industry advisory group on resource efficiency wins multi

November 21st 2014
The Food and Drink Industry Advisory Group on Resource Efficiency, comprising Zero Waste
Scotland, The Scottish Food and Drink Federation and Interface Food and Drink, has won the MultiParty Collaboration Award in the Interface Excellence Awards 2014, which mark successful
collaborations between businesses and Scottish universities and research institutions. The Award
was presented by John Swinney MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable
Growth, at a ceremony in the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh on the evening of Thursday, November
The Group is working with food and drink companies on the challenges around resource efficiency
and minimising waste. Current projects include research into how waste water from food and drink
production sites can be treated to remove organic material in bioreactors, and a second project is
establishing how treating water used to clean mussels with UV light will enable recycling of the
water. Several universities are involved with the Group, including Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow
Caledonian, Heriot Watt and Edinburgh Napier. Academics participate in ‘learning journeys’ which
involve site visits that permit them to understand the practical problems facing the businesses.
The judges recognised the common goal of the wide range of businesses in improving waste
management as a general business improvement, as well as contributing to the green agenda. The
judges also noted that the academic partners have been crucial in driving the group forward,
providing new knowledge and continued guidance which has allowed the group to make significant
headway in improved resource efficiency which will be a benefit to all Scottish businesses
irrespective of industry or sector.
Finance Secretary John Swinney said:
“Innovation plays a vital role in driving productivity and sustainable economic growth. Interface is a
key partner in supporting businesses accessing knowledge from our fantastic research base.
“The Interface Excellence Awards highlight the outstanding contributions and successes of business
and academic collaborations throughout Scotland. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees
for their ingenuity, industry and creativity.”
The Industry Advisory Group on Resource Efficiency overcame strong opposition from the other
finalists in the category:
The Scottish Craft Distillers Association, comprising the International Centre for Brewing and
Distilling at Heriot-Watt University, Interface Food and Drink, The Scottish Agricultural Organisation
Society, Scottish Enterprise (Market Driven Supply Chains), the Scottish Government (Think Local)
and Perth and Kinross Council, which is working with craft distillers to encourage the growth of this
The Sea Buckthorn Common Interest Group, which is made up of confectionary companies, drinks
producers, tea shops and academia examining the nutritional properties of sea buckthorn and
enabling the development of new commercial products containing sea buckthorn.
The Scottish Rapeseed Group, which comprises eight rapeseed growers/producers working together
to promote Scottish cold-pressed rapeseed oil to consumers and buyers and to substantiate the
benefits of Scottish rapeseed oil versus other oils.
Dr Siobhán Jordan, director of Interface, adds:
“The Interface Excellence Awards celebrate the success of collaborations between SMEs and Scottish
academia and recognise the efforts to grow their organisations and drive innovation across the
marketplace. Through individual projects and their continued contribution towards Knowledge
Exchange the companies and their academic partners are making a real difference to the Scottish
Winners of the other Interface Excellence Awards were:
The Innovation of the Year Award – Awarded to Loadfast Systems of Amulree, Perthshire, which has
worked with Glasgow Caledonian University to develop a cascade chute system for the vertical
transportation of materials.
The Sustainable Partnership Award - Awarded to MARA Seaweed of Edinburgh, along with the
Scottish Association for Marine Science, University of the Highlands and Islands, for the
development of commercially viable tank-based seaweed cultivation systems.
The Outstanding Contribution to Knowledge Exchange Award – Awarded to Dr Nigel Kerby,
Managing Director of Mylnefield Research Services (MRS) Ltd of Invergowrie. Dr Kerby specialises in
crop science, analytical chemistry, environmental science and soil science and is a regular speaker on
these topics at conferences, trade shows and symposia in Scotland, the rest of the UK and
For more information visit
Media enquiries
Alistair McLean, Acumen PR
0131 661 7027
About the Interface Excellence Awards
The Interface Excellence Awards acknowledge the significant contribution that knowledge exchange makes to
Scotland’s economy. Academic partnerships facilitated by Interface currently contribute a substantial £17.1
million boost to Scotland’s GVA each year, and that figure is set to increase to £80m by 2018, according to the
growth projections of businesses which have worked with Interface. The awards recognise and celebrate the
economic, social and innovative impacts arising from these partnerships.
About Interface – The knowledge connection for business
Interface is a central hub connecting businesses from a wide variety of national and international industries to
Scotland’s 23 higher education and research institutes. It is a unique service designed to address the growing
demand from organisations wanting to engage with academia.
Funded by the Scottish Funding Council, Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and European
Regional Development Fund, Interface is a free and impartial service which aims to stimulate demand for
innovation and encourage companies to consider academic support to help solve their business challenges.
Interface helps companies operating across a range of sectors, from food and drink to financial services,
offering huge benefits for both businesses and academia.