Grading Rubric for passages

Grading Rubric for Latin Final:
Seen passages
 Vocabulary: all vocabulary recognized; shades of meaning correctly
translated; correlatives translated correctly
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively; all
tenses recognized; all persons recognized; subordinate clauses recognized
and translated correctly
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: complete recognition of noun/adjective agreement;
plurality observed; all cases identified correctly/ the best fit; antecedents
reflected correctly
 Constructions: Translation reflects an understanding of each construction
identified in class (part. gen., etc.)
 Translation is fluid, clear, and reflective of the Latin
 Vocabulary: all vocabulary recognized; shades of meaning mostly correctly
translated; correlatives translated correctly or plausibly
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively; all
tenses recognized; all persons recognized; subordinate clauses recognized
and translated correctly
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: complete recognition of noun/adjective agreement;
plurality observed; all cases identified correctly/ the best fit; antecedents
translated correctly or plausibly
 Constructions: Translation reflects the understanding of each construction as
identified in class/textbook (part. gen., etc.)
 Translation is fluid, clear, and reflective of the Latin
A Vocabulary: all vocabulary recognized save a bauble or two; shades of
meaning may be a bit off but plausible; correlatives translated plausibly
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively; all
tenses recognized; all persons recognized; subordinate clauses recognized
and translated correctly or plausibly minus a bauble
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: mostly correct recognition of noun/adjective
agreement; plurality mostly observed; all cases identified plausibly;
antecedents translated mostly correct
 Constructions: Translation reflects the understanding of each construction as
identified in class/textbook (part. gen., etc.)
 Translation is reflective of the Latin even if a bit awkward
 Vocabulary: vocabulary recognized save a few baubles; all core vocabulary is
identified; shades of meaning may be a bit off but plausible; correlatives and
parallelism a bit off but plausible
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively;
minor tense confusion in translation; all persons recognized; subordinate
clauses recognized and translated mostly plausibly
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: correct recognition of noun/adjective agreement;
plurality mostly observed save a few baubles; all cases identified plausibly;
antecedents translated plausibly save a few baubles
 Constructions: Translation reflects a plausible understanding of each
construction (part. gen., etc.)
 Translation is reflective of the Latin even if a bit awkward
 Vocabulary: most vocabulary translated correctly or at least attempted to
reflect syntactical recognition; all core vocabulary is identified; shades of
meaning a bit off; correlatives and parallelism a bit off
 Verb Syntax: most passive translated passively/active translated actively
save a few baubles; minor tense confusion in translation; most persons
recognized; subordinate clauses recognized though translation a bit off
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: mostly correct recognition of noun/adjective
agreement; plurality mostly observed save a few baubles; all cases identified
plausibly; antecedents translated plausibly save a few baubles
 Constructions: Translation reflects mostly a plausible understanding of each
construction (part. gen., etc.) though not the best
 Translation is reflective of the Latin though even if a bit awkward
B Vocabulary: most vocabulary identified or at least attempted to reflect
syntactical recognition; all core vocabulary is identified save a bauble; shades
of meaning off; correlatives un-identified
 Verb Syntax: most passive translated passively/active translated actively
save a few baubles; tense confusion/neglect in translation; most persons
recognized; subordinate clauses recognized though translation is a bit off
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: mostly correct recognition of noun/adjective
agreement though several departures; awareness of plurality save a few
baubles; all cases identified plausibly; antecedents translated plausibly save a
few baubles
 Constructions: Translation reflects a plausible understanding of each
construction (part. gen., etc.), though not the best, save a few baubles that
confuse case
 Translation is reflective of the Latin in most places; frequently awkward
 Vocabulary: consistent vocabulary issues though most words are identified;
core vocabulary mostly identified; plausible guess attempted at vocabulary;
shades of meaning off; some words missing; correlatives un-identified
 Verb Syntax: inconsistent observation of passive vs. active; tense confusion
consistent; some unidentified subject/verb agreement; subordination
unrecognized though translated somewhat adequately in isolation
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: noun/adjective agreement a bit off in places;
plurality often ignored altogether; several implausible case recognitions;
antecedents translated rather implausibly in places
 Constructions: Translation misidentifies constructions (part. gen., etc.) in
 Translation is choppy and distant from the Latin syntax, though displays
some understanding of the passage’s content
 Vocabulary: consistent vocabulary issues; several mistakes on core
vocabulary; several words left unidentified; correlatives un-identified
 Verb Syntax: lack of observation of passive vs. active; tense confusion
consistent; unidentified subject/verb agreement; subordination
unrecognized though translated adequately in isolation
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: noun/adjective agreement off in several places;
plurality ignored altogether; several implausible case recognitions;
antecedents translated rather implausibly in places
 Constructions: Translation misidentifies constructions (part. gen., etc.)
though gets a few
 Translation is choppy and distant from the Latin syntax
 Vocabulary: vocabulary issues are pervasive; core vocabulary is lacking;
many words left unidentified; correlatives unidentified
 Verb Syntax: no or nearly no observation of voice; tenses ignored; lack of
connection between subject and verb agreement; subordination
unrecognized though translated adequately in isolation
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: noun/adjective agreement off in several places;
plurality ignored altogether; several implausible case recognitions;
antecedents translated rather implausibly in places
 Constructions: Translation mostly leaves constructions unidentified
 Translation is choppy and distant from the Latin syntax
 A translation is attempted but not understood
 Vocabulary: lack of understanding of core vocabulary; most words are left
unidentified; correlatives unidentified
 Verb Syntax: no or nearly no observation of voice; tenses ignored; lack of
connection between subject and verb agreement; subordination
unrecognized though translated adequately in isolation
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: noun/adjective agreement off in several places;
plurality ignored altogether; several implausible case recognitions;
antecedents translated rather implausibly in places
 Constructions: Translation mostly leaves constructions unidentified
 Translation is choppy and distant from the Latin syntax
 A translation is not attempted
Unseen Passage:
 Vocabulary: core vocabulary recognized; specialized vocabulary mostly
recognized; shades of meaning we’ve encountered before correctly
translated; correlatives translated
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively; all
tenses recognized; all persons recognized; subordinate clauses recognized
and translated correctly
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: complete recognition of noun/adjective agreement;
plurality observed; all cases identified correctl; antecedents reflected
 Constructions: Translation reflects a plausible understanding of each
construction identified
 Translation is reflective of the Latin
 Vocabulary: core vocabulary is mostly identified though struggles with
specialized vocabulary or difficult to recognize forms; shades of meaning
may be a bit off but plausible; correlatives and parallelism a bit off
 Verb Syntax: all passive translated passively/active translated actively;
minor tense confusion in translation; minor person confusion; subordinate
clauses recognized though translation may be a bit off
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: correct recognition of noun/adjective agreement;
plurality mostly observed save a few baubles; all cases identified plausibly;
antecedents translated plausibly save a few baubles
 Constructions: Translation reflects a correct/plausibly understanding of each
construction identified in class (part. gen., etc.)
 Translation is reflective of the Latin even if a bit awkward
 Vocabulary: struggles with core vocabulary; correlatives and parallelism off
 Verb Syntax: several mistakes with active/passive; tense confusion is
consistent in translation; person confusion in places; subordinate clauses
identified though mistakes exist
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: mostly recognizes noun/adjective agreement;
plurality mostly left unobserved; most cases identified plausibly; antecedents
translated incorrectly in places
 Constructions: Translation attempts to recognize constructions
 Translation lacks an understanding of the Latin
 Vocabulary: core vocabulary is lacking; most words left unidentified;
correlatives unidentified
 Verb Syntax: no or nearly no observation of voice; tenses ignored; lack of
connection between subject and verb agreement; subordination
 Noun/Adjective Syntax: noun/adjective agreement off in most places;
plurality ignored altogether; several implausible case recognitions;
antecedents translated implausibly in places
 Constructions: Translation mostly leaves constructions unidentified
 Translation is distant from the Latin syntax
Parsing Grade: vocabulary, parsing for form, and parsing for function
 Identifies form, function, and vocabulary correctly (minus 1 minor error or
so that has little bearing on the recognition: e.g. 1 missed gender)
 Identifies form, function, and vocabulary correctly in most instances. Minor
plausible errors may exist, but generally correct.
 Identifies form, function, and vocabulary correctly with 1 or two major
errors. No one area is weak
 Core vocabulary and concepts are solid
 Very strong in two areas with only a few baubles all around.
 Shows a good understanding of core concepts (recognizing verb forms,
correct construction identification)
 Shows a mastery of core vocabulary dictionary forms with few mistakes
 Strong in at least one area though other may need improvement still
 Shows a general understanding of core concepts (recognizing verb forms,
plausible construction identified, but does not choose the best answer)
 Shows a recognition of basic vocabulary though core dictionary forms may
still need work all the way around
 Weak but general understanding of all three components
 Shows a general understanding of core concepts (recognizing verb forms,
plausible construction identified, but does not choose the best answer)
though somewhat misapplied
 Shows a recognition of basic vocabulary though several errors exist
 Weak but general understanding; major problem in one area
 Shows a general understanding of core concepts (recognizing verb forms,
plausible construction identified, but does not choose the best answer)
though somewhat misapplied
 Shows a recognition of basic vocabulary though several errors exist
 major problems in 2 areas
 major problems in all areas