2/23/2014 - Sunday Bulletin

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 23, 2014
Be holy, for I, the LORD, your God, am holy.
— Leviticus 19:2b
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel continue to
contrast the Jewish law and practice with the practice
of the followers of Jesus. Today’s Gospel continues
with slight variations of the formulation: “You have
heard . . .” and “What I say to you is . . .” The old laws
of retaliation were once created to soften the severe
and vengeful retaliations common among the peoples
that surrounded the struggling people of God. The
would-be followers of Jesus again feel surrounded by
people bent on retaliation. So Matthew presents Jesus,
who asks his followers not only not to retaliate at all
but to “turn the other cheek.”
He asks that his listeners give the one who asks
more than he or she seeks. Jesus asks us to love and
pray for those of our home country and the alien, the
ones who love us and the ones who hate us.
2/22 Saturday: The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle
Readings 1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 23:1-3a, 4-6; Mt 16:13-19
Mass Intention: 4:00pm (AR) +Sylvia DuBois
5:00pm (M) +Norman Champoin
7:00pm (AC) Harry Gonzalez (SI)
2/23 Sunday: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings Lv 19:1-2, 17-18; Ps 103:1-4, 8, 10, 12-13;
1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5:38-48
Mass Intention: 8:00am (M) +Paul Raggio
8:30am (C) +Jim Leone
10:00am (AR) +Azalea Caruso
10:15am (AC) Intentions of the Parish
2/24 Monday:
Readings Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29
Mass Intention: 8:00am (AC) +Dan Darby
2/25 Tuesday:
Readings Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37
Mass Intention: 8:00am (AC) +Dan Darby
2/26 Wednesday:
Readings Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40
Intention: 8:30am (M) Special Intentions
2/27 Thursday:
Readings Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50
Mass Intention: 8:00am (AC) +Johannes
2/28 Friday:
Readings Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12
Mass Intention: 8:00am (AC) +Dan Darby
3/1 Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday
Readings Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16
Mass Intention: 9:00am (AC) +Mary Barba
4:00pm (AR) +Sylvia DuBois
5:00pm (M) +Isabel Guerra
7:00pm (AC) Blessed Mother
3/2 Sunday: Is 49:14-15; Ps 62:2-3, 6-9; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt
Have you ever told someone to do something for
his/her own well-being? Do you accept God’s laws in
the same spirit of love and concern?
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday 8:30am- 4:30pm
Evening Prayer 4:30pm Benediction 4:50pm
St. Patrick’s Angels Camp Chapel
What can you do at home or at school to show that you
follow Jesus’ Commandments?
*Helping Hands Angels Camp
(Food & Clothing) Monday 1:00-3:00pm
*Helping Hands Arnold
(Food & Clothing) Tuesday 9:00-10:00am
Perpetual Candles – Honor your loved one
by having a candle lit 24 hours a day for 365 days a year at
St. Patrick’s in Angels Camp. Pick up an application at the
back of Church or call the Parish Office for more
information about Perpetual Candles.
($150.00 1st year--$100.00 each additional year)
*Diocesan Respect Life Office 209-465-5433
*Catholic Charities 24-hr Friendship Line 1-800-971-0016
*Natural Family Planning www.CCLI.org
*Crisis Pregnancy Helpline 1-888-4-OPTIONS
*Door of Hope Crisis Pregnancy Helpline
1—3:00pm St. Patrick’s Helping Hands Distribution,
Angels Camp
4---5:15pm Children’s Faith Formation, Murphys
6---8:00pm High School Youth Group, Social Hall,
Angels Camp (every other week)
9—11:30am St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp
9:00—10:00am O.L.S. Helping Hands Distribution,
10—11:00am Perpetual Novena, Arnold
10—1:00pm Seniors Meeting, Angels Camp
9—11:30am St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp
4—5:15pm Children’s Faith Formation, K-8, Angels
6—7:15pm High School Confirmation, Angels Camp
9—11:30am St. Patrick’s Preschool, Angels Camp
ANGELS ALTAR SOCIETY 2nd Monday, 10am, Library,
Angels Camp
11:30am, Parish Library, Angels Camp
ARNOLD WOMEN’S CLUB 1st Friday after 11am
Rosary, Arnold Hall
ARNOLD MEN’S CLUB 4th Thursday, 7pm, Arnold
BINGO 3rd Saturday, 2pm, Angels Camp Hall
FINANCE COUNCIL 5:30pm, As Needed, Parish Office
FIRST SATURDAY MASS 9am, Chapel, Angels Camp
10:15am Mass, Angels Camp Hall
LAY CARMELITES 1st Saturday, 9am, Chapel, Angels
Camp. Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Lay
Carmelite Community meets each month immediately
following Mass.
LITURGY BOARD 1st Monday, 6:30pm, Angels Camp
MURPHYS ALTAR SOCIETY 2nd Thursday, 10am,
Murphys Hall
MURPHYS MEN’S CLUB 2nd Thursday, 5pm, Murphys
PARISH COUNCIL 2nd Monday, 6pm, Murphys Hall
HANDS 1st Monday, 11:00am, Helping Hands Bldg.,
Angels Camp
meeting, 2nd Thursday, 6:30pm, Confirmation Room,
Angels Camp
Norine Fisher, Clell & Mary Grimes, Rosendo Rojas,
Louise Larro, Mike Larro, Russ Wise, Jacquelyn
Greenberg, Vern Machado, Michael Abeyta, Robbie
Petterson, Mary Marshall, Mercedes Silvera, Betty
Olave, Beverly Goff, Grover Anderson, Eric Parker,
Chris Figone, Baby Elsie Brooks, Misha Larro,
Kristine Camozzi, Peter Bailey, Pete Tussey, Helen
Wuesterfeld, Jewel Lucken, Jessica Fredrick, Dave
Recupero, Bev Fernandez, Russ Hester, Mark, Karl
Christensen, Mary Frances Kelly, Azlyn Gates, Baby
Jack Setzer, Carolyn Vatuone, Bob Fristensky,
Velma Laver, David Wells, Ron Rodrigues, Diane
Tussey, Justin Bates, Sonny Abalos, Al Arieta, Tom
Besmer, Pam Alvey, Flo Vlnaty, Ernie Von Raesfeld,
Josh Kavanagh, Troy Williams, Jessica Fredrick, Sue
Collins, Aleida Robinson, Vern DeValle, Gerda
Schmitt, Joyce Hacker, Roman Maldonado, Jean
Marie Peters, Kay Posnick, Gina Madrid, Grover M.
Inks, Rose Lloyd, Bradley J. Howard, Kelly Bloom,
Linda Miller, Nolan Hicks, Adele Ross, Ron & Amy
Schmid, Jake and Joseph Koval, Yvonne Porcella,
Joshua and Colin Muilenburg, Rita Delisle and
individuals on 12-step programs.
Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Peter Val
(Notify the Parish Office of any Prayer List
changes – deaths, return to good health, etc.)
We now offer Online Giving! If you manage your
bills online, why not give to your Church online? It’s
safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your
gift is made and where it goes. So, if you forgot your
envelope last week, you can go online and make a gift
find out how to give online.
February 2nd Collections
February 2nd
February 23rd /March 2nd
2/16 /2014
Open each Sunday after Mass or Call the Parish Office
Monday thru Friday from 9 am-4 pm
Maintenance and Repair
Bishop’s Ministry Appeal
Sunday Collection
Online Giving Collection
Weekly Collection Total
$ 5019
$ 295
$ 5314
Altar Server Training
Anyone who wants to serve is welcome to join us on
the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to
11:30am in the Angels Camp Church. The time will
be spent at Mass, Confession and training.
From the desk of the Pastor
Holiness and Perfection
The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the whole
Israelite community and tell them: Be holy, for I, the
Lord, your God, am holy.”
“You shall not bear hatred for your brother or
sister in your heart…Take no revenge and cherish no
grudge against any of your people. You shall love
your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”
“You have heard that it is said, you shall love your
neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love
your enemies and pray for those who persecute you
that you may be children of your heavenly Father,
for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good,
and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For
if you love those who love you, what recompense will
you have? Do not tax collectors do the same? And if
you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about
that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect,
just as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
These are our first reading and Gospel today. But
who can be perfect? Who can be truly holy?
Perfection is only attributed to God as well as
holiness. But why is God asking us to be perfect and
holy? The perfection God is asking us is obviously
different from His Perfection. We cannot attain
perfection on earth. We can only do our best, and
that is perfection in the eyes of God. This is the same
with holiness. We cannot attain true holiness here on
earth, but we can always give it our best shot.
Perfection is to be in process. We are perfect when
we keep growing; we keep maturing when we keep
moving forward in God’s direction.
Our material possessions we will leave behind
someday. Our bodies will decompose. The only things
we will be able to hold onto when this life is over are
the good works we have done and the relationship
with God we have formed.
God bless us always.
Lay Carmelites
St. Patrick’s Lay Carmelites meet the 1st
Saturday of each month after the 9:00am Mass.
If anyone is interested in becoming a Lay
Carmelite, please contact Ann Kelly at 728-3576
or Marilyn Hicks at 728-3549.
Rectory and Office Housekeeper Needed
Call or stop by the Parish Office from 9:00am to
4:00pm if you are available 3 hours a week to
help Fr. Rolly in the Rectory and Office.
St. Patrick’s Helping Hands Outreach
Ministry is in need of hand soaps,
toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant,
shampoo and packaged shaving razors
for our homeless bags.
Thank you for your continued support!
People who cannot forgive others break the bridge
over which they must pass if they are to reach heaven;
for everyone has a need to be forgiven.
—George Herbert
Financial Information
Our diocesan website has copies of:
❖ Bishop Blaire’s statements
❖ Press releases
❖ Questions & Answers
❖ A chronology of events
related to bankruptcy.
There is also a convenient link so you are able to
submit other questions you have,
and answers will be posted there.
Here is the link:
March is National Colorectal
Cancer Awareness Month
Life Line Screening will be offering preventive health
screenings on Thursday, March 13, 2014. As part of
the screening event, Life Line Screening will offer
take-home colorectal cancer tests called FIT (Fecal
Immunochemical Test) in recognition of March as
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. These tests are
simple, accurate and recommended for the early
detection of colorectal cancer. According to the
Centers for Disease Control, the risk of developing
colorectal cancer increases with age. More than 90%
of cases occur in people aged 50 and older. Other
preventive screenings provided check for stroke risk,
abdominal aortic aneurysms and osteoporosis. St.
Patrick's Catholic Church Main Hall is pleased to
make these important screenings available by hosting
Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of
preventive health screenings. Screenings are fast,
painless and affordable. Three key tests check for
blocked carotid arteries, an irregular heart rhythm
called atrial fibrillation and high blood pressure,
which are the three leading risk factors for
stroke. Strokes are the third leading cause of death in
the U.S., yet, with preventive strategies, 80% of
strokes can be prevented. Other tests check for
abdominal aortic aneurysms and hardening of the
arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess
osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate
for both men and women. Many events also offer
blood tests, including cholesterol, glucose and creactive protein screenings. Screening packages start
at $139. Single tests cost around $70. For more
information regarding the screenings or to schedule
1-888-653-6441. Preregistration is required.
Strong beliefs win strong people and make them
—Walter Bagehot
MARRIED COUPLES: It has been said that the
greatest gift you can give your children is two parents
very much in love with each other. If you would like
to enrich the communication in your marriage,
consider attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Weekend. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is
March 7 - 9 in Modesto. Early registration is highly
For more information, visit our website
at: sacramentowwme.org or contact John & Angelica
Angarita at applications@stocktonwwme.org or 866825-2046.
Olive oil looms large in the vocabulary of
baptism. There are other oils in the pantry closet,
from grapeseed to safflower to canola, but only olives
yield the proper meanings. Olives don’t just happen;
they are cultivated, nurtured, pruned and fussed
over; they are a sign of human and divine
cooperation. Olives can thrive in poor soil, but they
cannot survive without human ingenuity, planting
shoots and pruning branches. They can’t be popped
from a tree and munched like apples: they are
inedible without long curing; neither do they yield
their oil to hand pressure alone but only to huge
stone mills. Abundant patience is needed as sediment
sinks to the bottom of storage barrels and pure oil
rises to the surface.
Olive oil is a byproduct of peace: war keeps
harvesters, planters and pruners within city walls
and turns millers into soldiers. To obtain oil from
olives you need vast measures of hope, patience, faith
and ingenuity. Olive oil is a sign of God’s bounty and
the way we human beings collaborate with God to
bring about impossibly wonderful results. It is
creation at its finest. Some people give chocolate eggs
for Easter; perhaps olive oil is a more appropriate
7th Annual Elder Awareness Conference
and Free Senior Luncheon
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
11:00am – 1:30pm
Calaveras County Fair Grounds
(Hosted by Institute on Aging and Mother
Lode Office of Catholic Charities)
Call by February 28th to RSVP 532-7632
Director of Religious Education
St. Joseph's Church in Modesto is accepting
applications for this full time position, which oversees
the Parish School of Religion, RCIA, Adult
Education, Youth Ministry and publication
responsibilities for the parish. This position offers a
generous benefit package and provides a workplace
that is vibrant, holy and fulfilling.
Please send your resume and letter of interest for
confidential consideration
to: tmenezes@stjmod.com.
Applications accepted until position filled.
Who has not forgiven an enemy has not yet tasted
one of the most sublime enjoyments of life.
—Johann Kaspar Lavater