CSI Dual Credit Mentor Report CSI Faculty Name: Tom Hamilton Date April 6, 2011 Instructor and High School: DeAnn Campbell/Burley High School Course Name: Accounting 201 Type of Contact with Mentee during the semester/school year (check all that apply) High School Site Visit (Add additional visits/comments on back) Date: No visit this year but several contacts by e-mail during spring 2011. Visited in past years. They have really nice facilities! Comments: I sent a potential new textbook that we thought about ordering so she could consider buying with grant money. Spoke with her about IFRS and new concepts in accounting that will require a change in texts. Talked and commented more on syllabus. Concurrent Instructor Visit to CSI (e.g. Part-Time Faculty In-Service and/or other event) Date: I don’t remember the date—I think she came, she usually does—these events tend to run together year to year. Event: In service Comments: Click here to enter text. Other contact/communication Phone Email Other Date: E-mail and face to face at beginning of semester. Comments: About books and syllabus. Discussion on what I emphasize in class—do I notice any deficiencies in her students in Accounting 202. Date: In first month of semester. Comments: Sent info home with XXXXXXX –new books and also sent a CD with my class information that I’ve newly incorporated this year, including new tests, work papers, etc. This course meets the requirements of the CSI academic department for a concurrent credit course in the following: 1. Curriculum: This course reflects the pedagogical, theoretical and philosophical orientation of the CSI academic department. Yes 2. No Comments: Syllabus was behind just a little and textbook I think was one edition off. She sent updated syllabus. She asked questions about changes in my tests and different emphasis on testing. She does not do writing assignments where I do and she asked if that was necessary. Differences in her class and mine are due to teaching styles but the required material is taught. Faculty: This high school instructor meets the academic/approval requirements of the CSI academic department. Yes No Comments: XXXXX does a good job, but I do not know her academic preparation or requirements she needed to meet to become dual-credit. I am not in a position to make this decision but I think a master’s degree in a business discipline should be required. This high school instructor is part of a continuing collegial interaction and in-service with CSI faculty. Yes 3. No Comments: XXXXX is always in contact and we discuss things about accounting via e-mail and in-service. Very good connection to the college. Assessment: Grading standards of the concurrent credit course meets or exceeds those of CSI campus sections. Yes No Comments: Generally the high school grade is easier to achieve and one grade level higher based on looking at students over several semesters and comparing to their accounting grades for CSI campus courses. Her grade distribution is fair and not skewed toward a higher grade but students from her classes (and all high school classes) tend to score one letter grade lower in accounting 202, the next course. This comparison is based on CSI on-campus students taking the same course sequence. Competition and college experience makes for the better on-campus grades. I believe my grades would be higher for similar students at 4 year schools. Concurrent credit students in this course are assessed using the same methodologies as their on-campus Yes No counterparts. Comments: Although the dual-credit uses the same grading scales as we do on-campus, they do no formal outcome assessment. My answer is both yes and no—testing is comparable but the dual credit does no outcome assessment or formal evaluation of their classes. Additional Comments/Recommendations XXXXX is a really good instructor—everything we want in dual credit teacher. I believe her students accounting knowledge is comparable to our on-campus students but on a one to one basis, I think the HS students receive better grades for the same work. I don’t have any suggestion to solve this problem. I think the dual credit syllabus must mirror the CSI syllabi except for timing of assignments. The syllabus is used by other colleges to judge the content of a course, so comparability is really important. XXXXX’s syllabus does a good job mirroring the on-campus syllabus but I still have some worries about credit evaluations by out-of-state schools using the dual-credit syllabus. Textbooks are a continual problem in dual-credit because of how HS books are purchased. To use anything different than what is used on-campus indicates the class is not comparable. CSI Faculty Signature: __XXXXXXXX___________ Date: _4-6-2011_________________ CSI Department Chair Signature: _______Chris Bragg_______________ Date: _______4/10/11_________ (Note: A copy of the Mentor Review Report will be filed and available for high school instructors.) Signed copies will be submitted with Mentor pay requests to the Office of Instructional Admin.