Model Safety Policy Novemeber 2015 - An Introduction

Environment and Community Services  Health and Safety Team  Carlisle East Community Fire Station
Eastern Way  Carlisle  CA1 3RA
T: 01228 221616  F: 01228 226291  E:
FAO Headteachers and Governors
Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools
2 November 2015
Dear Sir or Madam
New Model Health and Safety Policy for Schools
As you know, all schools are required to have an up-to-date Health and Safety Policy in place. We have
revised the models currently provided via the portal and are pleased to introduce a brand new model Policy
document. The documents have been revised following feedback from schools gathered directly and also
through our training and audit programmes. Many of you reported that you found the previous versions far
too long, making them difficult to read, review and communicate. We therefore hope that you find the new
version an improvement. Where relevant we have provided links to the locations of additional procedures
and guidance rather than include this within the model.
This has been primarily written for schools where Cumbria County Council is the ‘Employer’ but other types
of schools may choose to adapt/tailor it to suit. It replaces all previous versions and comes in two parts:
A Health and Safety Policy Statement (part 1) to be adopted by all community and voluntary
controlled schools. The new format allows you to display it as an A3 poster version and as a A4
handout (2 pages).
Health and Safety Policy Arrangements (part 2) which can be tailored to suit your own
arrangements. This section of your policy supports your statement and contains the main detail of
specific safety arrangements. Any sections that do not apply to your school can be omitted, e.g.
ionising radiation, swimming pools etc.
You do not have to adopt this format immediately but you should use the new format when your existing
policy is due its review.
Your staff must be familiarised with both parts of your new policy and they should sign the declaration of
acceptance to say they have read and understood them and that they are aware of where to find supporting
information, support and advice. (The declaration and list of supporting information are now provided as
appendices) You can access all the new models on the portal
School’s Portal – Reference Library (all documents) – Health and Safety – Model Policies
Overall responsibility for health and safety in schools rests with the ‘employer’. Who the employer is
depends upon the type of school. Cumbria County Council as the ‘Employer’ in Community and Voluntary
Controlled schools makes particular reference within this model document to its own policies, procedures
and guidance. The County Council has appointed its Corporate Health and Safety Team as the ‘competent’
person, to offer a free and comprehensive health and safety support service to all levels of staff in this
school. Therefore the Council does not recognise or endorse any alternative safety policies, guidance,
procedures or instructions that may be provided to these schools by external consultants, unless they have
been specifically instructed to act on the Council’s behalf.
Should you require any support or advice in relation to revising your school’s health and safety policy or on
the wider arrangements that help implement it, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01228 221616 or
Yours faithfully
Julian Stainton
Senior Manager – Health and Safety