EOSC Syllabus Template - Eastern Oklahoma State College

Course Syllabus
Table of Contents
Course Syllabus.................................................................................... 1
Course and Contact Information ............................................................. 2
Office Hours ......................................................................................... 2
Course Description................................................................................ 2
Course Resources ................................................................................. 2
Textbook Purchase Information ........................................................... 2
Technology Requirements ...................................................................... 2
Course Technology Requirements ........................................................ 2
EOSC Email, WebAdvisor & Blackboard User ID & Password: ................... 2
Blackboard Technical Support .............................................................. 3
Plugins Needed .................................................................................. 3
Academic Tutoring and other Online Assistance ........................................ 3
Library Services ................................................................................... 3
Course Purpose, Outcomes, Teaching Calendar, and other Expectations ...... 3
Course Purpose and Structure ............................................................. 3
Course Level Objectives/Outcomes ...................................................... 3
Course Schedule/Calendar .................................................................. 4
Grading Policy ................................................................................... 4
Late work, missed test and/or incompletes ........................................... 4
Extra Credit: ..................................................................................... 4
Instructor’s Plan for classroom response time and feedback .................... 4
Attendance Policy .............................................................................. 4
Student Course Evaluation Policy ......................................................... 4
Academic Integrity Policy .................................................................... 5
Accessibility ......................................................................................... 5
Blackboard’s Accessibility Statement/Instructions .................................. 5
Eastern Oklahoma State College’s Accessibility Policy ............................. 5
Last Revision: SU 2015
Course and Contact Information
Credit Hours
Class Days & Time
Office Hours
Class Location
Office Location
Office Phone
Fax Number
e-mail address
Course Description
Replace this text with the course description from the college catalog
Course Resources
Replace this text with required book information including, text name, edition number, author and
ISBN number
Textbook Purchase Information
College bookstore: Go to Online Campus Bookstore search for and like EOSC Bookstore for
questions and answers on purchasing your book. If you do not have a Facebook account, use
http://www.eoscbookstore.com/SiteText.aspx?id=4703 to order your textbook online.
Electronic Books: http://www.coursesmart.com/
You may purchase the required text from any vendor but the text must be available the first day of
Publisher Resources: Replace this text with any required publisher resources your students must
access or purchase. Make sure the links are active and that the access code information is accurate.
NOTE: If you do not require a text book and/or you does not use any required publisher resources
then delete the information and links and replace with your specific instructions.
Technology Requirements
Course Technology Requirements
After reading, edit the content to fit your course technology requirements.
ONLINE Courses *must* make the following Statement in their syllabus: The student is required
to have access to a reliable internet source. Please note that satellite Internet service is not always a
reliable source. If you do not have your own personal computer with Internet access, you may find
computer access at your college campus or public library.
Face-to-Face Courses *must* make a technology requirement statement in the syllabus only if
specific technology is required.
EOSC Email, WebAdvisor & Blackboard User ID & Password:
You will find your username and password information for EOSC Email, Blackboard and WebAdvisor
by using this User ID link. If you are not receiving this syllabus electronically, please type the following
link into the URL window of your Browser:
Last Revision: SU 2015
Blackboard Technical Support
Eastern’s live student technical support: Tracy Clark / taclark@eosc.edu / Phone: 918.465.1748
Blackboard Learn 9.1. Instructional Videos: http://ondemand.blackboard.com/students.htm
Eastern Oklahoma State College Online Support: http://www.eosc.edu/online_students.aspx
Plugins Needed
Update your computer to include the following:
Must have updated javascript, See www.java.com
pdf reader, available at https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Microsoft Word Viewer: http://www.microsoft.com/nb-no/download/details.aspx?id=4
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=13
Excel Viewer: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=10
Academic Tutoring and other Online Assistance
Face to Face and ONLINE courses *must* both provide tutoring information for this course.
The following are the minimum requirements to complete the tutoring available information:
Contact Your Instructor for Assistance: Type instructor e-mail address and/or Phone Number
Eastern’s Office of Student Support Services is also available for students qualifying for their
assistance. You may contact Sue Lovett, Director, at slovett@eosc.edu or by calling 918 465 1823.
Tutor.com, Eastern’s Online Tutoring service is available after logging into Blackboard. You will find
the link located when the Institution Tab has been selected and within the Tools Module.
Library Services
Library Media Center: http://www.eosc.edu/academics/library_media_center.aspx
LibGuides: http://libguides.eosc.edu/
Course Purpose, Outcomes, Teaching Calendar, and other Expectations
Course Purpose and Structure
Replace this text with the information to help students understand the purpose of the course and how
the learning process is structured and carried out such as the delivery modalities (online or blended),
types of learning activities, and how learning will be assessed. If teaching a blended course make it
clear to students that the course has both online and face-to-face requirements
Course Level Objectives/Outcomes
Replace this text with the measurable course learning objectives which precisely describe what
students are to gain from instruction. These objectives should also provide the criteria instructors
need to accurately assess student accomplishment. Objectives describe student performance in
specific, observable terms. If this specificity is not possible (e.g., internal cognition, affective changes),
ensure clear indications that the learning objectives can be meaningfully assessed.
The learning objectives should be written in a way that allows students, including non-native speakers,
to easily grasp their meaning and the learning outcomes expected. The use of educational jargon,
Last Revision: SU 2015
confusing terms, unnecessarily complex language, and puzzling syntax should be avoided.
For a course in which students are expected to demonstrate analytical skills and/or ability to express
themselves effectively in writing or in other forms of communication, the learning objectives should
include reference to these objectives in addition to objectives that relate to mastery of content.
Course Schedule/Calendar
Replace this text with the course specific teaching calendar. Students should be made aware of what
requirements are expected and when those requirements are due. If teaching a face-to-face or
blended class this schedule/calendar may be as simple as Week 1…Chapter 1 requirements, etc., but
an online class should have specific requirements and due dates documented here. If teaching a
Hybrid course ensure the course schedule/calendar fully covers both the online and face-to-face
portions of the course and clearly specify the due dates, times, and locations of face-to-face class
meetings. A disclaimer statement can be included such as: “The professor reserves the right to alter
this schedule/calendar in any way during the semester with full disclosure to the student.”
Grading Policy
Replace this text with a clear statement fully explaining how the course grades are calculated. The
points, percentages, and weights for each component of the course grade should be clearly stated.
The relationship(s) between points, percentages, weights, and letter grades should be explained.
Late work, missed test and/or incompletes
Replace this text with your specific late work, missed work and incompletes policy.
Extra Credit:
Replace this text with your extra credit policy.
Instructor’s Plan for classroom response time and feedback
Replace this text describing how you will communicate with your students. Will you use Blackboard,
EOSC email, call students? What can they expect regarding instructor/student communications?
Include in your statement the time frame for which they can expect you to respond to their
Attendance Policy
Replace this text with a clear statement fully explaining the attendance requirements for the course.
Even an online class should explain the expectations for logging into the course and what is required
of the student to determine active participation in the course. If lack of attendance or active
participation will have a direct impact on the student’s grade clearly explain the impact. For example a
letter grade lowered because of number of student absences.
Student Course Evaluation Policy
In the event this course is randomly selected to be evaluated by enrolled students, you will be required
to complete the evaluation which is conducted online using EvaluationKit®. Surveys will become
available two weeks prior to finals week and end the Friday before finals begin on Monday of finals
week. A mobile app can be downloaded to complete the survey:
Students must login through Blackboard, and under My Institutions use the EvaluationKIT User
Access link in the Tools module. Your instructor will help you locate this required survey.
Last Revision: SU 2015
Academic Integrity Policy
Eastern expects its students to demonstrate integrity in their academic work. Acts violating the
expected integrity include:
1. Cheating on examinations, quizzes or other written work;
2. Giving assistance to or receiving assistance from another during an examination or quiz;
3. Plagiarism, that is:
a) The use of another’s published work wholly or in part without proper recognition or
b) The use of another student’s work as one’s own;
c) The purchase, use or provision of an already prepared paper;
4. Obtaining, or attempting to obtain copies of un-circulated examinations or examination questions.
5. Falsifying any academic record.
Students found to have committed one or more of the acts listed above will receive an “F” for the
examination, written work, or quiz in question, and will be reported to the Vice President for Academic
Affairs. Second or additional violations of the acts listed above will lead to dismissal from the class.
Violations recorded in any of the student’s other classes will result in dismissal from the College.
A student found to have committed act number “5” will have hearings before the Vice President of
Academic Affairs and the Dean of Students. The penalty for these actions shall be dismissal from the
Dismissal for any violation of academic ethics will appear on the student’s permanent record.
Blackboard’s Accessibility Statement/Instructions
Blackboard is committed to ensuring that the platform is usable and accessible.
Eastern Oklahoma State College’s Accessibility Policy
Americans Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) is the civil rights guarantee for persons with disabilities
in the United States. It provides protection from discrimination for individuals on the basis of disability.
The ADA extends civil rights protection for people with disabilities to employment in the public and
private sectors, transportation, public accommodations, services provided by state and local
government, and telecommunications.
Accessibility Policy
EOSC faculty include the following statement in the course syllabi each semester:
 The faculty, staff, and administration at Eastern Oklahoma State College will adhere to the
policies as set in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are committed to making
reasonable accommodations for all with disabilities who are qualified to be in an Associate
degree program. Eastern’s learning platform for online course delivery (Blackboard Learn)
also meets accessibility standards.
 Students are responsible for submitting all professional documentation outlining specific needs
and requirements to the Student Disability Services Coordinator in the Enrollment Center
(Library 156, 918.465.1810). This professional documentation must be established before any
accommodations can be made by the instructor or by appropriate college personnel.
Depending on the specific documented disability of the qualified student, course
accommodations may include a wide variety of options. Any accommodations will be
determined by campus personnel responsible for ADA accommodations in conjunction with
Last Revision: SU 2015
the professionally documented disability of the student.
Services Available
Student Disability Services is committed to providing assistance to students that will facilitate their
independence and academic progress. Students should utilize these services to support their
academic goals. Reasonable accommodations are based on appropriate documentations and
disability-related needs, and not desire. Students should be aware that services will be designed in a
manner to remove barriers in the classroom that could hinder a student’s ability to learn. Services are
not intended to give the student an unfair advantage over other students in the class. Each case will
be viewed individually and determinations made upon the documentation submitted and discussion
with the student. When providing accommodation for disabilities, institutions of higher education are
not required to lower academic standards or compromise the integrity of the school or program.
EOSC Nondiscrimination Policy
It is the policy of Eastern Oklahoma State College not to discriminate in its educational programs,
activities or employment policies, on the basis of race, color, religion or national origin as required by
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; on the basis of sex as required by Title IX of the 1972
Educational Amendments; on the basis of disability as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or on the basis of age or veteran
The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding accessibility and nondiscrimination policies:
Student Disability Services Coordinator
Tina Ray
Enrollment Center, Library 156
IDEA VS Section 504/ADA
Last Revision: SU 2015