POLS 101: American National Government

Beginning: FALL 2011 & Finishing: SPRING 2012
Instructor: Valerie Williams
Office phone: 208-785-8810 or 208-681-3179
Office hours: M-Th 8:00-8:25 & 3:20-3:45
F 8:00-8:25
Office: Room 404 Blackfoot High School
E-Mail Addresses: willv@d55.k12.id.us
The CSI Mission Statement: The College of Southern Idaho, a comprehensive community college,
provides quality educational, social, cultural, economic, and workforce development opportunities
that meet the diverse needs of the communities it serves. CSI prepares students to lead enriched,
productive and responsible lives in a global society.
General Education Criteria: This course satisfies all eight criteria for general education. It is designed
1. provide a broad-based survey of a discipline and show the interconnectedness of knowledge.
2. develop a discerning individual.
3. practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills
4. promote awareness of social and cultural diversity in order to appreciate the commonality of
5. foster the balance between individual needs and the demands of society.
6. reinforce reading, writing, speaking, and/or quantitative skills.
7. encourage and inspire life-long learning.
8. encourage creativity.
Social Science Department Mission Statement: The mission of the Social Science Department is to
provide educational, social, and cultural opportunities which encourage enriched, productive and
responsible lives primarily by instructing students to understand, interpret, and apply Social Science
discipline coursework.
Social Science Department Goals: This course addresses the following Social Science Department
1. help students understand important facts, concepts and theories of Social Science subjects.
2. help students acquire techniques and methods used to gain new knowledge in the disciplines.
3. help students learn to distinguish between fact and opinion.
4. teach students to use evaluation, analysis and synthesis to interpret and solve problems.
5. teach students to use different perspectives from the social sciences to make better-informed
6. help students acquire an informed understanding of various cultures.
7. prepare students to transfer to a university.
Political Science Mission Statement: The Political Science Program prepares students to examine the
and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior.
Relevant Program Goals: The student will:
1. demonstrate the understanding of political theories, structures and processes
2. gain mastery of thinking, integrating and logical organizing political information
3. become well practiced at interpreting political situations
4. become well-prepared through the study of political science, to understand and discuss local,
state, national and international developments.
American National Government (POLS 101) Course Description: This course challenges the student
to achieve an understanding of the American political system; such as the different parts and
functions of our government, student’s rights, and their responsibilities as a citizen. The course
topics that are introduced and discussed will be presented in a way to make the study of government
a part of the students’ world.
Course Pre-requisites & Pre-requisite skills: High schools students taking this course for college
credit must be at least 16 years of age, have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, 11 th or 12th grade
standing, parent/guardian approval, counselor/teacher approval, signed dual-credit commitment
form, be dedicated, committed and motivated, plus be prepared to invest as much time out of class
as in class.
Course Outcomes (CO) Aligned with GE Criteria (GE), and Social Science (SS) and Political Science
Students will…
CO1. demonstrate understanding of…the basic structure of
1, 2, 3
1, 2, 3, 4
American Government
CO2. demonstrate understanding of…Comparative Political and
1, 2, 3, 6
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
Economic systems
CO3. demonstrate the ability to…use critical thinking to
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
1, 2, 3, 4
analyze and interpret American Government and Politics
CO4. demonstrate the ability to…apply course concepts in a
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
personal and everyday context
1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3,
1, 2, 3,
Assessment Methods: Alignment of Course Outcomes (CO) with course assessment methods, such as:
Required Text:
Volkomer, W.E., American government: Election update (12th), New York: Longman, 2009. The
instructor will allow students to borrow this text for both trimesters. However, a student may wish to
purchase his/her own copy at abe.com.
Course Standards:
Upon completion of this course in American National Government students will also learn the Idaho
State Department of Education’s Social Studies Content Standards for American Government. For a
detailed list of these standards, please go to the following link:
College Credit
Dual Credit coursework transcripted through the College of Southern Idaho is accepted and
transferred between public colleges and universities in Idaho. Please be aware that colleges and
universities outside the state of Idaho and private institutions within the state are not bound by the
same credit transfer policy. Students and parents should always check institutional transfer polices
before registering for Dual Credit coursework. In addition, the acceptance of Dual Credit coursework
by another college or university does not necessarily mean that transcripted credits will meet
requirements for a specific major field of study or program. Once again, students and parents are
encouraged to contact the college or university of their choice for more specific information before
enrolling in a Dual Credit course.
Dual Enrollment Cost
Dual Credit fees (including on-line courses) for the 2011-12 school year are $65.00 per credit hour of
coursework taken (for example: 3 credit hours X $65.00 per credit = $195.00). Students taking Dual
Credit Classes may be eligible for scholarships to help reduce costs, depending on scholarship
opportunities, local foundation efforts, and local school district policies.
***Withdrawing from the course or “W”
No one enrolls in a course planning to fail, but students who find themselves doing poorly in a class
may wish to drop. Students who withdraw before the official drop date will receive a W on their
college transcripts. A withdrawal is usually preferable to a grade of D or F. It is the student’s
responsibility to drop the course. A student may drop a course or all courses prior to the end of late
registration (first Friday of the term) without it being recorded on the student’s official transcript. A
student initiated drop after the late registration period is considered a withdrawal, and results in the
grade of W.
Students who need to drop should complete the appropriate paperwork before the last date for
course withdrawal. (Students may drop courses online until the end of the late registration period. In
order to withdraw from one or more courses following late registration, a completed registration
form is required. Instructions on the form indicate when a signature of instructor and/or Financial Aid
advisor is required. The completed form may be submitted to Admissions & Records or any offcampus center.)
NOTE: Students may withdraw from courses until 75% of the course meetings have elapsed. No
course may be withdrawn from after 75% of the course has elapsed. You will not receive any refund
on Dual enrollment costs. It is highly recommended to speak with the class instructor, school
counselor, school administrator before withdrawing from a dual enrollment class. Having multiple
“W’s” on your transcripts could possible lead to academic probation, dismissal, and other serious
***A student must enroll in and complete BOTH Pols 101a & Pols 101b in order to receive three
college credits.
Policies and Procedures:
A. Attendance Policy at Blackfoot High School
Students must attend 90% of a class and earn a passing grade to receive credit. On the
7th (seventh) absence the student loses credit in the class. School excused absences will
not count toward credit loss. A student's attendance at school is the responsibility of
the student and the parent or guardian.
B. Grading Practices:
Assignments, quizzes, in-class activities
Essay Papers/Projects
Unit Exams
Final Exam
Blackboard Discussions
C. Explanation of Course Requirements
1. Assignments – Usually daily assignments whether written or oral will be given and grades
will be recorded most of the time.
2. Projects – TBA
3. Papers – At least 2 essay papers will be assigned throughout the trimester.
4. Unit Exams – Expect tests over the Idaho State Civil & Government Standards.
5. Final Exam will be generated by Ms. Williams, the course instructor.
6. Blackboard Discussions – Everyday, when you come in to the classroom, you will want to
check the Blackboard Discussion Topic and respond to it . This is the first task you will do
everyday. Read the prompt and write a one-paragraph (AT LEAST THREE SENTENCES)
response to this prompt. Keep all your responses classroom appropriate. They will be
monitored and graded about three times per trimester for a portion of your grade.
7. Participation/Citizenship – A citizenship rubric outlining the characteristics of good
participation/citizenship is attached. The rubric will be completed on a holistic basis, an
overall picture of your participation in class and citizenship throughout the course. Good
behavior will help your grade.
*The numerical average a student receives for his/her grade for Pols 101a 1st trimester will be
averaged with the numerical average the student receives for Pols 101b 2 nd trimester. This new
average will be the letter grade given to CSI and put on your CSI transcripts. (Unless a “W” is given)
***A student must enroll in and complete BOTH Pols 101a & Pols 101b in order to receive three
college credits.
D. Grading Scale
100 - 94
93.9- 90
89.9 - 88
87.9 – 84
83.9 – 80
79.9 – 78
C 77.9- 74
C- 73.9 - 70
D+ 69.9 - 68
D 67.9 – 64
D- 63.9 – 60
F 59.9
E. Honesty
Students are expected to be honest throughout their entire high school/college education. All work
is evaluated on the assumption the work presented is the student's. Anything less is unacceptable
and is subject to initial disciplinary action at the teacher's discretion.
Examples of dishonest practice include but are limited to:
Cheating--The improper use of books, notes, other students' work, or other aids during an
examination. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain approval for the use of such aids
prior to the time of the examination or assignment; otherwise, use of such devices will be
considered improper. An"examination" is defined as "any testing situation in which the score
will be used for credit in a course."
Plagiarism--Submission or presentation of a student assignment as one's own in which any
portions are paraphrased without documentation or are identical to published or unpublished
material from another source (including another student's work). An assignment is defined
as "any materials submitted or presented by a student for credit in a course."
F. Make-Up Work Policy
For each excused day absent the student will have two days to turn in work missed while gone. The
student is responsible for finding out what work was missed. Work not turned in by the two-day per
day absent time limit will become a zero. If a test is missed, the student will have one week from the
day the test was given to others in class to make it up before school (8:00 am) or after school (3:25
pm). Make an appointment with the course instructor. Late work will be gladly accepted and graded
but not recorded.
G. Cell Phones, etc.
You are welcome to use your cell phone or electronic entertainment devices before school, during
INSTRUCTOR. First offense: Confiscated immediately and returned to the student at the end of the
school day (3:20). If you leave school sooner, your parent must come in to retrieve it. A major
discipline notice will be completed for this student. Second offense: 2 nd major discipline notice, the
device will be turned into an administrator and parents will have to come in to pick it up.
H. Materials for Class
Bring these items with you every day: text book, something to write on, and something to write with.
I. Class Rules
Have Respect for Others
Make Good Choices
Be Honest
Be Responsible and Caring
Make the Effort
CSI E-mail
Since email is the primary source of written communication with students, all registered CSI students
get a college email account. Student e-mail addresses have the following format:
<address>@eaglemail.csi.edu where <address> is a name selected by the student as a part of
activating his/her account. Students activate their accounts and check their CSI e-mail online at
http://eaglemail.csi.edu. Instructors and various offices send messages to these student accounts.
Messages from instructors and various offices such as Admission and Records, Advising, Financial Aid,
Scholarships, etc. will be sent to the students’ CSI accounts (NOT their personal e-mail accounts). It is
the students’ responsibility to check their CSI e-mail accounts regularly. Failing to do so will result in
missing important messages and deadlines.
On-line course evaluation statement:
To help instructors continually improve courses, students are strongly encouraged to complete
evaluations at the end of the course. Evaluations are very important to assist the teaching staff to
continually improve the course. Evaluations are available online at: http://evaluation.csi.edu.
Evaluations open up two weeks prior to the end of the course. The last day to complete an evaluation
is the last day of the course. During the time the evaluations are open, students can complete the
course evaluations at their convenience from any computer with Internet access, including in the
open lab in the Library and in the SUB. When students log in they should see the evaluations for the
courses in which they are enrolled. Evaluations are anonymous. Filling out the evaluation should only
take a few minutes. Your honest feedback is greatly appreciated!
Any student with a documented disability may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. To
determine eligibility and secure services, students should contact Student Disability Services at their
first opportunity after registration for a class(es). Student Disability Services is located on the second
floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6260 or e-mail Scott Scholes,
Importance of working hard in dual enrollment classes
All Dual Credit coursework serves as a beginning to a student’s college transcript. A college transcript
that reflects solid academic performance is the gateway to further studies in post-secondary
education, and it serves as a primary criterion for acceptance into many programs at colleges and
universities. The importance of high academic achievement in Dual Credit courses and the benefits
students gain to further their academic careers cannot be overstated. In other words, a student’s
performance in a Dual Credit class has implications for his or her future academic plans.
All classes, regardless of the grade received, will be recorded on a CSI transcript. Grades students
earn in a course will become part of their permanent college records. Those planning to apply to
another college should list CSI as a college attended on applications and request that official
transcripts be sent from the CSI registrar to verify previous college work.
Problems that are solved immediately are only issues; problems left until the
end of the trimester may be disastrous. Don’t wait to discuss problems, contact me, the
instructor concerning any “issues”. Please remember I have an OPEN DOOR POLICY. You are
welcome to come and talk to me about any issues before or after school.
This receipt signifies that the student below and his/her parent./guardian(s) have read and
understand the 2011-2012 Dual Enrollment Political Science 101a&b Syllabus.
Please Print and Sign
Topical Outline for the Complete Course over Two Trimesters
Fall 1st Trimester
(POLS 101a)
Introduction of Course
Politics, Democracy, and the American People
From Colonialism to Constitutionalism
The Federal System
Public Opinion and the Mass Media
Political Parties and Interest Groups
Nominations and Elections
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Spring 2nd Trimester
(POLS 101b)
The Congress
The Presidency
The Federal Bureaucracy
The Judiciary
Civil Liberties
Civil Rights
Public Policy
Foreign Policy
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Course & Reading Schedule
1st Trimester
Week 1
Introduction & Chapter 1
Week 2
Chapter 2 Politics, Democracy, & the American People
Weeks 3-4
Chapter 3 From Colonial ism to Constitutionalism
Week 5-6
Chapter 5 Political Parties
Week 7-8
10-10 Chapter 6 Nominations & Elections
Week 9-10
10-24 Chapter 4 Public Opinion & Mass Media
Week 10
10-31 Elections
Week 11
Week 12
11-14 Review & Chapter Presentations 1-2, 3, 5, 6, 4
Week 13
11-22 Final Exam
Chapter 4 continued
2nd Trimester (Dates TBA)
Week 1
Week 2-3
Chapter 7 Congress
Week 4-5
Chapter 8 The Presidency
Week 6
Chapter 9 The Federal Bureaucracy
Week 7-8
Chapter 10 The Judiciary
Week 9
Chapter 11 Civil Liberties
Week 10
Chapter 12 Civil Rights
Week 11
Chapter 13 Public Policy
Week 12
Chapter 14 Foreign Policy
Week 13
Final Exam
Citizenship Rubric
for Williams’ classes at Blackfoot High School
Student Name________________________
On Time and Prepared
1. Arrives to class on time
2. Brings necessary materials
3. Completes homework
Respects Peers
1. Respects others property
2. Listens to peers
3. Responds appropriate to peers
4. Respects others opinions
5. Refrains from abusive language
Respects Teacher/Staff
1. Follows directions
2. Listens to Teacher/Staff
3. Accepts responsibility for actions
Demonstrates Appropriate
Character Traits
1. Demonstrates positive character
traits (kindness, trustworthy, honesty)
2. Demonstrates productive character
traits (i.e. patience, thorough,
3. Demonstrates a level of concern for
Demonstrates a Level of Concern
for Learning
1. Remains on task
2, Allows others to remain on task
1. Participates in class.
2. Stays awake during class.
This page is a copy of page 7 of the syllabus. Please sign date and return it to the course
instructor by Friday, August 26, 2011.
floor of the Taylor Building on the Twin Falls Campus. 208.732.6260 or e-mail Scott Scholes,
Importance of working hard in dual enrollment classes
All Dual Credit coursework serves as a beginning to a student’s college transcript. A college transcript
that reflects solid academic performance is the gateway to further studies in post-secondary
education, and it serves as a primary criterion for acceptance into many programs at colleges and
universities. The importance of high academic achievement in Dual Credit courses and the benefits
students gain to further their academic careers cannot be overstated. In other words, a student’s
performance in a Dual Credit class has implications for his or her future academic plans.
All classes, regardless of the grade received, will be recorded on a CSI transcript. Grades students
earn in a course will become part of their permanent college records. Those planning to apply to
another college should list CSI as a college attended on applications and request that official
transcripts be sent from the CSI registrar to verify previous college work.
Problems that are solved immediately are only issues; problems left until the
end of the trimester may be disastrous. Don’t wait to discuss problems, contact me, the
instructor concerning any “issues”. Please remember I have an OPEN DOOR POLICY. You are
welcome to come and talk to me about any issues before or after school.
This receipt signifies that the student below and his/her parent./guardian(s) have read and
understand the 2011-2012 Dual Enrollment Political Science 101a&b Syllabus.
Please Print and Sign