CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST REPORT DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Draft Yellow Book November 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN FOREWORD [Foreword text specific to this document goes here. The text below is boilerplate.] Through the process of normal evolution, it is expected that expansion, deletion, or modification of this document may occur. This document is therefore subject to CCSDS document management and change control procedures, which are defined in the Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems. Current versions of CCSDS documents are maintained at the CCSDS Web site: Questions relating to the contents or status of this document should be addressed to the CCSDS Secretariat at the address indicated on page i. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page i Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN At time of publication, the active Member and Observer Agencies of the CCSDS were: Member Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)/Italy. British National Space Centre (BNSC)/United Kingdom. Canadian Space Agency (CSA)/Canada. Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)/France. China National Space Administration (CNSA)/People’s Republic of China. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)/Germany. European Space Agency (ESA)/Europe. Federal Space Agency (FSA)/Russian Federation. Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)/Brazil. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)/Japan. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/USA. Observer Agencies – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Austrian Space Agency (ASA)/Austria. Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BFSPO)/Belgium. Central Research Institute of Machine Building (TsNIIMash)/Russian Federation. Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial (CTA)/Brazil. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)/China. Chinese Academy of Space Technology (CAST)/China. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)/Australia. Danish National Space Center (DNSC)/Denmark. European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)/Europe. European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (EUTELSAT)/Europe. Hellenic National Space Committee (HNSC)/Greece. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)/India. Institute of Space Research (IKI)/Russian Federation. KFKI Research Institute for Particle & Nuclear Physics (KFKI)/Hungary. Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI)/Korea. MIKOMTEK: CSIR (CSIR)/Republic of South Africa. Ministry of Communications (MOC)/Israel. National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)/Japan. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/USA. National Space Organization (NSPO)/Chinese Taipei. Naval Center for Space Technology (NCST)/USA. Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO)/Pakistan. Swedish Space Corporation (SSC)/Sweden. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/USA. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page ii Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN DOCUMENT CONTROL Document Title and Issue Date Status CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms Test Report, Draft CCSDS Record, Issue 1 November 2011 Current draft CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page iii Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN CONTENTS Section Page DOCUMENT CONTROL.................................................................................................... III CONTENTS........................................................................................................................... IV 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 SCOPE .................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................... 1-1 1.4 RATIONALE.......................................................................................................... 1-1 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ................................................................................. 1-1 1.6 REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 1-1 2 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 2-1 3 ALGORITHM TESTING GOALS .............................................................................. 3-2 3.1 CONFIDENTIALITY ALGORITHMS ................................................................. 3-2 3.2 AUTHENTICATION ALGORITHMS .................................................................. 3-2 4 TEST PLAN DETAILS ................................................................................................. 4-4 4.1 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #1: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY ......................................................................................................... 4-5 4.1.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-6 4.1.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-6 4.2 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #2: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 192-BIT KEY ......................................................................................................... 4-7 4.2.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-7 4.2.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-7 4.3 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #3: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 256-BIT KEY ......................................................................................................... 4-7 4.3.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-7 4.3.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-8 4.4 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #4: AES GCM TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY 4-8 4.4.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-8 4.4.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-8 4.5 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #5: AES GCM TEST WITH 192-BIT KEY 4-9 4.5.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-9 4.5.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-9 4.6 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #6: AES GCM TEST WITH 256-BIT KEY 4-9 4.6.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-9 4.6.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-10 4.7 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #7: AES ECB TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY . 4-5 4.7.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-5 4.7.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-5 4.8 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #8: AES ECB WITH 192-BIT KEY ............ 4-5 4.8.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-5 4.8.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-5 4.9 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #9: AES ECB WITH 256-BIT KEY ............ 4-5 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page iv Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.9.1 TEST DESCRIPTION ................................................................................ 4-5 4.9.2 EXPECTED RESULTS .............................................................................. 4-6 4.10 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #1: HMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH SHA256 4-10 4.10.1 TEST DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4-10 4.10.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-11 4.11 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #2: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 128-BIT KEY ...................................................................................... 4-11 4.11.1 TEST DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4-11 4.11.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-11 4.12 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #3: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 192-BIT KEY ...................................................................................... 4-11 4.12.1 TEST DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4-11 4.12.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-12 4.13 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #4: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 256-BIT KEY ...................................................................................... 4-12 4.13.1 TEST DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4-12 4.13.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-12 4.14 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #5: DIGITAL SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION ........................................................................................... 4-12 4.14.1 TEST DESCRIPTION .............................................................................. 4-12 4.14.2 EXPECTED RESULTS ............................................................................ 4-13 5 TEST RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 5-14 5.1 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST RESULTS.............................................................. 5-14 5.2 AUTHENTICATION TEST RESULTS .............................................................. 5-14 Table Page Table 1- Confidentiality Algorithm Tests .............................................................................. 4-4 Table 2- Authentication/Integrity Algorithm Tests ............................................................... 4-4 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page v Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to describe the prototype testing to be conducted for the CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms specified in CCSDS 353.0-B-1 (reference [1]). 1.2 SCOPE The scope of this document is the testing of the CCSDS cryptographic algorithms to provide confidentiality, authentication, and integrity for spacecraft and ground systems. 1.3 APPLICABILITY The CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms will be used to provide data confidentiality, command authentication, and data/command integrity. The algorithms may be Agencyimplemented for specific missions, may be government produced, may be open source, or may be purchased as commercial-off-the-shelf products. In any case, the algorithms must be shown to be in conformance with their respective specifications, must be proven to be bug and malware free, and must be proven to be interoperable with other implementations of the same algorithm. 1.4 RATIONALE The CCSDS Procedures Manual states that for a Recommendation to become a Blue Book, the standard must be tested in an operational manner. The following requirement for an implementation exercise were excerpted from reference [2]: “At least two independent and interoperable prototypes or implementations must have been developed and demonstrated in an operationally relevant environment, either real or simulated.” This document outlines the Security Working Group’s approach to meeting this requirement. 1.5 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE This document describes the testing that must be accomplished to allow the CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms to proceed forward as a Recommendation. 1.6 REFERENCES The following documents are referenced in this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All documents are subject to revision, and users of this CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 1-1 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN document are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the documents indicated below. The CCSDS Secretariat maintains a register of currently valid CCSDS documents. [1] CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms. CCSDS 352.0-B-1. Washington DC: CCSDS, November 2012. Blue Book. Issue 1. [2] Procedures Manual for the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS A00.0-Y-9. Yellow Book. Issue 9. Washington DC: CCSDS, November 2003. [3] Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Federal Information Processing Standards Special Publication 197. Gaithersburg, Maryland: NIST, 2001. [4] NIST, The Keyed Hash Message Authentication Code, Federal Information Processing Standard 198-1 (FIPS-198-1), U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),, July 2008. [5] NIST, Digital Signature Standard, Federal Information Processing Standard 186-3, U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),, June 2009. [6] Dworkin, M. Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-38D. Gaithersburg, Maryland: NIST, November 2007. [7] Dworkin, M.; Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The CMAC Mode for Authentication; NIST Special Publication 800-38B; National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST);; May 2005. [8] Dworkin, M. Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: Methods and Techniques. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 80038A. Gaithersburg, Maryland: NIST, 2001. [9] Bassham, L.; The Advanced Encryption Standard Algorithm Validation Suite (AESAVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; Nov 2002; [10] Hall, T; The FIPS 186-3 Digital Signature Algorithm Validation System (DSA2VS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; June 2011; CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 1-2 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN [11] Keller, S; The RSA Validation System (RSAVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; Nov 2004; [12] Keller, S; The 186-3 RSA Validation System (RSA2VS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; June 2011; [13] Bassham, L; The Secure Hash Algorithm Validation System (SHAVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; July 2004; [14] Keller, S; The CMAC Validation System (CMACVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; Aug 2011; [15] Hall, L; Keller, S; The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) and GMAC Validation System (GCMVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; Feb 2009; [16] Bassham, L; The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code Validation System (HMACVS); National Institute of Standards and Technology; Dec 2004; CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 1-3 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 2 OVERVIEW This CCSDS Cryptographic Algorithms test plan describes the manner in which algorithm testing will be accomplished. It describes the manner in which the algorithms are to be implemented, keyed, and data exchanged between the testing parties to determine if the algorithms are performing as expected. The CCSDS Procedures Manual requires that testing be performed in an “operational-like” setting. However, in this case, we are testing “raw” algorithms and not flight systems. This plan provides the details to test the cryptographic algorithms to ensure their correctness and interoperation. We propose that an independent algorithm implementation is used to encrypt data and another independent implementation is used to decrypt it. This would be performed using all the recommended modes for encryption. Likewise, for authentication one independent algorithm implementation is used to create a message authentication code (MAC) with a different independent algorithm implementation used to verify the MAC. Testing in this manner is performed for all of the specified authentication algorithms: HMAC, CMAC, and RSA Digital Signature. This testing could be performed in a single laboratory by one tester using multiple implementations of each algorithm under test. However, optimally the testing should be conducted at multiple sites via the internet potentially using something as simple as email to send encrypted or MAC’d data between the testing parties which would then be fed into the various independent algorithm implementations. For example, Test Agent A at site X could encrypt data using AES/GCM using a pre-distributed key. Test Agent A would email the ciphertext as an attachment to Test Agent B at site Y. Using the pre-distributed key and a different implementation of AES/GCM than used by Test Agent A, Test Agent B would attempt to decrypt the ciphertext. If the resulting plaintext (agreed to in advance by both testing agents) is an exact match, the test passes. In a more elaborate testing setup, the test sites could be interconnected and a simple network application could be used to provide the test framework of encrypting/authentication data, transmitting it, and on the receiving end, decrypting/authenticating the data. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 2-1 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 3 ALGORITHM TESTING GOALS All algorithm implementations must conform to their respective specifications. AES must be shown to be conformant with FIPS Pub 197 (reference [3]) and tested in accordance with reference [9] . AES/GCM must be shown to be conformant with FIPS Pub 800-38D (reference [6] and tested in accordance with reference [15]. HMAC must be shown to be conformant with FIPS Pub 198-1 (reference [4]) and tested in accordance with reference [16]. CMAC must be shown to be conformant with FIPS Pub 800-38B (reference [7]) and tested in accordance with reference [14]. RSA Digital Signature must be shown to be conformant with FIPS Pub 186-3 (reference [5]) and tested in accordance with references [10], [11], and [12]. For reference, test vectors for each of the respective algorithms may be obtained from the National Institute of Standards and Technology: 3.1 CONFIDENTIALITY ALGORITHMS The CCSDS confidentiality algorithms will be tested to confirm that independent implementations can successfully interoperate in the cryptographic modes specified in CCSDS 353.0-B-1 (reference [1]). Testing will confirm that the implementations of the AES algorithm will support multiple key sizes. Specifically they must support 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit size keys. Testing will be carried out using all three key sizes in electronic code book mode to confirm the correct operation of the base AES algorithm. Testing will also confirm that the implementations of AES operate correctly in counter mode. Testing will be carried out using all three key sizes with AES in counter mode (reference [8]). To confirm that authenticated encryption operates correctly, AES will be tested using the Galois/Counter Mode (GCM). Again, all three key sizes will be tested with AES in GCM mode (reference [6]). 3.2 AUTHENTICATION ALGORITHMS The CCSDS authentication algorithms will be tested to confirm that independent implementations can successfully interoperate. Three authentication algorithms are specified in CCSDS 353.0-B-1 (reference [1]). CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 3-2 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN For hash-based authentication, testing will confirm that the implementations of HMAC utilize the SHA-256 hash algorithm and interoperate (reference [4]). Testing will be carried out using a reference test key known to the testing parties. Testing will be carried out without truncation of the resulting MAC. For cryptographic-based authentication, testing will confirm that the implementations of CMAC are interoperable (reference [7]). For digital signature-based authentication, testing will confirm that the implementations utilize the RSA Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) (reference [5]) and that they are interoperable. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 3-3 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4 TEST PLAN DETAILS Table 1 synopsizes the tests to be performed on the confidentiality algorithm and modes. # Confidentiality Algorithm Mode Key Size 1 AES ECB 128 2 AES ECB 192 3 AES ECB 256 4 AES Counter 128 5 AES Counter 192 6 AES Counter 256 7 AES GCM 128 8 AES GCM 192 9 AES GCM 256 Table 1- Confidentiality Algorithm Tests Table 2 synopsizes the tests to be performed on the authentication/integrity algorithms. # Authentication/Integrity Algorithm Mode Key Size MAC Length 1 HMAC w/SHA-256 w/o truncation 256 256 2 CMAC w/AES N/A 128 128 3 CMAC w/AES N/A 192 128 4 CMAC w/AES N/A 256 128 5 Digital Signature RSA 2048 - Table 2- Authentication/Integrity Algorithm Tests CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-4 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.1 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #1: AES ECB TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY 4.1.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt plaintext data using a 128-bit test key. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 128-bit test key to decrypt the cipher text. 128-bit Plaintext input data: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff 128-Bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 4.1.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES ECB encryption/decryption test is successful. 4.2 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #2: AES ECB WITH 192-BIT KEY 4.2.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt data using a 192-bit test key. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 192-bit test key. 128-bit Plaintext input data: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff 192-bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 4.2.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES ECB encryption/decryption test is successful. 4.3 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #3: AES ECB WITH 256-BIT KEY 4.3.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt plaintext data using a 256-bit test key. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-5 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 256-bit test key to decrypt the cipher text. 128-bit Plaintext input data: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff 256-bit Key: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F 4.3.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES ECB encryption/decryption test is successful. 4.4 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #4: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY 4.4.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt plaintext data using a 128-bit test key and a 128-bit IV using AES in Counter Mode. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to transfer method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 128-bit test key and 128-bit IV to decrypt the cipher text. 1024-bit Plaintext input data: 2b9179d21cb884581b0e4f462455167f1f7899717245d4aed3d8db5983daccccebfc 2130a20c284563bea5997cc0438c83d8fa7bb9e3588efed285a0fcc31456dc9a3122 b97bb22f7edc36973475925828c323565e417ec95190db63b21881016b5332f2e400 bb4724c86a8ee0247149370ee5412f743dc6bf7ca5bcc31afa0f 128-Bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 128-bit IV: 00112233445566778899010203040506 4.4.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES counter mode encryption/decryption test is successful. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-6 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.5 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #5: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 192-BIT KEY 4.5.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt platintext data using a 192-bit test key and a 128-bit IV using AES in Counter Mode. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 192-bit test key and 128-bit IV to decrypt the cipher text. 1024-bit Plaintext input data: 7f4e4f11091bf51976c0fc71ecbcd0985cdad2135549c818c09567801d8a9a42c719 aab7dc2cb58a10b5067d14c52cabe6bb9b939e7b9cd395eaf10ba6a53fd2e6446e1e 501440134e04e662ef7ebb1c9c78bbd3fd7cb9de8b985418be1b43ebb5d7902ccb4c 299c325c8a7cc1de9174f544bc60828c1eebad49287caa4108a0 192-bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 128-bit IV: 00112233445566778899010203040506 4.5.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES counter mode encryption/decryption test is successful. 4.6 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #6: AES COUNTER MODE TEST WITH 256-BIT KEY 4.6.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt plaintext data using a 256-bit test key and 128-bit IV using AES in Counter Mode. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreeto method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 256-bit test key and 128-bit IV to decrypt the cipher text. 1024-bit Plaintext input data: bc7aa1b735a5f465cffeccd8dd4b0a33a571e9f006dc63b2a6f4df272a673bb2cc00 e603248ab6be5627eebc10934fe4d1dc5cd120a475936eefa2c7bddea9f36c6c794d 2c6bd2594094e56cac12d8f03e38f222a7ee4fc6c2adffe71c9c13003e301c31ff3a 0405dde89bb213044d41782c4bb4eb3c262595d1c0e00522047c 256-bit Key: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F 128-bit IV: 00112233445566778899010203040506 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-7 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.6.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES counter mode encryption/decryption test is successful. 4.7 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #7: AES GCM TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY 4.7.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt and authenticate plaintext data using a 128-bit test key and 96-bit IV using AES GCM with a 128-bit authentication tag. The Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) will be authenticated and not encrypted. The resultant cipher text and authentication tag will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 128-bit test key to decrypt and authenticate the cipher text. The AAD will be authenticated without decryption. 1024-bit Plaintext input data: 9eef7c9a0fa3e9a7fcc4b2f9d210a97d6653ded7913f2fb2de825a0dfd78ae1cca68 c040f2328009fffe62937d630ee9d6e0e67bc12c38c0b3d035697d4c2311371aacf4 1cce0d523016ee436a47d93af0df77011131856d072c718c310f0995b71530d70a3d a881481f46f21dda62e3e4c898bb9f819b22f816b7c4e2fb6729 1024-bit Additional Authenticated Data: 45fa52a0e8321d82caea95bd9506f7331923e2aa95e9238908f3ff30e17a96389dfe a75e225e34e1605354eaaf999a950f469c6e2e8722da5ad9daded6722baca00e5d1b 8e63266ad1b42cae161b9c089f4ffdfbbaa2f1fb0245d1a4c306d46e215e8c6c6ae3 7652a8f6016f92adb7695d40bde8c202ab9c2d70a96220b4b01b 128-Bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f 96-bit IV: 001122334455667788990102 4.7.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES GCM encryption/decryption test is successful. If the resultant authentication tag matches, the AES GCM authentication test is successful. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-8 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.8 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #8: AES GCM TEST WITH 192-BIT KEY 4.8.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt data using a 192-bit test key and a 96-bit IV using AES in GCM with a 128-bit authentication tag. The Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) will be authenticated and not encrypted. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 192-bit test key and 128-bit IV to decrypt and authenticate the cipher text. The AAD will be authenticated without decryption. 1024-bit Plaintext input data: d406138587fbcb498e8ec37f0f3d7f6b2faa02e6880424e74cdba67ae3468b6823d3 7fd917a7fede6b34a2f0fc47c520e4088766ba82a989f0d8051a3a80cc8b1e3e1e2b 1c6620b90e99b27e65951aeb3936263fc2f76c1c8effa742f53987f8a38c731a411f a53b9f6c81340e0d7ce395c4190b364d9188dc5923f3126546c3 1024-bit Additional Authenticated Data: 756cf485b6a8e672d90d930a653c69fdbf260d3ea18cd3d0c02175d3966a88b70ab8 235d998b745a0eb6a5c92899f41e8c0b7aa4ec132c8cbb1bac97a45766a03923c9b9 3c2a055abd0127a83f81e6df603a375ca8cc1a2ee0a8b7fd226226b0b19bd2e81f73 c34dfafa4fcea08dd93dd4ab7e4b437408af91bff566068a5f34 192-bit Key: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 96-bit IV: 001122334455667788990102 4.8.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES GCM encryption/decryption test is successful. If the resultant authentication tag matches, the AES GCM authentication test is successful. 4.9 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #9: AES GCM TEST WITH 256-BIT KEY 4.9.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will encrypt plaintext data using a 256-bit test key and 96-bit IV using AES GCM with a 128-bit authentication tag. The Additional Authenticated Data (AAD) will be authenticated and not encrypted. The resultant cipher text will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 256-bit test key to decrypt and authenticate the cipher text. The AAD will be authenticated without decryption. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-9 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 1024-bit Plaintext input data: bfc89d5049a5b4015c9eb64fdaf9fe9f4be7229e67c713a7b368f0550b3a5e12ba3a 4399c64f60b7157e1b289b154a494deadecff0d0686ab44fae2a34ae4cb120a7f002 68ab551f41c16a05f8999157be1103464127a8a9bccf736c32db045124178c90472e 664d8e67a2ade0efe9a3b048c453d2fb5292dd8d29e62d52c5b5 1024-bit Additional Authenticated Data: 335cc5c8fb5920b09e0263133eb481fd97f8d9f29db8689fb63034bc40959a176ccd ca6725e1f94f822e4d871138fc39776fbe062f07bf80e5c8891c2e1007efeb77c158 ced8d6c002b04442ed35c40a2187a59c02339c05762942208e3be964736a431017f4 72dfd5fdaf8fb8c645cdb684f9632057b9eb755253b4b75e3688 256-bit Key: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F 96-bit IV: 001122334455667788990102 4.9.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the resultant plain text matches, the AES GCM encryption/decryption test is successful. If the resultant authentication tag matches, the AES GCM authentication test is successful. 4.10 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #1: HMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH SHA-256 4.10.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will create a Message Authentication Code (MAC) over a data set using a 256-bit test key using HMAC with SHA-256. The resultant MAC will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 256-bit test key to verify the authenticity of the MAC. Test Data: Mary had a little lamp whose fleece was white as snow 256-bit Key: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-10 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.10.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the MAC is verified, the HMAC/SHA-256 test is successful. 4.11 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #2: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 128-BIT KEY 4.11.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will create a Message Authentication Code (MAC) over a data set using a 128-bit test key using CMAC with AES. The resultant MAC will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 128-bit test key to verify the authenticity of the MAC. Test Data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow 128-bit Key: 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c 4.11.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the MAC is verified, the CMAC/AES/128 test is successful. 4.12 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #3: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 192-BIT KEY 4.12.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will create a Message Authentication Code (MAC) over a data set using a 192-bit test key using CMAC with AES. The resultant MAC will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 192-bit test key to verify the authenticity of the MAC. Test Data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow 192-bit Key: 8e73b0f7da0e6452c810f32b809079e562f8ead2522c6b7b CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-11 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.12.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the MAC is verified, the CMAC/AES/192 test is successful. 4.13 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #4: CMAC AUTHENTICATION WITH AES USING A 256-BIT KEY 4.13.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. One tester will create an Message Authentication Code (MAC) over a data set using a 256-bit test key using CMAC with AES. The resultant MAC will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the same 256-bit test key to verify the authenticity of the MAC. Test Data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow 256-bit Key: 603deb1015ca71be2b73aef0857d77811f352c073b6108d72d9810a30914dff4 4.13.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the MAC is verified, the CMAC/AES/256 test is successful. 4.14 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #5: DIGITAL SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION 4.14.1 TEST DESCRIPTION Two or more testers may participate. All testers involved must first obtain or generate a public/private key pair of 2048 bits. The public keys of all involved testers must be shared either directly, via a public key server, pre-cached, or by some other means determined by the testers. One tester will use the RSA Digital Signature Algorithm with the SHA-256 hash to digitally sign a test data set using the tester’s private key. The resultant digitally signed data will be sent to one or more recipient testers either via a network connection, via email, or some other agreed-to method. The recipient tester(s) will use the signer’s public key to verify the authenticity of the data. Test Data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow Test Key: 2048-bit generated RSA public/private key pairs CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-12 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 4.14.2 EXPECTED RESULTS If the digital signature is verified, the Digital Signature Authentication test is successful. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 4-13 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 5 TEST RESULTS 5.1 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST RESULTS CONFIDENTIALITY TEST # CONFIDENTIALITY ALGORITHM ALGORITHM MODE KEY SIZE TEST RESULT 1 AES Counter 128 Passed 2 AES Counter 192 Passed 3 AES Counter 256 Passed 4 AES GCM 128 Passed 5 AES GCM 192 Passed 6 AES GCM 256 Passed 7 AES ECB 128 Passed 8 AES ECB 192 Passed 9 AES ECB 256 Passed 5.2 AUTHENTICATION TEST RESULTS AUTH TEST # AUTHENTICATION ALGORITHM ALGORITHM MODE KEY SIZE MAC LENGTH TEST RESULT 1 HMAC w/SHA-256 No truncation 256 256 Passed 2 CMAC w/AES N/A 128 128 Passed 3 CMAC w/AES N/A 192 128 Passed 4 CMAC w/AES N/A 256 128 Passed 5 DIGITAL SIGNATURE RSA 2048 - Passed CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 5-14 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN ANNEX A TEST RESULTS A.1 SOFTWARE Two independent implementations have been used for each test case: a) Several Perl-Scripts, based on Perl modules published on cpan ( a. Confidentiality test cases #1 - #6: b. Confidentiality test cases #7 - #9: c. Authentication test case #1: d. Authentication test cases #2 - #4: e. Authentication test case #5: b) A Java-Program named covering all the different algorithms and modes, based on Java Bouncy Castle Crypto API ( All tests have been performed under Linux openSUSE 12.1. A.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE TESTS A.2.1 CONFIDENTIALITY ALGORITHMS AND MODES (CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASES #1 - #9) For all these test cases, the following aspects have been tested: a) Encryption of the plaintext using implementation #1, afterwards decryption of the resulting cipher text by also using implementation #1. When the resultant plain text matched the original text, the encryption/decryption test was successful. b) Same as described in a) but using implementation #2. When the resultant plain text matched the original text, the encryption/decryption test was successful. c) Comparison of the cipher texts gained by the two different implementations. When the two resultant cipher texts matched, the test was successful. For confidentiality test cases #7 - #9 (AES GCM) there has been an additional test: d) Comparison of the authentication tags gained by the two different implementations. When the two resultant authentication tags matched, the test was successful. To show interoperability, the two following tests have been performed: e) Encryption of the plaintext by using implementation #1 and decryption of the resulting cipher text by using implementation #2. When the resultant plain text matched the original text, the interoperability encryption/decryption test was successful. f) Same as described in e) but using implementation #2 for encryption and implementation #1 for decryption. When the resultant plain text matched the original text, the interoperability encryption/decryption test was successful. CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 15 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN A.2.2 AUTHENTICATION / INTEGRITY ALGORITHMS (AUTHENTICATION TEST CASES #1 - #5) For authentication test cases #1 - #4, the following aspects have been tested: a) A Message Authentication Code (MAC) was computed over a data set using implementation #1.The authenticity of the MAC was verified by using the same key but implementation #2. When the MAC could be verified, the test was successful. b) Same as described in a) but using implementation #2 for computing the MAC and implementation #1 for verifying. When the MAC could be verified, the test was successful. For authentication test case #5 (Digital Signature), the following aspects have been tested: c) A Message Digest was computed over the plaintext using the specified hash function. Afterwards a digital signature was created by applying the tester`s private key and using implementation #1. In a second step, the signature was verified by using implementation #1 together with the tester`s public key. When the signature could be verified, the test was successful. d) Same as described in c) but using implementation #2. When the signature could be verified, the test was successful. To show interoperability, the two following tests have been performed: e) A Message Digest was computed over the plaintext using the specified hash function. Afterwards a digital signature was created by applying the tester`s private key and using implementation #1. In a second step, the signature was verified by using implementation #2 together with the tester`s public key. When the signature could be verified, the interoperability test was successful. f) Same as described in e) but using implementation #2 for signing and implementation #1 for verifying. When the signature could be verified, the interoperability test was successful. . CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 16 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN Table A-1 synopsizes the tests on the confidentiality algorithm and modes (Confidentiality test cases #1 - #9). Successful tests are marked with “x”. # Confidentiality Algorithm Mode Key Size Test a) Test b) Test c) Test d) Test e) Test f) 1 AES ECB 128 x x x N/A x x 2 AES ECB 192 x x x N/A x x 3 AES ECB 256 x x x N/A x x 4 AES Counter (CTR) 128 x x x N/A x x 5 AES Counter (CTR) 192 x x x N/A x x 6 AES Counter (CTR) 256 x x x N/A x x 7 AES GCM 128 x x x x x x 8 AES GCM 192 x x x x x x 9 AES GCM 256 x x x x x x CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 17 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN Table A-2 synopsizes the tests on the authentication / integrity algorithms (Authentication test cases #1 - #5). Successful tests are marked with “x”. # Authentication/Integrity Algorithm Mode Key Size MAC Length Hash Function Test a) Test b) Test c) Test d) Test e) Test f) 1 HMAC w/SHA-256 w/o truncation 256 256 - x x N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 CMAC w/AES N/A 128 128 - x x N/A N/A N/A N/A 3 CMAC w/AES N/A 192 128 - x x N/A N/A N/A N/A 4 CMAC w/AES N/A 256 128 - x x N/A N/A N/A N/A 5a Digital Signature RSA 2048 - SHA-256 N/A N/A x x x x 5b Digital Signature RSA 2048 - SHA-512 N/A N/A x x x x CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page 18 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN A.3 EXAMPLES FOR CONFIDENTIALITY TESTING A.3.1 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #3: AES ECB TEST WITH 256-BIT KEY A.3.1.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Please choose the algorithm - aes128, aes192 or aes256 is possible! aes256 Chosen algorithm: aes256 Please choose the mode - ecb or ctr is possible! ecb Chosen mode: ecb Key_hex: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F Reading in cleartext: Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Cleartext_ecb.hex) = 16 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Cleartext_ecb.hex) = 1 16 Bytes read Cleartext_Hex: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff Encrypted Message: 8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089 Writing encrypted message in file. open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/aes256_ecb_ciphertext.hex) = 1 Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/aes256_ecb_ciphertext.hex) = 16 Decryption: Decrypted Message: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff A.3.1.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT AES_ECB_256: AES/ECB/NoPadding Encryption 256 bits key ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2012.03.28 17:41:01 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Encryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: ECB - PADDING: NoPadding - KEY (256 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f - UNENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: ABEiM0RVZneImaq7zN3u/w== - UNENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: jqK3ylFnRb/q/EmQS0lgiQ== - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089 ---------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT AES_ECB_256 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT AES_ECB_256_DECR: AES/ECB/NoPadding Decryption 256 bits key -- CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-1 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2012.12.03 14:37:26 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Decryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: ECB - PADDING: NoPadding - KEY (256 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: jqK3ylFnRb/q/EmQS0lgiQ== - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 8ea2b7ca516745bfeafc49904b496089 - DECRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: ABEiM0RVZneImaq7zN3u/w== - DECRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff --------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT AES_ECB_256_DECR --------------------------------------------- A.3.2 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #5: AES CTR TEST WITH 192-BIT KEY A.3.2.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Please choose the algorithm - aes128, aes192 or aes256 is possible! aes192 Chosen algorithm: aes192 Please choose the mode - ecb or ctr is possible! ctr Chosen mode: ctr Key_hex: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 IV_hex: 00112233445566778899010203040506 Reading in cleartext: Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Plaintext_Two.hex) = 128 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Plaintext_Two.hex) = 1 128 Bytes read Cleartext_Hex: 7f4e4f11091bf51976c0fc71ecbcd0985cdad2135549c818c09567801d8a9a42c719aab7dc 2cb58a10b5067d14c52cabe6bb9b939e7b9cd395eaf10ba6a53fd2e6446e1e501440134e04 e662ef7ebb1c9c78bbd3fd7cb9de8b985418be1b43ebb5d7902ccb4c299c325c8a7cc1de91 74f544bc60828c1eebad49287caa4108a0 Encrypted Message: 391a021f77389e9cf60e022f43cefd443e1a03e55c41f4fdcdafc3ef561136484c2138061a 435e3b2084011fa0864ec44e8dc963c3dc82d850896f6c2a12624fee71a3eb00b73ef903d7 adcdb6bc3920f1d2eaf4a32be2c78ea8e8b41938be10fe8a46d2017cabeb7ff52be3b6bdf6 4fe6f2e0f61888cac401271e1e68444ad8 Writing encrypted message in file. open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/aes192_ctr_ciphertext.hex) = 1 Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/aes192_ctr_ciphertext.hex) = 128 Decryption: Decrypted Message: 7f4e4f11091bf51976c0fc71ecbcd0985cdad2135549c818c09567801d8a9a42c719aab7dc CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-2 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 2cb58a10b5067d14c52cabe6bb9b939e7b9cd395eaf10ba6a53fd2e6446e1e501440134e04 e662ef7ebb1c9c78bbd3fd7cb9de8b985418be1b43ebb5d7902ccb4c299c325c8a7cc1de91 74f544bc60828c1eebad49287caa4108a0 A.3.2.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT AES_CTR192: AES/CTR/NoPadding Encryption 192 bits key --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2012.04.11 11:25:31 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Encryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: CTR - PADDING: NoPadding - INIT. VECTOR (128 bits): 00112233445566778899010203040506 - KEY (192 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 - UNENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: f05PEQkb9Rl2wPxx7LzQmFza0hNVScgYwJVngB2KmkLHGaq33Cy1ihC1Bn0UxSyr5rubk557nN OV6vELpqU/0uZEbh5QFEATTgTmYu9+uxyceLvT/Xy53ouYVBi+G0PrtdeQLMtMKZwyXIp8wd6R dPVEvGCCjB7rrUkofKpBCKA= - UNENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 7f4e4f11091bf51976c0fc71ecbcd0985cdad2135549c818c09567801d8a9a42c719aab7dc 2cb58a10b5067d14c52cabe6bb9b939e7b9cd395eaf10ba6a53fd2e6446e1e501440134e04 e662ef7ebb1c9c78bbd3fd7cb9de8b985418be1b43ebb5d7902ccb4c299c325c8a7cc1de91 74f544bc60828c1eebad49287caa4108a0 - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: ORoCH3c4npz2DgIvQ879RD4aA+VcQfT9za/D71YRNkhMITgGGkNeOyCEAR+ghk7ETo3JY8Pcgt hQiW9sKhJiT+5xo+sAtz75A9etzba8OSDx0ur0oyvix46o6LQZOL4Q/opG0gF8q+t/9Svjtr32 T+by4PYYiMrEASceHmhEStg= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 391a021f77389e9cf60e022f43cefd443e1a03e55c41f4fdcdafc3ef561136484c2138061a 435e3b2084011fa0864ec44e8dc963c3dc82d850896f6c2a12624fee71a3eb00b73ef903d7 adcdb6bc3920f1d2eaf4a32be2c78ea8e8b41938be10fe8a46d2017cabeb7ff52be3b6bdf6 4fe6f2e0f61888cac401271e1e68444ad8 --------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT AES_CTR192 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT AES_CTR_192_DECR: AES/CTR/NoPadding Decryption 192 bits key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERATED ON: 2012.12.03 14:42:25 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Decryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: CTR - PADDING: NoPadding - INIT. VECTOR (128 bits): 00112233445566778899010203040506 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-3 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN - KEY (192 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f1011121314151617 - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: ORoCH3c4npz2DgIvQ879RD4aA+VcQfT9za/D71YRNkhMITgGGkNeOyCEAR+ghk7ETo3JY8Pcgt hQiW9sKhJiT+5xo+sAtz75A9etzba8OSDx0ur0oyvix46o6LQZOL4Q/opG0gF8q+t/9Svjtr32 T+by4PYYiMrEASceHmhEStg= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 391a021f77389e9cf60e022f43cefd443e1a03e55c41f4fdcdafc3ef561136484c2138061a 435e3b2084011fa0864ec44e8dc963c3dc82d850896f6c2a12624fee71a3eb00b73ef903d7 adcdb6bc3920f1d2eaf4a32be2c78ea8e8b41938be10fe8a46d2017cabeb7ff52be3b6bdf6 4fe6f2e0f61888cac401271e1e68444ad8 - DECRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: f05PEQkb9Rl2wPxx7LzQmFza0hNVScgYwJVngB2KmkLHGaq33Cy1ihC1Bn0UxSyr5rubk557nN OV6vELpqU/0uZEbh5QFEATTgTmYu9+uxyceLvT/Xy53ouYVBi+G0PrtdeQLMtMKZwyXIp8wd6R dPVEvGCCjB7rrUkofKpBCKA= - DECRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 7f4e4f11091bf51976c0fc71ecbcd0985cdad2135549c818c09567801d8a9a42c719aab7dc 2cb58a10b5067d14c52cabe6bb9b939e7b9cd395eaf10ba6a53fd2e6446e1e501440134e04 e662ef7ebb1c9c78bbd3fd7cb9de8b985418be1b43ebb5d7902ccb4c299c325c8a7cc1de91 74f544bc60828c1eebad49287caa4108a0 --------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT AES_CTR_192_DECR --------------------------------------------- A.3.3 CONFIDENTIALITY TEST CASE #7: AES GCM TEST WITH 128-BIT KEY A.3.3.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Please choose the algorithm - possible values are aes128, aes192 or aes256! aes128 Chosen algorithm: aes128 Key_hex: 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f IV_hex: 001122334455667788990102 Reading input data: Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Plaintext_Four.hex) = 128 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Plaintext_Four.hex) = 1 128 Bytes read Input Data: 9eef7c9a0fa3e9a7fcc4b2f9d210a97d6653ded7913f2fb2de825a0dfd78ae1cca68c040f2 328009fffe62937d630ee9d6e0e67bc12c38c0b3d035697d4c2311371aacf41cce0d523016 ee436a47d93af0df77011131856d072c718c310f0995b71530d70a3da881481f46f21dda62 e3e4c898bb9f819b22f816b7c4e2fb6729 Reading additional data: Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/AAD_One.hex) = 128 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/AAD_One.hex) = 1 128 Bytes read Additional Data: 45fa52a0e8321d82caea95bd9506f7331923e2aa95e9238908f3ff30e17a96389dfea75e22 5e34e1605354eaaf999a950f469c6e2e8722da5ad9daded6722baca00e5d1b8e63266ad1b4 2cae161b9c089f4ffdfbbaa2f1fb0245d1a4c306d46e215e8c6c6ae37652a8f6016f92adb7 695d40bde8c202ab9c2d70a96220b4b01b Encrypting data... Encrypted Message: CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-4 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 12eb27cfca2313dc6aefa493366657b38f7fd03b9b52dadf92d2362888800dc83055627871 2c6d1433a121c234c2375b660f6c7872a092b71c63c92f710db74c719dab172dcfd33126ea 74189118fc871f82437ae1ce3f5940bb985bf34050ef271903b8f6c70ed04a7edc767df9c9 787aaa86390f1deb1c212cdc882e18d9a5 Tag_hex: edb704f5cbbee325c68b5d4f5255bfac Writing encrypted message in file: open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/AES128_GCM_Ciphertext.hex) = 1 Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/AES128_GCM_Ciphertext.hex) = 128 Decrypting data... Decrypted Message: 9eef7c9a0fa3e9a7fcc4b2f9d210a97d6653ded7913f2fb2de825a0dfd78ae1cca68c040f2 328009fffe62937d630ee9d6e0e67bc12c38c0b3d035697d4c2311371aacf41cce0d523016 ee436a47d93af0df77011131856d072c718c310f0995b71530d70a3da881481f46f21dda62 e3e4c898bb9f819b22f816b7c4e2fb6729 A.3.3.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST REPORT AES_GCM128_128: AES/GCM/NoPadding Encryption 128 bits key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERATED ON: 2012.04.12 11:00:18 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Encryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: GCM - PADDING: NoPadding - INIT. VECTOR (96 bits): 001122334455667788990102 - KEY (128 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f - ADD. AUTH. DATA (AAD) [BASE64]: RfpSoOgyHYLK6pW9lQb3Mxkj4qqV6SOJCPP/MOF6ljid/qdeIl404WBTVOqvmZqVD0acbi6HIt pa2dre1nIrrKAOXRuOYyZq0bQsrhYbnAifT/37uqLx+wJF0aTDBtRuIV6MbGrjdlKo9gFvkq23 aV1AvejCAqucLXCpYiC0sBs= - ADD. AUTH. DATA (AAD) [HEX]: 45fa52a0e8321d82caea95bd9506f7331923e2aa95e9238908f3ff30e17a96389dfea75e22 5e34e1605354eaaf999a950f469c6e2e8722da5ad9daded6722baca00e5d1b8e63266ad1b4 2cae161b9c089f4ffdfbbaa2f1fb0245d1a4c306d46e215e8c6c6ae37652a8f6016f92adb7 695d40bde8c202ab9c2d70a96220b4b01b - UNENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: nu98mg+j6af8xLL50hCpfWZT3teRPy+y3oJaDf14rhzKaMBA8jKACf/+YpN9Yw7p1uDme8EsOM Cz0DVpfUwjETcarPQczg1SMBbuQ2pH2Trw33cBETGFbQcscYwxDwmVtxUw1wo9qIFIH0byHdpi 4+TImLufgZsi+Ba3xOL7Zyk= - UNENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 9eef7c9a0fa3e9a7fcc4b2f9d210a97d6653ded7913f2fb2de825a0dfd78ae1cca68c040f2 328009fffe62937d630ee9d6e0e67bc12c38c0b3d035697d4c2311371aacf41cce0d523016 ee436a47d93af0df77011131856d072c718c310f0995b71530d70a3da881481f46f21dda62 e3e4c898bb9f819b22f816b7c4e2fb6729 - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: Eusnz8ojE9xq76STNmZXs49/0DubUtrfktI2KIiADcgwVWJ4cSxtFDOhIcI0wjdbZg9seHKgkr ccY8kvcQ23THGdqxctz9MxJup0GJEY/IcfgkN64c4/WUC7mFvzQFDvJxkDuPbHDtBKftx2ffnJ eHqqhjkPHescISzciC4Y2aU= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 12eb27cfca2313dc6aefa493366657b38f7fd03b9b52dadf92d2362888800dc83055627871 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-5 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN 2c6d1433a121c234c2375b660f6c7872a092b71c63c92f710db74c719dab172dcfd33126ea 74189118fc871f82437ae1ce3f5940bb985bf34050ef271903b8f6c70ed04a7edc767df9c9 787aaa86390f1deb1c212cdc882e18d9a5 - AUTH. TAG (128 bits) [BASE64]: 7bcE9cu+4yXGi11PUlW/rA== - AUTH. TAG (128 bits) [HEX]: edb704f5cbbee325c68b5d4f5255bfac ------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT AES_GCM128_128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT aes_gcm_128_decr: AES/GCM/NoPadding Decryption 128 bits key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERATED ON: 2012.10.11 14:22:31 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Decryption - ALGORITHM: AES - MODE: GCM - PADDING: NoPadding - INIT. VECTOR (96 bits): 001122334455667788990102 - KEY (128 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f - ADD. AUTH. DATA (AAD) [BASE64]: RfpSoOgyHYLK6pW9lQb3Mxkj4qqV6SOJCPP/MOF6ljid/qdeIl404WBTVOqvmZqVD0acbi6HIt pa2dre1nIrrKAOXRuOYyZq0bQsrhYbnAifT/37uqLx+wJF0aTDBtRuIV6MbGrjdlKo9gFvkq23 aV1AvejCAqucLXCpYiC0sBs= - ADD. AUTH. DATA (AAD) [HEX]: 45fa52a0e8321d82caea95bd9506f7331923e2aa95e9238908f3ff30e17a96389dfea75e22 5e34e1605354eaaf999a950f469c6e2e8722da5ad9daded6722baca00e5d1b8e63266ad1b4 2cae161b9c089f4ffdfbbaa2f1fb0245d1a4c306d46e215e8c6c6ae37652a8f6016f92adb7 695d40bde8c202ab9c2d70a96220b4b01b - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: Eusnz8ojE9xq76STNmZXs49/0DubUtrfktI2KIiADcgwVWJ4cSxtFDOhIcI0wjdbZg9seHKgkr ccY8kvcQ23THGdqxctz9MxJup0GJEY/IcfgkN64c4/WUC7mFvzQFDvJxkDuPbHDtBKftx2ffnJ eHqqhjkPHescISzciC4Y2aU= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 12eb27cfca2313dc6aefa493366657b38f7fd03b9b52dadf92d2362888800dc83055627871 2c6d1433a121c234c2375b660f6c7872a092b71c63c92f710db74c719dab172dcfd33126ea 74189118fc871f82437ae1ce3f5940bb985bf34050ef271903b8f6c70ed04a7edc767df9c9 787aaa86390f1deb1c212cdc882e18d9a5 - DECRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: nu98mg+j6af8xLL50hCpfWZT3teRPy+y3oJaDf14rhzKaMBA8jKACf/+YpN9Yw7p1uDme8EsOM Cz0DVpfUwjETcarPQczg1SMBbuQ2pH2Trw33cBETGFbQcscYwxDwmVtxUw1wo9qIFIH0byHdpi 4+TImLufgZsi+Ba3xOL7Zyk= - DECRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 9eef7c9a0fa3e9a7fcc4b2f9d210a97d6653ded7913f2fb2de825a0dfd78ae1cca68c040f2 328009fffe62937d630ee9d6e0e67bc12c38c0b3d035697d4c2311371aacf41cce0d523016 ee436a47d93af0df77011131856d072c718c310f0995b71530d70a3da881481f46f21dda62 e3e4c898bb9f819b22f816b7c4e2fb6729 - AUTH. TAG (128 bits) [BASE64]: 7bcE9cu+4yXGi11PUlW/rA== - AUTH. TAG (128 bits) [HEX]: edb704f5cbbee325c68b5d4f5255bfac --------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT aes_gcm_128_decr --------------------------------------------- CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-6 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN A.4 EXAMPLES FOR AUTHENTICATION TESTING A.4.1 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #1: HMAC TEST WITH SHA-256 A.4.1.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Key_hex: 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F Text: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow MAC: bdb295ba36fe5aebc553834daad212556d909cda2515ff794376cd61f16b9073 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/HMAC.hex) = 1 Length(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/HMAC.hex) = 32 MAC has been written in file successfully! A.4.1.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 ---------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT HMAC: HMac-SHA256 256 bits key ---------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2012.03.28 18:01:29 - PROVIDER: BC - ALGORITHM: HMac-SHA256 - KEY (256 BITS): 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: TWFyeSBoYWQgYSBsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiB3aG9zZSBmbGVlY2Ugd2FzIHdoaXRlIGFzIHNub3c= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 4d617279206861642061206c6974746c65206c616d622077686f736520666c656563652077 617320776869746520617320736e6f77 - ENCRYPTED MSG [ASCII]: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow - MAC [BASE64]: vbKVujb+WuvFU4NNqtISVW2QnNolFf95Q3bNYfFrkHM= - MAC [HEX]: bdb295ba36fe5aebc553834daad212556d909cda2515ff794376cd61f16b9073 --------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT HMAC --------------------------------- A.4.2 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #2: CMAC TEST WITH AES 128-BIT KEY A.4.2.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Please chose the keysize! 128 Chosen keysize: 128 Key_hex: 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c Input data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow Tag_hex: a077d45177b7dde98328691b23bb6ec0 A.4.2.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-7 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN ---------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT CMAC_128: AESCMAC 128 bits key ---------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2012.03.28 17:45:26 - PROVIDER: BC - ALGORITHM: AESCMAC - KEY (128 BITS): 2b7e151628aed2a6abf7158809cf4f3c - ENCRYPTED MSG [BASE64]: TWFyeSBoYWQgYSBsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiB3aG9zZSBmbGVlY2Ugd2FzIHdoaXRlIGFzIHNub3c= - ENCRYPTED MSG [HEX]: 4d617279206861642061206c6974746c65206c616d622077686f736520666c656563652077 617320776869746520617320736e6f77 - ENCRYPTED MSG [ASCII]: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow - MAC [BASE64]: oHfUUXe33emDKGkbI7tuwA== - MAC [HEX]: a077d45177b7dde98328691b23bb6ec0 ------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT CMAC_128 ------------------------------------- A.4.3 AUTHENTICATION TEST CASE #5: DIGITAL SIGNATURE A.4.3.1 IMPLEMENTATION #1 richter@rbod099:~/Algorithms_Tests_final/Skripte> ./ Input Data: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow Read in of Private Key: Length(/home/richter/lse-sec/keys/id_rsa) = 1675 open(/home/richter/lse-sec/keys/id_rsa) = 1 1675 Bits read private key is: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----MIIEowIBAAKCAQEA3eb6s4qHKZyBhCDxilBxgOO8fCHCc29HC8M9Wh+FfA2h3O2x lGc+qTAcf+hJHVp6/IWtEuPqxOVT1cMADhzFFH/iYGhz1Jk+as3KgVXVpTADaniW gNTPHhRe4XVJpO8XPqAHhozLCCQN5lgmb4r0JU9qsiwjv4CE4s16kp742yUbid8V YyzB/aWWKi/CLOFMNDGhh4K36YXWtSatnq0qEkEV1Bmxt7/zDgJH6HmomT3+t9BL OVvFa0EAMl1A32QwBaVnkB+B6R7/WlsKnSDMg2oRwRhU/Gl2+LXyuuBvT7jQC3ac 4jbFkB6Uie/90YS3H4mKx3N8CqC7HEwlRCiDFQIDAQABAoIBAFn1z0NEcOFswpEX bfTeAfX33a0RXqy/uzTIlTHZP5t4R1uyvWBlruCWUaeFO0b8LIn9g5n57m6ebitm H7qY7UkPQ25ESlkxOz2/ak6exrtuSKQ8eP+HxuPx7DlI/G8yQuEvrX1dzN3jCAOP Tx2/XpVVqfLLtD5p0vXDyeJxMoBcvEMecUjoFwmGmGUvzXwoHotheGqY+vtyKUSl qA2KMsS7N5QJPOsvgDXjoXt9OBAVGBTExoZ5lNO4rUfkNSFYXHdvUwlQfKBNVcG8 1eigQu5rcuiOMd22ICCJ1w4I9w12CtN3Ff6wmOs7WA4S8VNK1srHzM6qrRulPXSG 0xrmKk0CgYEA/NulAkx6GgUfhXTciWk5uX0o5+VYsVXRpydZRKA3XN0lCxhdLNw6 DOM7xJoPfj9/vjypnQFB6cJ+qR1heVe6WxwPjBxdRI1dC35JIEef6VVv3wQ1piVU qvsGc6/ePIjjdGZsIY9fsBubU948cVAEUlDg7Hlw/yYIvz8kpwrZ6u8CgYEA4Kjc 40ZmCW95ka3CbP9gvzmmYTM6sGx6KjBcLdnGtMXmL/O4HbegpwhtWp/9bQYbezqO uDViARHzzsaTktRHSxxJzSWyvyhOOPkOjlngUdCn6N+ogrsP2IoSb3HWEWBtvMD+ Z38PeSmpyn/e1huKERl7Ca0HPX/QmY6pmhd+gjsCgYEA9tDjcan66Zkkmp1mg86t CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-8 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN pOyR2EHbYEZXviS/kygcwk2u0fS3Rom1NE0+Uvrasq4C4EvQeEv47deG0Ua3lb1X T4XFe0tYkwi10Pk1IggoBJf7+iHeyE3aJoefVZ9Oe6JW+5DabavIiFt6M9RTBXxI q5z84HbuIHAcy6kz+sWxzwsCgYAkWo7r5B9s1XIZpcF5e9W+++g1gGG13Mfj/dFc xgnGhOObzNd1T5qajN2NNah/tOZLiY1At7q1K5+FTVLiBqHGwLwci0YicrY9t+eo F1kaRCZ3o4GULgsBYk5bZFNcmnsHeT9xpfjuBVTpZMm9YdV0sOfdB/fM9trdjl1Z hwW8swKBgFeWIB8qjgj7pzP/bGO2JxNyXndwuSOyc5xmcK1heECUGrFwl3AIrAaf 40Ntb6VigHwWSvAUJQdvSLwtOCfAPHmDqbHXwNyxtoEUnl+NNDR/vgZf97D6wMBk mlmpn6g+YGD1kzYTxNLrAEC+JjQuoZe5a8nzu7ImMb3/fNtoewVn -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----Read in of Public Key: Length(/home/richter/lse-sec/keys/ = 451 open(/home/richter/lse-sec/keys/ = 1 451 Bits read public key is: -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----MIIBCgKCAQEA3eb6s4qHKZyBhCDxilBxgOO8fCHCc29HC8M9Wh+FfA2h3O2xlGc+ qTAcf+hJHVp6/IWtEuPqxOVT1cMADhzFFH/iYGhz1Jk+as3KgVXVpTADaniWgNTP HhRe4XVJpO8XPqAHhozLCCQN5lgmb4r0JU9qsiwjv4CE4s16kp742yUbid8VYyzB /aWWKi/CLOFMNDGhh4K36YXWtSatnq0qEkEV1Bmxt7/zDgJH6HmomT3+t9BLOVvF a0EAMl1A32QwBaVnkB+B6R7/WlsKnSDMg2oRwRhU/Gl2+LXyuuBvT7jQC3ac4jbF kB6Uie/90YS3H4mKx3N8CqC7HEwlRCiDFQIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----Please choose a hash function - possible values are sha256 or sha512! sha256 Signing the data... Writing Signature in file. open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Signature_sha256.hex) = 1 Length in Bytes(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Signature_sha256.hex) = 256 Please enter the path to file containing the signature you want to verify! /home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Signature_sha256.hex Length in Bytes(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Signature_sha256.hex) = 256 open(/home/richter/Algorithms_Tests_final/Signature_sha256.hex) = 1 Verifying Signature... Signed correctly! A.4.3.2 IMPLEMENTATION #2 ------------------------------------------------------ TEST REPORT: RSA_SHA256_SIGN: RSA Encryption ------------------------------------------------------ GENERATED ON: 2013.01.22 11:06:04 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Encryption - ALGORITHM: RSA - USAGE: Authentication - PRIVATE KEY: **** Secret **** - SIGNATURE (SHA256 with RSA Encryption) [BASE64]: ocI9oyuF5efXrJWeUGZlXZJ82ncjTDkDZpaGHhEy6EHcb/iUeDm/iwCRPd8g+Kzdg/vDwc9FQl QXF5qHpaPXFI46l5Tj6QN70uulWqVWECbPw1dRyNDkCikpYabX6bvKhsiHWR4igFgoEMqMjxGl LLRb/YGz2CpCbPq7K2eDArfTX4eEeCd1OpGWXdXzlfkptL+CgWysdNzDlQPwED/Hieiebs4dGM CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-9 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN X7xStYGFiVzEZ+RRTOI0ax2HrBHoKb4ztkow7NJqnxe4fF50M2ygqjGeVdfD9M5LpX9YE15zga JiFKt8sEsMlWE5lym/voec15WGUKNb3Wur2Q2BWXBKL7dw== - SIGNATURE (SHA256 with RSA Encryption) [HEX]: a1c23da32b85e5e7d7ac959e5066655d927cda77234c39036696861e1132e841dc6ff89478 39bf8b00913ddf20f8acdd83fbc3c1cf45425417179a87a5a3d7148e3a9794e3e9037bd2eb a55aa5561026cfc35751c8d0e40a292961a6d7e9bbca86c887591e2280582810ca8c8f11a5 2cb45bfd81b3d82a426cfabb2b678302b7d35f87847827753a91965dd5f395f929b4bf8281 6cac74dcc39503f0103fc789e89e6ece1d18c5fbc52b58185895cc467e4514ce2346b1d87a c11e829be33b64a30ecd26a9f17b87c5e74336ca0aa319e55d7c3f4ce4ba57f58135e7381a 26214ab7cb04b0c9561399729bfbe879cd7958650a35bdd6babd90d8159704a2fb77 - INPUT MSG [BASE64]: TWFyeSBoYWQgYSBsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiB3aG9zZSBmbGVlY2Ugd2FzIHdoaXRlIGFzIHNub3c= - INPUT MSG [HEX]: 4d617279206861642061206c6974746c65206c616d622077686f736520666c656563652077 617320776869746520617320736e6f77 - INPUT MSG [ASCII]: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow --------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT: RSA_SHA256_SIGN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST REPORT: RSA_SHA256_VER: RSA Decryption ----------------------------------------------------- GENERATED ON: 2013.01.22 11:07:30 - PROVIDER: BC - OPMODE: Decryption - ALGORITHM: RSA - USAGE: Authentication - PUBLIC KEY: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA3eb6s4qHKZyBhCDxilBx gOO8fCHCc29HC8M9Wh+FfA2h3O2xlGc+qTAcf+hJHVp6/IWtEuPqxOVT1cMADhzF FH/iYGhz1Jk+as3KgVXVpTADaniWgNTPHhRe4XVJpO8XPqAHhozLCCQN5lgmb4r0 JU9qsiwjv4CE4s16kp742yUbid8VYyzB/aWWKi/CLOFMNDGhh4K36YXWtSatnq0q EkEV1Bmxt7/zDgJH6HmomT3+t9BLOVvFa0EAMl1A32QwBaVnkB+B6R7/WlsKnSDM g2oRwRhU/Gl2+LXyuuBvT7jQC3ac4jbFkB6Uie/90YS3H4mKx3N8CqC7HEwlRCiD FQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- SIGNATURE (SHA256 with RSA Encryption) [BASE64]: ocI9oyuF5efXrJWeUGZlXZJ82ncjTDkDZpaGHhEy6EHcb/iUeDm/iwCRPd8g+Kzdg/vDwc9FQl QXF5qHpaPXFI46l5Tj6QN70uulWqVWECbPw1dRyNDkCikpYabX6bvKhsiHWR4igFgoEMqMjxGl LLRb/YGz2CpCbPq7K2eDArfTX4eEeCd1OpGWXdXzlfkptL+CgWysdNzDlQPwED/Hieiebs4dGM X7xStYGFiVzEZ+RRTOI0ax2HrBHoKb4ztkow7NJqnxe4fF50M2ygqjGeVdfD9M5LpX9YE15zga JiFKt8sEsMlWE5lym/voec15WGUKNb3Wur2Q2BWXBKL7dw== - SIGNATURE (SHA256 with RSA Encryption) [HEX]: a1c23da32b85e5e7d7ac959e5066655d927cda77234c39036696861e1132e841dc6ff89478 39bf8b00913ddf20f8acdd83fbc3c1cf45425417179a87a5a3d7148e3a9794e3e9037bd2eb a55aa5561026cfc35751c8d0e40a292961a6d7e9bbca86c887591e2280582810ca8c8f11a5 2cb45bfd81b3d82a426cfabb2b678302b7d35f87847827753a91965dd5f395f929b4bf8281 6cac74dcc39503f0103fc789e89e6ece1d18c5fbc52b58185895cc467e4514ce2346b1d87a c11e829be33b64a30ecd26a9f17b87c5e74336ca0aa319e55d7c3f4ce4ba57f58135e7381a 26214ab7cb04b0c9561399729bfbe879cd7958650a35bdd6babd90d8159704a2fb77 - SIGNATURE VER.: >>>>> SUCCESSFUL <<<<< - INPUT MSG [BASE64]: TWFyeSBoYWQgYSBsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiB3aG9zZSBmbGVlY2Ugd2FzIHdoaXRlIGFzIHNub3c= CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-10 Nov 2012 DRAFT CCSDS RECORD CONCERNING CCSDS CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS TEST PLAN - INPUT MSG [HEX]: 4d617279206861642061206c6974746c65206c616d622077686f736520666c656563652077 617320776869746520617320736e6f77 - INPUT MSG [ASCII]: Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow -------------------------------------------- END OF TEST REPORT: RSA_SHA256_VER -------------------------------------------- CCSDS 352.1-Y-1 Page A-11 Nov 2012