Academic Case New programmes or changes to existing programmes that requires University level approval This document should be completed for the academic approval of new programmes or changes to existing programmes that require University level approval. The information captured here supplements the business case and the programme specification. Its purpose is to support effective scrutiny of proposals by the School, the Faculty and the University Education Committee. The online version of this form is available on the Unit & Programme Management System. Programme title Final award Department/School(s) Faculty Programme accredited by Signatures (prepared by) Name Version Programme Director Signatures (approved by) Head of School Faculty Education Director The following documents are also required with the Academic Case: - Programme specification - Report of Student Consultation - Report of External Assessors - Report of Professional Accreditation (if relevant) - Comments from the Critical Friend - Mapping of programme intended learning outcomes - Unit approval forms and specifications for any new and/or changed units. V2 –AQPO Aug 2015 Page 1 of 4 Date Academic Case New programmes or changes to existing programmes that requires University level approval A. Rationale Academic rationale for new programme/major change to current programme. Please provide full details of the rationale for the proposed new, amended or withdrawn units, programmes or shared structures. Please explain if the proposed changes have any implications for other programmes (e.g. associated joint honours programmes) If proposing new or amended programmes, please expand on the rationale in the business case (where one is being submitted) and include reference to why the proposal is desirable and timely. Please ensure that the timing of the change to the programme is clear. Assessment Details What is the assessment strategy for the programme? Please refer to the Institutional Principles for Assessment and Feedback in Taught Programmes when considering the programme’s assessment strategy. Strategic School, Faculty and University Initiatives Does the proposal align with current strategic School, Faculty and University initiatives? (For example, Technology Enhanced Learning, sustainability, student satisfaction) V2 –AQPO Aug 2015 Page 2 of 4 Academic Case New programmes or changes to existing programmes that requires University level approval B. Ordinance & Regulations Consequent changes to the Ordinances All awards are covered by Ordinance 19 - Summary of Academic Awards in the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Official Record . If any changes are required to the above please detail them below, or enter N/A. This section must be completed in consultation with your Faculty Education Manager. Regulations If any changes are required to the above please detail them below, or enter N/A This section must be completed in consultation with your Faculty Education Manager. C. Equality Analysis Have gender, race, disability and any other equality issues been taken into account when planning this programme? Please ensure that both staff and student equality issues have been taken into account. For example: Departments should, within reason, have procedures and mechanisms in place that anticipate the support needs of disabled students. However, it is recognised that in some programmes (e.g. professional) some assessments cannot be adjusted as they test mandatory learning outcomes and/or a competence standard. Where it is practicable, reasonable and fair to all students have assessment tasks been designed to accommodate the religious observances of the students and staff involved Do admissions criteria disadvantage any groups? Does the content of the programme assume a prior knowledge of British lifestyles therefore disadvantaging overseas students? More information about Equality Risk Assessment can be found at: Equality and Diversity Equality Risk Impact Do the proposed changes have an impact on members of any of the following equality target groups: Disability; Gender; Race? If yes, please explain what the impact will be. V2 –AQPO Aug 2015 Page 3 of 4 Academic Case New programmes or changes to existing programmes that requires University level approval E. Support Please provide reports from two external academics of recognised standing (one of whom may be an existing external examiner) on the rationale and suitability of the submission. Please explain why the external assessors chosen are appropriate. Response to External Assessors Please provide an evaluation and response to the reports received from the external assessors. It is essential to cover any questions or perceived difficulties raised by the externals. Responses should be sent to the externals, and any further comments from them should also be included with this form. If the proposal has been modified in response to the external assessors’ reports, please indicate how it has been changed Professional Body Scrutiny (if required) What scrutiny has been undertaken by professional bodies? Student Consultation Please complete the student consultation template and attach it to your submission. If you have any further comments on the student consultation, please add them here. English Language Profile Please indicate which English Language Profile the programme maps to and state why. Please refer to the website for further information. V2 –AQPO Aug 2015 Page 4 of 4