Formations of Solutions Guide

Formation of Solutions Guide
Dissolving into Solution
Solutions, liquids and1 _______ can be part of a solution. A substance whose
particles are dissolved in solution is called a 2_____________.
The substance that dissolves a solute is called a 3 _______________.
What is the solvent in seawater? 4 ___________
What is the solute in the air we breathe? 5 __________
What is the solvent in the air we breathe? 6___________
A solute will take on the same state of matter as the solvent.
Salt is a 7_________ but it becomes a liquid when it is dissolved in the
solvent, water.
Dispersion is the 14___________ apart into smaller pieces and the spreading
of those pieces throughout the solution.
Sugar and Water are 15___________ molecules.
Water molecules constantly 16__________ with the surface of the sugar
crystal. 17____________________ form between the water and the sugar
molecules. When enough water molecules surround the sugar crystal, it breaks
free and is pulled into 18____________ by the water molecules. This exposes
another layer of the sugar crystals and the process is repeated.
Ionization of Molecular Compounds
The dissolving of HCl in water is an example of
ionization. Each hydrogen proton combines with
water to form a 19_______________ ion (H3O+) and
a Cl- ion. The process in which neutral molecules
gain or lose electrons and form charged atoms called
20_______, is known as 21______________. This is
the only dissolving process that is a 22__________
Raising the Boiling Point
Ethylene glycol, C2H6O2 added to water is used as a
32___________ in most car radiators. It prevents the
engine from overheating by raising the boiling point.
It also 33__________ the freezing point of water so
that the coolant does not freeze during spells of cold
Heat of Solution
Breaking the attractions between a solute’s particles
and also between the particles of the solvent requires
energy so it is an 34____________ process.
The formation of new attractions between the solute
and the solvent releases energy so it is an
35________________ process.
It is the difference in energy between these two
processes that is called the 36_________ of solution.
The Bends
What dissolves in the blood and tissues of a diver because of the
pressure as he/she descends? 8 _________________
Why is the bends so painful? 9______________________
Dissolving in Water
What are the three ways in which things dissolve in water?
The attractions holding together the solute and also those of the
solvent must be overcome so that they will become attracted to
Why is a polar molecule attracted to ions (charged atoms)?
The process by which water molecules pull apart the ions of a
solute is called 13__________________________ .
Properties of Liquid Solutions
A solution can differ from its solute or its 23___________ in three physical
properties, conductivity, freezing and 24_____________ points.
Solid sodium chloride does not conduct electricity but in a solution of sodium
chloride and water, it does connect electricity well.
Hydrogen chloride gas does not conduct electricity but dissolved in water it does
conduct 25____________ well.
Lowering the Freezing Point
Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) is used for 26 ____________ streets during snowy winter
weather. It dissociates into 27______ and 28________ ions. In order for ice to form, water
molecules arrange themselves in a 29_____________ structures. Freezing point is lowered
by Mg and Cl ions dissolving in water interfering and disrupting the formation of
30____________________. It can lower the freezing point of water as low as 31_________.
An Exothermic Process
What happen when sodium hydroxide dissolves in water?
_____________________. This energy is released when new 38_____________
form. How much is its heat of solution? 39_________. In the whole this is an
exothermic reaction because more energy is released than what is needed to
___________ the attractions between solute and solvent.
Why Cold Packs? An Endothermic Solution
Solid ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) powder is in the outer bag of a
_______________. What is in the inner bag? 42__________
Would it require more energy to break the original attractions than it did to form
new attractions? 43_________
A cold pack removes 44__________ from the energy and decreases the size of
capillaries. It reduces 45__________ and 46_____________.