Catherine Keske Associate Professor Office: FC 2025 Email: Phone: 709-637-2176 Website: Pending Biography: Dr. Catherine Keske is an agricultural and forest economist who studies contemporary resource and policy issues. She is a member of the Environmental Studies faculty and the Boreal Ecosystem Research Initiative (BERI). Dr. Keske incorporates a number of different economic methods into her research program and she frequently engages in interdisciplinary collaboration. Her recent publications focus on sustainability, soil conservation, nutrient management, forest recreation and tourism, biomass/bioenergy production, community sense of place, and ecosystem service valuation. Several of Dr. Keske’s current projects address food security and food sovereignty, boreal forest ecosystem services, crop production, land use policies, and sustainability metrics. Education: Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics (Colorado State University) M.Sc., Mineral Economics (Colorado School of Mines) M.Sc., Hearing and Speech Sciences (Vanderbilt University) B.Sc., Communication Disorders (Bowling Green State University) Research: I am passionate about incorporating methods from applied economics to study complex natural resource and environmental issues. I also believe that economists play an important, but many times underutilized, role in trans-disciplinary collaboration. My long-term research vision is to utilize economic methods and integrate economic data into a decision support tool to study and manage boreal ecosystems. I am part of Memorial University’s newly established Boreal Ecosystem Research Initiative (BERI). My current research program reflects three research thrusts: agricultural and forest economics, land use policy, and energy. Most of my research has been conducted in rural communities that have been reliant on forestry, agriculture, and extraction. The communities desire economic information that will help them prepare for future land use decisions. Please click here for a recent copy of my curriculum vita: (website link) Projects: o o o o o o Food security and food sovereignty Sustainability metrics Land use policies Boreal Ecosystem Research Initiative: website link Niwot Ridge Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Project: website link International research: I have recently been involved in international projects in the U.S., China, West Africa and Costa Rica. Teaching: I believe that a successful classroom experience is closely linked to a strong research program, and I strive to connect the two. During my first year at Grenfell, I taught Ecological Economics (EVST/ECON 3085) and Macroeconomics (ECON 2020). In the future I will likely develop and offer undergraduate and graduate courses in applied economics and policy. I have been an adjunct professor at the Denver University Sturm School of Law since 2008, where I teach environmental economics and public utility regulation classes to law students and practicing attorneys. Supervised Students: As follows is a list of current EPI advisees o Nick Mercer Selected Publications For more information on publications, please click here to download a copy of a recent curriculum vita: weblink Hou, Lingling, D.L. Hoag, and C.M.H. Keske, 2015, Shadow pricing abatement costs of soil degradation in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Environmental Management 149, pp. 1-8. Pearson, C.H., Larson, S.R., Keske, C.M.H., Jensen, K.B., 2015, Chapter 12, Native Grasses for Biomass Production at High Elevations, In Industrial Crops: Breeding for Bioenergy and Bioproducts (V.M.V. Cruz and D.A. Dierig, Eds.), Handbook of Plant Breeding Series, Vol. 9, Springer, pp. 101-132. ISBN: 978-14939-1446-3 Keske, C.M.H., and A. Mayer, 2014, Visitor willingness to pay U.S. Forest Service recreation fees in New West rural mountain economies. Economic Development Quarterly (EDQ), 28(1), pp. 87-100. Hou, Lingling, D.L. Hoag, C.M.H. Keske, and Changhe Lu, 2014, Sustainable value of degraded soils in China's Loess Plateau: An updated approach. Ecological Economics 97, pp. 20-27. Keske, C.M.H., D.L. Hoag, A. Brandess, and J. Johnson, 2013, Is it economically feasible for farmers to grow their own fuel? A study of Camelina sativa produced in the western United States as an on-farm biofuel. Biomass and Bioenergy, 54, pp. 8999. Keske, C.M.H., G. Lohman, J. Loomis, 2013, Do respondents report willingness to pay on a per person or per group basis? A mountain recreation example. Tourism Economics, 19(1), pp. 133-146. Field, J., C.M.H. Keske, G. Lohman Birch, M. DeFoort, M.F. Cotrufo, 2013, Distributed bioenergy and biochar co-production: A regionally-specific case study of environmental benefits and economic impacts. Global Change Biology (GCB) Bioenergy Special Edition on Bioenergy, 5(1), pp. 177-191. Keske, C.M.H., S. Evans, T. Iverson, 2012, Total cost electricity pricing: A market solution for increasingly rigorous environmental standards. The Electricity Journal, 25(2), pp. 7-15. Loomis, J.B. and C.M.H. Keske, 2012, Did the great recession reduce visitor spending and willingness to pay for nature-based recreation? Evidence from 2006 and 2009, Contemporary Economic Policy, 30(2), pp. 238-246. Hoag, D.L.K., C.M.H. Keske and R.L. Goldbach, 2011, Risk individuality in crisis planning: The case of gender in American agriculture. Journal of Risk Planning and Crisis Response, 1(1), pp. 21-28. Hoag, D.L.K., R. Boone, and C.M.H. Keske, 2011, The cost for agriculture to coexist with wildlife in Colorado, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 16(5), pp. 319-329. Keske, C.M.H, 2011, How to value environmental and non-market goods: A guide for legal professionals, Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 39(3), pp. 423-435. Cross, J. E., C.M.H. Keske, M.G. Lacy, D.L.K. Hoag, and C.T. Bastian, 2011, Adoption of conservation easements among agricultural landowners in Colorado and Wyoming: The role of economic dependence and sense of place, Landscape and Urban Planning, 101(1), pp. 75-83. Miller, A., C.T. Bastian, D.M. McLeod, C.M. Keske, and D.L. Hoag, 2011, Factors impacting agricultural landowners’ willingness to enter into conservation easements: A case study, Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, 24(1), pp. 65-74. Laitos, J.G. and C.M. Keske, 2010, The right of non-use, Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation (JELL), 25(2), pp. 303-384. Keske, C.M.H. and L.S. Smutko, 2010, Consulting communities: Using audience response system technology (ARS) to assess community preferences for sustainable recreation and tourism development, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 18(8), pp. 951970. Loomis, J.B. and C.M. Keske, 2009, Mountain substitutability and peak load pricing of high alpine peaks as a management tool to reduce environmental damage: A contingent valuation study, Journal of Environmental Management, 90(5), pp. 1751– 1760. Keske, C.M. and J.B. Loomis, 2008, Regional economic contribution and net economic values of opening access to three Colorado Fourteeners, Tourism Economics, 14(2), pp. 249-262.