Important Information

Sacred Heart RC Primary School Staff
Associate Headteacher:
Associate Headteacher:
Deputy Headteacher:
Miss F Watson
Mrs E Beaumont
Mrs J Smith
Teaching Staff
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Mrs Kitching
Miss Roberts
Mrs Duckworth
Mr Patel
Miss Lamb
Mr Tariq
Miss Ervine
Mrs Tattersall
Mrs Shaw / Miss O’Neill
Classroom Support Staff
Mrs Ahmed
Mrs Dassu (SSA)
Mrs Esat
Mrs Fallon (SSA)
Mrs Hargreaves
Mrs Ijaz
Miss Martin
Miss Rennie
Mrs Saloojee (SSA)
Mrs Waddington
Kitchen Staff
Mrs Master
Miss Timms
Mrs Duffy
Office Staff
Mrs Eskdale
Mrs Vaid (am)
Mrs Ahmed (pm)
Welfare Staff
Mrs Fallon (Supervisor)
Mrs Bano
Mrs Molvi
Mrs Patel
Mrs Patel
Mrs Patel
Mrs Wyne
Miss Ahmed
Mrs Aslam
Site Staff
Mr Khan (Site Supervisor)
Staffing: Leadership Responsibilities
Fliss Watson
Associate Headteacher: Management of Teaching,
Induction, Staffing Roles, Achievement, Leadership,
Ethos, Day to Day management, Professional Learning,
Physical, Health & Wellbeing Team Leader, RE Leader,
Liz Beaumont
Jane Smith
Acting Headteacher / Deputy Headteacher:
Safeguarding, Administration/Finance, Attendance,
Support Staff Leader, Assessment and Interventions
Overview, Curriculum Overview, Staff Development
Overview, Day to Day Management, Achievement For All
Leader, Geography Leader
Sarah Kitching
NQT support, Teacher leader, Science and Music Subject
Leader, Lancashire Theme Overview, Lunchtime Overview,
EVC Trips and Visits, Behaviour
Anne Tattersall
SENCO, SSA Leader, Literacy Subject Leader, CAF Coordinator
Jo Duckworth
ICT Leader, Literacy team, R.E Subject Leader, Students
& Volunteers
Jeanette Eskdale
School Business Manager, Buildings, Health & Safety,
Parent Partnership, Website, Kitchen Staff Leader
Staffing: Subject Responsibilities
Art – Lauren O’Neill
DT – Nomaan Tariq
EAL – Anne Tattersall
English – Anne Tattersall
French –
Geography – Jane Smith
Healthy Schools – Kerry Shaw
History – Jane Smith
ICT – Jo Duckworth
LibraryMaths – Jane Smith/Danielle Ervine
Music – Sarah Kitching
Parent Liaison – Jane Smith/Anne Tattersall
PE – Danielle Ervine
PSHE – Kerry Shaw
RE – Jo Duckworth
School Council – Kerry Shaw
Science – Sarah Kitching
SEN – Anne Tattersall
Students & Volunteers – Jo Duckworth
Website – Jeanette Eskdale
General Information: Meetings
Day/ Time
Monday 8:25-8:30
Monday 8:55-9:15
Monday 11:45
Monday 3:15 – 3:55
Tuesday 3:20-4:20
Thursday 8:55-9:15
Thursday 3:20 – 4:20
Optional morning briefing
Liaison time
Welfare meeting
Subject meetings
Teaching Staff meetings
Office meeting
Key Stage meeting
SLT meeting
 All meetings are at the discretion of the Headteacher or a member
of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).
Morning briefings are optional and will be led by a member of SLT.
All staff are welcome to attend.
Tuesday staff meetings are usually for teaching staff and HLTAs,
however all staff are welcome to attend.
Staff are expected to attend Key Stage/ staff meetings if they
are in school and should arrive promptly. Any members of staff
unable to attend meetings should inform a member of SLT prior to
the meeting.
Staff Handbook should be taken to all meetings.
Meeting minutes are kept on the server. Minutes are taken by a
designated member of staff, usually typed and saved on staff
shared by the end of the meeting. Any members of staff who are
unable to attend meetings should read a copy of the minutes.
Some issues discussed in meetings (for example regarding children
or school policy) will be sensitive and confidential and should not be
discussed outside school.
General Information: INSET Days
 Each year five days during term time are set aside for staff
training. Pupils do not attend school on INSET days.
 These days will be organised and arranged in accordance with the
needs of the school and the staff at that time.
 INSET days may be done as twilight sessions.
INSET days 2015-2016
Tuesday 1st September
Wednesday 2nd September
Monday 4th January
Monday 25th July
Tuesday 26th July
Support Staff Hours
If support staff are owed hours e.g. where extra hours have been
completed on a school visit, they should take the hours back the following
day, making a note on the whiteboard in the staffroom. Support staff
should ensure that where this is the case, they have spoken to the
headteacher, their class teacher and, if supporting an individual child, the
SENCO. They should also ensure that any playground duties are covered
by another member of staff.
General Information: Courses
All courses must be authorised by the Jane before booking.
If a booking form is available, this should be completed and signed
by Jane.
Where no booking form is available and the booking is to be made
by phone or email, an internal course request form must be
completed and signed by Jane. The request forms are available in
the staffroom. All BwD courses are now booked online. Jane and
Jeanette have a log on to book the courses.
Priority will be given to courses that are linked to the School
Development Plan.
The course should be written in the school diary and on the school
planner as soon as the booking is sent. Please include the times and
If cover is required, a supply form should be completed and handed
into the office before staffing arrangements are completed.
(These are completed on a Wednesday for the following 2 weeks)
Cover will be decided by the Headteacher.
If you are out of school on a course, please ensure that any
playground duties are swapped with a member of school staff.
Support staff should ensure that all teachers affected by the
course are informed at the time of booking.
On completion of a course, any relevant information should be
disseminated and a CPD feedback form should be completed. These
can be found in the staffroom and should be handed back to the
General Information: Directed Time
1265 hours
It is the Headteacher’s statutory duty to provide all staff with a
breakdown of the 1265 hours, indicating those hours to be worked known
as ‘Directed time’.
Whilst in doing so it is acknowledged that teachers (including part-time)
work considerably more than 1265 hours.
School day (pupils in)
5hours 20 minutes x 190
1013 hours 20 minutes
School day (working time)
INSET days
40 minutes x 190
127 hours 20 minutes
27 hours 30 minutes
Staff Meetings / Meet the
Teacher / Summer Parent
Drop In
37 hours
Team Meetings
Other Evenings: School
plays / fundraising,
parents’ meetings, clubs
Other teacher duties eg.
Reports to Governors, pupil
issues, parents, emails,
other correspondence etc.
5 hours 40 minutes
34 hours 50 minutes
Approximately 30 minutes
per week
Working day:
3 hours 25 minutes
2 hours 35 minutes
6 hours
19 hours 20 minutes
1265 hours