ELAC Minutes - Natomas Unified School District

Natomas Unified School District
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Agenda
School: Natomas Park Elementary
Meeting Date: 08-26-14, 7:45AM,
In the Cafeteria
Members Present (list): Kendra Shelton (Principal), Erika St. Andre
(Assistant Principal), Lisseth Villalobos, Heidi Cervantes, Sandra
Chavez, Laura Ramirez, Maria Vazquez, Catalina Martinez, Veronica
Garcia, Liliana Munoz, Karina Soler-Yanez, Gabriela RiveraCastaneda, Yovany Ponce, Ziba Azimi, Ana Chan, Dina Ryder, Rabia
ELAC MEETINGS for 2014-2015
Aug. 26
7:45 AM
Sept. 23
7:45 AM
Oct. 21
7:45 AM
Nov. 18
7:45 AM
Jan. 13
7:45 AM
Feb. 24
7:45 AM
March 24
7:45 AM
April 28
7:45 AM
May 19
7:45 AM
Legal Requirement/Training Covered (Check areas covered at this meeting.)
1. Election of Members
2. Selection of DELAC representatives
3. Training of members on their responsibilities
4. Development/revision of the Single Plan for Student Achievement
5. Development/administration of needs assessment
6. Informing parents about importance of regular school attendance
7. Advise Principal/staff on school’s program for English learners
8. Review/administration of annual language census (R-30LC)
I. Meeting was called to order at 8:00 AM by Kendra Shelton.
a. We did welcome and introductions. Parents shared their name, how many children they have and what
ages/grades. They stated why they were attending the meeting today and what they hoped to learn or
accomplish by attending ELAC.
II. Changes/additions to the agenda: None.
III. 8:15AM - Review/Approve 5/20/14 prior meetings’ minutes: Motion to approve minutes made by: Dina. Seconded:
Catalina. All in favor: 17 Opposed: 0.
IV. Public Comment (limit to 3 minutes each):
a. Dina shared that she is the co-chair of the Art Docent program for NPE this year, with Becky Wolcott. She
invited parents to participate as Art Docents this year. Parents can teach 1 lesson or 8 lessons to a class.
Several parents were interested.
b. Parents asked about the volunteer clearance process and cost. Mrs. Shelton shared that in order to process
fingerprints, you must have a passport, DMV Identification or Driver’s License. Parents asked if it can be a
passport from another country. Mrs. Shelton would report back.
c. A parent asked if this information was on the school website. Mrs. Shelton said she would review the website
to ensure it is. Mrs. Shelton said she would also post the information about ELAC and the training on the
school website.
d. A parent asked for information about how to know if her 1 st grade son is getting the support he needs and she
also wanted to know when he will be reclassified as fluent English proficient.
V. New Business:
a. Welcome & Introductions (Done at 8AM)
b. What is DELAC & ELAC?
i. Mrs. Shelton shared a powerpoint training on ELAC and DELAC. The slides will be translated to
Spanish and printed for parents to review at the next meeting.
c. Election of positions:
i. ELAC Chairperson(s)
1. Liliana and Dina volunteered to Co-Chair as Chairpersons for ELAC. They will meet with Mrs
Shelton to plan the meetings and agendas. They will help to facilitate the meetings. All
members voted and approved through raised hands and stating, “Aye.”
ii. DELAC Representative(s)
1. Heidi and Ana volunteered to attend the DELAC meeting and be DELAC Representatives. All
members voted and approved through raised hands and stating, “Aye.”
iii. Welcome & Recruitment Chairperson
1. Catalina volunteered to be the Welcome and Recruitment Chairperson. All members voted
“Aye” in support of her for this position. She said she will help to hand out flyers the Monday
before the meetings to remind parents to attend. It was also suggested to announce it via our
loudspeaker and Connect Ed phone calls the day before.
iv. School Site Council Representative
1. There were no volunteers at this time.
d. Parent Cores – Lisset Mijares
i. Lisset Mijares shared information about upcoming programs and parent classes. One is
“Strengthening Families and begins on Tuesdays, September 23 through December 2nd, starting at
5:30pm-8pm. Child care is provided.
ii. She also shared about the 2nd Annual Parent Empowerment Institute: Steps to Success, which will be
September 6th from 9:30AM – 2:30PM at Inderkum High School. Each event is free.
iii. We will be surveying parents on interest to participate in Project 2 Inspire, the same workshop that we
held on Saturdays last year.
e. Two-way Parent/Teacher Communication
i. Mrs. Shelton will have this flyer translated to Spanish and many other languages. There are several
staff members on campus who speak Spanish and Punjabi. If parents have questions or needs, they
can also write their request or question in their home language and it will be translated for us by the
f. Attendance Support Plans 2014-2015
i. Mrs. Shelton is meeting with the Health Attendant weekly to review reports on student attendance.
Already this year, 20 students have been sent letters regarding attendance for Truancy notice 1.
Parents will be called often when attendance is a concern.
ii. A parent asked about the attendance policies. Mrs. Shelton shared that it is Education Code and in the
Student-Family Handbook on the school website.
g. Free “Supper” Program:
i. Our students at Natomas Park are all eligible to receive a free “Supper” provided by NUSD. They go
into the cafeteria and receive the meal immediately after school. It must be eaten here and leftover
food cannot go home. When extended day and other programs after school begin, children will be able
to partake in this meal and then go to the program.
h. School Site Council Elections coming up starting next week!
i. Elections are next week. Please send in a paragraph biography (3 sentences), if interested in running
for a position.
Agenda Items for Future Meeting:
a. Elicit ideas from ELAC members
i. Cover reclassification and CELDT testing information at the next meeting. A parent asked how her
child will be reclassified and when.
ii. Shared idea about “walking bus” idea with parents leading groups of kids towards the school from
different locations, such as behind the park area.
iii. Parents asked for a letter to go home to all families about driving more safely around the school.
iv. Parent asked about an Earthquake Drill. Mrs. Shelton shared that we will do a Flood Evacuation drill
this October instead of the Earthquake Drill. Mrs. Shelton said she would speak to her supervisor
about the idea of also having an earthquake drill sometime this fall. She explained that monthly we
have fire drills and periodically “lock down” drills. We already had our first fire drill last week.
v. Parents asked for ESL classes. We will survey how many families are interested and explore options
in the area.
vi. We will also survey for interest in Project 2 Inspire, classes for parents.
VII. Casual Conversation
VIII. Adjournment at 9:30AM.
IX. Reminders:
a. Next ELAC meeting is on September 23, 2014 at 7:45AM in the Cafeteria.
b. Next DELAC meeting is tonight, August 26, 2014 at 5:30PM at the Education Center (1901 Arena Blvd.)