PSYC 398 01 SS Psychology of Personality

Ricardo A. Machón, Ph.D.
Course Title:
Course No. & Section:
PSYC 398.01
Course Meetings:
MW 9 am – 12 pm
2010 Summer Session I
Course Description/ Principal Topics Covered:
A survey of the scientific study of human personality. The following organizing principles
or “domains” will be employed in the study of the “whole” of personality: Biological;
Intrapsychic; Dispositional; Cognitive-Experiential; Social and Cultural; and Adjustment.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will effectively:
 Engage in the scientific study of personality psychology.
 Meaningfully integrate classical approaches (“grand theories” of personality)
with contemporary research in personality psychology.
 Understand the theory and research in personality psychology in the context of
six organizing principles or “domains”--- Dispositional, Biological, Intrapsychic,
Cognitive-Experiential, Social & Cultural, and Adjustment.
 Integrate multiple perspectives of personality and behavior in a meaningful,
holistic analysis.
 Engage in self-reflection in order to more deeply understand and appreciate
their own “personality”--- in the context of the concepts and paradigms of this
 Sharpen their critical analysis skills in the context of theory and research in
personality psychology.
Required Texts/References:
Course Work/ Expectations:
2 major exams; 2-3 quizzes.
5-7 self-assessment assignments; 1 major “integrating” writing assignment.
Take an objective personality assessment; nominal cost of about $23.