DPS Unit Map World History Unit 1: Historical Thinking and Ancient Civ. 3 Weeks/6 Weeks Stage 1: Examine and Unpack Standards These unpacked standards are expected in every Durham Public Schools classroom. UNIT STANDARDS Social Studies WH.2 – Analyze ancient civilizations and empires in terms of their development, growth and lasting impact. WH.2.1 Compare how different geographic issues of the ancient period influenced settlement, trading networks, and the sustainability of various ancient civilizations. WH.2.2 Analyze the governments of ancient civilizations in terms of their development, structure and function within various societies. WH.2.3 Explain how codifying laws met the needs of ancient societies. WH.2.4: Analyze the rise and spread of various empires in terms of influence, achievements and lasting impact. WH.2.7: Analyze the relationship between trade routes and the development and decline of major empires. WH.2.8 Compare the conditions, racial composition, and status of social classes, castes, and slaves in ancient societies and analyze changes in those elements. WH.2.9 Evaluate the achievements of ancient civilizations in terms of their enduring cultural impact. Common Core/Literacy RH.9-10.1 - Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources, attending to such features as the date and origin of the information. RH.9-10.2 - Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events develop over the course of the text. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Transfer Students will be able to independently use their learning to… Understand the lasting impact of ancient civilizations. Making Meaning UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS Students will understand that… 1. How does location impact a society’s 1. Location affects a society’s economic development? development. 2. How do laws and legal systems reflect a 2. Unifying laws into a written “code” can be a society’s values? unifying factor for a society while reflecting also 3. Why do hierarchies exist in society and duties and obligations of those in the society. how do they influence the development 3. The hierarchal structure of society influences the of civilizations? development of civilizations. 4. How did the various achievements of 4. The achievements of a society often contribute to ancient empires impact future societies? its economic and political expansion as well as its cultural influence on those outside the society. Acquisition KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Students will know… Students will be able to… 1. Various settlement patterns that result in the rise 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the of early river valley civilizations. lasting impact of ancient civilizations. 2. The structure of government in major ancient 2. Use textual evidence to support analysis civilizations around the globe. of primary sources. 3. Ancient and classical civilizations declined as a 3. Identify the central ideas of a primary result of internal weaknesses and external source. invasions, but they left lasting legacies for future 4. Summarize the relationships of various civilizations. ideas in a primary source. 4. How and why the emergence of empires in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas resulted from the promotion of interregional trade, cultural exchanges, new technologies, urbanization, and centralized political organization. 5. How ancient and classical societies address social imbalances and inequalities. Page 1 of 4 DPS Unit Map World History Unit 1: Historical Thinking and Ancient Civ. 3 Weeks/6 Weeks Key Vocabulary Tier 3 Vocabulary Words Sumerian, Greek and Roman culture, Neolithic revolution, Code of Hammurabi, polytheistic, monotheistic, cuneiform, ziggurat Tier 2 Vocabulary Words irrigation, mathematics, codify, democracy, astronomy, hierarchy, bureaucracy Stage 2: Calibrate Rigor and Design Assessment Evaluative Criteria for Assessment District Provided Assessment Tasks Rubric Performance Task (Option 1) Criteria 1 2 3 Part I – Individual The The -The museum of THEN and NOW has hired you to create an interactive module on how The presentation presentation technology from the ancient world has influenced present day. Your task is to research presentation does not partially three important technologies of ancient civilizations to show how past technologies Addressing addresses the address the addresses the influence the present. You will create a backwards timeline starting in modern day the prompt goal of the goal of the goal of the society and ending in an ancient civilization. You must have a minimum of four stops in performance performance performance time supported with evidence to make connections between the ancient society and task. task. task. today. Each student will then select and justify their best invention timeline. The requested Part II - Group Cite Evidence Examples are There is no number of Groups of like invention timelines will come together to discuss, analyze, and create a (from text – provided that evidence to examples are “new” timeline that includes at least six points and represents the collective evidence primary or loosely support the provided that from the group’s work. Groups will present the new timelines to the class. Students will secondary support the answer. fully support listen to each presentation and provide feedback using the ACES rubric. sources) answer. the answer. A final reflection will require that students pick one of these inventions and extend the timeline by predicting how this invention will continue to evolve in the future (200-1000 The attempts No attempts to to explain how The years from now). explain how the evidence explanation of the evidence Explain addresses the the evidence is Option B: A Day in the Life addresses the prompt are clear and This activity would show a mastery of understanding ancient social hierarchies. Using prompt have unclear or insightful. either Egypt or India, students will be assigned one of the social classes and create a been made. character based on the class they are assigned. After research, the student will then insufficient. create a journal or diary written in the voice of their character. The journal should Some Many emphasize the day to day activities that someone in that social class would engage in. grammatical grammatical No Lesson Plan for Egypt: http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/educators/lesson6.html errors exist, Conventions errors exist grammatical Resources for India: http://www.historyteacher.net/GlobalStudies/Readings/readingbut do not that obscure errors exist. castesystem.pdf obscure meaning. A follow up or culminating activity for this assessment could be an analysis of American meaning. culture and the creation of a perceived social hierarchy model for modern America. Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Page 2 of 4 DPS Unit Map World History Unit 1: Historical Thinking and Ancient Civ. 3 Weeks/6 Weeks Option C: Create a Civilization This assessment would focus on the creation of a fictional civilization that would show all the characteristics of civilization including: Geography Government Religion Social Hierarchy Writing system Public Works Specialization of Labor (could include technology) Options can include creating a Prezi, diorama, written report, or any combination thereof. As a culminating evaluation, students should specifically articulate how modern societies address how both ancient and modern civilizations addressed these characteristics. For example, does geography have the same impact on modern civilizations as it had on ancient civilizations? Or, how are social hierarchies both similar and different in the two time periods? Have the types of public works changed over time? What were public priorities in ancient times as opposed to today? Other Evidence – Embedded Stage 3 Learning Events Teacher designed Teacher designed DPS 6-8 RACER & ACES + C Rubric PLC designed Minute by Minute Assessments Speech, Debate or Socratic Seminar Text-Dependent Constructed Response Questions PLC-Created Text or Concept Specific Common Formative Assessments Stage 3: Plan and Deliver Instruction This instructional pacing and sequencing represents one best practice option. Professional Resources Instructional Resources Resources for Unit Concepts: Teachers to Watch: 1 # of Days 2.5/5 Summary of Key Learning Events, Opportunities, and Instruction Focus of Lesson Standard(s) Support Historical thinking and the geographic WH.2, Review/Reinforcement: Crash Course videos development of ancient civilizations WH.2.1 Mesopotamia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sohXPx_XZ6Y Egypt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3Wvw6BivVI Indus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ndRwqJYDM China: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylWORyToTo4 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Page 3 of 4 DPS Unit Map World History Unit 1: Historical Thinking and Ancient Civ. 3 Weeks/6 Weeks Mapping: Mapping activities for the early river civilizations: http://cartocraze.com/ancient-civilizations 2 2.5/5 Early governments and the codification of laws WH.2.2, WH.2.3 Simulation: What Would Hammurabi do? 1. Students are selected to be a jury. They are given selections from the Code of Hammurabi. 2. Students draw infractions/scenarios out of a hat. After announcing what they have been accused of, the jury must search through the codes to find out the appropriate punishment or consequence. For an alternate assignment utilizing Hammurabi’s Code: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/editions/careerstart-grade7/4442 Or, for an ongoing lesson: http://edsitement.neh.gov/lesson-plan/hammurabis-code-whatdoes-it-tell-us-about-old-babylonia#sect-thelesson 3 2.5/5 Trade and social classes in ancient and classical civilizations WH.2.7, WH.2.8 Journaling: 1. Students create a character in the form of a trader along the Silk Road 2. Create a journal in character which covers your journey from one end of the Silk Road to the other Support materials for commodities and traders along the Silk Road: http://www.indiana.edu/~iaunrc/content/journeys-along-silk-road-unit-1-middle-high-school 4 2.5/5 Cultural diffusion in ancient and classical civilizations WH.2.8, WH.2.9 5 2.5/5 Lasting achievements of ancient and classical civilizations, review and assessment All Project/Analysis/Relevance: Analyze cultural diffusion of modern American popular culture utilizing this lesson plan from the New York Times. This will create relevance for students linking ancient civilizations to the modern world. http://learning.blogs.nytimes.com/2002/06/12/love-american-style/?_r=0 In order to establish relevance: How does modern cultural diffusion resemble ancient cultural diffusion? How is it different? How will cultural diffusion continue to impact our world? Complete Performance Task listed above Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Page 4 of 4