roukelound,
Roger Marchis, Peter and William his brothers, Robert de Bereford, Philip
Blake of Wystede, John de Randeworth, Adam de Shotesham, John de Risiden,
Roger de Hoo, Hugh le Harpour, Walter Hovel, Thomas de Folsham, John
Frost, John de Antyngham, 'cordewaner,' Robert atte Ty, Thomas de Ty,
Reginald de Nerford, Walter his brother, and Roger Coffe of Herleston, for
certain trespasses whereof they were indicted before John de Cantebrigge,
justices of oyer and terminer in the county of Norfolk. By p.s.
Mandate in pursuance to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer.
5 Edward III, volume 2, page 229
1332 28 Jan Westminster (membrane 24)
Exemption, for life, of John le Blake of Lincoln from being put on assizes
juries or recognisances and from appointment as mayor, sheriff, coroner.
escheator, or other bailiff or minister of the king against his will. By p.s.
6 Edward III, volume 2, page 249
1334 28 Apr Folkingham (membrane 17d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Stonore, William de
Shareshull and Robert Parnyng, on complaint by John de Osevill that
John le Baud, parson of the church of Keingham, Alice late the wife of
Henry de Osevill, Richard de Bideford, Richard his son, John le Blake,
John Roulond, William le Baud, knight, carried away his goods at Mondene
Fornival, co. Hertford. By p.s.
8 Edward III, volume 2, page 578
1335 24 Jun Newcastle upon Tyne (membrane 3)
Inspeximus and confirmation of an indenture made between queen
Isabella of the one part, and Robert de Morlee, kinsman and heir of Robert
de Monte Alto, sometime steward of Chester, of the other part, whereby
the said Robert granted to the queen, in exchange for the manor of
Framesden, co. Suffolk, with the appurtenances (except the advowson of the
church and the services and customs of Thomas son of John de Ketelbergh,
tenant of the manor, and his heirs), 12 s. 3 d. of rent out of tenements of
William de Donecastre and others in the town of Chester, with the services
of the tenants, and the advowson of the church of the Holy Trinity in the said
town ; 10 s. of rent in Malberthorpe, the advowson of the church of St. Mary
in that town, and 7 s. of rent and the advowson of the church in Hermeston
co. Lincoln; the advowsons of the church of Cassinglond, co. Suffolk
and the priory of Arundel, co. Sussex ; 2 marks of rent paid by John de
Pulle for a fourth part of the manor of Leihton in Wirhall, 9 s. 8 d. of rent
and a pound of cummin in Bebynton, 3 s. of rent in Raby, 6s. 8 d. of rent in
Blaken, one sparrow-hawk or 12 d. of rent in Wardhill, 5 s. of rent in Little
Salghagh, 10 s. of rent in Great Salghagh, 15 d. of rent in Wodebank, 4 s. of
rent in Stowode, 26 s. of rent in Leye, 16 s. of rent in Sidington, and 3 s. 4 d.
of rent from a tenement of Adam Deneys by Bosel, in the county of
Chester • 20 s. of rent in Stoke by Coventre, co. Warwick, from tenements
late of Henry de Merynton; a fifth part of tho manor of Repynden, co.
Derby; 10 s. of rent in Keleseye from a tenement of Robert, Haunsard, a
seventh part of the demesne land in Alkebergh, a fourth part of the
bondmen in that manor, 35 s. of rent from a tenement there held by Adam
the tailor (Scissor) for his life, the rents and services due for lands in
Malberthorpe of Eudo son of John and his heirs, for tenements in Tedelethorpe
of Henry de Burton, and his heirs, in Soterby of Thomas Tours and
his heirs, in Wadynton of William Basage and his heirs, and in Hotoft of
Robert Dysard and his heirs, and the rents and services of John Blake of
Lincoln and his heirs, in the county of Lincoln; the reversion of a fourth
part of the manor of Leihton on the death of John de Pulle and of the
lands in Alkebergh on the death of Adam the tailor (Cissor); the rents
and services due by the following and their heirs for their tenements ; Peter
de Burnevill in Ledesham and Glestre, Patrick de Haselwell in Prenton,
Calleye and La Lith, Richard de Swetenham in Swetenham under Lyne,
William le Botyller in Codyngton, Clocton and Bechene, John de Domvill
in Bromstache and Oxton, Roger Threstele in Aldrede and Holm, and John
Toraud and his parcener in Mellinton Toront, in the county of Chester;
John de Doddyngseles in Ledes, co. York; Thomas de Nevill in Leicester
and Reresby, Henry de Bello Monte in Lughteburgh, and Henry Poutrell
in Cotes, in the county of Leicester; Oliver Daubeney in Asteleye, William
le Botyler in Eccleshale, Agnes le Ireys in Anesti, Walter de Longele in
Wike, John de Bracebrigge in Kemesbury, Thomas Deyvill in Coventre,
James Daudeleye in Eccleshale and Folkeshull, Thomas de Keresle in
Keresleye, John de Segrave in Calendon, Arnold de Boys in Folkeshull,
William de Caresley in Pinley, and Roger Gopil in Whaberley, in the
county of Warwick; Walter le Poure and Walter de Domvill in Takkele,
and Hugh de Plecy in Ardesle and Weston, in the county of Oxford;
Robert Knihtel in Walton, Roger de Walton and John de Somervill in
Maisham and Cosinton, and Nicholas de Segrave in Rostlaston, in the
county of Derby, the heirs of Gilbert de Preston in Preston, Appelton and
Shatton, co. Northampton, Roger de Colevill in Carleton and Pethagh,
Thomas de Latymer in Cassinglond, Robert de Ronhal in the same town,
Emma Wylote in Framesden, Ranulph Halidai in Ermslond, and John de
Wyneston in Wyneston, in the county of Suffolk ; John de Sancto Johanne
in Halfnaked, Bercham, Walington, Medham, Huston, Kumemore, Middelton,
Bridham, Hikemore, Hadham and Hamtonet, Henry Tregoz in
Garinges, Preston, Dadesham and Draiton, and Alan de la Zouche in
Notteburne, Wildebrigge and Merton, in the county of Sussex; Sewall in
Hatfeld, co. Essex ; the heirs of William de Lardlicheshull in Hawortham,
Gilbert Haunsard in Keleseye, and Henry de Besage in Hermeston, in the
county of Lincoln; and John de Ingelose in Ledene and Stretton, Richard
son of Osbert in Besthorpe, William de Bokenham in Elingham, Thomas de
Hengham in Bakenesthorpe, John le Strauugc in Hunstauton, Totynton,
Snitterton, Ringstede and Holme, the heirs of Sir William de Miellers in
Wymedham, Happesburgh and Risyng, John de Bulmere in Wotton,
Robert de Scales in Middelton arid Adam de Verley in Pikenham, in the
county of Norfolk; and all the lands, rents, services, advowsons of priories,
hospitals, churches and chapels, as well as the liberties and customs and all
other things which came to him by inheritance on the death of the said
Robert de Monte Alto; to hold for her life with remainders to her son,
John, earl of Cornwall and the heirs of his body, and the king and his heirs:
and the queen granted to him in fee the manor of Framesden except as
above. In witness whereof the said parties interchangeably have set to
their seals. Witnesses H. bishop of Lincoln, then the treasurer, J. bishop
of Carlisle, Sirs John de Moubray, William de Monte Aeuto, William de
Latymer, Geoffrey le Scrope and John de Stonore, justices, Oliver de
Ingham, Constantine de Mortimer, Edmund Bacoun, Thomas de Ponynges,
Richard de Waldegrave, Thomas de Bourne, knights, and others. Dated at
York, 7 June, 9 Edward III. By K.
9 Edward III, volume 3, pages 129-130
1335 8 Dec Auckland (membrane 9d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Robert de Insula, Constantine de Mortuo Mari, John de
Shardelowe, John Claver, Simon de Hedresset and Adam de Fyncham, on
information by the burgesses of Ipswich and others of the county of Suffolk
that, notwithstanding the ordinance made in the last Parliament at York
for keeping the peace during the king's absence in Scotland, Thomas de
Pergate, Thomas son of Richer de Grymeston, William, Robert, John and
John, his brothers, John le Blake, Peter le Deye, William Stannard,
William Giene, Henry Canoun, William his son, Matthew le Palmer, Amise
le Palmer, Christian le Palmer, John de Refham of Norwich, 'taverner,'
Thomas de Peyton, Henry 'of Halle,' John Lorkyn, 'taillour,' Thomas de
Rydale, Richard de Ware, Richard de Lautom and Hugh Dod, chaplain,
are charged that they have formed unlawful assemblies during that time,
that they then came with armed force within the town and county
committing murders and extorting ransoms, that Ihey entered the port
of Ipswich with four ships manned by men at arms and lay there for
ten weeks robbing merchants, native and stranger, coming to or leaving the
town as well by lands as by sea, and detaining some until they made fines
at their will that they have sunk certain ships with the goods on board and
have also in the port taken ten ships which had been taken up in the port
by the king's command and fitted out for his service and detained these for
the same time to the great hindrance of his business, have prevented his
ministers in the town and port, and elsewhere in the county, from collecting
the customs and other profits due to him, have in divers ways interfered
with the fishermen of Ipswich when fishing, and have perpetrated and cease
not day and night to perpetrate murders, plunderings, arsons, and other
crimes. By K. & C.
9 Edward III, volume 3, page 218
1336 28 Oct Newcastle upon Tyne (membrane 24d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, John
Gyffard of Twyford, James de Wodestok and John Bruyn, on complaint
by John de Couele juxta Bukyngham that John de Breouse of Bukyngham,
knight, John de Holunden, Geoffrey de Nayleston, Emma, his wife,
Roger le Bruyn, William atte Hay, Richard son of Roger West, John le
Brode, Eustace Pagayn, Hugh, his brother, William le Roo, Emma, his
wife, Matilda le Roo, Agnes, her sister, John de Barton, 'fissher,'
William le Mulleward, Sarah, his wife, Hugh de Stratford, John de
Ocle, Richard de Ocle, 'mercer,' William Page, Robert, his son, Richard
le Blake, Roger le Woller, Robert de Adestok, Roger de Brackele,
Matilda, his wife, Laurence, his son, Henry de Sulveston, Robert, his son,
Adam Gregeman, John Dillyng, William Syrnmes, Geoffrey, his brother,
John Scoy, John de Dusteburgh, Richard Ernald, Robert Coteman,
Reginald Mory, Thomas le Souter of Castelend, John Bykus, Henry, his
brother, Robert Janekyns, Robert Barry, Hugh, his brother, Hugh le
Yonge, William le Yonge, Hugh le Palmer, Hugh Marywod, Walter
Page, Roger le Stocker, Simon le Mulleward, John le Tayllour, John de
Raveneston, Geoffrey le Sclatter, John de Caumpeden, Henry le Sclatter,
John Marie, John son of Walter Marie, William le Baker, Ralph le Cok,
Roger Gibbe, Richard Swynesheved, Robert, le Masoun, Robert Coket,
'carpenter/ Roger de Saleford, Geoffrey le Herd, Geoffrey de Lechampsted,
William le Copper, and others assaulted him at Bukyngham and
carried away his goods. By K,
10 Edward III, volume 3, page 364
1339 26 June Berkhampstead (membrane 7)
Exemplification, at the request of the prioress of Stratford, of the tenor
of the process before Henry Gernet and his fellows, commissioners de
walliis et fossatis along the coast of the water of Thames and parts
adjoining co. Essex, to this effect; Pleas before the said commissioners
at Westhamme on Wednesday the feast of St. Edmund the King,
10 Edward III. Essex to wit. By letters patent of 22 January
8 Edward III the king commanded Henry Gernet, Robert de Hagham,
Robert son of William de Rokeswell, Benedict de Ditton and Alexander
de Betoigne to survey and repair the walls, dykes &c. along the Thames, co.
Essex, and in the parts of the town of Wolwich,co.Kent, north of the Thames.
By virtue of such mandate the sheriff of Essex summoned twelve jurors
of the vicinage of Westhamme to enquire of defects in the marsh of
Westhamme, to wit John de Dakenham, Thomas le Brewere. John
Samekyn, John le Porter, Henry de Wyndefeld, John Galien the elder,
John Daunger, John de Pellarn, Gilbert le Dore, William Oygor, Henry de
Gaisham, John Bone, Richard le Blake, Simon le Wynd, John le Clerk,
of Leyton, and Geoffrey de Nottele. And upon this came the prioress of
Stratford and produced a writ of the king to the commissioners, dated
17 March 10 Edward III reciting their appointment to survey the walls
&c. as above, that on behalf of the prioress of Stratford it had been shewn
to him that, whereas one John de Couelee lately held in the marsh of
Westhamme 50 acres of land and a pasture called 'le Hope' assessed in
time past to repair the wall there, then called ' Coueleeswal' and now
'le priouressewal,' although the pasture has since been entirely submerged
by the Thames and the said land has been alienated by John to divers
tenants and the prioress only receives from some of her tenants a rent of
14 s. beyond the service due to the chief lord, out of which she is ready
to contribute proportionately to the repair of the wall, they leaving out the
said tenants and many others benefited by the wall assess her only for
its repair, to the great charge and impoverishment of her house, and
commanding them to compel all persons having lands or common of
pasture or fishery there to repair the wall, pursuant to their commission,
and not to distrain the prioress for more than her proportion. And upon
this the prioress complains that William le Masun, bailiff of the marsh of
Westhamme has grievously distrained her for 100 s. for repair of the wall
called 'Priouressewal' because, she says that she has not any land or soil in
the marsh for which she ought to repair any wall there. And hereon she
prays judgement &c. She says however that one John de Couelee in the
time of Henry III, held in it as of the fee of Muntfichet, now of Sir John de
Haudlo, 50 acres of land and the said wall, then called ' Coueleswal' but
now 'le Priouressewal' with a piece of pasture called 'le Hope' lying by
the wall without the close of the marsh, to wit between the wall and the
Thames, which land with the wall and the Hope were in times past always
and entirely assessed to repair the wall when necessary, and the said John
de Couele alienated the wall and Hope from his seisin to Robert le Ku in
fee, to repair the wall for ever, for the Hope was then sufficient for
pasture for six cows as is said. And afterwards John de Couele long before
the statute Quia emptores was passed alienated all the said land by
parcels to divers tenants in fee, to hold of him and his heirs by a certain rent
and suit of court, and afterwards he entirely alienated from him and his
heirs his lordship of the said lands with their whole rent and services to
one Simon de Passelewe, who alienated the same to Cicely de Lancastre, who
granted the whole lordship in frank almoin to the church of St. Leonard,
Stratford, and the nuns there. And so the prioress now holds the lordship
with the rent and services aforesaid. And she says that the said Robert
le Ku while he held the wall and the Hope always repaired the wall and
after his death the wall and the Hope came to Joan, his daughter and heir,
whom William de Rokesle married, and in her time the entire Hope was
submerged by an inundation of the Thames, and then William reflecting
that the burden of repairing the wall would far exceed the profit of the
rest of the holding wholly gave up the holding and would meddle no more
with the said wall, and so it lies unrepaired. She says also that she has
only received from her tenants of her lands in the said marsh of the fee
of Couele a rent of 14 s. beyond the services due to John de Haudlo, now
the chief lord of that fee, and she is ready to contribute towards the repair
according to the quantity of the said rent and prays justice herein.
And upon this come the abbot of Stratford by his bailiff, and John de
Brumpton and Thomas le Bret in their own persons and as tenants of lands
in the marsh protected by the wall and say that the prioress unjustly
prosecutes the said writ since she strives thereby to excuse herself from
the repair of the wall and charge it on the abbot and others. For they say
she and her predecessors from the time the lordship of the fee of Couele
came into their hands have used to repair the wall, and when they refused
have been compelled to do so by distraint.
And the prioress says as above and further that it is because she has many
times been so unduly distrained herein that she now makes her plaint and
seeks a remedy according to the tenour of the said writ. And the justices
wishing to be certified touching the premises caused an inquisition to be taken
by the said John de Dakenham and other jurors, who say that from time
whereof there is not memory there have been certain lordships in the town of
Westhamme, to wit the lordship of Haudlo, the lordship of Lancastre, the
lordship of Plaicz and the lordship of the prioress of Stratford, and that
anciently the lords of these agreed together that each of them should have
a certain parcel of the wall of the Thames pertaining to their lordships, that
to the lordship of the prioress was delivered a parcel of the wall now called
'Prioressewal' which she is bound to repair at her own expense, in like
manner as the other lords are bound to make and repair their parcels of
the walls, and that the defects therein can be made good for 100 s. &c.
And the prioress on hearing the verdict of the jury says that they have
not answered the matters touching which they were charged, wherefore she
prays instantly that they shall answer further.
And the jury say that their answer is sufficient.
Wherefore day is given to the parties and the jury before the justices here
on Wednesday after the Purification &c. and the sheriff is commanded &c.
Afterwards, process herein being postponed until Wednesday after the feast
of the Conception of the Virgin Mary, 11 Edward III came the prioress by
her attorney, the abbot by his bailiff, and the said John and Thomas in
person &c, And because it seems to the justices that the verdict is insufficient
for judgement to be rendered pursuant to their commission and the
king's writ aforesaid, it is adjudged that a new inquisition be taken.
Whereupon the said jurors, with Nicholas le Forester, Richard le Saltere,
William Peet, John de Byntre, William Malemeins, Miles le Saltere, John
Champion and Richard Sperlinge associated with them, say on oath that
John de Couele in the time of Henry III held in the marsh of Westhamme
43 1/2 acres of land with the wall now called 'le Prioressewall' then called
'Coueleswal,' and the Hope adjoining, which land and Hope were then charged
with the making and repair of the wall, that he alienated the land to divers
tenants (as above), that he afterwards demised the wall and Hope to one
Robert le Ku to hold with the said John and his heirs by the service of
making and maintaining the wall because the Hope was then sufficient for
pasture for ten cows yearly in the summer, and afterwards he wholly
alienated all the services due to him together with his whole fee and
lordship to one Simon de Passelewe, and by divers alienations these passed
into the hands of the prioress. They say also that Robert le Ku all the
time he held the wall and Hope bore the charge of the wall, that after his
decease the wall and Hope came into the hands of William de Rokeslee and
Joan his wife, daughter and heir of the said Robert, in whose time the
Hope was swallowed up by an inundation of the Thames, and they wholly
surrendered the wall with the little that remained of the Hope to the
prioress, then lady of the fee. They say that none of the Hope now
remains, that of the lands sometime of John de Couele, John de Brumpton
holds 13 acres, Walter le Rook holds 2 acres, John Fotinge holds 3 acres,
Walter Fausour holds 1/2 acre, Emma Bokeleres holds 1/2 acre, Roger Godhewe
hold 1 acre, Sir John de Sutton, knight, holds 3 acres, John le Masun holds
4 acres, Christina atte Helle holds 1 acre, John Rolf holds 1/2 acre,
John Sagor holds 1/2 acre, and Richard Hamond holds 3 acres of
land, as free tenants, and Robert le Fausour and Walter le Fausour hold
4 1/2 acres, the said John Foting holds 1 acre, Andrew Edwyne and his
parceners hold 1 acre, and Walter Godwyne and his parceners hold 4 acres,
as customary tenants; that the prioress holds no land in the marsh except
that she receives 14 s. of rent from her tenants there beyond the services due
to John de Haudlo, chief lord of the fee, and that the wall can be repaired
for 100s.
And upon this day is given to the parties to hear judgement at Barking on
Saturday after the feast of St. Hilary. At which day came the prioress by
her attorney, the abbot by his bailiff and John de Brumpton and Thomas le
Bret in person. And the prioress prays record and judgement on the
verdict. And the justices give judgement in accordance with the finding of
the jury that all the said holdings sometime of John de Couele in the marsh,
into whosesoever hands they are come remain charged to make, repair and
maintain the wall for ever, that the tenants of these and others who in any
way derive profit from them shall contribute to its repair whenever necessary
proportionately and that the prioress shall not be distrained or compelled to
contribute thereto beyond her due portion.
13 Edward III, volume 4, pages 261-263
1339 30 Oct Kennington (membrane 7)
Pardon in consideration of his service in going beyond the seas in the king's
company and staying there until the present time, to Robert le Blake of
Heyghswyndone, for a horse stolen from John le
Saucer of Wanburgh, and for a robbery committed upon him, also
for a trespass against John Martyn. By p.s.
13 Edward III, volume 4, page 338
1340 4 Apr Westminster (membrane 19)
Pardon, in consideration of his service in going beyond the seas in the
king's company and staying there in his service (for
trespasses committed before 30 October last), to
Walter le Blake of Astwode son of William le Masson of Cloteshale, for the
death of Peter Fromond.
14 Edward III, volume 4, page 455
1340 25 Jan Kennington (membrane 38d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, John de
Sapy and Hugh de Cokeseye, on complaint by William de Bello Campo
that Nicholas de la Coutreye, John de la Coutreye, Thomas son of Richard
Braaz of Boseford, Nicholas Balle, Thomas de Dene the elder, John de
Dene, Thomas de Dene the younger, William Gegge,.John de Braunsford,
William Lewelyn, Henry de Teynton, William le Blake, Alexander le Blake,
John le Whelare, Roger Cradau, Henry de Hatfeld, William de Ippesle,
John atte Holte, Thomas Chapeleyn of Seynte Eleyne, Richard de la Frith,
Thomas le Tyncare, John Payn, 'mason,' John Wastel, Robert de Somery,
'sadelere,' Walter de Yerk, 'saddelere,' and others carried away his goods
at Poywyk, assaulted Stephen Pyrk, David le Hunte, Thomas de Shropshire,
William le Bougher, John Athelard, John de la More and other of his
servants there.
By C. and letter of the Keeper and by fine of 10 s. Worcester.
Vacated because surrendered and otherwise below.
The like to Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, Thomas de
Berkeleye, William de Shareshull, John de Sapy and Hugh de Cokeseye
touching the killing of John Mariot at Poywyk, co. Worcester.
By C. and letter of the Keeper.
14 Edward III, volume 4, page 484
1340 18 Sep Andover (membrane 40d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Nicholas de la Beche, John de Molyns, William de
Shareshull and James de Wodestok, on complaint by John de Mauduyt
that John de Tothale, prior of Hurlee, brothers John Baroun, John de
Helmedon and Jordan Moynne, his fellow-monks, John 'le priourescok
of Hurlee,' Edmund son of John le Cok the elder (senioris), Thomas atte
Hale, John Splint, John le Heyward, John Elys, Richard le Whelere of
Lidlewyk, William le Rypereve, Simon de Tothale, chaplain, Philip his
brother, Robert le Lasshere, Richard Gowiel, Philip de Hamslepe, chaplain,
John le Blake of Hurlee, Henry le Vicories, Roger le Blake, Walter le
Bel of Dorneye, Robert Folcorn, John le Disshere of Yatele, Robert le
Grymme, John his son, Thomas le Tylere, William his brother, and others
assaulted him at Hurlee, co. Berks, and carried away his goods. By C.
The like, on like complaint by Richard de Byfeld. By C.
14 Edward III, volume 5, page 95
1342 5 Jun Westminster (membrane 35)
Appointment of Luteringus de Colina, Bankinus Bilkary, John Boilletti,
Paul Maisun, and Peter Nicholai, Francis Forseyt, king's serjeant-at-arms,
and Ralph Blake to accelerate and supervise the levy of wool, in
Leicester. 167 1/2 sacks, 7 1/2 cloves, 1 pound.
Buckingham. 184 1/2 sacks, 1 quartron, 1/2 pound.
16 Edward III, volume 5, page 474
1342 15 July Westminster (membrane 29d)
Appointment of Philip de Aungre and John le Blake the elder to
arrest and bring before the chancellor and others of the council all
persons taking proceedings in derogation of the king's right to present
to the church of Wydeford, in the diocese of London, which he recovered
by judgment of the justices of the Bench against Richard de Wylughby,
and his presentation of John de Askham, king's clerk, to that church.
16 Edward III, volume 5, page 544
1343 6 May Westminster (membrane 23d)
Appointment of William Hokere and Richard Swayn of Wynchelse to
arrest wherever found and deliver to the constable of the Tower of London,
to be kept in custody until further order, Roger de Lynton, William
Pevenese of Portsmouth, John Spencer of Portsmouth, Robert Blake,
William Havyn of Favcrshain and Roger Smyth, who with others lately
plundered brother Richard de Wynkele, the king's confessor, of goods of
no small value at Portsmouth. By K.
17 Edward III, volume 6, page 87
1344 26 Mar Westminster (membrane 31d)
Commission to Roger de Louthe and John le Blake to make
inquisition in the counties of Middlesex, Essex and Hertford and certify
the king of the truth in regard to a complaint that William de Brampton,
asserting that he has been appointed a purveyor of victuals for the king's
horses, has made very many purveyances in those counties beyond what
should reasonably suffice for those horses without appreciation or tallies
or other satisfaction made, and has sold the same in gross and in retail
for his own profit, has extorted divers sums from townships as well as
from individuals there and from those passing through the counties, by
force and by colour of his said office and other colours, and has committed
other oppressions to the king's disgrace. By C,
18 Edward III, volume 6, page 287
1345 13 Jun Tower of London (membrane 4)
Pardon, at the request of William de Bohun, earl of Northampton, to
John de Tidore of the king's suit for all felonies and robberies in England
whereof he is indicted, and of any consequent outlawries. By p.s.
The like to the following :—
William de Duresme of Dernyngton.
William de Billesburgh.
John Godeyomansone.
William de Crossethwayt.
John son of Robert Mallesone. 'forster.'
Adam de Billesburgh.
Robert dil Hoke.
William Fitz Hamon.
William Wymark.
William son of William son of Christiana.
William son of John Blake of Leicester.
Thomas son of Reginald de la Fermerie.
John atte Sale of Melton Moubray.
Richard de Ranyngton.
Ranulph son of Jurdan son of Nicholas de Heselheved.
John de Dighton.
William son of Robert le Munere.
Robert del Spense.
Walter de Pokelyngton.
William Tufphan.
Hugh Wallere.
Robert Stondapert.
John son of Richard de Helpeston of Preston.
John Spilvyle of Berewvk.
William de Baggelye. By the same p.s.
19 Edward III, volume 6, page 483
1345 4 Oct Westminster (membrane 8)
Isabella late the wife of Robert Parvyng has made petition to the king
shewing that, whereas the custody of the lands late of Thomas son of
Eustace, tenant in chief, which the king for a sum paid at the chamber
granted to Robert during the nonage of the heir, came into her hands
after his death as executrix of his will, she is now grievously disturbed by
the escheator in the county of Hertford, because Nicholas Blake, to whom
the manor of Berewyk, co. Hertford, parcel of the said lands, was charged
with 10 marks of rent until he had made his profit of a wood pertaining
to that manor, made his profit of the wood according to covenants
entered into between him and the said Thomas in his lifetime, the
escheator asserting that she has committed waste in the said wood
contrary to the statute; and the king, taking into consideration the
grateful and useful service of Robert in his lifetime and wishing on that
account to deal graciously with her, has pardoned her all manner of waste
or trespasses committed by her or Nicholas by reason of the premises and
whatever pertains to him herein, granting that she shall retain the ward
during the nonage according to the form of the grant thereof to Robert.
By p.s.
19 Edward III, volume 6, page 560
1346 17 May Westminster (membrane 6d)
Commission to John Chaumbernoun, Henry Trethewy, John
Moveroun and Thomas atte Fen to make inquisition in the county
of Cornwall touching a complaint by Reyner de Mortenbek, John Retyn
and John de Loveyn, merchants of Brucelles, that whereas they freighted
a ship with 155 tuns of wine in Peyto to be brought to Brucelles in
Brabant, there to trade with for their profit, and on the voyage the said
merchants were driven by a storm into the port of Seint Ive Baye, and
there paid all customs and usual dues on the ship and cargo to Thomas
son of Henry Botiller, customer in that port, Richard Johan of Fowy,
master of la Michiel of Mighelestowe, Henry Carfur, master of la Vaal of
Poruan, John Carfur, Thomas Carfur, John Briant, Richard Michiel,
John Herdwich, Thomas Cok of Mighelestowe, Laurence William of
Bodmyn, John Triduoz of Fowy, Robert Johan of Fowy, John Kyng of
Fowy, Walter Bailli, Thomas Lewyn, Thomas Werman, Thomas Hewychs
of Fowy, Edward Bealda, John Bealda, John Carpenter of Bodmyn, the
younger, Henry Sturyn, Mark Saundre, Richard Kyng of Poruan, John
Kyng of Poruan, William Pou, William atte Haisch, Thomas Menely,
Mark Laghern, William Paget, Walter Hora, Richard Lynok, Henry
Hogekyn, Roger Hogekyn, Thomas Studela, Robert Fernhiman, Robert
Werman, John Rybyeu, John Flemmyng of Fowy, John Mayouu,
Richard Sarre of Fowy, John Bagge, Peter Stonhouse, Nicholas
Devyas, Mark Layerghet, John Hake, John Loyy, Pascasius Werman,
John Fox, Hugh Lamelyn, Reynaud de Foxle, Edward Doffa,
Andrew Godflexchers, Nicholas Mark, William Langa, Thomas Kebard,
Eustace de Bodmyn, Richard Laury, John Laury, John Blakman, John
Chivaler, William Stacy, John Botswayn, Thomas Blake, Thomas Galbard,
Nicholas Forbard, William Bata and others coming in the port
in a crayer, armed, plundered them of the ship and wine and this done,
when the servants of the merchants and master of the ship came to the
said customer to make complaint thereof, and agreement was made between
them to give the customer fifteen tuns of the wine to cause them to have
again the ship and wine and when the customer had gone to the plunderers
on this subject and a conference was had between them, the plunderers forthwith
hoisted the sail of the ship and feloniously fled to the parts of Wales
with the ship and wine and detain the same; and to find the names of
the said malefactors, and of those who afterwards knowingly received
them or lent them aid, counselor assent herein, whether the customer was
an assenting party to the doing of the said evils and all other circumstances
relating to the premises. By K. & C.
20 Edward III, volume 7, pages 115-116
1347 20 Sep Worcester (membrane 36d)
Commission to Roger Hotoft, John Blake and Philip de Aungre,
collectors of wool for the king in the county of Hertford, setting forth
that, whereas he lately commanded Thomas Blonde, Andrew de Eton,
Edmund de Ingham, William Waryn, John Bodmare of Buntyngford,
John atte Welle, Geoffrey de Rodham, William Ilkel and John de
Gravemere, bailiff of the hundred of Bradewater, to be before him in the
chancery at a day now past, to answer touching certain trespasses, they
have not appeared, at which contempt he is greatly moved; and assigning
them to arrest the said persons and bring them before him and the
council at London. By C.
21 Edward III, volume 7, page 456
1348 3 Apr Westminster (membrane 13)
Licence for the alienation in mortmain to the abbess and convent of
Shaftesbury, in satisfaction of 100 s. of the 10 l. yearly of land and ren
which they have the licence of the present king to acquire, of the
by Robert de Litelton of Henlegh, a messuage, 51 acres of land,
3 acres of meadow 38 acres of pasture and 5 acres of wood in
Donheved St. Mary and Donheved St. Andrew, and the reversions of
two messuages and 6 acres of land, in Donheved St. Mary, now held
for life by William de Asshurst, one messuage and 2 acres of land
there, held for life by John Randolf, one messuage, 4 acres of land
and 2 acres of pasture there, held in survivorship by Humphrey le
Blake, Margaret, his wife, and Roger, their son, a messuage there
held for life by Alice le Haghere, the like held for life by John le
Blake, a mill there, held for life by Thomas le Freond, 6 acres of
land there, held in survivorship by Roger le Peek and Isabel, his
wife, and 4 acres of land there, held in survivorship by Robert le
Taillour, and Isabel, his wife ;
all these messuages, mill, land, meadow, pasture, wood and rents are of the
clear yearly value of 41 s. as appears by inquisitions taken by Robert Russel,
escheator in the county of Wilts, and Thomas Cary, escheator in the
counties of Somerset and Dorset.
22 Edward III, volume 8, page 44
1348 3 Feb Westminster (membrane 35d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Robert Selyman and Thomas de
Sancto Mauro, on complaint by John, archbishop of Canterbury,
Elizabeth de Monte Acuto and Edward de Monte Acuto, that Roger
Bavent, 'chivaler,' John Mauduyt of Wermynstre, 'chivaler,' William
de Lucy, ' chivaler,. William Kaynes, Richard Langeford of Wermynstre,
John Scarlet, Robert Cole, Peter Scarlet, John Mayhu, John Pampilon,
William Mossel of Hynedon, Henry le Wodeward of Southle, John
Hickes of Wycheford, Roger son of Reginald de Kyngeston, John
Upton, Simon Flory, Roger Langeford of Wilton, Robert Burton,
Thomas Mossel of Hynedon, John, his son, John Whiton, John Cok
Wesebury, John Bratton, John le Smyth of Heghtrebury, Richard
Webbe of Heghtrebury, William Stonhous, John Haym the younger
William Halle, Thomas Cole, Hugh Russel of Frome, John, his son
Thomas, brother of the same John, Thomas Passavaunt of Sutton,
Thomas Smewyn of Sutton, William Cole of Donyngton, Peter de Upton,
William de Reygny, Reginald, his son, Edward Osebern, Richard
Taillour of Heghtrebury, Robert Thornstayn, Thomas Bonham, chaplain,
Nicholas his brother, Philip de Ferne, John Mauger, Henry le Rede of
Heghtrebury, Hugh le Blake of Frome, Richard Alewayn, John, his son,
William Odonis, John Bemynstre, William de Wodeford, chaplain,
Goscelin Botiler, John Habervill of Erlestoke, William le Fox of Wilton,
'dyere,' Peter Torald of Wilton, 'goldsmyth,' Walter Colyns, Richard
son of Richard Bynetheweye, Richard Howys, Geoffrey Russel, Thomas
Dorsete, Richard Bayard, John Pentrich of Northyngton, John Knyght of
Alvedeston, Roger Plomer of Berewyk, Walter Jurdan and others, broke
their closes at Norton Skydemor, Billeye, Trowe, and Emwell, co. Wilts
drove away 20 oxen, 40 bullocks, 100 swine, and 400 sheep, worth 400 l.
felled their trees there, mowed their crops and carried away the trees and
crops. By C.
22 Edward III, volume 8, pages 65-66
1348 23 May Westminster (membrane 32)
Whereas the king by letters patent lately granted licence for the then
abbess and convent of Shaftesbury to acquire in mortmain 10 l. yearly
land and rent, not held in chief, and afterwards in part satisfaction of
that licence granted licence for Robert de Litelton of Henlegh to grant
to them the reversion of the following:—two messuages and 6 acres of
land in Dunheved St. Mary, which William de Asshurst holds for life, one
messuage and 2 acres of land there, which John Randolf holds for life, one
messuage, 4 acres of land and 2 acres of pasture there, which Humphrey
le Blake, Margaret, his wife, and Roger, their son, hold in survivorship,
one messuage there, which Alice le Haghere holds for life, the like
which John le Blake holds for life, a mill there, which Thomas
le Freond holds for life, 6 acres of land there, which Roger le Peek
and Isabel, his wife, hold in survivorship, and 4 acres of land there
which Robert le Taillour and Isabel, his wife, hold in survivorship; in
consideration of 20 s. which the present abbess will pay to him, he has
granted licence for each of the said tenants for life to surrender their
estate in the premises to the abbess and convent.
And the 20 s. have been paid to the clerk of the hanaper. Wilts.
22 Edward III, volume 8, page 105
1348 10 Oct Westminster (membrane 32d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Wylughby, Robert Selyman and Thomas de
Sancto Mauro, on complaint by Elizabeth de Monte Acuto and Edward
de Monte Acuto that Boger Bavent, 'chivaler,' John atte Forde of
Tissebury, Nicholas de Kyngeston, William Kaynes, Richard Langeford
of Wermynstre, Robert Cole of Donyton, John Mayhu, John Pampilon,
Henry le Wodeward of Southle, John Hickes of Wycheford, Roger son
of Reginald de Kyngeston, John Fraunkeleyn of Upton, Simon Flory,
Roger Langeford of Wilton, John le Boteler of Smalbrok, Thomas
Mossel of Hynedon, John, his son, John Whyton, John Cok of Westbury,
John Bratton, William Stonhous, John Haym the younger, William
Halle, Thomas Cole, Hugh Russel of Frome, John, his son, Thomas,
brother of the same John, William Cole of Bereford, Peter de Upton,
William de Reigny, Reginald, his son, Edward Osebern, Richard le
Taillour de Heigtrebury, Robert Thurstayn, Philip de Ferne, John
Mauger, Henry le Rede of Heightrebury, Hugh le Blake of Frome,
Richard Alwyne, John, his son, William Odonis, John Bemynstre,
William de Wodeford, chaplain, Goscelin Botiler, John Habervill of
Erlestok, William le Fox of Wilton, 'dyer,' Peter Torald of Wilton,
'goldsmyth,' Walter Colyns, Richard son of Richard Bynetheweye,
Richard Howys, Geoffrey Russel, Thomas Dorsete, Richard Bayard, John
Pentrich of Northynton, John Knyght of Alvedeston, Roger Plomer of
Berewyk and others broke their closes at Norton Skydemor, Billeye,
Trowe and Emwell, and drove away 20 oxen, 40 bullocks, 100 swine and
400 sheep, worth 400 l., felled their trees and mowed their crops there,
and carried away the trees and crops with other goods.
By fine of 1 mark paid in the hanaper. Wilts.
22 Edward III, volume 8, pages 236-237
1348 14 Oct Westminster (membrane 28d)
Commission to John de Goldyngham, bailiff of the manors of Suthmallyng and Otteford, reciting that the king has appointed John Pount
to have all the corn of the void see of Canterbury thrashed and then
carried to the sea and delivered to Thomas del Pek and Robert de
Holm, king's clerks, to be brought with all speed to Caleys for the
munition thereof; and appointing him to take sufficient land and water
carriage for bringing the same to the sea by advice of the said Thomas,
Robert and John, for moneys to be paid by the said John or his deputies.
By K. and by bill of the treasurer.
The like of the following to take carriage as above;—
Bartholomew Langruge, bailiff of the manor of Maydenston.
Stephen de Forsham, bailiff of the manor of Aldyngton.
John le Blake, bailiff of the manor of Pageham.
Geoffrey de Ruycheron, bailiff of the manor of Wengham.
22 Edward III, volume 8, page 241
1349 1 Feb Westminster (membrane 31d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, Roger de Depham, Walter de
Turke, John Syward and William de Iford, on complaint by Andrew
Aubray that Richard Pope of la Rye, Salomon atte Rye, Robert Blake,
William Ridle of Hundenbury, William Pouche of la Rye, John Hull,
John Northeren, John Sutton, John le Clerc of la Rye, John Neve of
la Rye, Richard 'the' Milner, Edmund de Yepeswych, Henry Keyser of
la Rye, Robert de Bristowe, William Wase, John Passon, John Potte,
Reginald Burgeys, Ralph Pittere of la Rye, John Sely of la Rye, William
Taillour of la Rye, 'baillif,' John, his brother, Reginald Athelard, Robert
Athelard, Laurence Corboille, Henry Smyth, Henry Kytteye, John
Pageham, Robert de Hethe, John Godefray, Thomas Kelefryth, Nicholas
Godefray, Richard Bygge, John Fynche of Wetresham, Robert Beaufrere
of Wetresham, William Joce of Idenne, Peter Germyn of Wetresham,
Thomas Model and others, carried away his goods at Grenewych, co. Kent,
By fine of 1 mark,
The like, on like complaint by Simon Dolsely and John Notte.
By fine of 20s.
23 Edward III, volume 8, pages 309-310
1351 3 Mar Westminster (membrane 31d)
Appointment of John de Coggeshale, Robert de Kynebel and Master
Richard de Burseleye to arrest John Barat of Westle, Stephen de
Shilford, John de Taleworth, Thomas Robat of Haselyngfeld, John
Bakon, William de Bodekesham, John Bussh, William le Blake, John
Seman, William le Millere, Simon Tabour, Randolf Tabour, Richard
Calle, William le Wright of Fynchingfeld, Ralph atte Watere of Burseleye,
'botemaker,' John Rand of Cauntebrugge and John Kentissh of
Cressyng, carpenters taken by the sheriff of Essex pursuant to the king's
writ to make good defects in the castle of Hertford, who after receiving the
king's wages have withdrawn without the licence of him or of the master
of the works there, and bring them back to the work, also to take and
bring before the council all those whom they find rebellious herein.
25 Edward III, volume 9, page 80
1351 22 Jun Tower of London (membrane 25)
Protection with clause nolumus in Ireland for Master William Blake,
parson of the church of Ardmolghan, in the diocese of Meath.
25 Edward III, volume 9, page 106
1352 26 Nov Westminster (membranes 9 and 8)
Whereas the priors and brethren of the college or fraternity of St. Peter
in the church of St. Maurice, Winchester, and of the college in the church
of St. Mary Kalender (de Kalend'), in the same city, acquired in fee two
shops in the High Street, Winchester, where fish are sold, from Eleanor
la Fuster, a corner cottage by the door of the church of St. Maurice in the
same street from Richard de Merewell, chaplain, a cottage in Sheldwroghtstrete, recovered at another time by a stake fixed, according to the
ancient custom of the city, for a rent of 10 d. due to them two years in
arrear, a cottage in the same street from William de Totteford, 6 d. of rent
from Thomas Godsalme out of a tenement held by the prior and convent
of St. Swithun's, Winchester, in the high street of the city, 5 s, of rent
from John Fraunceys, apothecary, out of a tenement of Roland le
Hatter in the same street, 6 d. of rent from Peter son of Luke out of
a tenement sometime of John de Temple in the same street, 9 s. 6 d.
of rent from Edward de Alwele and Agnes de Neubrigge out of a capital
tenement which John Lynedraper held in the same street, 3 d. of rent from
Nicholas Sampson out of the gate of a capital tenement late of John Fode
in Colebrokstrete, 6 d. of rent from Nicholas Dork out of a tenement of
the prioress and convent of Wynteneye in the same street, 6 d. of rent
from William le Knyght out of a place which Roger le Curreour now
holds in the same street, 6 d. of rent from Ralph de Porta out of a tenement late of Nicholas le Devenissh in the same street, 6 d. of
rent from Philip le Chapeleyn out of a tenement of Laurence de
Escote in Tannerstrete, 12 d. of rent from John Hopecok out of a
tenement which the master and brethren of the hospital of St. John,
Winchester, hold in the lane between Tannerstrete and Buckestrete,
8 s. 4 d. of rent from Henry Silvestre out of a tenement which Gregory le
Noble holds in Tannerstrete, 12 d. of rent from Richard Roys out of a
tenement late of Thomas le Palmere in the same street, 12 d. of rent from
Henry de Durnegate out of a tenement late of Christina de Colbrok in
the same street, 5 d. of rent from Alice la Blake out of a tenement which
William de Trent, 'helier,' holds in Wonegarstrete, 6 d. of rent from
Walter le Blake out of a tenement of the prior and convent of Motesfount
in the same street, 2 s. of rent from Robert Shonele out of a tenement of
Adam de Morcestre in the same street, 2 s. of rent from Valentine, sometime
rector of the church of St. George, Winchester, out of a tenement of
Thomas Hardy in the same street, 12 d. of rent from Thomas le Palmere
out of a tenement of John de Froylle in Shuldewroghtstrete, 12 d. of rent
from John le Glover out of a tenement of Thomas de Thornecombe
in the same street, 12 d. of rent from Gilbert Hachemons out of four
houses late of Robert Giffard in the the lane between Shuldwroghtstrete
and Parchemenstrete, 8 d. of rent from Henry le Cordewaner out of a
curtilage of Robert le Ferrour opposite the church of St. Saviour, by the
lane leading to the north gate of the city, 6 d. of rent from Thomas de
Sancta Margareta out of a capital tenement of Sibyl de Preyslond by the
same lane, 2 s. of rent from Roger Trentmars out of a corner tenement of
Richard le Godegrom, skinner, in the lane whereby one goes from Jurystrete
to Brudenestrete, 2 s. 4 d. of rent from William Aufrey out of a tenement of
the master and brethren of the hospital of St. John on the west side of the
entering in from Garstrete, 6 d. of rent from the abbot (abbate) atte Halle
out of a tenement of John le Mut in Mynstrestrete, 12 d. of rent from
Andrew Beaublet out of cottages which the prior and convent of
St. Swithun's, Winchester, hold on the north side of the lane which leads
from Mynstrestrete to Calpestrete, 3 s. 10 d. of rent from Stephen atte
Hurne out of a tenement late of Robert de Parnefold in the constabulary
of the castle of Winchester, 6 d. of rent from Lucy Aysful out of a capital
tenement of John de Inkepenne in Wodestrete, in the suburb and liberty
of the said city, 6 d. of rent from Moyses de Sarisburia out of a tenement
of the master and brethren of the hospital of St. John, Winchester, in the
same street, suburb and liberty, 6 d. of rent from Henry le Cordewaner, out
of a curtilage of Robert de Twyford without the west gate in the suburb
and liberty of the city, 6 d. of rent from Henry Cobbe out of a house which
Thomas de Tychebourn holds in the High Street, 3 s. 4 d. of rent from
Lucy de Rupibus out of a tenement of Roger atte Horn in the same street,
12 d. of rent from Randolf Broun out of a tenement of Robert le Hatter in
the same street, 12 d. of rent from Agnes de Merewell out of a corner
tenement of the abbess and convent of St. Mary's, Winchester, in the same
street in the entering in from Buckestrete, 8 d. of rent from William de
Fryefolk out of a tenement late of John Fode in Colbrokstrete, 12 d.
of rent from Agatha Wag out of a tenement late of John de Froyl,
chaplain, in the same street, 18 d. of rent from Ralph de Porta
out of a tenement which the prioress and convent of Wynteney hold
in the same street, 12 d. of rent from Peter de Lavyngton out of a
tenement which Nicholas de Hanyngton now holds in the same street,
6 d. of rent from Patrick Kempe out of a place which the abbess and
convent of St. Mary's, Winchester, hold, enclosed behind their brewhouse
in the same street, 6 d. of rent from Gilbert le Clerc out of a tenement
which Laurence de Escote holds in Tannerstrete, 4 d. of rent from John
de Sancta Fide out of a tenement which Richard de Midhurst holds in
the same street, 6 d. of rent from Philip the Priest out of a house late of
William le Couper in the same street, 12 d. of rent from the said Roger
Silvestre out of a tenement late of John le Fuller in the same street, 12 d.
of rent from Alan de la Staple out of a tenement late of Roger de
Wodecroft in Wonegarstrete, 2 s. 6 d. of rent from Henry le Blake out of a
tenement late of Godfrey de Fulflode in the same street, 2 s. of rent from
Lucy de Rupibus out of a tenement which Walter de Bristowe holds in
the same street, 6 d. of rent from John Belemayn out of the door of a
tenement which John Malewayn holds in Shuldewroghtstrete, 2 s. of rent
from Master Valentine out of a tenement late of Richard Cory the elder in
Parchemynstrete, 6 d. of rent from Herbert Bagmere out of a tenement
pertaining to the church of St. Michael, Flesshemongerstrete, 6 d. of rent
from William de Monemuth out of a tenement of the abbot and convent of
Hyde in the same street, 6 d. of rent from Geoffrey le Baker out of a tenement
which Joan la Hore holds in Goldestrete, 6 d. of rent from William le
Brewer out of a tenement which Robert de Farnefold lately held in Mynstrestrete,
2 s. of rent from William Thurmonde out of a corner tenement in
the High Street in the entering in of Jurestrete, 12 d. of rent from Edith
Howeles out of a tenement which John Louke holds in Howeleslane by
the High Street, 2 s. of rent from Richard de Lavyngton, and Richard,
Roger and William, his brothers, out of a tenement which Robert de
Lekford sometime held in La Godebyet by the High Street, 18 d. of rent
from Gregory le Clerk from a corner tenement which the prior and convent
of St. Swithun's hold in La Godebeyit, 5 s. of rent from Andrew Shulvemel
out of a tenement which Thomas de Tichebourn holds in the High Street,
5 s. of rent from Maud la Roo (Rufa) out of a tenement sometime of John
Tyrel in the entering in of Shuldewroghtstrete by the High Street, 2 s. of
rent from Alexander de Merewell out of a corner tenement which the
abbess and convent of St. Mary's, Winchester, hold at Neubrigge in the
said High Street, 2 s. of rent from Nicholas le Tanner out of three shops
sometime of Thomas atte Brugge in the parish of St. John atte Forde, in
the High Street, 14 d. of rent from Agatha Wag out of a tenement late of
John de Froyle, chaplain, in Colbrokstrete, 12 d. of rent from John
Fode out of four cottages sometime of John Fraunceys on the south
side of the same street, 6 d. of rent from Agnes Potel out of the
tenement late of Nicholas le Devenissh in the same street, 12 d. of rent
from the same Agnes out of a tenement late of the same Nicholas
in the same street, 2 s. 8 d. of rent from Maud Cuppyng out of a
tenement of John Ware opposite La Posterne in the same street,
6 d. of rent from Adam le Milleward out of a tenement late of Hamo le
Digher in Tannerstrete, 6 d. of rent from Peter Westman out of a tenement
of Valentine le Skynner in the same street, 3 s. 4 d. of rent from John son
of Guy de Bourn out of a corner tenement, late of Robert de Bolyngdon
in the same street, 8 d. of rent from Alice de Rupibus out of a tenement
late of Alice la Werpestere in Wonegarstrete, 4 d. of rent from Maud
Norreys out of a tenement late of Richard de Culmeston in the same
street, 14 d. of rent from Peter Westman out of a tenement of the master
and brethren of the hospital of St. John in the lane between Wonegarstrete
and Shuldewroghtstrete, 2 s. of rent from William le Pyser out of a
tenement late of John atte Feld in Shuldewroghtstrete, 4 s. 2 d. of rent
from Adam de Norhampton out of a tenement of John Malewayn in the
same street, 8 s. of rent from William le Spicer (Speciar') out of a tenement
sometime of John de Tityng in the same street, adjacent to a tenement
of the said John Malewayn on the north side, 6 s. of rent from Walter
le Roo (Rufo) out of a tenement late of John de Tityng in the entering in
from Parchemynstrete on the west side, 8 s. of rent from Isabel Boket
out of a garden late of Peter de Nottele in the lane leading from
Parchemynstrete to Flesshemongerstrete, 2 s. of rent from Henry le
Bocher (Carnifice) out of a capital tenement late of John Gabriel in
Flesshemongerstrete, 12 d. of rent from Richard le Mareschal out of a
corner tenement late of John Isak at the end of Juriestrete, opposite
the city wall, 2 s. 6 d. of rent from Angokinus le Crokker out of a
tenement of Robert de Colyngbourn in the constabulary of the castle
of Winchester, opposite the cemetery of St. Swithun's, and 2 s. of
rent from Henry Prynce out of a place which John de Nottele holds, lying
on the north side of Wodestrete, in the suburb and liberty of the city;
and whereas there were bequeathed to them by Ralph Ingelard a cottage
in Colbrokstrete, by Adam, sometime parson of the church of St. Pancras,
Winchester, two cottages in Pancracelane, by John le Mympe, a cottage
in the lane between Tannerstrete and Bukstrete, by Peter son of Luke,
12 d. of rent out of a corner tenement of the abbess and convent of
St. Mary's, in the entering in from Bukstrete, in the said High street, by
Nicholas de Fossato, 12 d. of rent out of a place of the same abbess and
convent, lying enclosed behind their brewhouse in Colbrokstrete, by Philip
le Preest, 18 d. of rent out of a tenement of Laurence de Escote in
Tannerstrete, by Peter de Wormhole, 20 d. of rent out of a capital tenement
of William Edward in Flesshemongerstrete, by Robert Westman, 12 d. of
rent out of a cellar of the master and brethren of the hospital of St. John
on the east side of the entering in from Calpestrete, by John Cuppyng,
2 s. 4 d. of rent out of a tenement late of Juliana atte Asshe on the east
side in Mynsterstrete, by Juliana in la Litton, 18 d. out of a tenement late
of Maud Tabellion in the constabulary of the castle, opposite the cemetery
of the church of St. Swithun, by Robert le Sergeant, 12 d. of rent out of
a curtilage of Katharine atte Fisshe without the west gate in the suburb
and liberty of the city, by Walter le Blake, 6 d of rent out of a tenement
of the prior and convent of Motesfount in Wonegarstrete, by John le
Marker, 12 d. of rent out of a tenement of the prior and convent of
St. Swithun's in the constabulary of the castle, opposite their cemetery,
by Thomas de London, fisher, 6 s. of rent out of a tenement of the
abbot and convent of Hyde in the High Street, where fish are sold, by
Hugh Cawet, 2 s. of rent out of a tenement of Robert de Certeseye in
Calpestrete, and by Emma la Payne and Christina la Payne, 12 d. of rent
out of two cottages of two chaplains of William de Marlebergh, deceased,
in La Hidestrete on the west side, in the suburb and liberty of the city,
before the publication of the statute of mortmain: and whereas afterwards
the said priors and brethren acquired in fee a messuage in the High street
from John Cobbe, John and Henry, his brothers, and John Dyset, 15 s.
of rent in the same street from Roger de Ingepenne, William, parson of
the church of St. Mary de Kalendis, and Stephen de Mucheldevere,
executors of the will of Thomas de Mucheldevere, 7 s. 4 d.of rent in the same
street from John Edgar and Andrew Picard, a cottage in Colbrokstrete
from Geoffrey Howeles and Agnes his wife, 10 s. of rent in Parchemynstrete
from Joan late the wife of William Thormond, 1/2 acre of land in
Calpestrete from Henry Silvestre, 6 s. of rent in Goldestrete from John le
Palmere, 8 d. of rent in Shuldewroghtstrete from Nicholas de Maydenston,
a shop in the High Street from Laurence de Anne, and a cottage there
from John le Cotiller, chaplain, and there were bequeathed to them by
John de Welwe, chaplain, two cottages in the city, by Adam, late parson
of the church of St. Mary, Tannerstrete, a messuage there, by Ralph de
Wykham, 7 s. of rent in Tannerstrete, by Robert Walet, a shop, by
John le Chaundeler of Walhop, 1 acre of land in the suburb, by Roger de
Ingepenne, a cottage, and by William de Wyght, the reversion of a
messuage which William le Croucher held for life, after the publication
of the said statute, and these messuages, shops, cottages, lands and rents
are held in chief: and whereas the priors and brethren acquired in fee
1 acre of land in the suburb from Robert Dymaunde, 'baker,' 6 s.
of rent in the suburb from Simon de Stoke and Richard Rabel,
4 s of rent in the suburb from Arnulph Broun, 6 s. of rent in
the suburb from Richard Hody, and a cottage in the suburb
from John Belle, and there were bequeathed to them by Peter
Russynor a shop in the suburb, by Roger de Ingepenne a shop on
St. Giles's Hill, by Roger de la Pole, chaplain, a cottage on the same
hill, and by Thomas de Wortyng, a cottage there, which are not held in
chief; as by inquisition taken by John de Wynton, escheator in the
county of Southampton, has been found; and whereas the priors and
brethren have entered into the same without licence, and many deeds,
testaments and muniments touching the said acquisitions and bequests
have been taken away and lost in the last pestilence; the king, in consideration
of their poverty and want and for 10 l. which they will pay
him, has granted licence for the priors and brethren to retain the same acquisitions
and bequests. Furthermore he confirms all grants and
legacies to the priors and brethren and their successors of lands and
rents not held in chief made before the publication of the statute, to wit
by the abbot and convent of Hyde by Winchester, two shops on St.
Giles's Hill, in the street of the Spicers, by Walter de Donestaple a shop
on the said hill in Ingramestwychen, by Gilbert le Cok and Asselina, his
wife, a cottage in Paylardestwychen in the suburb of the city, by Robert
de Lambedon, a shop on the said hill in 'Ryngea Draperie,' and
two shops in the same Ryngea, by the abbot and convent of Hyde,
Peter le Clerke and Herbert Bienfray two shops in the cellaria on
the said hill, by the brethren of Palmeresyeld a corner cottage at
the entering in from Ingramestwychen on the same hill, by
Herbert le Glover two cottages in Ingramestwychen, by Agnes de
Goldestrete a cottage opposite la Spaynolfrewe on the said hill,
by Wymund Osbern a cottage at Westbarre on the said hill, by
Roland de Wynchestre 2 s. of rent out of shops of the abbot and convent of
Dureford in Dynantria on the said hill, by Walter Haye 8 d. of rent out of
a tenement of Thomas le Yonge and Katharine, his wife, in the parish of
St. John Uppedoune, in the suburb, by Nicholas Priour 2 s. of rent out of
a tenement sometime of John Warefoule in the same, by Edmund Granne
3 s. of rent out of a tenement of John de Hayden in the same, by
John Counseil 12 d. of rent out of a tenement sometime of Adam le Bal in
the same, by Baldwin le Chapeleyn 4 d. of rent out of a place of land lying
in la Holestrete on the east side in the same suburb, by John Dorre 6 d. of
rent out of a tenement of Robert de Certeseye in the parish of St.
Peter upon Cheshull in the same suburb, by Reynold Pulchon 12 d.
of rent out of a tenement sometime of John de Colyngham in the
same parish and suburb, by John Henry 2 s. of rent out of a tenement
lately of Roger le Quyrnemaker in the same, by Arnulph Broun
12 d. of rent out of a tenement of John de Holt and William de
Bromle by La Barre in the same, by Robert Russel and Segyn
6 d. of rent out of a tenement of Christina de Micheldevere without
Durnegate in the same suburb, by John le Tauner 16 d. of rent out
of a tenement of Peter de Wycombe, called 'Deen,' without Durnegate in
the same suburb, by Roger Grenelef 10 d. of rent out of a tenement sometime
of William de Guldeford in La Mullelond in the same suburb;
by Walter le Parchemener (Pergamenarium) 10 d. of rent out of a tenement
of Peter Brian in La Mullelond aforesaid, by Bartholomew le Chapeleyn and
John Henry 2 s. of rent out of a tenement lately bequeathed to the church
of St. John Uppedouney, which Nicholas de Lymesy lately held in
La Mullelond, by Andrew the Apparitor 4 d. of rent out of a tenement
of Thomas de Haselmere by La Steyre in La Mullelond in the same
suburb, by the abbot and convent of Hyde 4 d. of rent out of a curtilage
of William Potager by la Poleheye in the same suburb, by Adam le
Squyller 3 s. 7 d. of rent, to wit, 14 1/4 d. out of a tenement late of Edith la
Canavacere in Kynggatestreto and 2s. 4 3/4 d. out of a tenement of William de
Haywode, in the same street, in the said suburb, by William Richeman
18 d. of rent out of cottages late of Alice la Cok in the same street
and suburb, by Ellis le Gode 12 d. of rent out of cottages late of
John atte More in the same street and suburb, by Alice late the wife of
William Quyk, 20 d. of rent out of a corner tenement by Crepistrelane in
the same street and suburb, late of Richard de Pershore, by Walter
(Galtherum) Breto 20 d. of rent out of cottages late of John de Kent,
chaplain, on the west side of the said street, in the same suburb, by Adam
de Gardino 12 d. of rent out of a tenement of Agnes Basyng, in the same
street and suburb, by Humphrey Gay 4 d. of rent out of a tenement of
John le Turnour opposite the church of the Carmelite Friars, in the same
street and suburb, by William and Stephen, sons of Humphrey le Clerc,
18 d: of rent out of a tenement sometime of William de Wandlesworth,
now enclosed in the garden of the prior and convent of St. Swithun's in
Seventwychen, by the said street, by Serlo brother of Richard de
Wolveseye 4 d. of rent out of cottages of the same prior and convent
in Paylardestwychen, by the same street, by Maud la Roo (Rufam)
6 d. of rent out of cottages of the same prior and convent, late of
Joan la Cok in Paylardestwychen, by Hoyvillesgardyn, in the same
suburb, by John Cobbe 6 d. of rent out of a corner tenement
without Suthgate extending to Paylardestwychen in the same suburb,
by Martin Aysefoull 2 s. of rent out of a capital tenement of John de
Ingepenne in Wodestrete, on the south side in the same suburb, by
Richard le Mareschal 12 d. of rent out of a capital tenement of Alice
la Cok in la Hidestrete on the west side without Northgate, in the same
suburb, by Jordan le Draper (Draparium) 4 s. of rent out of a tenement of
John de Nottele in the street of St. John Uppedoune, in the same suburb,
by Robert de Cheshull, chaplain, 6 d. of rent out of a tenement of Robert
de Certeseye in the parish of St. Peter upon Cheshull in the same suburb,
by William de Waltham 12 d. of rent out of a like tenement, by Thomas
de Calce 12 d. of rent out of a croft of Richard de Wyke at La Barre in the
same parish and suburb, by Alice de la Lye 6 d. of rent out of a tenement
bequeathed to the church of St. John Uppedoune, which John Sweteman
holds, without Durnegate, by Geoffrey de Peueseye 8 d. of rent out of a
tenement of William Potager without Durnegate, by Richard le Porter
6 d. of rent out of a tenement of the prior and convent of St. Swithun's
in Pylardestwychen by Kynggatestrete, in the same suburb, by Serlo
de Wolveseye 2 d. of rent out of a like tenement, by Eustace le
Cordwainer (Alutarium) 4 d. of rent out of a tenement of John le
Tournour in the same street and suburb, by John le Chapeleyn 2 s. of
rent out of a tenement of the same prior and convent in the same, by
Richard le Chapeleyn 4 d. of rent out of a like tenement, by Mark le
Mareschal 12 d. of rent out of a corner tenement, late of Robert de
Kyngeston, towards Paylardestwychen without Suthgate in the same
suburb, by William Wolleward 16 d. of rent out of tenements late of
John de Wambergh and John Broun, on the east side of Seintjonestrete
without the east gate of the city, and by William de Wyntreshull 6 d. of
rent out of a tenement of William Bogher on the west side of the same
street; notwithstanding that many deeds, testaments and muniments
relating to these have been carried away or lost, as is more fully stated in
the inquisition; and that some of the grants and bequests are to the prior
and brethren of the college or fraternity of St. Peter in the church of
St. Maurice, Winchester, by themselves, and some are to the prior and
brethren of the college in the church of St. Mary de Kalendis by
themselves. And the 10 1. have been paid in the hanaper.
26 Edward III, volume 9, pages 368-373
1355 18 Apr Westminster (membrane 12)
Pardon, at the supplication of Richard, earl of Arundel,
to Laurence Apsolon, Richard atte Hurne, William le Blake, Philip
atte Hale, John Judde and Henry Gower of the king's suit for the
death of John Colet and Stephen Sherman, whereof they are indicted
before the sheriff of Sussex by the procurement of their enemies ;
and of any consequent outlawries. The said John and Stephen,
pirates who plundered the king's men with their ships and goods
on the sea, had been taken by some men of Shorham and placed for
safe keeping in the castle of Brembre, from which they escaped and
fled to the church for sanctuary: afterwards before the coroner
they abjured the realm and took their passage at Shorham for
Normandy in a boat and while crossing they were thrown out of the
boat. By K.
29 Edward III, volume 10, page 202
1355 21 March Westminster (membrane 28d)
Commission to Edward de Kendale, Gilbert de Ellesfeld, William de Notton,
John atte Lee, William de Hatton and John Blake, to be justices to keep the
ordinance and the statute [25 Edward III, stat. II] of labourers, artificers, and
servants lately made in the king's council and Parliament held at Westminster,
in the county of Hertford; and to hear and determine all indictments and
processes relating to the same labourers made before the king's justices
last appointed in the said county and not yet determined. By C..
29 Edward III, volume 10, page 228
1355 12 Nov Woodstock (membrane 12)
[Patent following witnessed by the guardian of England.]
Licence for 10 l paid to the king by Edward de Stocke for the
said Edward to enfeoff John de Neubury,chaplain, Adam Blake,
chaplain, and Thomas Hungerford citizen of Salisbury of the manor
of Rustesale co Wilts,and the advowson of the church of the said
manor, held in chief; and for them to re-grant the same to him,
Joan, his wife and the heirs of his body, with remainders to Thomas
son of Walter Hungerford, in tail to William de Lucy, 'chivaler,' in
tail to Edmund brother of William de Lucy, in tail, to Thomas
Stocke, in tail, and to the right heirs of the said Edward.
And the 10 l have been paid in the hanaper.
29 Edward III, volume 10, pages 308-309
1357 21 Oct Westminster (membrane 12)
Pardon in like terms to John Gosegh merchant of Salisbury on,
his outlawry in the county of Wilts for non-appearance to answer
touching a plea of Robert Blake, Thomas son of Walter de Hungerford
Edward Cokerel and Henry Flemyng,executors of the will of Henry
Russel, citizen of Salisbury, late executor of the will of John
Godhyne late burgess and merchant of Marlebergh that he render
to them 110 l
31 Edward III, volume 10, page 630
1358 10 Jan Westminster (membrane 2)
Licence, on the mainprise of Simon atte Nayx, Richard Blake,
Simon atte Bole and John de Berneford of London, for Thomas
Brunne, that he will take 80 quarters of wheat and beans to Gascony
only and discharge them in the port of Bordeaux, and that he will
bring back letters testimonial, as above, for the said Thomas to ship
the same in the port of London. By C.
31 Edward III, volume 10, page 649
1360 11 Feb Westminster (membrane 30)
Appointment of Richard Blake and John de Wylyngham to make
diligent search along the coast of Kent and Essex for 138 tuns, 1 pipe,
of the king's wine, signed with the sign of the merchants from whom
it was bought, which the king lately sent in a ship called la Katerine
of Wynchelse to be discharged in parts beyond the seas and put in
cellars, the said ship having on the voyage been broken by the said
coast by the violence of the sea and great part of the wine washed
ashore in the said counties, to arrest any of the said wine which they
can find and keep it safe until further order.
Bythe guardian & C.
34 Edward III, volume 11, page 337
1360 3 Sep Westminster (membrane 13)
John Blake,clerk, staying in England, has letters nominating
Stephen de Rath and William Lynore as his attorneys in Ireland for
one year. David de Wollore received the attorneys.
34 Edward III, volume 11, page 459
1361 14 Feb Westminster (membrane 24)
Writ of aid for Richard Blake,whom the king's serjeant John de
Stodeye, whom he has appointed to be chief butler, has deputed
under him, during his pleasure, to do the things which pertain to the
office and levy the 2 s. on the tun due to the king on wines imported
by merchants, in the port of Sandwich. By bill of p.s.
35 Edward III, volume 11, pages 543-544
1361 20 Oct Westminster (membrane 31)
Writ of aid for Geoffrey de Neuton whom the king's serjeant
William Strete, chief butler, appointed to levy for the king 2 s. on every
tun of wine imported by merchant strangers, has deputed during his
pleasure to discharge the office of the said butlery in the port of London
By bill of the butler
The like for the following deputies in the ports named: —
William de Asshelden.
John de Fyncham.
Geoffrey Beauflour.
Richard Blake.
Thomas Whyte.
Robert de Selby.
Robert Arnald..
Roger Fynche.
Thomas de Wapplyngton.
Richard Haverland.
John de Hull.
In the counties of
Somerset, Dorset and Devon,
Great Yarmouth and Kirkele Rode.
Kyngeston upon Hull.
Winchelse, Rye and Romeneye
Chichester, Sefford, Shorham, Portesmouth and Suthampton.
Newcastle upon Tyne.
Colcestre, Maldon, Harwich and Ipswich.
35 Edward III, volume 12, page 92
1362 12 May Westminster (membrane 6)
Pardon to John Blake of his outlawry in the county of Kent for nonappearance
before Robert Herle and his fellows, justices of the peace
and of oyer and tenniner in that county, to answer the king touching
trespasses and misdeeds whereof he was indicted.
36 Edward III, volume 12, page 197
1364 1 Aug Westminster (membrane 36)
Licence for John Stodeye, John Rothyng, John Michel, Robert de la
More, Thomas Cornwalays, Thomas Berkele, Thomas Gysors, William
de Cressyngham, Roger Long, William Sharpyng, Geoffrey Neuton,
Walter Doget, Henry Boseworth, John Clyvele, William Sterre,
William Norton, John Ponder, William Stodeye, Richard Blake,
John Brynnyngham, William Stokesby, William de Fletestrete,
Richard Sprot, William Chirchegate, and John de York, vintners
of London, to take 2,000 l. from the port of London to Gascony to
buy wines of the coming year with which sum the king wills shall
be divided among them in proportion to their estate by the discretion
and advice of all the vintners of the liberty of the mistery of the
vintners ; notwithstanding the prohibition by the king's proclamation
of the export of gold and silver from the realm. By K. & C.
The like for them to take 1,000 marks to buy wines of Rhine
in Almain and Estland.
38 Edward III, volume 13, page 15
1365 13 Oct Westminster (membrane 25)
Pardon in like terms to William Lokkyng of Hundelby, chaplain,
of his outlawry in the county of Lincoln for non-appearance to answer
John Blake of Southlangeton touching a plea of trespass.
39 Edward III, volume 13, page 165
1365 18 Oct Westminster (membrane 22)
Pardon to Robert Blake, parson of the church of Westchelbergh
of his outlawry in the county of Wilts for non-appearance before the
justices of the Bench to answer John de Edyndon, knight, touching
a plea of debt of 7 l. 8 s. ; he having now surrendered to the Flete
prison, as Robert de Thorpe, chief justice, has certified.
39 Edward III, volume 13, page 168
1366 30 Jun Westminster (membrane 40)
Richard Vynegre, staying in England, has letters nominating
Geoffrey Travers and Roger Blake as his attorneys in Ireland for
one year. David de Wollore received the attorneys.
40 Edward III, volume 13, page 296
1370 10 Feb Westminster (membrane 24)
Presentation of John Blake to the church of Trym, in the diocese
of Meath, in the king's gift by reason of the voidance of the bishopric
of Meath, By p.s.
44 Edward III, volume 13, page 377
1371 25 Nov Westminster (membrane 11)
Pardon to Ralph Blake, clerk, of his outlawry in the husting of
London for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to
answer John Louthe touching a plea of trespass; he having now
surrendered to the Flete prison as William de Fyncheden chief
justice, has certified.
45 Edward III, volume 15, page 155
1371 10 Jul Westminster (membrane 35d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Richard de Stafford,William
de Wychyngham,Edmund de Chelreye,Henry Percehayand John
Cary, on complaint byEdward, prince of Aquitaine and Wales, and
duke of Cornwall, that Thomas Irissh, Baldwin atte Leye, Peter
Godesgrace, Odo Trevelan, John Kyn, Robert Kyn, Richard Dory,
John Pyk, Odo Hog, John Chapmon of Porpirra, William Spaynull,
John Anissh, John Hobbe, John Sherere, Oger Moram,William atte
Leye, Thomas Gilbert, Robert Tregon of Lost, John Kynte of Lost,
Roger Swenge of Lost, John de la Wedel of Lost, John Umfrey of
Lost, John Hikedon of Lost, John Hora of Lost, John Huwet
of Lost, Richard Pruet of Lost, Laurence Bodynet, Thomas Rouland,
John Martyn of Lost, William Carpenter, John Hog,Nicholas Pegau,
Thomas Pegau, Philip Benet, William Cok, John Teyr, Richard
Mayho, Nicholas Martyn,Thomas Raulyn, Thomas Hog, Henry atte
Leye, Stephen Athelard, Richard Randolf, John Broun,William
Gill, Nicholas Irissh, Adam Blake, John Robert,Martin Pierres,
Rchard Asshman, Nicholas Taban, HenryDannet, John Sutch,
John Gibbe, John Langourthoi, Michael Greuk, Martin Boye, John
Scurleg, John Hora of Fawy, Odo Ouger, Peter Cok, Thomas Top,
Richard Taillour, Edward Trusse, John Emery, Robert Bailiff of
Tewardreyt, John Cornyssh, John Tregu, John Porthalou, the
younger, Odo Pierres, John Harry, Henry Tudman, Ralph Oliver,
Ralph Cok, John Tomud, John Wille, Richard Cok, Richard Stodele,
Walter Wynkele, John Laengard, Robert Lybob, John Kelyob, Roger
atte Mulle, John Waryn, David Cok, William Dawe, John Crerk,
Odo Greyk, Walter Greyk, Thomas Davy, John Denyel, John
Hobkyn, William Gille, William Bakiere, William Bowerewe,
William atte Welle, Robert Possebery, Nicholas Cok, James
Taxeney of Fawy, Laurence Skracy, William Fissher, John
Lawydelle, John Huwet, John Hora, William Horewode, William
Scot, Roger Hell, Thomas Prege, William Holewil. Adam Taillour,
Hugh Taillour, Henry Stonard, John Venour, John Porthalawode,
the elder, John Dawe of Loo, John Tregewe, William Scarlet, John
Kendale atte Coumb, John Pole of Bodmyn, William Flecchere,
Thomas Gwyk, 'taillour,' Stephen Derneforde, William Gurdon,
William Honyngton, William Whitchirch, John Hobbe of Polruan,
John Mewesewe, John Vincent, John Bernard, William Bewerewe,
the younger, John Caperoun, John Stoke of Coumb, John
Lercedeakne, 'chivaler,' Richard Wythead, Robert Sampson,
Thomas Pirok, Richard Peel, John Plays, Wrilliam Wekays,
William Aissh, John atte Wore, the elder, John atte Wore,
the younger, William Thornyng, Roger Stone, Geoffrey Wynkelegh,
Reynold Tavystok, Ralph Seton, Richard Totewille,
Maurice Gladwyn, John Moris, John Rounde, Philip Durneford,
Richard Skelly, Thomas Rayn, Richard Trobba, Robert
Lomlegh,William Penylok, William Herbard, John Serle, Henry
Sare, John Pipere, Richard de Chestre, William de Portlond,
William Glas, John Penbrok, John Hauekyn, William Noyter, John
Wydecomb, Richard Wydecomb, Simon Carpenter, William
Carpenter, William Criour, John Castel, Thomas Mosbury, John
Monk, John Paywell, William Massy, John Artour, John Scot,
Ralph Helyere, John Ropere, John Pynho, Thomas Peynton,
William Totewill, Richard Norman, Roger Wekays, John Offord,
Walter Tenghere, John Shap, Thomas Episwich, John Hasewe, John
Boghiere, John Coterel, Richard Wadisworthi, Richard Ston, David
Kylmenand, Walter Shepestowe, Nicholas Medwill,Thomas Masoun,
John Portlond, John de Fawy, Thomas Vincent, John Adam,
Thomas Don, Thomas Russel, John Holman, William Okelegh,
Robert Hopere, Andrew Carpenter of Dertemuth, Ralph Sopere,
Thomas Boterescastel, Richard Peche, Richard Chambernoun, John
Knyght,Simon Deyngel, Walter Pleghe, William Sadeler, Walter
Sadeler, Walter Tamerton, John Kete, Thomas Bounda, John
Poundfold, Roger Besta, Thomas Vacy, William Wyte, John
Mathern, Luke Doyngnel, John Tonge, John Sarra, John Blog,
Nicholas Raundel, John Knyght, the younger, Walter Guolde, John
Vora, Henry Tote, Simon Fay, Richard Penenesheghe, Bernard
Jaan, Robert Lokyere, Walter Warrewyk, John Boghiere, the
younger, William Flete, Gilbert Uppehull, William Ropere, John
Roode, Nicholas Hurt, John Nyweman, WTilliam Rena, John
Fisshere, John Payn, Richard Adam, John Cornewaille, William
Abel, William Stoke, Stephen Fleg, Richard Blog, Robert atte Wore,
John Hopere, Stephen Forslegh, William Hureward, Roger Caperon,
John Bovy, Philip Tavener, Reynold Cantel, John Gregge, David
Peyntour,Walter Leche, Geoffrey Sadeler, William Glovyere, John
Skollyng, John Greta, Robert Doffa, Reynold Elys, Robert Galney,
Edmund Ferrers, Robert Taillour, Robert Thecchere, William
Savage, John Wakelyn, John Elys, Gilbert Kyng, John Gernesie,
John Shadelok, William Mate, William Wytebigel, William
Radelegh, John Colvere, John Mareys, John German, John Gest,
Robert Bele, John Herman, William Deghere, William Pilche,
Walter atte Howe, Richard Hureward, Robert Lymere, Robert
Ives, John Wyot, Philip Elys, John Lange, John Halselegh, William
Goffa, John Closhely, Roger Syse, John Swet, John Corbour, Robert
Corbour, Robert Trolla, John Trolla, Richard Pegou, William
Stevyn, Robert Carpenter, John Carpenter, John Wellifet, John
Blake, Robert Austyn, John Socour, Walter Kecitson, John Edmund,
John Bastard, Richard Averay, William Stratton, Walter Rauf,
Richard Hole, Warin Torryng, Henry Armurer, Richard Wytelegh,
Richard Berard, Thomas Persoun, Richard Purant, John
Halswille, John Bonde, Richard Mossel, John Edward, William
Clofhely, John Cosyn, Robert Horle, HenryMachon, Edward Pedon,
John Bernard, Richard Cras, William Boghiere, and others, carried
away 200 barrels of his wine, and other goods at Penryn, co. Cornwall,
and assaulted his men and servants at Lostwythiel. By K.
45 Edward III, volume 16, pages 170-172
1375 8 Jul Westminster (membrane 8d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Cavendissh,William
de Wychyngham, Edmund Gournay, Reynold de Eccles, Richard
Holdych, Edmund de Clyppesby, Nicholas de Massyngham, Thomas
Caus and John Hethe, on complaint by Walter Sibile, citizen of
London, that Thomas Wade, Ralph Maghtilde, Geoffrey Pulle, Thomas
Leedbeter, William Leche, Matthew Quyltere, Thomas Webstere,
Michael Quyltere, Ralph Pampyng, Peter de Selby, Bartholomew
Sprotholf, John Shadworth, William de Plumpstede, John Candeler,
Thomas Bateman, John Weland, John Balle, Thomas Crosse, Simon
Geryng, Richard Blake, Thomas Ook,Walter Cuppere, John de
Framelyngham, the younger, William Wyntere, 'skynnere,' John
Godefray and others carried away 160 quarters of his wheat, worth
100 l.,at Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk,assaulted him there, followed
him with drawn swords so that he could hardly escape them alive
and so threatened him and his men and servants that the latter dared
not attend to the exercise of his merchandise or the making of other
profit for him. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper.
Vacated because otherwise below under the same date.
49 Edward III, volume 16, page 157
1375 8 Jul Westminster (membrane 2d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William Bardolf, John de
Cavendissh, William de Wychyngham, Reynold de Eccles, Richard
Holdich, Edmund de Clipesbyand Thomas Caus, on complaint by
Walter Sibile, citizen of London, that Thomas Drax, Thomas Wade,
Ralph Maghtilde, Geoffrey Pulle, Thomas Leedbeter, William Leeche,
Matthew Quyltere, Thomas Webstere, Michael Quyltere, John Sleght,
Richard Dockyng, John Clerk, John Shadworth, John Kene, John
Candelere, Roger Kene, John Weland, John Balle, Thomas Crosse,
Richard Blake, Thomas Ook, William Wyntere, 'skynnere,' John
Godefray and others carried away 160 quarters of his wheat, worth
100 l., at Great Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, assaulted him there, followed
him thence with drawn swords to Castre in Flegg and Okie so that
he could hardly escape them alive, and so threatened him and his
men and servants that the latter dared not attend to the exercise
of his merchandise or the making of other profit for him.
For 1 mark paid in the hanaper.
49 Edward III, volume 16, page 160
1376 26 Feb Westminster (membrane 34)
Licence for Nicholas Crymelford, citizen and merchant of London,
to ship in the port of Dunwich 200 quarters of wheat and bring the
same to London for the munition of that city ; because John Blake and
Geoffre Cyrymelford citizens of London have mainperned in the
Chancery for him that he will bring the wheat to London and not to
any other part, on pain of forfeiture of the wheat and the ships in
which the same is brought, and will deliver in the Chancery letters of
the mayor of Dunwich testifying the quantity of wheat shipped and
letters of the mayor of London testifying the discharge of the wheat.
50 Edward III, volume 16, page 247
1376 30 Apr Westminster (membrane 28)
Whereas Richard Cradok clerk, and Margery late the wife of William
Blake of the county of Somerset administrators of the goods of William
Blake who died intestate, have been outlawed in the husting of London
for non-appearance before the justices of the Bench to answer Benedict
de Cresby, clerk, touching a plea that they render 45 s. 8 d., and Richard
has now surrendered to the Flete prison, as Robert Bealknap, chief
justice, has certified ; the king has pardoned his outlawry.
50 Edward III, volume 16, page 260
1377 14 Jan Westminster (membrane 2)
Whereas Henry Doune in the court of Elizabeth, countess of Kent,
of Sheftbeare, co. Devon, according to the custom of the manor of
Sheftbeare, by writ of right demands against John Blake of Loddesford
and Joan, his wife, certain tenements of the quantity of which, or of
the mode of obtaining the writ, John and Joan have no certain
knowledge, as is said: and the said Joan,who stays in London, is so
great with child that she cannot at present toil to the county of Devon
without the greatest peril of her body; by the king's special grace
she has attorned before him her husband to gain or lose for her in all
pleas and quarrels for or against them; and at her instance the king
has granted that the said John may make other attorneys for her,
until Michaelmas. Th. de Newenham, clerk, received the attorney.
50 Edward III, volume 16, page 405
1377 13 Apr Westminster (membrane 17)
Appointment, during pleasure, of John Blake as clerk of the works at
the palace of Westminster, Tower of London, castles of Wyndesore and
Berkhampstede, manors of Kenyngton, Eltham, Haveryng Shene, Biflete,
Yeshampstede, Henle, Wyndesore, Wolmere, Langeley Marreys, Childernelangeley
and Feckenham and at the lodges within the parks of Guldeford,
Foly Johan, Caldkenyngton and Feckenham, and mews for falcons by
Charryngcrouche ; with power to take stonemasons, carpenters and other
labourers therefor, to punish the refractory and to enquire touching the
removal of necessary stone, timber, and tiles, and cause the same to be
restored; with 18 d daily wages. By p.s.
1 Richard II, volume 1, page 186
1378 14 Apr Westminster (membrane 9)
Appointment, during pleasure, of the king's clerk John Blake as his
clerk of the works at his palace of Westminster, Tower of London, his
castles of Wyndesore, Berkhampstede and Haddele, his manor and lodge in
Wyndsore park; his manors of Kenyngton, Eltham, Haveryng, Wodestoke,
Claryndon, Shene, Byflete, Yeshampstede, Henle, Worldham, Langeley
Marreys, Childernelangeley and Feckenham; his lodges of Hatebergh and
Brokenhurst in the New Forest; his lodges within his parks of Claryndon,
Guldeford, Foly Johan, Coldkenyngton, Eltham, Childernelangeley, Feckenham,
and Beckelee; and his mews for falcons by Charyngcrouche; with
power [as before Membrane 17], and 2 s daily wages. By p.s.
1 Richard II, volume 1, page 197
1378 14 Apr Westminster (membrane 9)
Appointment during pleasure, of the king's clerk William de Haunay as
controller of the said works, receiving from the said John Blake,clerk of
the works, 12 d. daily wages. By p.s.
1 Richard II, volume 1, page 197
1378 14 Apr Westminster (membrane 36)
Appointment of William de Hannay, king's clerk, as controller of all
purveyances, purchases and expenditure for the wages of workmen and
carriage upon the works to be executed by John Blake, clerk of the
works, at the palace of Westminster, the Tower of London, the castles of
Wyndesore and Berkhampstede, the manors of Kenyngton, Eltham,
Havering, Shene, Biflete, Yeshampstede, Henle, Wyndesore, Wolmere,
Langele Marreys, Childernelangeley and Feckenham and at the king's
lodges within his parks of Guldeford, Foly Johan, Colde Kenyngton and
Feckenham and at his mews for falcons near Charryngcrouche and, to
attest the payments made by the said John thereon, receiving for his wages
12 d. daily as long as he and the said William remain in the said offices.
By p.s.
1 Richard II, volume 1, page 210
1378 18 Jun Westminster (membrane 15)
Writ of aid, during pleasure, for Thomas Harpecote, appointed to choose
masons, carpenters, and other workmen and labourers necessary for the
works ordered at Windsor Castle, the vineyards and gardens there, the park
of Lydecroft, the manor and lodge of Wychemere, together with the
fencing of Wyndesore park and repair of the pond there, the manors of
Yesthampstede, Henle, Worldeham and Langle Marreis, with the fencing
of the parks and repair of the pools and lodges within the parks of
Guldeford, Foly Johan, and Kaldekenyngton, also, to provide stone, timber,
tiles, bricks, and other necessaries therefor, and carriage of the same at the
king's charges, to be paid byJohn Blake, surveyor of the said works.
By bill of John Blake, clerk.
1 Richard II, volume 1, page 231
1378 5 Nov Gloucester (membrane 22)
Writ of aid, during pleasure, for John Hanebergh.deputed byJohn
Blake, clerk of the works, to be purveyor of the king's works at Wodestok,
to choose masons, carpenters, and other workmen, and to obtain materials
and carriage for the same. By bill of the said John Blake.
The like for Thomas Grote, deputed by the same to be purveyor of the
king's works at Claryndon. By the same bill.
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 283
1379 18 Feb Westminster (membrane 30)
Writ of aid for Peter Couk, appointed byJohn Blake, clerk of the king's
works at the castle of Haddele and manors of Haveryng and Eltham, as
purveyor of those works. By bill of the said John [Blake]
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 326
1379 3 Jun Westminster (membrane 25)
Nomination of John Blake to canonries in the collegiate college of Ledbury; the second.
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 330
1379 1 Apr Westminster (membrane 19)
Writ of aid for Thomas Awy and Henry Wynterfold whom John.
Blake, clerk of the king's works, has deputed under him as purveyors for
repair of the lodge within the park of Peckenham, the enclosure of the
park and other purposes. By bill of the said John.
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 337
1379 4 May Westminster (membrane 16)
Writ of aid, during pleasure, for Richard Forster, parker of Beckele,
deputed byJohn Blake, clerk of the king's works, purveyor for repair of
the lodge there, and to obtain masons, carpenters and other workmen as
well as stone, timber, and tiles,with carriage therefor.
By bill of the said John.
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 341
1379 7 May Westminster (membrane 15)
Writ of aid, during pleasure, for Thomas Harpecote, deputed by John
Blake, clerk of the king's works, his purveyor of works for repair of the
manor, lodge and fence of the park of Claryndon.
By bill of the said John
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 343
1380 20 Apr Westminster (membrane 21)
Appointment of Geoffrey Dersham and Thomas Ocle, parson of the
church of Estwod, to cut down and sell from now until a year after
Michaelmas a suitable amount of underwood in the king's parks and woods
of Haddele, Reylegh and Thunderle by the advice of Aubrey de Veer,
keeper of Haddele Castle and the said parks, and with the money obtained
to pay the costs of enclosing the coppices thereby made, delivering the
residue to John Blake clerk of the works, for repair of the said castle, etc.
By bill of p.s.
3 Richard II, volume 1, page 482
1380 19 Jun Westminster (membrane 7)
Appointment of Robert Tyle to be keeper of the king's manor of
Haveryng atte Boure and to do all necessary repairs, by indenture between
himself and John Blake, clerk of the works, receiving 2 d. daily wages from
the issues of the manor. By bill of p.s.
3 Richard II, volume 1, page 500
1380 12 July Westminster (membrane 34)
Revocation of protection with clause volumus, granted 26 March to
Nicholas Blake, the elder, of Ware, going to Calais for its defence, on
testimony that he has not gone.
4 Richard II, volume 1, page 530
1381 16 Feb Westminster (membrame 21)
Thomas Flemmyng going to Ireland on the king's service, has letters
nominating John Chichestre and John Blake his attorneys for one year.
Robert de Muskham clerk, received the attorneys
4 Richard II, volume 1, page 599
1381 20 Mar Westminster (membrane 9)
Writ of aid for Walter Parker and Thomas Carpenter, appointed to cut
and sell a portion of the underwood without the king's park of Haveryng,
to the sum of 20 marks, and deliver the proceeds to John Blake,clerk of
the works, for the works in certain of the king's castles and manors.
The like for the following in the places named :
William atte Noke, Nicholas atte Hacche and John Lavender, in the
king's park and lordship of Biflete, to the value of 20 marks.
William Spaldyng, and StephenWauter of Eltham, in a wood called
Hornegrove, belonging to the king's manor of Eltham, to the sum of
40 marks.
William Leche, within the king's park of Bekle, to the value of
10 marks, by survey of Richard Forester.
John Gilberd, William Cole of Berford and Thomas Rede, in the forest
of Grovele, to the value of 20 l., by survey of Alan de Buxhull,
keeper of the forest, or the person supplying his place.
Walter Podebat and William Ernald, to cut a hundred beeches within
the king's park of Berkhampstede and the wood outside, by survey of
Nicholas Adam.
Nicholas Raunche and John Goldman, at Hadle Castle and within
Thunderlegh park, to the value of 20 l., by survey of William de
Pagelsham, the king's steward in those parts. Bythe same writ.
4 Richard II, volume 1, page 614
1381 10 Aug Reading (membrane 31d)
Mandate to the mayor and sheriffs of London and the sherills of Middlesex and Somerset to arrest and imprison Nicholas Frompton chaplain,
John Blake', scryveyn' and, Thomas Ingelby of Bruggewater, indicted
before Peter de Courtenay, Ivo Fitz Waryn and his fellow[ justices] in the
county of Somerset, of divers treasons, felonies and insurrections. By K.
5 Richard II, volume 2, page 74
1384 14 Jul Westminster (membrane 33d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Edward de Courtenay, earl of
Devon, RobertTresilian, John Cary, John Strecche, knight, and James de
Chuddelegh, knight, on complaint bythe dean and chapter of St. Peter's,
Exeter, that Robert, abbot of Bukfast, Luke Holewelle, Henry Hareton,
WilliamBakere, Richard Lamport, Simon Direcomb, Nicholas Sperhauk,
and John Beghe, his fellow-monks, William Armurer of Bukfastlegh, John
Jaycok, Nicholas Brasyetter, William Bedde, John Loty, Peter Hogeman,
John Wode, John Wodenman, John atte Oke, John atte Yatte, John
Lyneger, Walter Lynedeston, John, vicar of Holme, Rebert Boulle, John
Bricche, John Monk, Richard Roke, John Paunton, John Taillour of
Bukfastlegh, John Frensshe of Bukfastlegh, Hugh de Bakhous, William
Turiouns, Richard Herre, Walter Wyke, Robert Blake, John Cornissh,
Adam Pipercorn, Thomas Sopere, Nicholas Sopere, William Wayfrank,
John Leghe, John Haredon, Walter Collyng[es], John Drake of Beueknolle,
Richard Coke of Bukfast, Hugh Coke, William Simon, John Spiryng, John
Hamelyn, Walter Clerk of Legh, John Lenton, Richard Knatton, Hugh
Brith and others came armed to the dean and chapter's manor of Staverton,
co. Devon, broke their closes, houses, and the weirs of their two mills there
and at Dertyngton, took their nets, value 20 l. at Staverton, cut them into
small pieces, felled their trees and underwood there, fished m their several
fishery, carried off fish, trees and other goods, depastured their corn and
grass, assaulted their servants, and so intimidated them that they dare not
stay on their lands, which remain uncultivated and uninhabited.
For 5 marks paid in the hanaper
8 Richard II, volume 2, pages 499-500
1386 12 Feb Westminster (membrane 32)
Writ of aid for Thomas Palmer and John Shalden, appointed by
William Hervy, ulnager of woollen cloths in England, his deputies in
the county of Southampton, during his pleasure.
By bill of the said William.
The like for the following:
Cradock Phelipp[es], his deputy in the county of Gloucester.
Robert Blake and Robert Pope of Salesbury, his deputies in the
county of Somerset.
9 Richard II, volume 3, page 109
1386 28 Jan Westminster (membrane 39d)
Appointment of Nicholas Samburn, escheator in Wilts, John Blake,
Robert Devenessh and the sheriff of Wilts to enquire touching waste,
destruction and various defects in the alien priory of Abury, co. Wilts,
in the king's hands on account of the war with France, as well in
the church and chancel of the same as in the lands, buildings, woods,
walls, etc. belonging thereto.
9 Richard II, volume 3, page 165
1387 14 May Westminster (membrane 14)
Pardon to Henry Brokere of Stokecurcy for not appearing to answer John
Blake, touching a trespass. Somerset.
10 Richard II, volume 3, page 294
1388 13 May Westminster (membrane 11)
Appointment, during pleasure, as from Easter last, of John Kentwode.
knight, as steward of the manors, lordships, lands and tenements, late of
Robert de Veer, duke of Ireland, Robert Tresilian, knight, Robert Bealknap,
knight. John Cary, knight, and John Blake, in the counties of
Devon, Cornwall and Somerset, forfeited to the king by reason of the
judgments against them in the present Parliament, receiving therefor
what shall be reasonably agreed upon between him and the treasurer of
England. By bill of treasurer.
11 Richard II, volume 3, page 446
1388 4 Mar Westminster (membrane 32d)
The like of Richard Hembrigg, the king's serjeant-at-arms, to arrest
and bring before the king and council John Grilliston, John Blake ot
Comartyn, John Lenhergy and Henry Elyn.
11 Richard II, volume 3, page 464
1388 21 Mar Westminster (membrane 25d)
Appointment of Robert de Garton clerk, Richard Fylongley and the
escheators in the counties of York, Lincoln, Nottingham and Northumberland to,
survey and extend the castles, lordships, lands, tenements,
reversions, fees, advowsons, franchises, liberties and other possessions, and
also the goods and chattels late of Alexander, archbishop of York,
Robert de Veer, duke of Ireland, Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk,
Robert Tresilian and Nicholas Brembre, knights, John Blake, Thomas
Usk, Robert Bealknap, knight, John Holt, John Cary, William Burgh,
Roger Fulthorpe, knights, and John Lokton, forfeited to the king by
reason of certain judgements rendered against them in the present
Parliament, and of any who have acquired the same from them subsequently
to certain dates. The escheators are to seize any possessions not
yet taken into the king's hands, and the aforesaid Robert and Richard
are to compel stewards, receivers and farmers, by imprisonment, if
necessary, to produce all charters and writings touching the same, and
to enquire into whose hands such possessions have come, with power to
appoint fresh stewards and bailiffs, certifying their names and all proceedings herein; in accordance with the ordinance of Parliament consequent upon the said judgment amd directing proclamations to be made
in those counties that if any persons had any of the forfeited goods
concealed they should within two months surrender them or their value
under pain of a year's imprisonment.
11 Richard II, volume 3, page 469
1388 14 July Westminster (membrane 28)
Appointment of John Kentwode, and the king's clerk, William de
Horbury to, take to Launceston before the next assizes, divers charters,
writings, rolls and memoranda respecting manors, lands and tenements
late of Robert Tresilian knight, forfeited to the king an account of the
judgment against him in the last Parliament, and which are in a chest
at Lostwithicel co., Cornwall under the seals of the said John and William
and the mayor and bailiffs of that place, and to show the same from time
to time as may be necessary to William Rikhill and John Cassy, justices
of assize, in evidence for the king against persons suing for recovery of
lands, and afterwards to bring the same to Westminster, together with all
other rolls and memoranda touching lands late of Robert, late duke of
Ireland Robert Bealknap John Cary and John Blake in Cornwall, Devon
and Somerset and deliver them to the Council
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 493
1388 18 July Westminster (membrane 26)
Appointment of William Dounebruggoene, of the barons of the Exchequer,
to audit the accounts of the king's ministers in Devon, Cornwall,
Somerset and Dorset, in respect of all manors, lands and tenements in
those counties late of Robert, duke of Ireland, Robert Tresilian, Robert
Bealknap, John Cary and John Blake, forfeited in the late Parliament, so
long as they remain in the king's hands for that cause.
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 496
1388 10 Nov Westminster (membrane 1)
Grant, by mainprise of William Amadas of Devon, Thomas Porter of
the same county, and Thomas Mule of Bodman, co. Cornwall, to John
Sampford of the custody of the lands and tenements which were (sic)
Elizabeth Jardyn's, to hold during her minority, together with her
marriage, which lands were John Blake's, deceased, who made forfeiture
to the king; and he is to pay 60 s. therefor. Bybill of treasurer.
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 540
1388 12 Jul Westminster (membrane 32d)
Commission to William Rikhill and John Cassy, upon the petition
of Joan, late the wife of John Blake of Loddeforde, to enquire touching
the circumstances alleged therein, as follows: William Wayte, vicar of
Shestbeare, Richard Foldhay, Robert Maynard and Richard Chepman
by their charter lately granted to the said John and Joan and the heirs
and assigns of John, in perpetuity, all the lands and tenements, rents and
services of tenants, with reversions of such as were held for term of life
or years, in Devon, formerly the inheritance of Edmund de Horton,
and which they had by the grant and enfeoffment of the said John.
William Basset and several others similarly granted divers lands in that
county to the said John and Joan for life, all which lands, by reason
of the judgment in Parliament against the said John, have been seized
into the king's hands, restitution whereof is now prayed. By K.
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 544
1388 8 Nov Westminster (membrane 28d)
Commission to W. bishop of Durham, or his chancellor, to survey
the possessions within his bishopric, late of Alexander, archbishop of
York; Robert de Veer, duke of Ireland; Michael de la Pole, earl of
Suffolk ; Robert Tresilian, knight; Nicholas Brembre, knight ; John
Blake; Thomas Usk; Robert Bealknap, knight; John Holt, knight;
John Cary, knight; William Burgh, knight; Roger Fulthorpe, knight,
and John Lokton ; and cause them to be seized into the king's hands
and duly extended, with power to compel stewards, receivers, bailiffs
and occupiers of the said land and possessions to produce charters,
writings, rentals and other memoranda touching the same, and further
to enquire into whose hands have come the goods and chattels which
belonged to the said archbishop and the rest; pursuant to the ordinance
of the late Parliament.
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 546
1389 13 Apr Westminster (membrane 12d)
Commission to Walter Clopton, Robert Cherlton, William Thirnyng
and John Markham to examine at St. Martin's-le-Grand, London, and
correct the errors, if any, in the record and process and judgment rendered
in a cause before the mayor and aldermen of London in the court of the
chamber of the Guildhall between John Reymes and John Botelesham of
Bury touchinga trespass done to the former by the latter, and also in
the record and process and judgment rendered in another cause before
them between John Payn, goldsmith, and Joan, his wife [plaintiffs] and
the said John Botelesham touchinga trespass done to the former
by the latter, and also in judgments against Robert Lytle,
' fysshemonger,' Thomas Neel,' vynter,' Thomas Prentys,'fleccher,'
Stephen Seder, 'fleccher,' Walter Lynot , taverner, William Poull,
'botelmaker,' John Blake, 'goldsmyth,' and Simon Rous, 'fysshemonger,'
mainpernors of the said John Botelesham. They are to do speedy justice
to the parties and meanwhile release on bail such as are in prison and
12 Richard II, volume 3, page 58
1389 15 Sep Clarendon Manor (membrane 13)
Appointment of Richard Frye and John Blake as controllers of the 20 l
a year granted for five years by the king's letters patent to his tenants in
Winchester from the subsidy of the ulnage of cloth in Winchester and the
county of Southampton for repairing the walls of their city. By p.s.
13 Richard II, volume 4, page 112
1389 15 Sep Clarendon Manor (membrane 11)
Grant for five years, to the king's tenants in Winchester who have
been impoverished by pestilences and other chance losses, of the subsidy
of cloth in that city and in the county of Southampton, to the yearly value
of 20 l for repairing the city walls, by survey and control of Richard Frye
and John Blake, but they are to account at the Exchequer for any surplus
therefrom. By p.s.
13 Richard II, volume 4, page 115
1389 28 Oct Westminster (membrane 3d)
Commission to William Rikhill and William Brenchesle to enquire
touching the petition of John Barlet alleging that whereas Robert
Champiaux, knight, in the time of Edward I granted, in free marriage,
to one John Barlet and Agnes his wife, daughter of the said Robert and
great-grandmother of the petitioner, two messuages, two water mills and
a virgate of land with appurtenances in Mollond Champiaux, co.Devon,
which after the death of the said John and Agnes Barlet, Robert their
son, and Matthew son of Robert, should descend to the said petitioner,
son of the said Matthew, kinsman and heir of the said John and Agnes,
yet by reason of the forfeiture of John Blake, who was seized of the
premises at the time of his forfeiture the same are in the king's hand.
By K.
13 Richard II, volume 4, page 143
1390 25 Feb Westminster (membrane 8)
Grant, with the assent of the Great Council and for 8 l. paid for the
king's use to John de Hermesthorp by Roger Mareschall and Richard
Torell, to the said Roger and Richard, their heirs and assigns, of a moiety
of the manor of Bebeton, co. Sussex, extended at 6 s 8 d a year and not
more, because the said Roger receives from the said moiety a yearly rent of
9 l. which moiety was lately John Blake's, by whose forfeiture under the
judgment against him in the Parliament of 11 Richard II the same is
come to the king's hands. [As above, 13 Richard II, Part I, Membrane 32.]
By p.s.
13 Richard II, volume 4, page 195
1390 24 Feb Westminster (membrane 31)
Grant, with the assent of the Great Council and for 20 l paid by Master
Hugh Hikelyng, clerk, Thomas Lane and John Lynley to John de
Hermesthorpe for the king's use, to the said Hugh, Thomas and John,
their heirs and assigns, from Michaelmas last, of two tenements with
wardens in Exeter, two shops, two parcels of land outside the east gate of
Exeter, one messuage or a .yearly rent of 18 s 4 d issuing from certain lands
and tenements in Great Toriton and a tenement in Merlond late of John
Blake, come into the king's hands by his forfeiture by virtue of the
judgment against him in Parliament at Westminster 11 Richard II. If
the premises or any part of them be duly recovered from the grantees,
compensation shall be made to them. By p.s.
13 Richard II, volume 4, page 223
1391 9 Oct Westminster (membrane 39)
Pardon of outlawry to John Blake of Kent, for not appearing
before the justices of the Common Bench to answer Thomas Bakeler,
clerk, touching a debt of 10 marks. London.
15 Richard II, volume 4, page 451
1392 20 Jul Windsor (membrane 17)
Pardon,for 20 s.paid to the king byJohn Joce, to him and Edmund
Olak,Thomas Blake and John Payn, chaplain, for acquiring, in fee, from
John Inge of Fontel Giffard, co. Wilts, one toft, two carucates of land,
five acres of meadow and 20 d. of rent, with their appurtenances, called
Cnouylleslond in Shirebourne and Bromley within the forest of Pamber,
co. Southampton held in chief, and entering thereon without licence and
grant that they may hold the premises as acquired.
16 Richard II, volume 5, page 134
1393 10 Feb Winchester (membrane 5)
Grant to Joan, late the wife of John Popard of Alton, and executrix of
his will, of 25 l. due from Warin Lercedeaken and John Tregorrek to John
Blake under a writing obligatory found in her hands for 200 l as security
for the re- payment of a loan of 100 l. whereof the said John Blake had
received 60 l, as a loan from her said husband, as she in her petition
alleges, and of which sum of 100 l. 25 l. were repaid to the said John Blake
in his life-time and after his death 50 l. thereof to the king on account of
his forfeiture, leaving a balanceof 25 l. now asked for, and hereby granted,
but she also asks order for payment of the said 60 l. The king makes
this grant in full satisfaction of the last-named sum, and further pardons
the said Joan whatever is due to him for her concealment of the said
bond. By K.
16 Richard II, volume 5, page 223
1393 11 Mar Westminster (membrane 25)
Appointment, during pleasure, of William Blake to the office of the
tronage or pesage of wools in Newcastle upon Tyne. By bill of treasurer.
16 Richard II, volume 5, page 244
1393 17 Jun Westminster (membrane 4)
Pardon to John Marschall of Thresk, indicted for harbouring William,
son of John de Bekwyth, John, son of John Poleyn, Thomas Poleyn, his
brother, William Poleyn, HenryLightfote, John, son of John Robynson,
William, son of Geoffrey del Mosse, William Baker of the forest of
Knaresburgh, John del Stubbe, Robert Stubbe, William de Fleteham,
John Bekwyth of Northwode, HenryWarde, Robert Blake the younger,
Robert Short, John de Redeshagh, Henry Mese, Stephen Taillour,
Richard de Maunby, Roger de Bekwyth and Thomas Henrison Smyth
of Kirkeby,who were indicted for that on Sunday after Michaelmas
in the thirteenth year theycame to Knaresburgh castle, shot at it and
killed Edmund,s on of Robert Doubigging, in the house of William
Snawe; also for harbouring the said William de Bekwyth, Thomas
Poleyn, William Fleteham, John,son of William de Bekwyth, John, son
of John, son of Robert, and William de Rodeshagh (sic), who were indicted
for killing on Palm Sundayin the twelfth year John de Denton and
William Forster at Bluberhous; also for harbouring William, son of
John de Bekwyth, William, son of Geoffrey delMosse, John, son of John
Mosse and John Flecchar of Ulston, who were indicted for killing on
the Friday after the translation of St. Thomas in the thirteenth year
William Rute of Hamstwayt at Kilynghall; also for that he with others
harboured the persons above-named on the first five days of the week
after Michaelmas in the eleventh year, and several times afterwards at
his house in the North and West Ridings of York,well knowing they
had committed felonies. Further, the king hereby grants to the said
John and Margaret, his wife, in fee, two messuages and three bovates
of land in Northkilvyngton, which he held in her right, extended before
the escheator in that county at 10 s. a year, and one messuage in Thresk
extended at 2 s. a year, forfeited for the reasons aforesaid. By p.s. [8849]
16 Richard II, volume 5, pages 284-285
1394 12 Feb Westminster (membrane 18)
William Wysbeche, draper alias citizen and merchant of London, for
not appearing to answer John Blake of Winchester, touching a
debt of 40.s.and to rendor 13 l. 16 s. to Walter Jurdan and John
Harleston, executors of the will of Henry Jurdan, citizen of
Winchester. London
17 Richard II, volume 5, page 401
1394 28 May Westminster (membrane 3)
Pardon to John Russell of Lewes for, with others, shipping over sea at
night on the feast of St. Margaret in the seventeenth year three sacks of
wools, uncustomed and uncoketted, in Kyngeston Havene at Goryng, co.
Sussex, in the boat of Laurence Blake, a denizen, and in like manner
exporting on Friday night in the first week of August from Kyngeston
four sacks in sixteen pockets in the vessel of John Paynot. By p.s. [9929.]
17 Richard II, volume 5, page 584
1395 22 Jun Westminster (membrane 30)
Pardon of outlawry to Robert Broford clerk, for not appearing
before the justices of the Common Bench when sued with John Blake, clerk,
as executors of the will of Alan Wryngton,of Bristol, to
render, along with Richard Peuetrer,clerk, John Sutton and
John Cheltenam their co-executors, 100 Edward Bokelond.
20 Richard II, volume 5, page 672
1395 9 Oct Westminster (membrane 29)
Pardon of outlawry to John Blake, clerk, for not appearing
before the justices of the Common Bench when sued with Robert Breford,
clerk, as executors of the will of Alan Wryngton of, Bristol, to
render, along with Richard Peuetrer,clerk, John Sutton and
John Cheltenam their co-executors, 100 1. to Edward Bokelond.
20 Richard II, volume 5, page 674
1396 10 Nov Westminster (membrane 20)
Pardon to John Welyndon of Merston by Bannebury for not appearing to
render 40 s. to Thomas Muriell,clerk, Thomas Hodyngton,
Alexander 'that was Jonesprest Blake, clerk,' and John Smyth
of Hodyngton, executors of the will of John Blake, clerk.
(Texte custode.) co. Worcester
20 Richard II, volume 6, page 129
1397 28 Jun Westminster(membrane 34)
Grant,for a fine of 200 l. paid at the Receipt of the Exchequer, to John
Hankeford and his heirs for ever, at the yearly rent of a rose, of the
following, all in the county of Devon:- (1) the manor of Heghene, 6
messuages, 5 carucates and 6 ferlings of land and 1 shambles with their
appurtenances in Heghene, Horton Halle, Bishop's Nymet, Southmolton,
Yaddebyry, Uppecote, Langetree, Bradeworthy and Aysshemannesworthy
and 11 l. 1 d of rent and the rent of a pound and a half of wax, the
advowson of the chapel of St. Mary Magdalene, Tadyport, with
appurtenances in Yaddebyry, Ruggecombe, Bradeworthy, Alfredysworthy,
Welcombe Hertilond, Aysshemannesworthy, Langetree, Petrysmerlond,
Wytherygge Heynstford Wodeton, Uppecote, Churne, Beare, Gronbeare,
Coltishorne, Stykerygge, Thorne, Wolfardysheth, Kysmeldon, Wolferdysworthy
and Bokyssh,which the said John and Joan, his wife, hold for the
term of the said Joan's life, the reversion belonging to the king by reason
of the judgement in Parliament against John Blake in the eleventh year ;
(2) the following reversions expectant, viz. a messuage and ferling of
land, upon the deaths of Ralph Smale and Joan, his wife, for which they
render 8 s. a year, a messuage and half a ferling of land, upon the death
of Thomas Inthehay, for which he renders 6.s. 4 d. a year, a messuage and
2 ferlings of land, upon the deaths of Robert Robyn, Clarice, his wife,
and John, their son, for which they render 16 s. a year, and two acres of
meadow, upon the death of Walter Person, for which he renders 6 d. a
year, with their appurtenances in Southmolton, Aysshemannesworthy,
Langetree and Doelton, all which reversions after the death of the
aforesaid Joan, wife of John Hankeford, belong to the king by reason of
the same judgement; (3) the reversion expectant of a messuage and
carucate of land in the hundred of Crydyton, upon the death of Thomas
Raymond who holds the same of the said John Blake and his heirs at
the yearly rent of 24 s. and (4) the homages and services of John Hurt,
John Gete, John Knyght, John Uppercote, Michael Bonde and Emma,
his wife, Walter Robert, parson of Crusmorchard, Thomas Wryth,
Reginald Withlegh, Walter Mander, Joan, late the wife of John Poleyn,
Lucy Hurle, Walter Beare, Giles Ayssh, William Way, John atte Wille,
Walter Willesdon, John Puteman, John Colyer, Lucy Deygh, Richard
Broun, Felicia atte Wode, Walter atte Fenne, and Elizabeth, his wife,
John Lorymere and Joan, his wife, John Adam, Robert Snook and Alice,
his wife, John Dysore and Joan, his wife, Adam Jon, and Joan his wife,
John Donneworthy and Alice his wife, Robert Yeo of Atteworthy, and
Joan his wife, Phillip Strokesworthy, John William, Richard Wylle,
John Walsch, Theobald atte Wode, John atte Worthen, and Sarah, his
wife, Reginald Sangere, John Langeman, John Loveworthy, John
Crocker, Robert Blenche, Richard Shephurd, and Margery, his wife,
Thomas Hora, John Inthehay, William Hodell, Robert Bonde, William
Raymond, John Bury, John Prodehomme, Robert Martyn and Meliora, his
wife, Thomas Jon and Joan, his wife, Roger Spycer, Ralph Chalvedon,
William Moret, David Holman, John Holand, Henry Hele, William
Hopere, Nicholas Batyn, and Agnes, his wife, Richard Nicol and Isabel,
his wife, John Wylky, John Belyetere, William Rynald, Margery Comyn,
Alice Comyn, William Coleton and Margery his wife, Thomas Rytherdon
and Christina, his wife, Walter Hurde, Lucy Taillour, Thomas Dogge,
William Lorymere and Edith, his wife, Robert Hermannesworthy, Henry
atte Forde, and Joan, his wife, and of their heirs, the said homages and
services belonging after the death of the said Joan, wife of John Hankeford,
to the king on account of the forfeiture of the said John Blake, together
with the wardships, marriages, and escheats. By p.s. [11240]
21 Richard II, volume 6, pages 167-168
1397 21 Aug Woodstock Manor (membrane 11)
Grant to the earl of Somerset of the forfeiture belonging to the king
of a bond due to the earl of Arundel for certain wools sold to Andrew
Blake and Robert Hore, to the value of 100 l. and of the wools as well,
now within the castle of Lewes, which have been arrested to the king's
use by an esquire of the earl of Derby. By p.s. [11348.]
21 Richard II, volume 6, page 350
1399 30 Oct Westminster (membrane 2)
Grant for life to the king's servant William Blake of the office of
forester of the forest of Blakwellhay, co Essex, with the accustomed fees
and profits. By p.s.
1 Henry IV, volume 1, page 41
1399 5 Nov Westminster (membrane 29)
Grant for life to the king's servant William Blake, late servant of the
king's sister the duchess of Gloucester deceased, of 4d daily at the
Exchequer. By p.s.
1 Henry IV, volume 1, page 54
1401 7 Feb Westminster (membrane 39)
Presentationof John Blake parson of the church of Vaynor Weyno in,
the diocese of St. David's, to the church of Blaneleveny, in the same
diocese on, an exchange of benefices with Howel Curteys.
2 Henry IV, volume 1, page 423
1402 17 Apr Westminster (membrane 28)
Pardon of outlawry to William Blake, chaplain, for not appearing before the justices of the
Bench to answer William Wyndesore clerk, touching a debt of
100 s. Kent.
3 Henry IV, volume 2, page 77
1402 13 Oct Westminster (membrane 22d)
Commission to ThomasWodyngfeld and Walter Long to supervise and
prepare the following ships of which the following are masters and
owners, viz., la Katerine of Salesbury of the portage of 140 tuns of
Thomas Child, John Montegewe, Thomas Bed, William Dodyng and,
John Girdeler, la Marie of Hampton of the portage of 126 tuns of
Walter Lang and Walter Schussh, le Blithe of Hampton of the portage
of 100 tuns of John Lymborne, John Montegewe and Nicholas Schagh,
la Alise of Hamell of the portage of 130 tuns of .John Pikot, John
Degell and John Clerk, le Welfare of Hoke of the portage of 74
tuns of John March, John Lasy and William atte Hele, la Margarete
of Hoke of the portage of 80 tuns of Andrew Blake and John
Aubrey and la Marie of Farram of the portage of 68 tuns of William
Smyth and William Peris, lately arrested by John Drax in the port of
Suthampton by pretext of a commission of the king and now under arrest
in the said port or other ports and places adjacent, and to take a balinger
at their discretion and mariners for the ships and balinger so that they
shall be ready in the said port on the last dayof October at latest to serve
the king at sea. By C.
4 Henry IV, volume 2, pages 196-197
1405 22 May Westminster (membrane 37)
Pardons of outlawry to Walter Jurdan,'marchaunt,' lately dwelling at Winchester for not
appearing to answer John Blake of Winchester touching a debt of
100 s. Southampton.
6 Henry IV, volume 2, page 448
1406 18 Feb Westminster (membrane 5)
Revocation of letters patent dated 28 June, 14 Richard II, Fine Roll,
14 Richard II, m. 21, committing to John Peytevyn of Worcester, now
deceased, and Agnes his wife the keeping of a garden by the church of
St. Andrew, Worcester, lying between the processional way of the church
on one side and the way called 'Houndeslane' on the other side and
extending from the tenement of the said John to the said way called
'Houndesland.' Edward III by letters patent granted licence for John de
Croule to grant in mortmain to John de Oxenford. parson of the church,
a moiety of an acre of land in Worcester adjoining the manse of the
rectory for its enlargement; and afterwards by an inquisition taken before
John Wassheburn,escheator of Richard II in the county, it was found
that William Blake of Worcester granted the garden to the church
without licence; and at the suit of Robert Esebache now parson of the
church, complaining that the land and the garden are the same and the
said John de Croule granted it to the said John de Oxenford by licence as
above, and the latter and his successors were in possession accordingly
until one Thomas Hoppeley, late parson of the church, predecessor of
the said Robert, was removed by colour of the said inquisition and letters
patent, the king directed the sheriff to summon Walter Clare, who
married Agnes, and Agnes to appear before him in Chancery at a certain
day now past to show cause why the letters should not be revoked, and
the sheriff returned that the writ was returned by him to John Mall and
John Berton, bailiffs of the liberty of the city, who answered that they
summoned the said Walter and Agnes by Robert Brugge. Philip Ewyas,
Richard Oseney and John Felde and Walter and Agnes appeared by John
Mapilton their attorney and Robert appeared in person, and judgement
was given for Robert.
7 Henry IV, volume 3, page 141
1406 26 Oct Westminster (membrane 34)
Pardons of outlawry to John Blake of Senecote, for not appearing to answer Robert
Trefridowe touching a trespass. Cornwall.
8 Henry IV, volume 3, page 251
1411 10 Jul Westminster (membrane 11)
Pardon to John Blake of Ryskyngton lately dwelling at Sempyngham, for the death of John Cooke alias Porter of Sempyngham
alias John Coke, 'scotte,' killed by him with a knife worth 2 d. at
Sempyngham on Thursday before All Saints, 12 Henry IV, at
Sempyngham. By p.s.
Henry IV, volume 4, page 294
1412 24 Sep Westminster (membrane 7d)
Commissionof oyer and terminer to William Hankeford,Robert
Hill, John Herle, 'chivaler,' Robert Chalons, 'chivaler,' William
Talbot, 'chivaler,' Henry Fulford,William Wynard and John
Selman, on complaint byJohn, abbot of Tavystoke, that Robert Salle,
Richard Salle, Robert Bloye, Alexander atte Beare, Richard Kyng,
William Blake, John Julle the elder, William Speare, John Mathu, John
Shyrreve, John Moys, Reginald Whyte, Walter Cook of the hundred
of Blaketoriton, John Westlake, John Strepe, Thomas Prous of
Ikesborne, Thomas Noble, Henry Westelake, John atte Wode,
Walter Charpeleyn, James Tykell, William Milforde and Richard
Milforde and others came armed to Hatherlegh, co, Devon, broke
his closes there, levelled his hedges, assaulted and ill-treated John
Roche his servant and other servants, carried off his corn in sheaves,
besieged a plot of his there called 'Monkelegh' and did not permit
his servants to go into or out of it, and threatened his servants and
tenants. For 2 marks paid in the hanaper.
13 Henry IV, volume 4, page 433
1415 8 Feb Westminster (membrane 6)
William Shelton of the county of Norfolk, for not appearing
before the justices of the Bench of Henry IV to answer Robert
Blake, citizen of London, touching a debt of 40 s. and John
Pountfreyt, citizen and draper of London, William Weston,
citizen and draper of London, and William Wanstall, citizen
and scrivener of London, executors of the will of John Olyver,
late citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 40 s.
2 Henry V, volume 1, page 217
1414 15 December Westminster (membrane 23)
Pardon to Thomas Blake, 'wever,' of Chester.
2 Henry V, volume 1, page 271
1417 18 Feb Westminster (membrane 28)
Pardon of outlawry to Roland Leynthale, knight, alias Roland Leyntale, esquire,
dwelling with Edmund earl of March alias Roland Lenthale
of the county of Hereford, knight for not appearing to answer
John Whathele citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt
of 39 l. 19 s. 6 d. and to answer a plea that he render 100 s. to
Robert Blake and John Lynde, executors of the will of Richard
Chapman, late citizen and baker of London, and Robert
Tentyrden, citizen and ' iremonger' of London, and Rose his
wife, their co-executrix. London.
4 Henry V, volume 2, page 26
1419 20 Nov Westminster (membrane 25)
Robert Lovell of Rammesham co,. Dorset, alias of Claryndon,
co. Wilts, esquire, son of the lord of Lovell, for not appearing
to answer Richard Courteney, John Wade, clerk, and William
Wotton touching a debt of 6 l. 13 s. 4 d. and Hugh Burnell, knight,
touching a debt of 350 marks, to answer a plea that he render
his account of Humphrey duke of Gloucester for the time when
he was his receiver and to answer him touching a debt of 100
marks, to answer a plea that he render 14 Robert Blake
and John Lynde, brother-in-law (frater in lege) of Richard
Chapman late citizen and painter of London, executors of the
will of the said Richard, and Robert Tentirden, citizen and
' iremonger' of London, and Rose his wife, late the wife of
the said Richard, their co-executrix, to answer Thomas
Ryngwode touching debts of 40 l.and 40 l.,William Hankeford,
knight, touching a debt of 210 l., William Somercotes touching
a debt of 20 marks and Thomas Dollay, citizen and mercer of
London, touching a debt of 15 l.19 s .8 d., and to answer a plea
that he render his account to Robert Thorley, esquire, for the
time when he was his receiver. London. Middlesex.
7 Henry V, volume 2, pages 229-230
1421 12 Jul Westminster (membrane 16d)
Commission to James Cokkes, mayor of Bristol, John June, Robert
Russell and Thomas Blount to enquire whether John Blake, prior
of the college of kalendars within the said town, was seised of 19 d.
rent from a messuage situated in the suburb of the town, parcel of
9 s. in a bill of his exhibited before the king in Chancery after the
king's last crossing to Normandy and, disseised by Mark William of
Bristol, and whether he was seised of the remaining 7 s. 6 d, rent in
such estate that he could not be disseised, or not.
8 Henry V, volume 2, page 325
1421 24 Apr Westminster (membrane 26)
Pardon to Richard Oward and Alice his wife, executrix of the
will of William Baily of Salisbury late 'draper,' of their outlawry
and waiver respectively in the county of Southampton for not
appearing before Richard Norton, late one of the justices of the Bench,
and his fellows to satisfy John Blake, citizen and merchant of
Winchester of, 29 l. which he recovered against them and 60 s. damages;
as they appeared in person before the said justices and were committed
to the Flete prison and when brought to the bar in the custody of
the warden of the Flete said that John after the recovery by a writing
produced in court dated the feast of St. Cecilia the Virgin, 8 Henry V,
released all actions against them and prayed a writ to the sheriff
to summon him before the justices to acknowledge or deny the writing,
which was granted, and they were brought to the bar and John on
the fourth day of the plea solemnly called did not appear, and the
sheriff returned that he summoned him, and judgement was given
that they should be quit.
9 Henry V, volume 2, page 337
1424 8 Jul Westminster (membrane 26)
Richard Studeleye of Colchestre, for not appearing before the justices
of the Bench of Henry V, to answer John Burgayn, vicar of
Leysdone in Shepeye and Andrew Blake of Lewys touching a
plea of debt of 40 s. Kent.
2 Henry VI, volume 1, page 153
1431 20 Feb Westminster (membrane 30)
John Blake as chaplain of the chantry of St Mary within the
manor of Wodestoke.
9 Henry VI, volume 2, page 85
1431 (membranes 3 to 1)
Placita copy.
A writ- of venire facias electos magne assise tested by R. de
Thorp on 4 February, 39 Edward III and returnable in the
quinzaine of Trinity following Mich. last. Roll 152. Assize:
with its endorsement bythe sheriff accompanying panel as
follows: BetweenJohn de Kirketon, 'chivaler,' plaintiff, and
Ralph de Cromwel, 'chivaler,' and Maud, his wife, tenants.
Mainpernors of Peter Bavent, knight, sworn, John Forster,
Richard Bailly; of John deMulton, knight — William Covente,
William Gervays; of John de Osgotteby, sworn — Thomas
Petit, Ralph Bryan; of John Wyldebore — John Hervy,
William Tumour; of Sayer de Rocheford, knight, sworn Richard Collyng, Adam Blake; Roger de Cobeldyk is dead;
Mainpernors of John de Langeton, sworn — John Couper,
ThomasWarner; of Thomas son of Richard de Holbeche,
sworn — John Trippok, Adam Walker; of Richard Turnay,
sworn — John Symond, Roger Blybone; of Simon Huwet,
sworn — Richard Forster, Thomas Petit; of John de Crosseholm,
sworn — Adam Blake, John Freman; of William son of
Fulk de Sutton, sworn — Thomas Kempe, Alan Fouler; of
Peter Beauchampe, sworn — John Turpyn. Adam Wyot; of
Gilbert Wace of Toft, sworn — Stephen Blome and John
Wright; of William Sibry, sworn — William Hervy, John
Tannour; of Simon son of Martin de Holbeche — Richard
Hardy, Thomas Petit.
9 Henry VI, volume 2, pages 151-152
1440 3 Apr Westminster (membrane 2)
Pardon to Thomas Blake of Ingwardby, co. Leicester, 'servant,' of his
outlawry in the said county, for not appearing before Thomas Whatton
and his fellows, justices of the peace and of oyer and terminer for the
same county, to answer touching a certain contempt and trespass whereof
he was indicted; he having surrendered to the prison at Leyeestre before
the said justices, as the said Thomas Whatton has certified.
18 Henry VI, volume 3, page 405
1442 27 Feb Westminster (membrane 6)
Grant, for life, to Richard Veel, chaplain, that he be one of the chaplains
in the chapel within the manor of Wodestoke, taking such yearly wages
as John Blake, chaplain, had in his life. By p.s. etc
20 Henry VI, volume 4, page 43
1442 30 Oct Westminster (membrane 26)
Pardon to the prior and canons of Bustlesham of the sum of 9 l. 9 s. 9 3/4 d
which they were charged on their goods in the county of Berks on
the occasion of the grant of a tenth, fifteenth and moiety of a tenth and
fifteenth to the king by the commonalty of England in the .Parliament
held at Westminster in the eighteenth year, to wit, 101 s. 9 3/4 d. in the town
of Bustlesham in the hundred of Bynerssh, 40 s in the town of Cokeham
in the hundred of Cokeham, 48 s. in the town of Bray in the hundred of
Bray, owing to the insufficiency of a writ of exemption directed to William
Sherman of New Wyndesore. Robert Beche of Wokyngham, John Kyrkeby
of Redyng, John Colyns of Gynge, John Colle of Beneham, Thomas
Blake of Northmorton , Richard Ryder of Hungerford, John Beremyll of
Westhanne and John Cokkes of Esthenreth, late collectors of the said
grants, and in spite of a charter of exemption granted to them by
Edward [Ill] and confirmed by the king. By K. etc.
21 Henry VI, volume 4, page 129
1443 16 May Westminster (membrane 35)
Grant, for life, to Thomas Sybford chaplain, that he be one of the
chaplains of the chantry of St. Mary within the manor of Wodestoke, as
John Blake, chaplain, was of late, taking therefor 100 s. yearly out of the
revenues of the manor and all other profits and commodities as John had,
and having within the manor a dwelling-house and garden, provided
always that he tarry there and serve in his own person. By p.s. etc.
21 Henry VI, volume 4, page 169
1447 21 Nov Westminster (membrane 22)
Licence, for 20 s. paid in the hanaper, for Robert Mounpynson and
Katharine his wife, late the wife of William Hunt, and John Chirche,
son of Nicholas Chirche, to grant to John Wodde and Margery his
wife, Robert their son, John Haydon, Robert Wodde, John Bryston
the younger, esquire, Thomas Brygge, William Norwych,Thomas
Elys, Robert Norwych, Richard Blake and Roger Coche and their
heirs 4 messuages, 4 tofts, 80 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 15 s.
2 1/4 d. of rent and the rent of a pound of pepper and a pound of
cummin in Est Barsham and Great Sloryng, held in chief.
26 Henry VI, volume 5, page 110
1450 31 Mar Westminster (membrane 25)
Grant for life to the king's serjeant, Edmund Blake, clerk of the
signet, of the keeping of the castle and park of Hadlegh, co. Essex,
to hold himself or by deputy with the usual wages, fees and profits.
By p.s. etc.
28 Henvy VI, volume 5, page 323
1450 9 Jun Leicester (membrane 20)
Grant for life to the king's serjeant, Simon Blake, keeper of the seal
in the court of the Marshalsea, of the offices of bailiff and warrener
of the town, lordship and warren of Swafham, co. Norfolk, with the
usual wages, fees and profits. By p.s. etc.
28 Henry VI, volume 5, page 329
1450 8 Jun Leicester (membrane 19)
Grant for life to the king's serjeant, Edmund Blake, clerk for the
king's secrets (ad secreta nostra), of the offices of constable and porter
of the castle of Hadleugh alias Hadle, co. Essex, and keeper of the park
of Hadle, with the usual wages, fees and profits. By p.s. etc.
28 Henry VI, volume 5, page 330
1450 26 Jul Westminster (membrane 15)
Grant for life to the king's serjeant, Simon Blake, of the office of
bailiff of the liberty and franchises of the honour of Richemond in
Norfolk and Suffolk, to hold himself or by deputy, with the usual
wages, fees and profits. By p.s. etc.
28 Henry VI, volume 5, page 335
1451 28 May Westminster (membrane 13)
Grant for life to Edmund Blake, clerk of the signet, of the offices
of keeper of the wardrobe and porter of the castle of Hadlegh alias
Hadley, co. Essex,and parker of the park there, to hold himself or by
deputies with the usual wages, fees and profits by the hands of the
farmers, bailiffs, reeves or other officers of the lordship or manor of
Hadlegh ; in lieu of a grant of the keeping of the castle and park
by letters patent dated 31 March, 28 HenryVI, surrendered.
By p.s. etc.
29 Henry VI, volume 5, page 457
1451 24 Dec Westminster (membrane 15)
Grant for life to the king's esquire, Edmund Blake, of the office
of clerk and surveyor of the king's works, to hold himself or by deputies
with the usual fees, wages, rewards, liveries of vestures and furs and
other profits, and the wages of 4 s. a day when riding to survey, search or
advise any work in any of the king's castles, manors or other places,
as William Cleve or John Straunge or any other has had, so that he have
allowance thereof in his accounts at the Exchequer, on his oath,
and with a dwelling within 'le Greneyerd' at Westminster built by
William at the king's cost for the use of the office and with a great
garden opposite thereto enclosed with a 'breke' wall, and with all
chambers, counting houses, sheds (traseris), 'storehousis' and void
places at Westminster, the Tower of London, Eltham, Shene and
Claringdon and elsewhere assigned for all stores and servants for
the works; and grant that he may repair the same at the king's costs
and have, allowance therefor in his accounts, and that no officer of the
chamber or harbinger of the chamber or household lodge any person
therein; in lieu of a like grant to William Cleve, surrendered.
By K. etc.
30 Henry VI, volume 5, page 510
1452 17 Jan Westminster (membrane 12)
Appointment of the king's esquire, Edmund Blake, as clerk of the
king's works at Westminster palace, the Tower of London, the manors
of Eltham, Claryngdon, Shene, Chilterne Langley and Odyham,
and the lodges within the parks of Claryngdon, Eltham, Chilterne
Langley and Odyham, and the king's mews for his falcons by
Charyngcrouch and, at all other castles, manors and lodges of the
king within the realm, and of the gardens, stanks, mills and other
houses and closes pertaining thereto; and to take stonemasons,
plumbers, carpenters, masons and other workmen and labourers
and set them to work at the king's wages; and to take stones, timber,
tiles, shingles, glass, iron, lead and all other necessaries for the works,
and carriage therefor; and to make payments for the wages of the
workmen and the purveyances, purchases, carriages and other expenses,
and to bring back workmen who withdraw without licence and commit
to prison all others contrary herein, until they give security that they
will serve faithfully; and to make inquisition if the materials provided
have been withdrawn and to cause the same to be restored, and to
sell branches, bark and other the residue of trees purveyed and to
answer the king thereof; taking for himself and his deputies the
usual fees, wages, rewards and profits, as John Arderne, John
Straunge or William Cleve, chaplain, or other occupier of the office,
had therein; grant also to him that he may appoint deputies bybills
sealed under his seal, to make the said purveyances, and that the
chancellor of England shall cause commissions under the great seal
to be duly made to such persons as Edmund shall certify to him, and
that Edmund may cut down and sell underwood in any of the said
manors, closes and parks and the king's forests and chaces, and apply
the money to the repair and maintenance of the works.
By K. etc.
31 Henry VI, volume 5, page 514
1452 16 Jun Westminster (membrane 23d)
Commission to John, earl of Shrewsburye reciting that contrary to
Westminster, the statute of 2 HenryV George Blake, master of a barge of
Portesmouth, and others therein took in the water of Colwater
by Colcestre three vessels called 'fates' full of woad (walda) worth
72 l. shipped in a ship of Robert Wodecok in the port of London by
John Ryng, merchant of Cologne in the Hanse, Halmain, to be sent to
Colcestre, and brought the same to Portesmouth and had their will
thereof, contrary to the friendship between the king and them of
the Hanse; and appointing the earl to enquire touching the premises
and to arrest George and the others and the said vessels and woad
and to make restitution thereof or of their value.
30 Henry VI, volume 5, page 579
1274 30 May Westminster (membrane 15)
Licence, until Michaelmas, for Walter le Aketon, merchant of Rouen, to
come to England to trade and to carry his wools and merchandise to the
usual fairs and markets by the public streets and common ways, provided
he do not carry or cause to be carried his wools or merchandise out of the
kingdom, nor deal with the Flemings or others of the power of the countess
of Flanders in the kingdom, or in any way communicate with them, during
the contention between the king and the said countess.
The like for the following :—
Peter de Bules, merchant of Rouen
William Burnell, merchant of Rouen
Hugh le Coynte, merchant of Rouen
Robert le Balauncer, merchant of Rouen
William de Toftes, merchant of Rouen
Matthew de Walle Richeri, merchant of Rouen
Richard le Mynnot, merchant of Rouen
William de Cryel, merchant of Rouen
Nicholas Veisin, merchant of Rouen
Antonin de Beuvays, merchant of Rouen
Nicholas de Fovill, merchant of Rouen
John de Alneto, merchant of Rouen
6 June
Richard le Vilein, merchant of Rouen
Henry Lovet, merchant of Rouen
Walter Peitevin, merchant of Rouen
Hubin de Sancto Martino, of Huy.
John Tafurnawe, of Huy, merchant of Almain.
Henry le Soriz, of Huy, merchant of Almain.
Ralph de Leges, merchant of Leges.
John Henneman, merchant of Leges.
Libert de Leges, merchant of Leges.
John Nicholas, merchant of Deu.
Herewail, merchant of Huy.
Cono Dain, merchant of Huy.
Domician Daundevale, merchant of Huy.
John Fox, of Brabant, merchant.
John Proppe, merchant of Malins.
John Perewez, of Huy, merchant of Brabant.
John Nicard, merchant of Huy.
Peter de Sauveye, merchant of Rouecestre.
Peter Cosyn, citizen of London.
Reginald de Menachato, merchant of Piacenza.
Conrad Nerbode, merchant of Almain.
Arnold de Dik, merchant of Malyns.
Nicholas Flambard, merchant of Rouen.
John de Torpmimie, merchant of Almain.
Geoffrey Aungevyn, merchant of Rouen.
William Cirurgyen, of Northampton.
William Bek, of London,
Henry Lovet, of Rouen.
Atinus Pruudalis, of Piacenza.
Hugelin Hugelinell, fellow of Nicholas Teste.
Nicholas Teste, fellow of Aldebrand Malagale.
John Winterman, merchant of Almain,
Luke de Lukes, merchant of Lucca.
Gotmar de Lubek, merchant of Almain.
Conrad de Affle, merchant of Almain.
Godschalc le Wyse, merchant of Almain.
Christopher de Munchy, merchant of Beuvays
Robert de Messegewell, merchant of Rouen.
John Donadeu, merchant of Cahors.
Everard de Duncy, merchant of Amiens
James Piket, merchant of Amiens
Warin Piket, merchant of Amiens
Warin Reinevall, merchant of Amiens.
Giles de Mundider, merchant of Amiens
Jacomin de Sancto Fuscencio, merchant of Amiens
Everard le Franceis, merchant of Amiens
Richard le Blak, merchant of Rouen.
Reyner de Furnar', merchant of Florence.
John Weremund, merchant of Caumbrey,
Alan de Sakintot, merchant of Rouen.
John Parwale, merchant of Malines.
Henry de Laghene, merchant of Malines.
Henry de Lewe, merchant of Brabant.
John de Mes, merchant of Amiens.
Walter Aketon, merchant of Rouen,
John Dunadeu, merchant of Cahors.
John de Burgundia, merchant of Amiens
Drogo Malherbe, merchant of Amiens
John Dare, merchant of Amiens
Ingelram Beremere, merchant of Amiens
Gilbert Bonnavel, merchant of Amiens
2 Edward 1, volume 1, pages 51-52
1296 20 May Roxburgh (membrane 15)
Protection with clause volumus, in Ireland, for two years,
for the following going with him, to wit,
Richard de Stocton, Adam de Wrotwrth, Roger Hert, Nicholas de Renevill,
and John le Blak of Balymor.
24 Edward 1, volume 3, page 189
1304 29 Aug Morpeth (membrane 8d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Bereford, William Haward and William de
Carleton, on complaint by the abbot of St. Edmunds that whereas he is lord
of the town of St. Edmunds and has the right to appoint his bailiffs to hold
his court in that town, to hear complaints there and do justice and execute
distraints and attachments and other things pertaining to bailiffs; to remove
such bailiffs ; to receive amercements and profits of such pleas and attachments
and fines for breaches of the assize of bread and ale; the custody of
the lands, tenements and rents which descend by hereditary right to wards
and orphans under age; the custody of the gates of the town; forstallings
and everything that has to be corrected; and toll, murage and pavage on
goods coming into the town ; Nicholas Fuk', John de Hokewold, Stephen
de Haukedon, Edmund Kempe, Thomas de la Gare, Giles Harboneys, Robert
Luceby, John de Markeswell, John de Berewik, Nicholas de Bradeleye,
Hervey Isgere, Laurence le Laner, Adam Hereward, John Payn, Henry atte
Grene, Thomas le fiz Robert, Thomas le Vaus, Ralph le Smermonger, John
le Irenmonger of Bernewell, William atte Grene, Robert Eppegamen,
Thomas de Depeden, Robert Hugelot, William de Westlee, clerk, Augustin
le Upholdere, Ralph de Histon, John fiz Dieu, Nicholas Scot, John Pinchun,
Thomas de Thornhill, Simon Wither, Walter Kytling, Robert son of
Nicholas Fuk', Walter Boneir, Alan de Benington, John le Orfevere,
Thomas le Coynur, William Aylwy, William le Spycer of Biry, Robert de
Foxton, Thomas Rome, Roger Priour, Robert de Neyvill, Robert le Schereman,
William le Turnur, John Mynne, Edmund le Wafrur, William Blak'
Roger le Mawer, John Gernun, Oliver Kernpe, John Olyver, Henry son of
Nichol, William Pinchun, Adam Goding of la Kynghethe, John le Reder
of la Kynghethe, John le Roper, William Charles, Bartholomew Persone,
Richard Bole,-Thomas Bridde, and Peter de Sporle of St. Edmunds, with
others conspired together by oaths of confederacy in making unlawful conventicles
in the town, and, usurping the cognitions of pleas of trespass and
contract arising there and the custodies of lands, wards and orphans and the
said gates, prevented the abbot from having such custodies and the said
amercements, profits and fines, or the correction or justice of forestallings
and other trespasses done there, or distraints for arrears of services due to
him, or from taking toll, murage or pavage by his bailiffs or whatever else
pertains to bailiffs to do; rescued such distraints so taken by his bailiffs for
arrears and other causes ; commanded ordinances to be observed contrary
to the law and custom of the realm and to the charters granted to the abbey
by the king's ancestors; assessed at their will tallages upon poor tenants of
the abbey, and extorted the same by grievous distraints. By p.s.
32 Edward 1, volume 4, pages 283-284
1308 10 Mar Westminster (membrane 23)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Ormesby and John le Bretun, on complaint by
Bartholomew de Welle that Richard de Halstede, Thomas de Wottone,
William Baldyng', John Patermak', Walter William', Laurence son of
Adam de Hennerowe, Robert Brun atte Ston, Walter Baldyng', John
Baldyng', Laurence son of Adam Baldyng', John Spark', William Spark',
Thomas son of Agnes, Thomas son of Margaret, Robert Brun of Hennerowe,
Godfrey son of Nicholas, William Rowe, Godfrey Scut', Andrew Scut',
Adam Scut', Adam son of William Baldyng', John son of William Baldyng'.
Andrew Baldyng', Geoffrey Elyot, Walter Wulnoth', Thomas Wulnoth',
John Wulnoth', Henry Blak', John Blak', Walter Blak', William Martyn,
Adam le Taillur, Thomas le Taillur, Walter Wynot, Henry son of William,
Thomas Leste, Walter son of Katherine, Laurence Thrug', Thomas Bacun,
John Hardegate, William Burdy, Hugh Burdy, Adam Hardegate, William
Hoppe, Nicholas Roberd, Godfrey son of Nicholas, Walter son of Adam,
Henry son of Adam, John son of Henry, Walter Wynk' and John Holdhyne,
pretending that a ship of his bound from Flanders to England, which
had been driven ashore on the sands of Tyrington, co. Norfolk, within the
liberty of the bishop of Ely, and from which the mariners had escaped to
the land, was a wreck of sea, boarded her, carried away his goods and
all the tackle and cut up the ship's boat.
By K., on the information of W. de Melton
1 Edward II, volume 1, page 51
1315 1 Nov Clipstone (membrane 15)
Promise of repayment in the next Parliament of 750 marks to G. bishop
of London and the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, advanced by them to the
king, for the repayment of which sum a recognisance was entered into by
John de Sandale. chancellor, then holding the place of treasurer, and
Robert Baygnard and Antony Pessaigne, John de Burford, William
Combmartyn, William Trente, William Servat, William deDonecastre and
John Vanne, king's merchants. [Parl. Writs.]
The like for the following persons for the sums named:—
W. archbishop of Canterbury and the prior and chapter of the church
of the Holy Trinity, Canterbury, for 675 marks.
H. bishop of Winchester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Swithun, Winchester, for 600 marks.
The bishop and the dean and chapter of the church of Bangor for 600
J. bishop of Bath and Wells and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Andrew, Wells, for 500 marks.
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and the dean and chapter of the
church of St. Chad, Lichfield, for 500 marks.
J. bishop of Chicester and the dean and chapter of the church of the
Holy Trinity, for 500 marks.
The bishop and dean and chapter of the church of Llandaff for 100
marks. Vacated because surrendered and cancelled in the year
14 Edward II. when other letters were made.
W. bishop of Worcester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Worcester, for 450 marks.
J. bishop of Ely and the prior and chapter of the church of St. Etheldred,
Ely, for 300 marks.
R. bishop of Salisbury and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Salisbury, for 750 marks.
J. bishop of Norwich and the prior and chapter of the church of the
Holy Trinity, Norwich, for 1,600 marks.
D. bishop of St. Davids and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Davids for 120 marks.
R. bishop of Hereford and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Ethelbert, Hereford, for 300 marks.
W. bishop of Exeter and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Peter, Essex, for 300 marks.
Th. bishop of Rochester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Andrew, Rochester, for 150 marks.
J. bishop of Lincoln and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Lincoln, for 2,100 marks. Vacated because surrendered
and cancelled in the year 11 Edward II. when other letters
were made.
The same bishop, dean and chapter for 900 marks, by recognisance of
William Cause, John de Blyton, Simon de Edelington, Walter de
Baiocis, Henry Bere, Gilbert le Blak, Geoffrey Thornhagh, Gilbert
de Atherby, David le Taverner, John de Novo Castro, James Berne
and Richard de Blakeden (citizens) of Lincoln. Vacated as above.
The bishop of St. Asaph and dean and chapter of the same place
for 100 marks. [Parl. Writs.]
9 Edward II, volume 2, pages 368-369
1316 21 Mar Langley (membrane 29)
Grant to J. bishop of Chichester and the dean and chapter of the Holy
Trinity, Chichester, that they may retain 500 marks out of the next aid to
be granted by the clergy of the province of Canterbury in repayment of
the same sum, for which John de Sandale, king's clerk, then holding the
place of treasurer, Robert Baygnard and Anthony Pessaigne, John de
Bureford, William Coumartyn, William Trente, William Servat, William
de Donecastre and John Van, king's merchants, had, 17 July, 8 Edward II,
at the king's request, became sureties to the said bishop, dean and chapter.
[Parl. Writs.]
The like for the following:—
W. archbishop of Canterbury and the prior and chapter of the church
of the Holy Trinity, Canterbury, for 675 marks.
H. bishop of Winchester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Swithun, Winchester, for 600 marks.
The bishop of St. Asaph and the dean and chapter thereof for 100 marks.
The bishop of Bangor and the dean and chapter thereof for 60 marks.
The bishop of Bath and Wells and the dean and chapter of the church
of St. Andrew, Wells, for 500 marks.
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and the dean and chapter of the
church of St. Chad, Lichfield, for 500 marks.
J. bishop of Chichester and the dean and chapter of the church of the
Holy Trinity, Chichester, for 500 marks.
The bishop of Llandaff and the dean and chapter thereof for 100 marks,
W. bishop of Worcester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Worcester, for 450 marks.
J. bishop of Ely and the prior and chapter of the church of St. Etheldreda,
Ely, for 300 marks.
R. bishop of Salisbury and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Salisbury, for 750 marks.
J. bishop of Norwich and the prior and chapter of the church of the
Holy Trinity, Norwich, for 1,600 marks. Vacated because surrendered
and cancelled in July, 11 Edward II, when other obligations
were made.
D. bishop of St. Davids and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Davids for 120 marks.
R. bishop of Hereford and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Ethelbert, Hereford, for 300 marks.
W. bishop of Exeter and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Peter, Exeter, for 300 marks.
Th. bishop of Rochester and the prior and chapter of the church of
St. Andrew, Rochester, for 150 marks.
J. bishop of Lincoln and the dean and chapter of the church of
St. Mary, Lincoln, for 2,100 marks.
Other letters patent were made to the same bishop, dean and chapter
for 900 marks by recognisance by William Cause, John de Bliton,
Simon de Edelington, Walter de Baiocis, Henry Bere, Gilbert le
Blak, Geoffrey Thornhagh, Gilbert de Atherby, David le Taverner,
John de Novo Castro, James Bern' and Richard de Blakedene of
G. bishop of London and the dean and chapter of the church of St. Paul,
London, for 750 marks. [Parl. Writs.]
9 Edward II, volume 2, pages 440-441
1323 24 July Faxfleet (membrane 17d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to John de Scures, John Randolf and Ralph de Bereford on
complaint by Richard de Pulteneyc, merchant of Coventre, that, whereas he
freighted a ship with goods at Rouen in Normandy to take to Suthampton,
John de Shotteby, John Payn of Wynchelse, Walter Robyn, Alexander
Aleyn, Stephen le Bakere, Thomas Saudre, Andrew atte Boure, William de
Goseford, John Chaumberleyn, Roger Gise, Matthew Webbe, John Bateau,
Stephen Saundre, William Sandre, Thomas Taylour, John Shullyng, John
Snep, Peter Rog[er], John Shotteby, the younger, Robert Sauvage, John
Pye, Richard Bakere, John Pye, William Mazon, Thomas le Hunte,
Gervase Vetyr, Nicholas Ryvere, Michael Scot, Richard Tusshe, John
Tusshe, Robert de Huth and John his brother, Sirnon Sandre, John Heryng,
of Shorham, John Wornbe, William son of William de Borhunte, John
Mazon, Thomas atte Mull, Thomas le Webbe, Roger Augyr, John de
Ryhavene, John Kyppyng of Manewod, Bartholomew de Manewod, Richard
Romayn, John Fithelare, William Chesecromme, John Chesecrornme, John
Buryhyne, Elias le Bakere, William le Northren, Simon le Blak, John 'by
the Wode', Richard le Rotur, Philip le Crokere, Robert Dodde, William de
Romeseye, John Cormailes, Robert de Mallynges, Henry de Heythe, John
Lance, William de Bourhunte of Portesrnuth, William Prevete, Walter le
Sapere, Richard de Northamton, Thomas le Yonge, Thomas de Holle,
Richard Byges, Robert Bonynges of Cicestre, Simon and Roger his
brothers, John Hardyng, Robert de Irland, Richard le Nedlere, Robert le
Bulle, John le Bulle, John Corp', William Hauton of London, Richard
de Farham of Alreford, Peter le Mercere of Wynton, Stephen le Hulke,
John Aylwardbury, Roger le Nedlere of Sarum, Walter le Grangere of the
Isle (de Insula) of Wight, John Welhure, William Colet, John Aleyn,
William Norman, and Nicholas Purde, and others, entered his ship as it
was anchored in the port of Portesmuth, co. Southampton, and carried
away his goods. By K. on the information of Master Robert de Baldok.
17 Edward II, volume 4, pages 374-375
1324 28 Mar Westminster (membrane 20d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry Spygurnel, William de Herle, and Robert de Malberthorp, on complaint by William le Latymer that Roger Jarpenvyll of
Abyngworth, William Jarpenvyle, parson of the church of Abyngeworth,
William Stingg, William Somer, John Bount, John le Dyghere, Walter
Sweteman, John Sweteman, Peter Totebride, William Totebride, John le
Blake, Simon atte Purie, Walter de Clophoffether, William Whytyng,
Walter Shayl of Merewe, Reginald 'Rogeresman Jarpenvyle,' Richard de
Pynchurst, John Alwyne, 'venour,' John Cok, Simon Cok, Bartholomew de
Ploumpton, Robert Cok, William Blak, Nicholas son of Nicholas de Aperdele,
John son of Nicholas de Aperdele, Robert le Mileward of Padingden,
Geoffrey le Mileward of Padingden, John le Mileward of Abingeworth,
Simon le Souter of Dorkyng and Robert Coumber of Dorkyng broke his park
at Wodington, co. Surrey, hunted therein and carried goods and deer. By K.
17 Edward II, volume 4, page 448
1325 10 Feb Westminster (membrane 34d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Gosefeld, William de
Sharshill and John de Trillowe on complaint by Master Nicholas de
Stokton, parson of the church of Staunton Harecourt, that John de
Harecourt, Richard de Dadisleye, John de Northlegh, chaplain, William
Huwet, Thomas Reynaud, Henry Aylloun, John Lenon, John Stokeman
of Suthlegh, Richard Perers, John le Sawyere, William Brid, John le Blak,
Roger le Clerc of Suthlegh, Thomas Gilbert of Staunton, Henry de
Bukenore of Legh, Henry le Wys, Henry Budde, Henry atte Hulle, John
Pol of Staunton and others broke his close and houses at Staunton
Harecourt, co. Oxford, drove away five horses, 12 oxen, 6 cows, 100 sheep,
100 lambs and 30 swine, carried away his timber and goods, besieged his
dwelling place of the said church, prevented his men from leaving the said
dwelling place to collect tithes of sheaves and other corn within his
parish and elsewhere, and assaulted them, whereby a great part of the said
tithes and corn perished, and a great part, for want of guard, was carried
away. By K.
18 Edward II, volume 5, page 136
1325 8 Aug Havering atte Bower (membrane 32)
Pardon to John Blak of Ludham, for the death of John Bryning of
Ludham at Ludham, as it appears by the record of Robert Baynard and
Simon de Hedersete, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of the castle of
Norwich, that he killed him in self-defence.
19 Edward II, volume 5, page 158
1327 10 Jan Kenilworth (membrane 2)
Writ of aid, until Easter, for William Fox, making purveyances for the
king's poultry.
The like for the following:—
John Wik.
John de Harwe.
Edward le Pulleter.
John Smert.
Ralph West.
Richard le Blak.
William de Leghton.
Richard Kenebell.
John Draper.
20 Edward II, volume 5, page 346
1327 27 Dec Worcester (membrane 1)
Pardon, at the request of Roger de Mortuo Mari, to Robert Sturmy,
Simon de Crombe, Robert de Somery, John de Feckenham, John de Everle,
Thomas de Littleton, Nicholas Russel, Richard de Hauekeslowe, Robert
Muchegros, Thomas de Newynton, Richard de Trente of Grafton, John de
Loundrers, Adam Aleyn, Richard atte Boure, Henry de Evesham, Nicholas
de Walcote, Walter le Acatour, Thomas de Walcote, Ralph de Cestre,
Nicholas Bouche, William de Baddeseie, Thomas de Honyburne, Richard de
Tapenhale, Henry le Buttare, Richard de Coulesdon, Walter Herberd,
Walter de Sonnebury, John de la Lowe, Thomas Baudre, Richard Chaumpeneys,
John le Solers, Richard de Hopton, John de Pupplynton, the
younger, Richard Osbern of Pidele, John le Baker of Fleford, Thomas de
Solleie, John de Burton, Richard Shep', Leger Pippard, Alan de Oldenhale,
Adam Rauel, Adam le Parker, William atte Welle, William atte Mulne of
Bay ton, Philip de Wyndeleye, Richard de Bledz, Hugh de Wolston, Henry
de Pryleye, Richard Snoddyng, Henry le Hore, William atte Putte, Adam
de Kydelawe, Gilbert de Marteleye, Robert de Lawern, Richard Badger,
Robert de Bradeleie, Robert le Blak', Robert de Sevenampton the younger,
Richard Derlyng, William Broun de Temedebury, William le Baker of
Clifton, John de Stone of Temedebury, John de Middelton, Richard atte
Lowe, John Cassy, Thomas Ingram, Maurice Babe, John Colemon, clerk,
John atte Mere, Thomas atte Mulne, William de Hauek, William Fareman,
John Othefelde, John Ythefrith, Walter le Clerk, John Ster, Adam de
Watecroft', Robert son of Hugh Alein, John le Botyller of Haddesoure,
Thomas Mauduyt, John atte Ruydyng, Geoffrey Bate, John atte March,
John Outhred, Richard Bertram of Scheleye, Adam de Hauewode, Richard
le Somenour, Thomas atte Wode, Alexander de Hyndelep, William de
Cestre, John atte Berwe, Geoffrey le Spenser, Robert Bate, William de
Evenlode, John de Codeleie, Giles de Piryton, Adam de Birmyngham, John
de Waltham, Richard Noreys, Robert Boulers, John Blanket', Walter de
Perdeswell, John Crombe of Hulle, Ralph Jugement, Richard de Ruyhale,
William de Penedok, Giles le Tayllour, John Maltby, John Brudly, William
Chaumberleyn, William Benet', Philip de Assherugg', William Apynor,
Thomas de Holberwe, John Wyth, Nicholas Levyng, John de Besford,
William de Abyndon, Guy de Somery, Thomas de Maddeleie, Thomas le
Parker of Alnechirche, William atte Welle, Nicholas de Quenton, Nicholas
Lenyoch, Henry de Hikenildestrede, Peter atte Chaurnbre, Alexander de
Hodynton, Robert le Knyth of Bradeleie, Thomas de Yeldentre, Robert le
Locare, John Nicholes of Haddesouere, Adam le Muleward, John de Kent,
Thomas de Longeleie, William le Fisshere of Duddele, William de Brandeleie,
Simon de Compton, and John de Herthull, men of the county of Worcester,
of 329 1. 6 s. 8 d., remaining due on a fine which they were compelled to make
with the late king, by the procurement of Hugh le Despenser and others of
his confederacy, for a certain trespass maliciously charged upon them by
the said Hugh. By p.s.
1 Edward III, volume 1, page 203
1340 25 Jan Kennington (membrane 38d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas, earl of Warwick, Hugh le Despenser, Thomas de
Berkeley, William de Shareshull and John de Sapy, on complaint by the
keepers of the peace and others in the county of Worcester that notwithstanding
the king's commissions to the said keepers to keep the peace and
to hear and determine trespasses, Eoger Gnawebon, late bailiff of the town
of Worcester, William Roculf and Henry de Malvern, now bailiffs of the
same, Nicholas de la Coutreye, John de la Coutreye, Thomas son of Richard
Braaz of Groseford, Nicholas Balle, Thomas de Dene the elder, John de Dene,
Thomas de Dene the younger, William Gregge, John de Braunford, William
Lewelyn, Henry de Teynton, William le Blak, Alexander le Blak, John le
Whelare, Roger Cradau, Henry de Hatfeld, William de Ippesle, John atte
Holte, Thomas le Chapeleyn of Seinte Eleyne, Richard de la Frith, Thomas le
Tyncare, John Payn, 'mason,' John Wastel, Robert de Somery, 'sadelere,'
Walter de Yerk, 'sadelere,' and other men of the town by colour of
liberties granted to the men of the town by the king's progenitors and the
king, have formed a sworn confederacy to maintain whom they will within
the liberty of their town, either not suffering evildoers to be attacked or if
these be imprisoned suffering them to escape, and also permitting vagabonds
to be at large disturbing the peace of the town, whereby the keeper of the
peace and their ministers and the sheriff, bailiffs or other ministers of the
king are unable to execute their office within the town and the liberty
thereof; also that they assaulted William de Bello Campo, one of the
keepers of the peace, in the discharge of his office, and his men and
servants, imprisoning some of these latter and plotting to kill the said
William and his fellows if they came to the town to keep the peace there.
By C. and letter of the Keeper.
14 Edward III, volume 4, page 485
1340 10 Mar Westminster (membrane 30d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William de Shareshull, Roger
Hillary, John de Sapy and Hugh de Cokeseye, on complaint by William
de Bello Campo that Nicholas de la Coutreye, John de la Coutreye, Thomas
son of Richard Braaz of Goseford, Nicholas Balle, Thorns de Dene the
elder, John de Dene, Thomas de Dene the younger, William Gregge, John
de Braunsford, William Lewelyn, Henry de Teynton, Alexander le Blak,
William le Blak, John de Whelare, Roger Cradau, Henry de Haitefeld,
William de Ippesle, John atte Holte, Thomas Chapeleyn of Seinte Eleyne,
Richard de la Frith, Thomas le Tyncare, John Payn, 'mason,' John
Wastel, Robert de Somery, 'sadelere,' Walter de Yerk, 'sadelere,' and
others carried away his goods at Poywyk and assaulted Stephen Pyrk,
David le Hunte, Thomas de Shropshire, William de Bogher, John Athelard,
John de la More and other of his servants.
By C. and fine of 10s. Worcester.
The like touching the persons who broke his houses at Worcester,
carried away his goods and assaulted Thomas de Shropshire, Thomas le
Bouere and Adam Hood, his servants.
By C. and by fine of 10 s. Worcester.
14 Edward III, volume 4, page 489
1340 10 Mar Westminster (membrane 8d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas, earl of Warwick, Hugh le
Despenser, Thomas de Berkeleye, William de Shareshull, Roger Hillary and
John de Sapy, touching contempts and excesses by the bailiffs and men of
the town of Worcester in resisting the persons appointed by the king to
keep the peace in tbe county of Worcester by means of a confederacy made
between Roger Gnawebon, late bailiff, and William Roculf and Henry de
Malverne, now bailiffs, of the said town, Nicholas de la Coutreye, John de
la Coutreye, Thomas son of Richard Braaz of Goseford, Nicholas Balle,
Thomas de Dene tbe elder, John de Dene, Thomas de Dene the younger,
William George. John de Braunsford, William Lewelyn, Henry de Teynton,
William le Blak. Alexander le Blak, John le Whelare, Roger Cradau,
Henry de Hatfeld, William de Ippesle, John atte Holte, Thomas le
Chapeleyn of Seinte Eleyne, Richard de la Fryth, Thomas le Tyncare,
John Payn 'mason,' John Wastel, Robert de Somery, 'sadelere,' Walter
de Yerk, 'sadelere,' and others. . By K. & C.
14 Edward III, volume 4, page 496
1343 8 Feb Kennington (membrane 36d)
Commission of oyer and terminer to William Basset, Roger de Baukwell, Robert de Hungerford,
Richard de la Pole and John de la Lee, on complaint by Malcolm
Wasteneys that John Bagot, 'chivaler,' Alice late the wife of Philip de
Chctewynd, 'chivaler,' Ralph Bagot, Ralph de Chtewynde, David de
Peulusdon, Adam de Chetewynde, Geoffrey de la Botelrie, William le
Verney of Bromsculf, Richard le Spenser of Bromley, Richard Shirard
del Mores, Henry son of Hugh de Peshale, Richard de Ronton, Robert
Celyman of Stafford, Richard Warmete of Stafford, Nicholas le Babour of
Stafford, Richard de Peshale of Stafford, John son of Henry de Tixhale
of Stafford, Stephen, his brother, Silvester de Ingustre, Robert le Belleward
of Stafford, William atte Oke of Ingustre, William Carpenter of
Ingustre, Robert Plassh of Ingustre, Adam Litemay of Ingustre, John le
Blak of Ingustre, Robert le Taillour of Ingustre, William de Beturton of
Ingustre, Adam atte Shepene of Ingustre, Henry atte Cros of Ingustre,
Robert Pestel of Ingustre, William de Erlide, William del Shawe, John
del Forde, chaplain, Robert son of Simon le Chalner, Edmund Bagot,
Roger le Carter of Bromley, Robert son of Richard Bagot, Robert le Cok,
Richard son of Robert de Dunstall, Ralph son of Richard le Spenser,
Richard le Hunte, Richard Hawys of Bold, Richard le Deken of Bromley,
John son of Richard le Spenser, Nicholas de Hayteley, Peter le Glasemon,
Roger del Hegge, Stephen Bethewater of Salt and others broke his mill
at Tixhale, and the stank of that mill in Ingustre and Heywode, co.
Stafford, and carried away the timber of the mill and the hurdles and
piles of the stank. By fine of 10 s.
17 Edward III, volume 6, pages 73-74
1344 29 Jun Westminster (membrane 35)
Pardon to Robert Huberd, indicted before William de Shareshull and
his fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in the county of Suffolk, of
having ridden in that county with certain men of Great Yarmouth with
banner displayed, imprisoning men until they made ransoms at his will,
and perpetrating homicides, arsons and many other evils against the
peace; granted for good service done in the company of the said men in
the past and to be done. By K.
The like to the following:
William Rightwys.
Robert Blak.
Robert Gele.
Laurence de Reppes.
Adam Thede.
Roger Bernard of Ormesby.
John Aleyn of Eclesse.
John Slyngg.
Hugh atte Cherche of Bliclyng.
18 Edward III, volume 6, page 326
1349 14 May Woodstock (membrane 8)
Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Henry de Ludhales, Hugh
Epselot of Wycoumbe and Aylmer le Blak of La Penne to the master and
brethren of the hospital of St. Thomas, Suthwerk, in satisfaction of 30 s.
of the 10 marks yearly of land and rent which they have the king's
licence to acquire, of four messuages and 16 acres of land in Suthwerk
and Newenton by Suthwerk and the reversions of a messuage in Suthwerk,
held for life by John de Wyndesore, clerk, and a messuage and two shops
there, held for life by Joan de Langeford, the whole being of the clear
yearly value of 22 s. as appears by inquisition taken by Roger Daber,
escheator in the county of Surrey
23 Edward III, volume 8, page 294
1367 16 May Westminster (membrane 21)
Pardon to John Peter of Stapelford co,. Essex, of his outlawry in
the county of Hertford for non-appearance before the justices of the
Bench to answer Ralph Blak, parson of the church of Iwherst,
co. Sussex, and Nicholas de Wasseburn, chaplain, touching a plea
of debt of 100 l: he having now surrendered to the Flete prison,
as Robert de Thorpe, chief justice, has certified.
41 Edward III, volume 13, page 397
1378 26 Aug Westminster (membrane 33)
Writ of aid for Hugh Swayne, whom John Blak. clerk of the king's
works has made his deputy, as purveyor of the said works, at the palace of
Westminster, the mews for the king's falcons at Charryngcrouche, Berkhamstede
castle, the manors of Kenyngton, Shene, Eltham, Byflete, and Childernelangley
during pleasure. By bill of the said John.
2 Richard II, volume 1, page 271
1421 8 Feb Westminster (membrane 3)
Pardon to Richard Kempe of Fynchyngfeld, co. Essex, esquire,
of his outlawry in the county of Lincoln for not appearing before
William Thirnyng and his fellows, justices of the Bench of Henry IV,
to satisfy John Raulyn, John Fraunceys and Robert Wace of Staunford
of 20 l. which they recovered against him and 40 s. damages, as on
9 October last he appeared in person before the justices of the Bench
and was committed to the Flete prison and asserted that the said John
Raulyn by the name of John Raulyn of Wyssebeche by a writing
produced in court released all actions to him, and the sheriff of Lincoln
was ordered to summon the said John, John and Robert to appear
in court at a certain day now past to acknowledge or deny the writing,
but they did not appear, and judgment was given that Richard should
be quit ; and also of his outlawries in the husting of London for not
appearing before Richard Norton and his fellows, late justices of the
Bench, to answer a plea that he render 8 l. to Robert Bauburgh, citizen
and draper of London, and Geoffrey Clemesford, citizen and draper of
London, executors of the will of John Davy, late citizen and draper of
London, and to answer Richard Blak, citizen and draper of London,
touching a debt of 10 l.; he having surrendered to the Flete prison,
as Robert Hulle, one of the justices of the Bench, has certified.
8 Henry V, volume 2, pages 314-315
1434 Cambridge (membrane 24)
Philip, bishop of Ely, and John de Tiptoft, 'chivaler,' also William
Alyngton the younger and John Burgoynge, knights of the shire for
the county of Cambridge, commissioners to receive the oath of the following:
John Blak, parson of the church of Hungryhatlee
12 Henry VI, volume 2, page 387