Austin Road Middle School: Athletic and Extra-Curricular Participation Rubric Academic Expectation Tier 1 Probationary Status: Students who have one letter grade equivalent to a (D= 73% or lower). This student is placed on probationary status and will be actively monitored to ensure the grade is brought up to a satisfactory average. In the case that a student is placed on probationary status they will still be allowed to attend practice & participate in extracurricular events). Tier 2 Two Letter Grade D Policy or the equivalent of (2 or more grades below 74%): Students who with two or more (D’s= (73% or lower) will not be allowed to participate in practice or games. Additionally students may not practice, attend games or travel with the team or club until the student has brought at least one of the grades to the equivalent of (74% or above). Tier 3: Zero tolerance failure policy 69% or below: Students who with one or more failing grades (69% or lower) will not be allowed to participate in practice or games. Additionally, students may not attend games or travel with the team until the failing grade has reached an average of (70% or above). Academic Progress Monitoring: 1. (Coaches & Club Sponsors) will check student grades every 2 weeks in congruence with Henry County Schools grade posting policy. 2. (Coaches, Club Sponsors, & Graduation Coach): Will identify students who are in need of extra academic support and send make contact with the parent/guardian. The parent, student, and coach will sign either the probationary letter or restricted participation letter documenting they are aware of the stipulations for failing to meet academic standards. If students have 2 or more letter grades 73% and below (D-equivalent) they will not be allowed to participate. Students with one or more grades 69% or lower they will not be allowed to participate until all parties have been notified that the student’s grade meets Austin Roads policy. Students must attend at minimum 2 morning tutoring sessions offered by Austin Road. 3. The parent/guardian will complete a form in which they will be notified of their student/participants academic status. Parents/guardians are encouraged to actively check infinite campus to engage teachers to ensure students are in compliance with Austin Road’s extracurricular academic policy. 4. Students who fail one or more classes will not be allowed to participate or practice in extracurricular activities until the failing grade is above 70%. Additionally, in January per Henry County schools students must meet the criterion set forth by the districts academic policy for student athletes. Code of Conduct & Behavior Expectations: 1. Student participants are expected to exemplify model citizenship for the entire academic school year. 2. Referral Policy: Students will be placed on probationary status or non-participation status based on the number of behavioral referrals received during the course of the academic year. Tier 1: (1-2 Behavior Referrals= student being placed on probationary status. After the second referral parents/guardians will receive and sign a letter stating they are aware of their student/s probationary status. Tier 2: (3-4 Behavior Referrals=student will be suspended at minimum 1 game or event. Tier 3: (5-6 Referrals) After referral number 6, students will receive at minimum a two game or 2 event suspension. The parent/guardian will meet and conference with school administration. Tier 4: (7 Referrals) If a student receives seven referrals his or her extra-curricular activities will be suspended for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school. Coaches and Club Sponsor Interventions: 1. Coaches and club sponsors will meet regularly with students who are in danger of failing to meet academic or behavioral policy. 2. Students will submit a weekly progress report to their coach or club sponsor with the signatures of their teacher. 3. Students identified for extra academic support will be referred to Ms. Moss our graduation coach and she will assist them in making up zeroes in congruence with Austin Roads (ZAP policy). 4. Students will also be offered opportunities to attend morning study hall with the coach or club sponsor at an agreed upon time. Students may also have opportunities to attend morning academic sessions provided by several of our teachers on a case by case basis. 5. Coaches and club sponsors will communicate regularly with parent/guardians in regard to their child’s academic or behavioral progress and will be notified of their status immediately.