Auxillary material for "Increase in the intensity of post-monsoon Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones" (Manuscript number: 2014GL060197) Karthik Balaguru1,2, Sourav Taraphdar2, L. Ruby Leung2 and Gregory R. Foltz3 (1) Marine Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Seattle, WA, USA. (2) Atmospheric Science & Global Change, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA. (3) Physical Oceanography Division, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, FL, USA. Journal: Geophysical Research Letters Introduction The auxiliary (supplementary) material includes additional analyses that provide further support to our conclusions from the manuscript. In section 1, we discuss the sensitivity of our results to different data products and in section 2, we provide further analysis to strengthen our conclusion that the post-monsoon Bay of Bengal tropical cyclones have increased in intensity. A list of the various auxiliary files and a brief description for each file is given below. File name text01.tex fs01.pdf fs02.pdf fs03.pdf fs04.pdf Description Supplementary Information text (Latex file) Supplementary Information figure 1 Supplementary Information figure 2 Supplementary Information figure 3 Supplementary Information figure 4 The figure captions for the supplementary figures are given below Supplementary Information figure 1: A) The change in SST based on NOAA SST data. B) The change in OHC based on ECMWF ocean reanalyses data. ‘Change’ represents the October-November 1996-2010 mean minus the October-November 19811995 mean. Changes shown are statistically significant at the 95% level. Supplementary Information figure 2: The change in Moist Static Energy (MSE) based on ERA-INTERIM data. The MSE was averaged between the 700 and 925 hPA levels. ‘Change’ represents the October-November 1996-2010 mean minus the OctoberNovember 1981-1995 mean. Changes shown are statistically significant at the 95% level. Supplementary Information figure 3: A) The number of six-hour periods spent by storms, in each category, for the two 15-year periods 1981-1995 and 1996-2010 are shown. The number of six-hour storm periods spent in each category to the total number of six-hour storm periods is indicated for each 15-year period as a percentage. Also indicated is the total number of storm days in each 15-year period. B) Histogram of the number of six-hour periods during which MTC-phase was maintained by each MTC during its lifetime. Values of average time spent as an MTC during a MTC’s lifetime for each 15-year period are shown (MTC – Major Tropical Cyclone, TC – Tropical Cyclone, TS – Tropical Storm). Supplementary Information figure 4: The change in sea surface height (SSH) based on NCEP data. ‘Change’ represents the October-November 1996-2010 mean minus the October-November 1981-1995 mean. Changes shown are statistically significant at the 95% level.