meet ferdie - Guide Dogs for the Blind

GDB Annual Report, Fiscal Year 2015
An Introduction
Allow me to introduce you to Ferdinand (aka Ferdie), a GDB puppy with a compelling story to
share. The lives he touches and the impact he has on the world during his journey from puppy
to guide show the broad array of people who contribute to the success of one single puppy and
his visually impaired partner. Ferdie and his partner, Sarah, are special indeed, but more
importantly, their story is emblematic of every single team that GDB sends into the world, each
with their own equally vast community of support and impact. It’s a story about the power of
partnership, and it’s the story of family. Thank you for being a part of it.
Christine Benninger
President and CEO
Photo: President and Christine Benninger
Infographic: All of GDB’s services are provided free of charge.
Breeding: Welcome, Ferdie!
Ferdinand, like all guide dog puppies, was born at GDB’s California campus. The staff of our
Breeding, Veterinary, and Canine Welfare/Neonatal Departments all worked to ensure that
Ferdie and his six littermates were healthy and happy right from the start.
He was also pampered by our volunteer puppy socializers, who not only ensured that Ferdie
received ample amounts of cuddling, but gently introduced him to all sorts of sights, sounds,
people, and surfaces to ready him for the first year of his life with his puppy raiser.
Ferdie’s mama is a black Lab named Norma, who lives in the home of the Burns Family —
GDB breeder dog custodian volunteers. The Burns got involved with GDB thanks to a
friendship with Megan Minkiewicz, who became Ferdinand’s volunteer puppy raiser.
Quote: “Being breeder custodians means that we care for Norma, providing for her
needs — food, exercise, etc. She in turn gives us all kinds of love and has become a
member of our family.” —Volunteer Allison Burns
Photo: Volunteer custodians Tom, Allison, and Colleen Burns with Norma
Infographic: GDB receives no government funding; we are funded entirely by private
Puppy Raising: Raising Ferdie
Ferdinand’s first foray into the big wide world was a road trip in GDB’s puppy truck, which
transported him to meet Megan in Bend, Oregon. With Megan, Ferdie spent the next year
learning all of the foundational skills that would prepare him for success as a guide dog.
Megan taught him good house manners, and took him on adventures far and wide to make
certain he was familiar, comfortable, and confident in a variety of environments.
“Ferdinand was the tenth guide dog puppy that I raised for GDB, and I think he’s exceptional
for a number of reasons,” Megan said. “First, it was special for me to raise one of Norma’s
puppies since Allison Burns, Norma’s custodian, is a longtime friend. Also, thanks to
Ferdinand, I have a few new dear friends in my life, including the woman he was matched with,
Sarah Outwater, and the GDB donor who was their sponsor, Marion Charlston. Those
relationships mean a lot to me, all courtesy of the Ferdinand connection.”
Quote: “I like to call Ferdinand ‘Mr. Perfect.’ He came to me at 8 weeks old and was
perfect from day one. He had just this amazing personality and was willing to do
whatever you asked of him.” Puppy Raiser Megan Minkiewicz
Photo: Puppy raiser Megan Minkiewicz and Ferdie
Infographic: Our extensive network of volunteers welcome dogs into their homes, help
out on campus and at events, and in many other ways.
Guide Dog Training: Training Ferdie
At 15 months old, Ferdie had seen and experienced so much of the world in Megan’s care that
he was ready for his next adventure: formal guide dog training. With a few tears of joy and
some whispered words of encouragement from Megan, Ferdinand arrived at GDB’s Oregon
campus to meet a new contingent of people committed to his success.
GDB’s Training Department staff made sure Ferdie was comfortable and thriving in his new
environment, and the Veterinary team made sure he had a clean bill of health. He met and fell
in love with his trainer, Jaymin Nowland, a guide dog mobility instructor who would teach
Ferdie all of the specific skills it takes to safely guide a person who is blind. Ferdinand was
learning to do the job for which he had been preparing his whole life. And he was ready. Ferdie
sailed through his training with Jaymin, sealing his future to be a guide dog.
Quote: “Ferdinand had the sense of fun and joy in life found in a teenager paired with
the sensibilities of an old soul.” Guide Dog Mobility Instructor Jaymin Nowland
Photo: Guide Dog Mobility Instructor Jaymin Nowland with another black Lab guide dog
in training.
Infographic: All of GDB’s training utilizes positive reinforcement techniques.
Class Experience: Creating a Partnership
With his formal guidework training finalized, it was time for Ferdinand to be paired with the
perfect partner. He was matched with Sarah Outwater of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who was
enrolled in a class at GDB to get her fourth guide dog.
Under Jaymin’s instruction, Ferdinand and Sarah spent two weeks learning to work together as
a team. They trained in conditions that would echo their real life — navigating city streets,
riding public transportation, visiting shops and stores — all while enjoying the camaraderie of
their classmates and the amenities of life on campus.
“Ferdinand and I were part of an incredibly wonderful class — everyone was so supportive of
one another, which to me, is the epitome of the guide dog lifestyle,” Sarah said. As for Ferdie,
“I quickly learned that he is an excellent decision maker and problem solver. His inquisitive
nature and eagerness to learn are qualities that make him an incredible guide.”
Ferdinand and Sarah graduated in August of 2014, and Ferdie’s circle of influence continued
to grow. Ferdinand’s puppy raiser, Megan, was there to celebrate, and the new team was
sponsored by GDB donor Marion Charlston of Edmonds, Washington, who had met Ferdie as
a puppy.
Quote: “When I met Ferdinand, he immediately flopped over on his back and put his
paws up around my hand. And that was it—he had my heart.” GDB Alumna Sarah
Photo: Sarah Outwater and Ferdinand
Life After Graduation: Exploring the World
With their training complete, Ferdinand and Sarah departed GDB to start their life together
back in Cambridge. But it wasn’t just goodbye and good luck — Ferdie and Sarah will have
GDB’s support throughout their time together.
“Having the chance to get up everyday and weave my way through crazy Boston streets, get
on and off subways, get on and off planes, or go to a random city for my job… for somebody
with sight, that might not seem like such a challenge, but I can’t imagine doing it without this
partner by my side” Sarah said. “I have had the most incredible travel companions, thanks to
Guide Dogs for the Blind. Being able to pick up that harness and say ‘Forward’ is the most
freeing thing that I’ve ever experienced.”
Sarah and Ferdie’s future is off to a great start — Sarah got married this past year (Ferdie was
the Dog of Honor), fast friendships have been formed, and many miles of safe travel are
already behind them. And yet, this is only the beginning. We can’t wait to follow the rest of their
journey. Happy trails, Ferdie and Sarah!
Quote: “It takes a lot of love, hard work, and generosity on the part of so many people to
raise and train a guide dog team. So from the donors and puppy raisers, to the
volunteers and staff, I hope every step that Ferdinand and I take together says thank
you for giving me my freedom, my independence, and the ability to go make my own joy
in this world.” Sarah Outwater
Photo: Sarah Outwater and Ferdinand
Infographic: GDB provides our graduates with a lifetime of support:
o In-person follow-up visits
o Access to a dedicated support center
o A world-class alumni association
o Financial assistance for veterinary care, as needed
Infographic: One guide dog touches more than 10,000 lives (GDB staff, volunteers,
alumni, donors, friends, family and colleagues, the community).
Infographic: Sarah and Ferdinand are one of more than 2,200 active guide dog teams
throughout the United States and Canada.
Our Financials – June 30, 2015
Where our funding comes from:
 Planned Gifts 37%
 Contributions 34%
 Investment Income 26%
 Other Revenue 3%
How it is used:
 Programs & Services 85%
 Development 10%
 Administration 5%
Statement of Activities (in thousands)
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015
Support and Revenue
Bequests and trusts
Special Events
(Includes In-Kind Income of $179 and $172)
June 30,
Less: Special Event Costs
(Includes In-Kind Expenses of $179 and
Total Fundraising
Other Income:
Investment Income, net
Change in value of planned gifts
Total Other Income
Total Revenue and Support
Net assets released from restrictions
Total Support, Revenue and Net Assets
Released from Restrictions
Program services
Management and general
Total Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets - beginning of year
Net Assets - end of year
Statement of Financial Position (in thousands)
Cash and cash equivalents
Accounts receivable
Notes receivable, current
Bequests and pledges receivable, current
Prepaid expenses and other assets
Notes receivable, net
Bequests and pledges receivable, net
Planned gifts
Deferred loan issuance costs, net
Property, plant, and equipment, net
June 30
Total Assets
Statement of Financial Position (in thousands), continued
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable, accrued expenses
Current portion of loan payable
Deferred revenue
Obligations under annuity agreements
Loan payable, net
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Board designated
Other unrestricted
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
June 30
Note: These financial statements are incomplete. A complete copy of the audited financial statement for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 2015 is available at
A History of Giving, Fiscal Year July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Your generosity allows us to continue to support our clients, our dogs, and our communities.
Quotes and photos included throughout the donor list:
 BILL AND DEBRA GERSHEN, Rancho Santa Fe, California: “We support GDB
because we see our donation put to work immediately in the partnership of a guide dog
 DAN L’ABBE, San Francisco, California: “I donate because I think in life you should
always look forward and GDB leads people forward in their lives.”
 DAVE AND SUSAN GERKE, Laguna Niguel, California: “We are inspired by the bond
between guides and humans. GDB does an amazing job preparing both for the
 TERRY AND KELLY UHLING, Sun Valley, Idaho: “Our love of dogs and helping people
are what draw us to support GDB – it’s just a great organization.”
 BOB BURKE, GDB BOARD CHAIR, Lafayette, California: “I support GDB because of
their exceptional client services as well as their skill in preparing the dogs to be guides.”
 HEATHER CONRADT, Portland, Oregon: “As puppy raisers and donors, supporting
GDB has taught my family the value of giving back.”
 BRIAN ROBEY, Alaska Airlines Director of Baggage Performance: “Partnering with
GDB is a natural fit. At the core, we both care about people and the communities we
 JAY HARRIS, GDB BOARD MEMBER, Sacramento, California: “GDB is the best at
producing partnerships that allow people who are blind to experience our optimal
 MEGAN MINKIEWICZ, Bend, Oregon: “These dogs give so much of themselves;
knowing that they will always receive the best care is why I donate.”
 WALLIS “WALLY” SMITH, San Rafael, California: “Seeing the freedom a guide dog
provides to a person who is visually impaired is why I support GDB.”
 MARION CHARLSTON, Edmonds, Washington: “Years ago my husband and I learned
that GDB was helping soldiers blinded in WWII and we’ve been supporters ever since.”
 LINDA PETERSON ZUBER, Tigard, Oregon: “I’m a Legacy member and after attending
a recent graduation, it made me even more dedicated to continuing my support.”
Presidents Circle Donors July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
GDB is proud to announce that our generous major donors will now be recognized through the
newly-formed President’s Circle (formerly the Norah Hamilton Straus Major Donors Circle).
Membership in the President’s Circle is reserved for those donors contributing $5,000 or more
each fiscal year (renewed annually).
SOUL MATES: $100,000+
Alex Aal
Bruce and Jane Bohman
Janice Bohman and Eric Keller
Julie Burnet
Mr. Petros Dermetzis & Mrs. Mar Cano
Hind Foundation
Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation
Mrs. Betty White Ludden
Merial Limited
Petco Foundation
Ralph B. Rogers Foundation
Richard F. Aster Jr. Foundation
The ROMA Foundation
Patricia K. Scott
Wallis Smith
Mrs. Peri N. Urvek
HEROES: $50,000+
Elizabeth A. Gard & Thomas J. Furlong
The William and Debra Gershen Foundation
Hedinger Family Foundation
Daniel L’Abbe & John Henning
Natural Balance
Mr. James E. Oliver, Jr.
Portland Business Journal
Mr. & Mrs. Koerner and Sandy Rombauer
PARTNERS: $25,000+
Anonymous (2)
Associated Building Materials
Martha Boccalini
Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Mrs. Marion F. Charlston
The Danford Foundation
Ruth Ann and Mark Dodson
Carolyn M. Grimm
Charles N. Mathewson Charitable Lead Trust
Arlene Schnitzer
Subaru of America, Inc.
Suburban Chevrolet
The Green Foundation
Mary Witkowski
Wood-Claeyssens Foundation
COMPANIONS: $10,000+
Joseph and Ellen Aguirre
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
John and Erika Ammirati
Anonymous (3)
Robert and Margaret Barbour
Mrs. Roland Barthelemy
Bergen Foundation
Gary Bier
Dawn Yates Black
Joan Boyd
Jamie Carr
Clark Foundation
Clark-Janis Foundation
Colombo Charitable Trust
Rena and Sami David
Gil and Lynne De Vincenzi
Delta Gamma Foundation
Dwight Stuart Youth Fund
The Edward and Romell Ackley Foundation
Elia Gurvetch Vision Assistance Fund
Epic Roasthouse & Waterbar
Donald and Katharine Epstein
Christina Federlein
The Festoon Foundation Inc.
Kathy A. Friebel
George and Mary Josephine Hamman Foundation
George H. Sandy Foundation
Barbara J. Gicquel
The William G. Gilmore Foundation
Linda & Dale Glasser
Hair of the Dog Brewing Co.
Mrs. Lyndsey Harrison
The Ann Jackson Family Foundation
Camille and David Jassny
Warren and Cherie Johnson
Len & Nancy Joseph
Emily G. Kahn
Kaiser Permanente
Kiewit Infrastructure West Co.
Monica Krick
Catherine M. Kruttschnitt
Mr. Tom La Tour
Thomas W. Little
Mr. Lance Mansbridge
Marc Glassman, Inc.
Theresa McCarthy
The McDonald Family Foundation
Tom and Maureen McMullen
Mr. & Mrs. A. E. Michelbacher
Megan and Alex Minkiewicz
Hilda Namm
Shantanu and Reni Narayan
Northwest Natural Gas Company
Andrei Olenicoff Memorial Foundation
Robert and Valerie Peebles
Margaret H. Peters
Phoenix Lubrication Services, Inc.
Poindexter Foundation, Inc.
Poznanski Family Foundation
Donald and Janice Provan
Shirley Ramirez
Richter Farms
Tamah Roby
Shirley Santiago
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Allan and Nari Scholl
Ira and Beverly Schulman
The Seattle Foundation
Mrs. Carol M. Spivak
Tee Off For Dogs
Mrs. Katrin Theodoli
Charles N. Travers
Debbie & Ian Walker
Walter J. & Holly O. Thomson Fund
The Suzi Whitehead Memorial
Ms. Elaine Wilderman
Mr. Jaime S. Winkler
Jean Ho Woo
Evelyn Worthington
Margaret Zivelonghi
FRIENDS: $5,000+
Ada and Everett Johnson Charitable Trust
AJA Charitable Fund
Alaska Airlines
Christina Alatorre
Donna Alger
American Century Investments Foundation
Ames-Fluhrer Charitable Fund
Amgen Foundation
Anonymous (5)
Bailey Family Foundation
Robert and Sharon Bailey
Jeanne Baker
Don & Kelly Bass
Vicky and Marshall Berol
Susan Blakey
Rochelle and Steve Bochner
Mr. John D. Boich
Bruce and Barbara Boyles
Frank and Lorraine Brady
Janet Brown
Ann Burchill
Mrs. & Mr. Sigrid Button
Callan Associates
Karen Carbon
Checkster LLC
Kelly Clark
Cognex Corporation
Mr. Robert J. Cresta
Crowe Horwath
Judy Curley-Ranzer
Dimensions in Travel
Dodge & Cox
Kathy Donoghue-Okada
Sally Dungan
Willard L. Eccles Foundation
Ed & Grace Ehrman
The Eleanor Hutchinson Parker Foundation, Inc.
Elite Island Resorts
Mr. Harold Ellis
Jan Evans
Stephen & Suzanne Fisher
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Wayne and Sarah Gabel
Mrs. & Mr. Susan and David Gerke
Gianni’s Italian Bistro
Leesa Gidaro
Robert and Margie Giles
Mr. Sam Glick
Mr. & Mr. Greg Goodwin
Jeff and Jeannie Gretz
Grosvenor Capital Management LP
Guggenheim Partners Asset Mgmt. Inc.
Connie Hawkins
Hays A. McLellan Fund
Kathy Herman
Hertz Equipment Rental Corportation
Highbridge Capital Management, LLC
Mrs. Diana Hirzel
Kristin Hite
Cathy Hofmann & Andrew Dewsnup
Kathryn Hollingsworth
Honey Pot Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation
John Howard
IBM Employee Services Center
Lori Ingrum
Larry and Cindy Iser
The Julia Sterns Dockweiler Charitable Foundation
James and Sara Jungroth
Mrs. Merrill P. Kasper
Mrs. Heather Killough and Mr. Christian Selleron
Joanne Kok
Merle and Pearl Krantzman
Leonard and Sara Lafrance
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mike & Mary Logan
Kathy MacVarish
Mammoth Mountain Ski Area
Rick and Linda Martellaro
Mr. James Martin
Barbara Mathiasen
Andy & Ann Mathieson
McCune Foundation
Mesirow Financial
Nolan and Trudy Miura
Jim & Joyce Morris
National Financial Services LLC
Natural Balance Pet Foods, Inc.
Andrew Nielsen
Kerry Ann Odell
Oracle Corporation
Patriarch Family Foundation
Price Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Matilda Price
The Princess Cruises Community Foundation
Quentin & Virginia Peterson Charitable Foundation
Mr. Ron Richardson & Mrs. Kathy Leathers
The Robert and Grace Liming Charitable Fund
Rosalind Schwebel Trust
Ted & Susie Schaefer
Mary Barbara Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scott
SF Giants/Brandon Crawford
Elaine Shay
Ms. Stefanie Shuflin
Silicon Valley Bank
Frans and Fred Simson
Stephanie Sloan
Steve & Lisa Smith
Arvind and Beverly Sodhani
Ms. Carol B. Steyaert
Mrs. Blair Stratford
Lani and Richard Sutherland
Keith Sutton
Tahoe Mountain Milers Running Club
Porter E. & Helenmae Thompson Foundation
Thrivent Funds
Thurnauer Charitable Trust
TisBest Charity Gift Cards
The TJX Foundation
Kelly and Terry Uhling
US Bank Charitable Services Group
Ms. Susan Van Wagner
The Virginia W. Hill Foundation
Candace Walker
Weldon and Marilyn Wankier
Ted J. Warne
Nanako & Mitsutoshi Watanabe
Mr. & Mrs. Jim B. Waterfield
Ms. Joanne Weir
Barb & Bob Wells
Barbara Wert
Scott and Holly Wittman
Donors July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
Buddies $1,000+
The 1989 O’Loughlin Family Trust
ABC Television
The Adelaar Foundation
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Alcal Special Contracting, Inc.
Robert Alessi
Alexana Estate Vineyards & Winery
Susan Altaffer
Cynthia Alto
Amazon Smile Foundation
Mr. Ken Amdahl
American Metals Corporation
Sang An
Anait Foundation
Ivan D. and Mary Z. Ancell
Ginger and Don Anderson
Mary and Greg Anderson
Mary Anderson
Mrs. & Mr. Sarah Anderson
Ms. Kathleen Andre
Anonymous (2)
Applied Materials Foundation Employee Engagement Fund
Arizona Community Foundation
Sheryl Armijos
Kaaren L. Atkin
Bob & Jeanne Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Tom and Julie Atwood
Mrs. Arlene G. Austinson
Virginia Avakian
Avenue of the Giants Marathon
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bailey
Bev Bain
Fred and Joan Baker
Banner Bank
Barbara Louie Fund
Claudia Barkmeier
Michael and Mary Kay Barnes
Barnston Koutsaftis Family Foundation
Robert and Mary Basso
Michael and Susan Bates
Bob Bathrick
Frank & Catherine Bator
Ann Bauer
Clifford & Loretta Baughman
Melinda and John Baum
David and Nora Beach
Pat Belardi
Wilford H. & Janice E. Belknap Fund
Bell Sports Marketing , LLC
Howard and Ruth Benedict
Brenda Benenati
Vicki Beninga
Janet and Ron Benjamin
Georgia M. Bennett Wells
Christine Benninger
Mrs. Joan Benson
Bergstrom Wines
Dean Berlin
Elisabeth Bicknell
Charles & Meg Bishop
Jerri Bitler
Mike Bittner
BlackRock, Inc.
Jackie Blaise
Mr. John Bernard Blake
Suzanne Blake & Michael Miller
Craig and Cathy Blankenstein
Charles Bloom Foundation, Inc.
Paul and Debbie Bloomberg
Priscilla Blum
Jan and Thomas Blumenfeld
The Boeing Company Employee Individual Giving Program
Tim Bogan & Richard McCarthy
Susan M. Bohn
Jean-Charles Boisset
Melinda F. Booth
Sarane Bowen
Marianne B. Bowers
Kelly Boyd
Dr. Ben B. Braat D.V.M.
Mary Ann Bradbury
James and Marina Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bragg
Anna Brann
Stephan Brechtmann
Becke Broadbent & Steve Frantz
Ben and Nancy Brodie
Roberta Brookin
Betsy W. Brooks
Ms. Vanadeane C. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Brooks
Kathryn Brown
Marilynne Brown
Scott and Ana Cristina Brubaker
Ceci Brunner-Pierce
Jean Clark Buchler
Buckley Law P.C.
Carolyn R. Buehner
Bernard and Sharon Buetow
Sophie Bundalo
Bob & Kathleen Burke
Doug and Robin Burnett
Rose B. Burton
Butler Family Foundation
Jeff Butler
Ellyn Bye
Karen Cakebread
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Callaghan
Cameron Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Campbell
Canine Obedience Club of Ventura County
Mr. Jim Cantrell
Cathy Capone
Captain Kirk’s San Francisco Sailing LLC
Dr. Jerry Carle
Susan and Richard Carlson
Joan Carlton
Drew Carrington
Michael Carroll
John and Judith Carter
Maureen Casey & Marlin McKeever
Keets Cassar
Ruth Cattaneo
Causecast Foundation
Mike and Vikki Cavalletto
Cement Mason’s Local No. 400
Mr. Sean Shih K. Chang
Chapman Cubine Adams Hussey, Inc.
Gerald and Patricia Chapman
Charles Schwab
Natalie Chase
Harry and Ginger Chen
Mary Cheney
Dan & Carissa Cherry
Susan and Raymond Cherry
Chevron Humankind Employee Engagement Fund
Mr. David Chleck
Joel Cho
Dr. Laurie E. Christensen & Dr. Colin Ma
Robert and Michele Christensen
Spencer Christian
John & Katie Christiansen
Christine Chun
City Mechanical, Inc.
Lanice Clark
Mike & Tracey Clark
Linda and James Cleary
Robert and Kathryn Cochrane
Ronald Coffer
Jed & Bobbie Cohen
Dr. M. David Cohen
The Coit Family Foundation
Mrs. Almeda Colby
Carole M. Cole
Jennifer Collins
Heather and Robert Conradt
Construction Testing Services
Kathleen Cotta & Nikki Justino
Anne Cotton
Mrs. Charlene Coughlin
Courtyard Village Raleigh Hills
Chuck and Sylvia Cox
Tom and Deb Cox
Ms. Dorothy Coy
The Crary Foundation
Timothy Crawford
Jane Creighton
Mrs. Priscilla B. Cronin
CSAA Insruance Group
Ms. Healy Cunningham-Cosay
Rodney and Gretta D’Acquisto
Leslie and George Dames
Joel Damon
Don & Jeanne Dana
Charles and Roberta Daniel
William and Sonja Davidow
Cheryl and Bill Davidson
Phil Davidson
Davis Wire Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Davis
Dwight and Glee Ann Davis
Mark Dawber
Mildred Day
Bill Deakyne
Jana Decker
Diana Dee
Tracy Deiglmeier
James and Jean Deitz
Roland and Susan Dell
A. Demmon & L. T. Walsh
Kelny Denebeim
DePonte Cellars
Janice Deringer
DeSilva Gates Construction LP
Mr. Stanley J. Devincenzi
Ann B. Dey
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Dianda
Kirk and Tammie Dittmar
Mr. Michael E. Dixon
Jay and Robin Doherty
Anne Marie Donegan
Peter and Linda Dooley
Robert and Dorothy Doss
Dennis and Patricia Dougherty
The Douglas J. & Geneva H. Fife Foundation
Drake Family Fund
Susan Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dresser
The Driscoll Foundation
Clyde and Melissa Drydahl
Matt Durak
Jane Dury
Ms. Marilyn A. Dyer
Lois Dyk
Susan H. Dylo
Kathryn Jeanne Ekle
Francelia Eldridge
Elk Cove Vineyards
Rick & Betsy Ellingson
Mr. David B. Elliott
Robert and Barbara Ellis
Employees Community Fund of Boeing Portland
Jerry & Roxie Enneking
Rich and Susan Eppendorfer
Valerie and Paul Erickson
Jeff & Becky Etten
Bob and Sue Evans
The Eye Institute of Utah, Inc.
Bev & Tim Farmer
Dan and Diane Farthing
Caroline Faught
Arnold and Joan Feener
Gerald and Jane Feldman
Ferndale Lions Club
Inez Ferrari
Jackie and Gerald Finley
Don & Odette Finn
Nancy Ward Fischer
Nancy Fischer
Sarah Fitzhugh
Betsy Folwell
Chris & Janet Ford
Buddies $1,000+ (continued)
Jean Ford
Lisa Forslund
Marvin Foster
Foundation Constructors, Inc.
Frank Frand
Franklin Templeton Investment
Dawn and Roger Freeman
Jesse Freidin Photograher
Frontstream Voya Foundation
Doug & Candy Fullaway
Mrs. Roberta A. Galvan
John R. Gann
Brian and Alice Garcia
Janet Gardner
Yvonne Gee
The Joanne Marie and Marcel George Foundation
Marcel and Joanne George
Ms. Mary E. George
Aaron and Julia Gershenberg
Irma Giannotti
Myrven and Beverly Gift
Frank P. Giorgi
David Glancy
Marcia and David Glassel
Ms. Gail K. Glasser
Anthony and Shannon Gleckler
Sandra Goetz
Gold Rush Guides of Sacramento
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Greg Goodman
Ms. Laurel M. Goodman
Leotta Gordon Foundation
Grace Rapinchuk Charitable Foundation Inc.
Mike Graef
Frances Graham
Grancell, Stander, Reubens, Thomas and Kinsey
Traci and Michael Graves
Kerry Ann Greeley
Joseph and Janet Green
Phil & Subie Green
Evelyn Greene
Frances Greene
Mark Gregory
Jennifer and Lewis Gridley
Charlotte Griffin
Karen & Chester Griffith
Nancy Griffith
Mr. Edwyn Groote
Noah and Raylene Groth
Verle & Carolyn Grove
Ardis Grunow
Carlo and Lori Guariento
Dr. Vicki J. Gutgesell
Donna Gwin
H.W. Anderson Products
Jerry and Judy Hamilton
Mary G. Hamilton
Dr. Scott P. Hammerl
Mrs. Virginia Hammerness
Harbison Estate Wines
Fred and Gail Hardy
Audrey E. Hargis
Mrs. Carol A. Harlin
Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation
William H . & Mattie Wattis Harris Foundation
Matthew Hart
Mrs. Betsy Hatton
Mark Hayter
Robert and Barbara Hazelwood
Mrs. Louise H. Hearne
Heart of Gold Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Nicole & Bart Heater
Mr. & Mrs. David Heath
Corinne Hedrick
Ms. Barbara Heffernan
Jerrold and Carolina Henley
Gilbert Hensley
JoAnne and Wayne Herman
Bonnie & Tom Herman
Linda Herwig
Scott and Nancy Highton
Gretchen Hill
M’Ellen Hill
Ms. Barbara Hiller
Rachel Hinerman
Mr. Wulf Hirschfield
Ed Hofer
Renee H. Hoffman
Hollywood Dog Obedience Club
Ms. J. Marilyn Holstad
Ken Holstein & Marge Jones
Holt of California
Steve Holwell
Cynthia T. Hood
Janet Horenstein
Dr. and Mrs. Maynard Howe
Barbara J. Howell
Melissa and David Hudson
Mr. James V. Huhn
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Hunt
Lynn Hunter
David Hutchins
Ned and Mary Anne Hutchins
Hyatt Carmel Highlands
Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach Resort and Spa
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Ipsos Interactive Services US, Inc.
Katharine Irwin
Teresa Ishigaki
Takaya Iwamoto
J.S. Cole Co.
The Jack and Jeanne Heimann Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ravi Jacob
Rosalind and Scott Jacobsen
Kenneth and Caryl Jaggers
James A. and Fannie E. Malarkey Foundation
John and Jacqueline Janofsky
Len V. Janson
Cathi Java
Kathie & Steve Jenkins
Virginia Jenkins
Teresa Jerner
Judy Johnson
Karen and Jim Johnson
Ms. M. Mateel Johnson
Deborah Jones
Teresa O’Toole Jones
Wes Jones & Emma Swain
Jori Jordan
Patricia Joseph
Bob Kaliski & Linda Nelson
Mr. Raymond Kaliski Sr.
Pam Kalkus
Mr. Arthur Kane
Paul J. Kasparian
Pat Kennedy
Kerby Family Foundation
Rita D. Kernen
George and Gail Kerscher
Andrew & Kristin Kilshaw
King County Employee Giving Program
Annette King
Erik King
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kirmse
John and Rosemary Klem
KLM Foundation
Bozena Kluz
Betty Ann Kniesche
Cal & Maureen Knight
Trevor Knight
Gerald A. & Karen A. Kolschowsky Foundation Inc.
Paula Kornell
Kovarus, Inc.
Kent Kresa
Dr. Charlene K. Krieg
Val Kriz
Kurt Krunkenberg
Catherine Krupka
Charles and Margaret Krystofiak
Barbara Kuehler
Mrs. Marcia A. Kuhlmann
Kuni BMW
Mrs. Carol A. Kyle
Lakeside Foundation
Winnie Lam
Paul Lamphere
Alita Larkin
Las Vecinas
Anne Latta
Mary Jane and Rich Laufenberg
LDL Charitable Fund
Lee H. & Marion B. Thompson Foundation
Annabelle Lee
William Leeds
Ann M. Lehman
Robert Levenstein & Jill Cole
Judith Primm Lewy
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lieberman
Serge and Alla Lightman
Eric and Christine Lindner
Alan & Joan Lippman
Sandra & Chuck Lissman
Scott and Jackie Littman
Judge David W. Long
Denise Loomis
Warren & Susan Lortie
Lou Carlin Insurance Agency, Inc
Lucky Limo & Towncar Service, L.L.C.
Holland Lynch
Larry Maas
Mrs. Patrick J. Mackey
Clara MacNamee
Anne MacPherson
Dr. Robert Magoon
Mark and Pamela Maier
Debra Mailman
Ms. Georgia D. Makeever
Catherine Maley
Phil & Rosemary Maresca
Maria & Robert Kelly Stewardship
The Marquis George MacDonald Foundation, Inc.
Cathy Martin
Ruth Harriet Mathebat Memorial Fund
JJ & Joyce Mauro
Carolyn Mayer
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy McCarthy
Sam and Barbara McCleneghan
Chad and Amy McCormick
Joan McFadden
Kathleen and Ross McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. David H. McRoberts
Mrs. Anne G. McWilliams
Colin and Susan Mead
Richard Meese & Liz Christensen
Richard Melcher
Mercer Health & Benefits LLC
David Mercer
Mike and Kristi Mercer
Carrie and Jeremy Mesches
Mesirow Financial
Mr. Aaron Meyer
Laurel Meyer
Rick Meyer
Mr. Wayne Michele
Dolly Miller
Ken Miller
Eri and Eric Minoura
Mr. Wayne R. Mitchell
Gary & Darcy Mize
Stephen L. Moore
David Morehouse
Mark Morford
Morgan Stanley
Mr. Alistair D. Morrison
Steve & Cheryl Mozinski
Mrs. Mary L. Murphey
Christine Myers
Robert L. Nance & Betty Nance Smith
Tony & Chris Nardi
Peggy Neal
Ms. Faye M. Neibaur
Lyn Nelson
Caron Ng
Mr. John S. Niendorff
Buddies $1,000+ (continued)
Fred Nigro
Michael Nissenson
Kris and Robin Nordberg
Lou Nordyke USMC Ret.
Norfolk Lions Club
Northwest Weasels
Tom Nutter
Ocean Partners USA, Inc.
Donna O’Connor
Edna O’Connor
Kevin and Rita O’Connor
Stuart Odell Sr.
Shane & Sherri O’Hanrahan
Kate O’Keeffe
Sue & Chet Oliver
Olson Memorial Clinic
Shirley Olson
Omni Cancun Hotel
OnPoint Community Credit Union
Orange County American Italian Women
Orchards Evergreen Lions
Col. Jose Ordona
Oregon Zoo Foundation
Jeff and Valerie Ormont
Carol Ornstein
Rick and Cathy Osgood
Abe and Christine Ostrovsky
Cathy Overmyer & John Moffitt
Robert Pace
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Pacific University Oregon
Alan & Marla Palash
Jim and Jean Palermo
June Palmer
Panera Bread
Bob & Deb Pangrazi
Richard and Sanae Pardoe
Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Resort and Spa
Samuel and Marilyn Parke
Bill & Patt Parker
Anne Parkinson
Christopher Pascale
Bill & Fran Patri
Ronald N. Paul
Larry and Ann Payne
Peace & Light Foundation
Evelyn Pearl
Carolyn Pedone & John Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Peecook
Betsy Pelkan
Paul and Elaine Pennington
Ms. M. D. Perera
Jennifer Perez
Walt Petersen
Mrs. Beverly B. Peterson
Eric Peterson
Martie & Gregg Peterson
Sam Peterson
Bill & Barbara Peterson
Nancy Pettersson
Phi Chapter of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Phillips
Jean Phillips & Edward Zuk
Theresa Piasta
David Pickard
Mr. William Piper
Peter & Martha Plante
Marian M. Poe
Peggy Poindexter
Judith Pomeranz
Pope Family Foundation
Roger and Joan Porter
Porto Elounda Golf & Spa
Paula and William Powar
Nancy V. Powell
Jan Praisner
Precision Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Henry I. Prien Family Trust
Florence E. Purdy
Christopher Putnam
Jeanne Pyne
Michael D. Quinton
Dr. Amy Randall
Renee Rasmussen & Michael Broadhead
Dorothy Rawlison
Mel Ray
Russell Redenbaugh
Emily Regalia
The Reichert Foundation
Ronald and Barbara Reinhardt
Chris and Shannon Reiter
Patrick Remolacio
Michael Remsing
Mr. Robert W. Rex
Ann T. Richards
Mr. Kent Rickabaugh
Alan Riordan
Gregory Ripley
The Roberts Brothers Foundation
Alena and Steven Roberts
Bryan Roberts
Florence Rocks
Larissa Roesch & Jason Crethar
Kevin and Jannick Rolland-Thompson
Rose A. Ellison Designated Fund
Steve & Lynn Rose
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Ross
Patricia Roth
Mr Joel B. Rothman
Nancy Rudolph
Donna and Ken Russell
The Rust Family Foundation
David & Deborah Ryan
David Sabih
Salesforce Foundation
Pat Salzarulo
San Francisco Fire Department
San Francisco Wine School
Maurice Sanchez
Mrs. Mary C. Sandage
John Sanders
Stephanie Sanders
Barbara Sandler
Joan Sargen
Bille Corinne Sarzin
Kathy Saterdahl
Charlene Savage
Harry J. Savage
Save Mart Supermarkets
Bob Scanlan
ScanlanKemperBard Co
Karen Schaarschmidt
Elaine Schaffer
Dick and Marsha Schalk
Gerald A. Schetter
Kelly Schrader
Schultz Trust
Kenneth Schulz
Vicki Sebastiani
Mike Segall
The Setzer Foundation
Sewell Village Cadillac
Lilian Shackelford Murray
Kurt and Mary Shafer
Reheel and Candace Shah
The Shamrock Foundation
Timothy Shapiro
Shellbrook Foundation
Shelley Family Foundation
Sheraton Waikiki
Peter and Veronique Siggins
Chris Sigler
Siltronic Corporation
Gabriel Silva
Ivor and Beryl Silver
Elaine Simmons
Lucille Ellis Simon Foundation
Jaspal Singh
Marilyn Singleterry
Geoffrey Skidmore
The Sloan Foundation
Mr. James N. Smith
Kim Smith
Lee Smith
Robert & Todd Smith
Tony Smith & Dayna Salter
Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa
Sam Spagnolo
Carol Spalding
Spicola Family Foundation
Ingrid and Dick Spies
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Spratling
Linda Springer
Anna St. John
St. Supery Estate Vineyards & Winery
Standish Mellon Asset Management Company
State Farm Companies Foundation
Stellar Solutions Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Norval Stephens
Stevens Creek Quarry, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Stewart
Ms. Susan B. Stillings
Stoller Vineyards
Mindy Stomner
Carolyn and Jesse Stone
Stowe Mountain Lodge
Ms. Karen L. Strand
Robert Stuart
Tim & Cherie Stueve
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Sturr
Sunrise Financial Service
Ms. M. J. Sutherland
The Swinerton Foundation
Sheldon A. Taft
Dr. Maryam Taghadosi
Agnes Tam
Alfred E. Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Temianka
Marty A. Terzakis
The Engine is Red
Phil and Diane Theophilou
Greg & Jodi Thomas
Dick & Larie Thomas
George and Margot Thompson
Thoren Family Charitable Trust
Three Degrees Bar & Grill
Lynn and John Tiemeyer
Mary Tilden
Asheton and Judith Toland
Tom Scott Vineyard
Judith Torrez
Bryan Townsend
Lillyan Tremaroli
Mary Trotter
Dr. & Mrs. Tracy L. Trotter
Michael Trujillo & Terri Binnell
Loraine Turner
Leslie Tyler
UMB Bank
Paul and Lory Utz
John and Linda Vacca
Theresa Valcalda
Valero Benicia Refinery
Vanguard Charitable
Sharon Verburg
Bernie and Brenda Vinther
Vision Loss Center
Ms. Janis Vogel
Roger F. Vorce
Jarmila Vrana
Barbara Wachsman
Waldorf Astoria Grand Wailea
Water Transmission Group
Cindy and David Watkin
Leland and Robin Weinberg
Mr. Michael S. Weinberger
Arthur G. Weiner
Joanna Weise
Kathy Wentworth
Westamerica Bank
The Westin St. Francis Hotel
Patricia Wheeler
Edward and Patricia Whitehead
Joseph Whitters
Mr. Brent Wiblin
Yvonne D. Wiesen
Buddies $1,000+ (continued)
Kevin Wiesman
Cmdr. & Mrs. Randy L. Wight
Cynthia Wilford & John Borja
Mrs. Caroline Wilkinson
Sally Williams
Wilsonville Lions Club
Scott Wingate
Nancy Wintersteen
Warren and Claudia Wish
Deanne L. Witt
Danny Lee and Margaret Wittenauer-Lee
Woodburn Area Chamber of Commerce
Woodburn Premium Outlets
Woodland Sunrise Foundation
Woodruff Sawyer & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Worden
World President’s Organization
Stephen Wright
Tom & Debbie Wyne
Xceed Financial Credit Union
Yakima Lions Club
Louise Yale
Yamazaki Educational Foundation
Steven Yan
Gloria C. Yee
Robert Yohai
Mr & Mrs Jared Zabaldo
Zach Zachowski
Zalec Familian & Lilian Levinson Foundation
Jim Zayac & Jim Schwarz
Alexandra Zell
Betsy Zern
Dennis and Edlynn Zimmerman
Diane and William Zuendt
Family $500+
A-Affordable Bail Bonds, LLC.
Toni Adams
Adirondack Community Trust
David R. Adler
Ms. Mary Ellen E. Adler
Alameda County Firefighters Association
Dr. Ric D. Alexander
Amigos De Vista Lions Club
Anaheim Marriott
Grace R. Anderson
Larry Anderson
Shirley M. Anderson
Terri Anderson
Andrew Rich Wines
Mr. Raymond A. Apfel
Dolores Arias
Arista Winery
Art Armstrong
Betty K. Asher
AT&T Services, Inc.
August Briggs Winery
Peter and Joan Avenali
Helena and Richard Babb
Jim Back
Helga Baer
Jason Bahl
Rose and Eugene Baker
Ms. Grace Balch
Mr. James H. Balsdon
Susan and William Banker
Mrs. Joan Barber
Colleen Barnes
Geraldine Barnes
John and Anna Barnes
Darlene A. Barron
Mary Bartik
Sandra A. Barton
Marlene Bass
Kirk and Patricia Bateman
Larry Batina
Mr. O. Robert Bauman
Donald and Lori Bazinet
Peter and Suzanne Beavins
Jane Becker
John and Camille Behrens
Pamela A. Bell
Mary P. Belyea
Julie & Marco Benassini
Mr. Thomas C. Benet
Louis Bennet
Wendy and Jeffrey Bennett
Cindy and Bernie Benson
Douglas A. Benson
Patty Berg
John and Sharon Biard
Bigge Crane and Rigging Co.
The Bill and Bo Care Fund
Bishop Pine Fund
Mark and Gayle Bittner
Albert and Joyce Bjorgum
Donna L. Black
Robert and Brenda Blackwell
David & Debra Blaine
Ed and Arla Blakemore
Blankiet Estate
The Blind Cafe LLC
Blind Enterprises of Oregon
Mrs. Nancy B. Bluemm
BMW and Mini of Concord
Mr. Andew C. Boghosian
Nettie Boland
Andrea and Christ Borch
David and Louise Borgatello
Harold and Judith Borushok
Marilyn Boster
Michelle Bowler
Roger and Kathleen Bowley
Victoria Bozzacco
Mrs. Pauline Bradey
Bradford Family Foundation
Barbara J. Bradford
Mr. John Bradshaw
Jeanette Braker
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brandon
Brannen & Powell
Gretchen D. Breiling
Teri Breschini
Meredith Bressie
Anita Brewer
Linda Brier-Ledford
Sally Briggs
Lee Bronson
Gayle Brooks
Candace Brown
Sue & Leland Brown
Josephine Brownback
Mr. Leo L. Browne
Paul and Mary Brunner
Ms. Jacqueline Bryant
Joan Buck
Annis S. Buell
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Bugher
Thuy Hong Thi Bui
Jeanette C. Bullington
Donna S. Bumgarner
Justin and Christine Burkey
Roger Burnell
Marion Burnett
Allison Burns
Ms. Whitney Button
Karmela Buzdon
Laura Cacciatore
Lain Campbell
Dion and Linda Campisi
Carmel Host Lions Club
Ursula and John Carmody
Brent & Laura Carreau
Christine Carrington
Betty R. Carter
John Cavalcanti
Dr. & Mrs. James Cech
The Cella Family Foundation
Mr. Al Ceresa
Kenneth Cerreta
Stephanie Charbonneau
Charles Fine Art Portraits
Mr. & Mrs. Kingsley Chatton
Lyn Chauvet & Fred Thompson
Ching Cheng
Ron & Shirley Chrisman
Chula Vista Community Church
Dick Chun and Nancy Peterson
City of Henderson
George and Rebecca Clark
Kathleen Clark
Mary H. Clark
Tom Clark
Timothy Clark
Jamie Clements
Clift Hotel
Jacqueline Cohn
Ms. Lee C. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Comte
Congregation Beth Israel
Nancy Conneally
Kay and Thomas Conneely
William and Nancy Coole
Diane Cooper
Ms. Marianne Cooper
Mrs. Marion Cope
Mr. Lamar T. Corley
Bob & Barbara Cosby
Steven Cowen
Mr. Chat Cowherd
Mr. Jim B. Cowperthwait
Rose Coyle
Linda Craig
Wendy Craven
Ed and Judy Creswell
Mrs. Patti Crisafi
Ms. Jennelle Crothers
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Crouch
Beverley Cullen
Curran Family Foundation
Dick & Betty Currie
Terry and Vicky Curtis
Ms. Kay Daly
Anthony and Julie D’Amante
Deirdre Dame
Robert and Terry Damico
Michael Daniel
Leonore Dashbach
James Dauterive
Bill Davidson
Richard Davidson
Robert & Betsy Davis
Lois Davis and Elizabeth Wittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Dawley
Bunny Dawson
Elizabeth De Cuevas
Richard and Joanne De Luce
Doug and Diane Deaver
Mr. & Mrs. Willard DeFilipps
Darlene Delancey & Robert J. Widman
Michael and Denise Deleray
Tony Delumen
Robert Dennis
Ms. Diane Deshong
Ms. Florence L. Di Benedetto
John and Margo Di Domenico
Ms. Barbara Dickerson
Karen S. Dickinson
Craig and Stephanie Dietrich
Mr. Mark J. Dittmer
Ralph Dixon
Robbie & Janet Dodd
Carolyn Doggett
Elizabeth Doherty
Jane Dolan
Kathleen K. Doll
Dan and Carol Donlan
Robert and Kegan Donlan
Damien A. Doss
Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital
Sydney Drake & Margaret Carroll
Family $500+ (continued)
Tom & Marci Duby
Anna Robinson Duncan
Merritt W. Dunlap M.D.
Denise Dutra
Early Ford V-8 Club of America
Eastgate Lions Club
Becky Easton
Col. Carol Edgington
Naomi and Gary Edwards
Mark Eggerding
Rich & Suzanne Elb
Electrical Distributing Inc.
Barry and Kathleen Elkins
Brad Elliott
Mrs. Virginia M. Elmore
Emerald Empire Sports Car Club
Ann and Ron Emmerson
Enumclaw Lions Club
Wilma Erdmann
Daniel Erickson
Eugene Downtown Lions Club
Pamela Ewart
Eyes For Tomorrow 4-H Club
Barbara M. Failing
Frank Farella
David and Heidi Fastabend
Fat. Salt. Love
Ms. Catherine L. Faure
Deena Fawcett
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Feenstra
Stephanie Fein
Dorette Feit
Jeffrey Feitler
Ms. Louise Felix
Susan Fenn
Sharon M. Ferguson
Susan and Roger Ferguson
Richard and Maria Fetherstonhaugh
Billie Fetz
Katelyn Fike
Scott A. Fink & Kathy E. Klein
Steve & Pat Finnegan
First American Title Insurance Company
Jaki Fischer
Andrew and Nancy Fisher
Bernard and Marsha Fisher
Olivia Fisher
Roger and Catherine Fleck
Bee Fletcher
Jean and Al Fohrer
Julia Foster-Bates
Linda Fowler
Clyde and Muriel Fox
Nick Franchini
Francis Ford Coppola Winery
Marcia L. Francis
David and Kelly Francl
Jason Francl
The Frank and Margaret Bitar Foundation
Ms. Marie E. Fraser
Ms. Monica Freeder
Marlene Friend
Donalynne and William Fuller
David and Pearl Furman
Ms. Marlene A. Furniss
Colette Gable
Mr. John D. Gannett Jr.
Raye Gaskins
Lauren Gelber
Fred and Marice George
Ms. Jill George
Henry Gerstenblitt
Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School
Valice Gill
Steven F. Gingras
Tom & Susan Ginnity
Michael Glass
Doug Glasson & Tricia Moody
Meredith Goetz
Karen Goff
Golden Gate Kiwi Club
Jim & Connie Goldsmith
Goleta Lions Charities Foundation
Dr. David Goodkin
Mark & Eileen Goor
Floyd Gottwald
Mr. Edmund S. Goulder
Leslie and Mark Graham
Grand Chaper Of Oregon Order Of The Eastern Star
Mr. James A. Grant
Janet Gray
Mr. Howard Green
Dr. Norman J. Green
Kent and Paulette Greenwald
Gresham Farmers Market Association Inc.
Kim and Gary Griffiths
Roger Gross
Groth Vineyards & Winery
Hans and Marilyn Grunbaum
Felicia Guerchon
Heather L. Guthrie
Susan and Clifford Gutterman
Beth Gwin
Henry Haddad
Blanca L. Haendler
Hal, Debora, and Gracie Bolen Charitable Fund
Fred and Marie Halverson
Christina Han
Irvin & Gail Handelman
Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Hanson
David and Nancy Hanson
Tracy Harcourt & Edward Chejlava
Greg Hardy
Ms. Dorothy Harkness
Mr. Bradley Harlow
Art Harris
Ms. Mary Harris
Annie Heim
Gloria Helms
John E. Henion
Mr. Billy Henry
The Herbst Foundation
Hermosa Kiwanis Club Foundation
Joe Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Herriges
Leni & Doug Herst
Mrs. Marilyn W. Hickey
Mrs. Carmela Hicks
Crystal E. Higgins
Mrs. Gladys Higgins
Ms. Margaret Hill
Hilton Los Angeles Universal City
Carolyn C. Hindes
Scott & Nancy Hindes
Karen and Manny Hirsch
Mr. Robert L. Hobson
Matt & Sharyl Hoepfinger
Teresa Hoffman
Richard and Kristin Hogan
Mrs. Karen Hoggarth
Robert C. Holmes
J. Hopper
Lisa Horn
Tom Horton
The Hotel Monaco
Hotel Solamar
Rose Huening-Clark
Margaret Huffman
Mr. Vincent Huggins
Mr. & Ms. Gregory and Teresa Hughes
Ms. Jennifer Hughes
John Hult & Joanne Schunter
Humble Noon Lions Club Foundation
Mr. Mike Hutchinson
James and Evelyn Hutton
Carole Huygen
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport
Hyatt Regency San Francisco
Colleen B. Igou
Immunize Nevada
Virginia Ingham
Rita Isom
Gil Jacobs
Ms. Wendy Jacobson
Ijaz Jamall
James Cole
Emily Janowsky
Suzanne Jensen
Mr. Eugene Jewell
Joan Dalianis Foundation Inc.
Barbara Johnson
Ron Johnson
Steven and Bridget Johnson
Bob Jones & Michele Conditt
Ms. Donna M. Jones
Mrs. Marion Jones
Jane Jurkovich
Richard F. Kadlick
Mary Kaer
KaiserAir, Inc
Kapcsandy Family Winery
Karen Pryor Academy
Vera L. Kark
Stan Keiser
Isabelle Keller
Harold and Maryln Kelley
Tracy M. Kennedy
Jim & Vickie Kennedy
Mrs. Sheryl L. Kessler
Sue Kidd
Jock & Barbara Kimberley
Kimpton Hotel & Restaurant Group
Dennis and Martha King
Martha M. Kinkaid
Jeananne M. Kiper
Charles and Mariann Kitzman
Peggy Kivel
Kiwanis Club of Fremont Foundation
Klaich Animal Hospital
Ann Klee
Lyn Klein
Brian Kleinboonschate
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kline
Knight V William
Ron & Carol Koehl
Kokomo Wines
Thomas and Mary Koon
Susan Korean
Kassia Kossyta
Kosta Browne Winery
Ron and Deborah Krantzman
Ann and Daniel Kreyche
Heather Krieves
Meg Krilov & Jim Fogel
Mr. Allen Kung
Ms. Ethel Kurtz
L. J. Morganti Co.
Lacey OMalley Bail Bonds
Amy and Erik Lacy
Ladera Vineyards
Mary Lou Lafler
Julie LaFramboise & Lyle Mindlin
Donald and Janice Lamm
Lange Estate Winery and Vineyards
Jesse Lange
Lynn Lapusnak
Mr. Edward J. Larkin
Robert and Julia Larsen
Burt and Caryl Lasko
Lathrop Construction Associates, Inc.
Mrs. & Mr. Carol and Charles Laughlin
Laurel Glen Vineyard
Sue Leard
Charles Leavitt
Mr. Richard B. LeConche
Aaron Lee and Karen Klimkosky Lee
Dallas Lee
Judith Lee
Patricia Lee
Lehigh Hanson Inc.
Patricia Leighfield
Susan Lenthe
Alex Leonard
Wesley Leong
Family $500+ (continued)
Joel Levine
Mr. Jim Lew
Mair Lewis
Ms. Teri Lewis
Ms. Marjorie R. Lindsey
Brad Lingenfelter
Leigh Linnell
Litchfield HR Management Consulting
Donna Litchfield
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Lizer
Lloyd Lions Club
Robin Lockwood
Bill and Susan Long
Ms. Ida F. Long
Kathie and Daniel Long
Priscilla Longfield
Mrs. Theda Lord
Lost Coast Kennel Club of California
Mrs. Lenore Luedemann
Patsy Lundsteen
Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel
Constance Lynch
Ms. Paulette Lynes
Lynne D. and Gilbert A. Haberman Family Charitable Fund
Marge Colyear MacLaughlin
Kevin MacLellan
Elizabeth P. Macpherson L.C.
Major Creek Cellars
Mandarin Bedford, Inc.
Mandarin Oriental San Francisco
Susan Mangis
Roger and Joan Mann
Shirley Manning
Michelle Margules
Pat & Laurie Marifjeren
Joni Marine
Alan Markle
Thomas and Elaine Markovich
Mr. Robert Marshall
Bob and Brenda Martin
Monique Martin
Ramona Martinez
Steve Mason
Ms. Helene Bernice Mathe
Rajiv Mathur
Marie Mattrocce
Joy E. McBride
Sue McClelland
Janet McCormick
Harry McCracken
Bette McCue
Thomas McCullough
Laura McDaniel
Ms. Lorena McDonald
David and Debbie McEuen
Louise McGregor
Ms. Marcia McLatchy
Cheryl P. McLemore
Susan McNear
Thomas W. McPherson
Joanne Mechling and Scott Lee
Agustya Mehta
Kenneth and Vera Meislin
Mr. Robert W. Messerschmidt
Jim & Linda Metcalf
Mary C. Michelis M.D. & Richard P. Huemer M.D.
Jack and Linda Middleton
Madeline Miles
Denise Miller
Mr. Robert Miller
Stephanie Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Pierre Millon
Anne Minkin
Anthony Mirante
Modesto Lions Club
Bob & Trish Moitoso
Montana State Auxiliary Fraternal Order of Eagles
Ms. Virginia Montana
Montecito Inn
Anthony Montemurro
Mrs. Kathy L. Moore
Brian and Elizabeth Morrison
Alice Mills Morrow
Moss & Murphy
Martha and John Mouer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moy
Thomas and Karolyn Moyer
Catherine Mui
Kate Mulligan
Mumm Napa
Mr. Harry Murphy
Joanne Murray
Mr. Donald N. Myres
Spencer and Myra Nadler
Kevin Navarret
Margaret A. Neale & Alfred C. Lindahl
Dr. Norman H. Needel
John & Irva Neff
Stefan Nepper
The New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
James Newberne
Bich Nguyen
Craig Nicol
Michael Nimkoff
Ms. Elaine Nisenoff
NorCal Rental Group, LLC
Elizabeth Noronha
North Block Hotel
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Nowell Esq.
Nugget Markets
Ms. Mary Belle L. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Owen O’Brien
Susan Okum
Olander Family Foundation
Brian and Teresa Olmsted
Omni Hotels and Resorts
Onyx Worldwide
Gloria Opperman
Opus One
Orange County Society of Opthalmology
Ormsby Post Acute Rehab
Ms. Kay D. O’Rourke
The Oser Braun Foundation
Ana-Maria Osorio
Nell Ostermeier D.V.M.
Ms. Rebecca M. Overstreet
Eleanor J. Panasevich
Mr. George Pao
Kay L. Papanicolas
Paradise Host Lions Club
Tom & Michele Parsons
Cheryl Pattee
Paws for the Cause 4-H Club
Peiyork International Co, Inc.
Mr. John Pelfini
Perkins & Company, P.C.
Ms. Nancy Perkins
Laura Perucchi
John and Jeannette Peterman
Patricia S. Peters
Jackie Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Max Peterson
Ronald D. Petska
Cynthia Pett Dante
Robin Petty
PFSA Council #5
PG&E Campaign for the Community
Mrs. Mary Philpot
Dana I. Pigott
Pine Ridge Vineyards
Ms. Joyce Pinto
Plo’s Trucking, Inc.
Bruce and Bonnie Potter
Melissa Powar
Dorothy Mae Praegner
John and Sue Prange
Mr. & Mrs. Lyman B. Pressey
Mr. Roger W. Prestwich
Lydgia Price & David Scott
Jim & Prince
Gary Pudvan
Carol Pukli
Barbara Pulliam
Rancho Bernardo Lions Club
Richard Randolph
Redeemer Lutheran Church and School
The Redwoods in Yosemite
Anthony and Erin Reed
Jonathan Reid
Linda Reiff & Richard Ward
Fran R. Reuber
Susan Reynolds
James Rez
Terri Rhodes
Gregory and Linda Rice
Joyce and John Richardson
Jeffery Riley
Sam & Donna Rindskopf
Dan Riviera
Ms. Jacqueline Rizik
Helen Robbins
Vickie Robertson
Bernard Roesner
Sabrina Rokovitz
The Ronald E. and Paula J. Wansa Family Trust
Dave Rose
Mel Rosenfeld
Max and Joyce Ross
Marlene & Ronald Ross
Ms. Keren Roth
Nancy B. Roth
Richard and Claudette Rousseau
Donald and Jane Royer
Brock Rubens
Paul T. Rudolph
Mary and Stephen Rudy
Juli Russell-Kiykioglu
Mr. George Russo
Ms. Jane B. Ryan
Roger and Athena Ryno
San Francisco SPCA
Ara Sanjideh
Marius Sapkus
Terry Ann Saurmann
Mr. & Mrs. Guido Saveri
Ms. Sue Saxon
Bob & Brenda Schmidt
Daniel and Suzanne Schrinsky
Schug Carneros Estate Winery
Orva L. Schultis
Craig and Mary Schwartz
Mildred Schwartz
Mrs. Marty Schwarz
Ronna Scoratow
Dave Scott & Mary Little
Judy Seaman
Michael and Jennifer Sedmak
Gail Seidel
Ralph and Ralph Seifert
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr.
Seufert Winery/McCleskey Cellars
Steven Severeide & Jacklyn Bristol
Richard Shaw
Debra T. Shearer
Mrs. Mickey Sheffield
Patti Shimek
Shipmates of Manhattan Beach Community Church
Sierra Management Institute Inc.
Holly Silver
Roy and Joanna Simmons
Branden Simpson
Claire Collins Skall
Bryan Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Smith
Mr. Ramon Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ryland R. Smith
David and Julianne Snell
Sharyne D. Snyder
Patricia Solvik
Bob & Cindy Sonnenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Spalding
Greg & Jaima Spencer
Spring Mountain Vineyard
St. Isidore Church
St. Louis South Side Lions Club
Marilyn and Wayne Stalnecker
Howard M. Standish
Family $500+ (continued)
The Stanford Court, A Renaissance Hotel
Stanislaus PAWS
Steve Stevens
Joelle Steward
Luvonne Stewart & David Towle
Frances Stieper
Kandy Stigers
Marsha Stigers
Ms. Ellen Stoianoff
Janeen W. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. William Strohauer
Catherine Strohmaier
Arthur and Fredna Stromberg
Paul and Debi Stromberg
Pat Sullivan
Reg & Cathy Sullivan
Sue Sullivan
Sunrise Lions Club
Mary Sutter
Carol Sweet
Deb Swenson
The Swigert-Warren Foundation
Ken Taguchi
Lisa Tarter
Don & Norma Taylor
Margaretta Taylor
Tom & Dayna Taylor
Templeton Lions Club
Jorge O. Teran
Ms. Jean W. Terlizzi
William Terrell
Linda Tharp
Ms. Clare Thaw
The Blind Cafe
Mr. Joseph M. Thomas
Rob and Sandy Thomas
Carol Thomas-Mohalley
Russel Thompson
Peter and Betsy Thomsen
Caroline and Robert Timlin
Max and Cindy Timmons
Nancy Timmons
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Titus
Michael and Claudia Tocci
Mr. Edward Tomany
Sally Tomlinson
Judy Toole
Patrick Torrey
Lisa Toso
Transcribing Mariners
Allen and Rita Trendler
Trinity Lake Lions Club
Brenda Tripathi
Louise Trotman-Pitt
Mr. Warren Tryon
Becky Tsurumoto
Sherry Tucholski
Kristy Turner
TVI Enterprises, LLC
Stephen Twomey
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Jeanne Valenti
Mr. Richard Valeriani
Lois Valichnac
Ms. Julie S. Vallin
Virginia Van Koll
Cheryl and Robert Van Voorhees
Ms. Pam Vanderjagt
Roger and Peg VanWagoner
Bill & Linda Varner
Steven Vaughn
Ms. Carmen Vazquez
Ventura Breakfast Lions Club
Virginia and Michael Vessels
Vibrant Table Catering & Events
Judy Vieira
The Vincent Family
Vineyard 29
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Vinson
Visalia Host Lions
Nancy Visenberg
Dr. Steve Vockert
Alex Vollmer
Janet C. Wade
Michaelene J. Wadolny
George Waggett
Ira and Marcia Wagner
Scott Wagner
The Walker Foundation
Linda and Tom Walsh
Marjorie Walsh
Ms. Mary L. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Walsh
Sue Ward
Jennifer Watson
Ms. Katrine Watson
Amanda Weitman
Patricia Wells
Wenatchee Valley Lions Club
West Hollywood Hotel and Residences
The Westermeyer Family Fund
Matt & CJ Wetherbee
Mr. Patrick Wheary
Brock Whitaker
Darlene and Darlene White
Emily L. White
Mr. Robert E. White
Mr. & Mrs. Norm Widitz
Michelle Wilens
Mrs. Helm S. Wiley
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Williams
Williams-Sonoma, Inc.
Donna and Gary Wills
Ms. Katherine M. Wilson
Velvia Wimmer
Pam Winchell
The Woman’s Club of Vista
Harlan Wood
Nancy Wood
Frances Wrany
John and Liz Wright
Ms. Sandra Wycinowski
David Yankaskas
Ya-Feng Yao
Amy Yasukawa
Peg Yorkn
Richard Young
Rita M. Young-Riggs
Katherine Zaloudek
Lisa Zeller
Cynthia Zolnikov
Janet Zuzack
Bequest and Estate Gifts, July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Annabelle Airth Estate
Betty Ann Austin Estate
Clarence E. and Catherine L. Bailey Estate
Joseph & Maxine Bednarski Estate
Linda J. Berry Estate
Ronald C. Bertolozzi Estate
Margaret Bibra Estate
Bette Fritz Bielefeldt Estate
Peter and Elvira Bigotta Estate
Rose Bloom Estate
Lorraine Boatenhamer Estate
James Gerrard Boghosian Estate
Rolan Bohde Estate
Jessie L. Bollinger Estate
Charles W. Boysol Estate
Rita Brangero Estate
Ira E. Brink Estate
Dionigi Brunetti Estate
Virginia L. Buchanan Estate
Harold S. Chapman Estate
Dolores May Coffey Estate
Agnes M. Cole Estate
Charlotte Angeline Cooper Estate
Lloyd Cox Estate
William D. Creighton Estate
Joseph M. and Lotte M. Dadone Estate
Irene Dawson Estate
Agnes Devine Estate
Ruth M. Dias Estate
Charles and Eileene R. Dirdak Estate
Richard A. and Sallyann Douglas Estate
Martha Drogemuller Estate
Edith M. Duarte Estate
Shirley T. Dundas Estate
Billie R. and Marjorie G. Duree Estate
Charles F. Elgasser Estate
Don G. Erickson Estate
Charlotte Lawrence Fergusson Estate
Ruth Fisher Estate
Ardis Flanagan Estate
Kay M. Flynn Estate
Harry E. Franz Estate
Louise Freeman Estate
Lillian Giovanelli Estate
Emil Goergeny Estate
Allan Goodman Estate
Garnet Gorin Estate
Bernice Grantz Estate
Ruby May Gubin Estate
Marian M. Hamilton Estate
Marian E. Hanley Estate
Thomas G. Ramey and Peggy Huff Harris Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater Jackson Estate
Paul M. Hartman Estate
Bequest and Estate Gifts (continued)
Norma Hueter Heavey Estate
Betty Ann M. Howard Estate
La Vonne Diers Hutchins Estate
Donna P. Janvier Estate
Ada & Everett Johnson Estate
Jacqueline I. Jump Estate
Gregory L. and Olive J Kelly Estate
Ione M. Kennedy Estate
John and Lillian Kenney Estate
Randy Kenoffel Estate
Saul Klein Estate
Patricia Knecht Estate
Robert J. Koch Estate
Margaret M. Kogler Estate
Carmelo J. LaFrano Estate
Marceil Larkin Estate
Evelyn M. Light Estate
Araminta A. Little Estate
Vera M. Long Estate
Jean Loomis Estate
Lanie M. Lovvorn Estate
Patricia Ann Lowry Estate
Rachel Lyman Estate
Donald and Isabelle MacIvor Estate
Jack & Jeanette L. Malin Estate
William Malkason Estate
Marie Mappus Estate
Theresa C. Markovich Estate
Sandra S. Marks Estate
Ada R. Matson Estate
Brian E. and Patricia M. Mayer Estate
Mary L. Mazziotti Estate
Dean E. and Jane S. McHenry Estate
Winifred McKee Estate
Muriel R. McMurtrey Estate
Ann E. Miller Estate
Ann K. Mitchell Estate
William and Marian Mortensen Estate
Evelyn G. Moskovitz Estate
Claude L. and Berenice Motel Estate
Valere M. Murray Estate
Dorothy G. Neugebauer Estate
William P. and Elizabeth A Neutout Estate
Helen Newton Estate
Donna H. Nicholas Estate
Domingo Pagano Estate
Eugene Palkowski Estate
Eugene & Edna Palmuth Estate
William John Pearce Estate
Sharon M. Pelley Estate
Shirley Perry Estate
Richard A. and Christine Peterfy Estate
Patrick W. Pollock Estate
Mary & Georgie Posey Estate
Dorothy Lucille Pulver Estate
Mary Lou Ramsey Estate
Ruth H. Ramsey Estate
Marvin W. Recknor Estate
Geraldine E. Reed Estate
Jeanne M. Reed Estate
Luise Y. Reed Estate
William W. & Joyce U. Remak Estate
Mary A. Richter Estate
Bozena Ridley Estate
Patricia and Frederick Riedle Estate
Molli S. and Edmund B. Robbins Estate
Hazel Louise Robitsch Estate
Esther Rubin Estate
Julius Rudel Estate
William & Audrey E. Samson Estate
Marie Hinman Sandler Estate
Daniel A. & Edna J. Sattler Estate
Kenneth Floyd Serota Estate
Patrick Shellenberg Estate
Mary Elizabeth Simmons Estate
Janet Burnet Smith Estate
Wilma A. Smith Estate
Helen C Snelling Estate
Carita Sommer Estate
David L. Spurgeon Estate
Max & Cardella Stanger Estate
Jean R. Stanley Estate
Lois F. Stavas Estate
Lionel Steiner Estate
Allen T. and Loretta C. Strunk Estate
George Sugerman Swift Estate
Alice D. Taylor Estate
Rev David R. and Eleanor M Thomas Estate
Jodi Tryon Estate
Oonagh Tyson Estate
Frank Vaccaro Estate
Eleanore K. Voss Estate
Evelyn Hearst Weinfield Estate
Dewey and Hilda Wheeler Estate
Marguerite Willis Estate
E.H. Wilson Estate
Lillie & Harry Wissman Estate
Sena Wold Estate
Margaret I. Wolf Estate
Georgiana Wolfe Estate
Dawn Diane Wood Estate
New Legacy Society Members, July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Trang and Kent Achtyes
Ms. Sue A. Acob
Ms. Jean K. Adamiec
Mr. & Mrs. Evo Alexandre
Ricardo and Susan Alfaro
Ms. Maureen E. Almeida
Stewart and Eileen Balikov
Diane Clancy Barker
Mary Bartik
Adrienne Bassuk
Mr. Harry K. Berg
Margaret Best
Mrs. & Mr. Sonja and Robert Billotte
Craig and Cathy Blankenstein
Ms. Irene Boinus
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowser
Peggy and Steve Brown
Ms. Jacqueline Bryant
Gary and Linda Bullard
Ms. Virginia Burgess
Ms. Pam Burns
Ms. Sandra Burton
Mr. and Mrs. S. James Campbell
Marta Castano
Mrs. Brenda J. Chernoff
Ms. Deborah Chodash
Ms. Una M. Clayton
Mr. George W. Coffey
Heather and Robert Conradt
Buffy Cooney
Kathleen Daniels
Dianne Davis
Mark Dawber
Mary De Mayo
Ray and Anneke Dempsey
Mr. Harold Dexter
Nora Di Bene & Jeffrey Breglio
Mr. & Mrs. Henson and Cheryl Dial
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Dockery
Mr. R. Stephen Dorsey
Ms. Patricia J. Downey
Jean D. Drake
Rolland and Patrice Duke, and Peggy
Becky Easton
Bob and Linda Ellenburg
Peg Emerson
Charles and Gloria Enoch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Esposito
Cindy and Jim Evers
Ms. Marianne Francoeur
Ms. Marlene A. Furniss
Mr. John D. Gannett Jr.
Ms. Anne Gaskill
Mark Goetzke
Ann Paulina Gonzalez
Leona Goraleski
Sandra Gordon
Traci and Michael Graves
Julie Ann Green
Ms. Joyce Greenlund
Mr. Paul Guay
Patricia Hale
Ms. Nancy Harris
Robert and Barbara Hazelwood
Mrs. Sarah P. Heintz
Dorothy Hermes
Brenda B. Heydt
Mrs. Melodie Holt
Ms. Ellen Holtsberg
Ms. Pam Hull
Mr. Tyrone Hurt
Reva Hyslop
Mr. Robert Jagodzinski
Doris J. Johnson
Sally Johnston
Lourae and Randy Kenoffel
Mr. Mickey Knox
Ms. Karen Lamphere
Jean Landis
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Leng
Sandra and Gerald LeWinter
Mr. Donald Linthicum
Mr. Francis Logue
Janet Lombardy
Ms. Mary Maclaurin
Roger L. Mairs
Perry Maresca
Mr. John Marrone
Ms. Lucille A. Marsh
Christopher J. Martz & John J. Payne
Marie Masterson
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Miller
Ms. Betty Mirabal
Nolan and Trudy Miura
Carol and Jack Mohalley
Mr. & Mrs. Boardman W. Moore
Mr. Carroll E. Mowery
Mr. Robert Neely
Stacie Ann Newson
Ms. Phyllis Nichols
Lou Nordyke USMC Ret.
Joy Oganeku
Shirley and Robert Olofson
Christopher Pare
Ruth Ann and Scott Pearsons
Fred Pieper
Mr. Brent A. Porter
Diana Quagliariello and Lana Bauman
Cheryl Ramsay
Julie Resnick
Alan Riordan
Mr. W. Robert Ruge
Dennis & Joyce Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sheeley
Mr. Denny Smith
Stanley and Shirley Smithtro
Roberta Snover
Gabriele Sprafke
Ms. Nena Steelman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Steinhauer
Ms. Ann Stone
Ms. Nancy Syren
Dr. Maryam Taghadosi
Kirsten Toussaint
Laurie and Tim Trainor
Dr. & Mrs. Tracy L. Trotter
Mr. & Mrs. James Van Ackerren
Mrs. Delia Van Ogle
Susan Vandegrift
George and Carol Walton
Ms. Barbara Watt
Carol and Gary Westerfield
Ms. Helen O. Whaley
Mary Witkowski
Mr. Howard B. Wittels
Mary M. Wolf
Guide Dogs for the Blind empowers lives by creating exceptional partnerships between people,
dogs, and communities.
Board of Directors
Christine Benninger, President & CEO
Cathy Martin, Treasurer & CFO
Bob Burke, Chair
Stuart Odell, Vice Chair
Ruth Ann Dodson, Vice Chair, PNW
Joan Boyd, Vice Chair, Finance
Jay Harris, Secretary
Len Almalech
Sigrid Button
Melissa Hudson
Deborah Kendrick
George Kerscher
Stephen Mansfield
Andy Mathieson
Jack Scott
Todd Bradley, Advisor
National Headquarters Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 151200
San Rafael, California 94915-1200
California Campus:
350 Los Ranchitos Road
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 499-4000
Fax (415) 499-4035
Oregon Campus:
32901 S.E. Kelso Road
Boring, OR 97009
(503) 668-2100
Fax (503) 668-2141
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