Kinetic Analysis of Catechol Oxidation by Catechol Oxidase from Apples Jason Freischlag 2/29/14 Chem 403 Dr. Porter Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to use rates of reactions to determine which apple would make the best fruit salad. This is possible by examining the oxidation of catechol which is responsible for the browning of apples. Catechol oxidase was used to accelerate the oxidation of catechol into 1,2-benzoquinone. The Vmax for granny smith was found to be 2.78 x 10-8 (M/s), the Vmax for red delicious was found to be 3.95 x 10-8 (M/s). The Vmax for golden delicious was found to be 5.59 x 10-8 (M/s). The Kmax for granny smith was 0.0007386 M, The Kmax for red delicious was 0.0009988 M, and the The Kmax for golden delicious was 0.0055163 M. This data suggests that granny smith apples have the lowest maximum rate of reaction and therefore would be the best apple for a fruit salad. Introduction Quinones are a class of organic compounds that are defined by their aromatic structure and oxygen functional groups as can be seen in figure 1. Figure 1. 1,4-benzoquinone, or simply quinone Quinones are produced in apples only when the apple is damaged or the skin is removed and the inside is exposed to oxygen. It is this characteristic of quinones that have led many to believe they may have antibiotic properties.1 Catechol Oxidase is an enzyme that accelerates the reaction between oxygen and hydroxylated benzenes to produce quinones and water.2 The oxidation of catechol, a hydroxylated benzene, to form 1,2-benzoquinone and water will be used to examine the effect of enzyme concentration on reaction rate. This oxidation reaction can be seen in figure 2. Figure 2. Oxidation of Catechol to 1,2-benzoquinone Enzyme catalyzed reactions can be described using the Michaelis-Menten mechanism seen in equation 1. πΈ + π ↔ [πΈπ] → πΈ + π In this experiment the enzyme, E, is catechol oxidase from various apples; the substrate, S, is catechol; and the product, P, is 1,2-benzoquinone. This relationship will be used to study the 1) relationship between reaction rate and concentration by using ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy to determine concentration from absorbance at 540 nm where only quinone absorbs light. Experimental A stock solution of the substrate was created with catechol in water at a concentration of 500 mg/L. Catechol oxidase solutions were prepared by peeling and coring a granny smith apple, a golden delicious apple, and a red delicious apple separately. The flesh from each apple was blended with ice water and the juice was extracted, equipped to bubble nitrogen, and stored on ice to prevent premature browning. Samples were created by mixing 0.50 mL of catechol oxidase solution with a range of substrate catechol solution decreasing from 2mL to 0mL in equal portions. Each of these nine solutions was then diluted to 2.5 mL and absorbance vs. time spectra were collected using a Vernier Lab Quest Spectrometer. The spectrometer was set to measure absorbance at 540 nm every 1 second for 400 seconds. A tenth solution was created using no enzyme, 2 mL of substrate, and 0.50 mL water which represents the rate of the reaction with no enzyme present. Trials 9 and 10 were used to standardize the results by subtracting 9 and 10 from each other trial. Table 1 shows the makeup of each solution in table form. Table 1. Composition of each solution Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vol E (mL) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 Vol S (mL) 2 1.75 1.5 1.25 1 0.75 0.5 0.25 0 2 Vol H2O (mL) 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 0.5 Results and Discussion Beer’s law, found in equation 1, is useful for determining the concentration of a substance given the absorbance, molar absorptivity, and pathlength. π΄ =∈ π΅πΆ 2) where A is absorbance, ∈ is molar absorptivity, B is pathlength, and C is concentration. Beer’s Law was used to solve for concentrations using the absorbance data obtained at 540 nm and given a specific path length of 1cm and a molar absorptivity of 1.03 x 104 L mol-1. These concentrations were Concentration [M] plotted against time to yield the spectra below in figures 3, 4, and 5. 0.00004 0.000035 0.00003 0.000025 0.00002 0.000015 0.00001 0.000005 0 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Trial 6 0 45 89 134 179 Trial 7 Trial 8 Time (s) Figure 3. Spectra of all solutions at 540 nm for red delicious apple Concentration [M] 0.000025 Trial 1 Trial 2 0.00002 Trial 3 0.000015 Trial 4 Trial 5 0.00001 Trial 6 0.000005 Trial 7 Trial 8 0 0 42 84 126 168 Time (s) Figure 4. Spectra of all solutions at 540 nm for golden delicious apple Trial 9 Trial 10 0.00006 Trial 1 0.00005 Trial 2 Concentration [M] Trial 3 0.00004 Trial 4 Trial 5 0.00003 Trial 6 0.00002 Trial 7 Trial 8 0.00001 Trial 9 0 0 37 74 111 Time (s) 148 185 Trial 10 Figure 5. Spectra of all solutions at 540 nm for granny smith apples. The slope of these lines gives the rate of reaction for each concentration of each apple. Figure 6 below shows the dependence of rate on substrate concentration for each apple. 4.5E-08 4E-08 Rate mol L-1 S-1 3.5E-08 3E-08 2.5E-08 Granny Smith 2E-08 Red Delicious 1.5E-08 Golden Delicious 1E-08 5E-09 0 -5E-09 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 [Substrate] [M] 0.004 Figure 6. Comparison of rate to substrate concentration for each apple Michaelis-Menten kinetics predicts that the rate of a reaction can be described using equation 2 below ππ = ππ ∗[π] πΎπ +[π] 2) where Vo equals the rate found from the slopes of fig 4 and the similar graphs, Vm is the maximum rate the reaction can achieve, Km is the substrate concentration at which the reaction rate is Vm/2, and [S] is substrate concentration. This model yields figures 7, 8, and 9, which is the Mechaelis- V0 [M/s] Menten plot of each apple showing what Vo approaches at high concentrations. 0.000014 0.000012 0.00001 0.000008 0.000006 0.000004 0.000002 0 0 5 10 15 20 Substrate Concentration [M] Figure 7. Golden Delicious Michaelis-Menten 0.000025 0.00002 V0 [M/s] 0.000015 0.00001 0.000005 0 0 5 10 15 20 Substrate Concentration [M] Figure 8. Red Delicious Michaelis-Menten V0 [M/s] 0.00002 0.000015 0.00001 0.000005 0 0 5 10 15 Substrate Concentration [M] Figure 9. Granny Smith Michaelis-Menten 20 A Lineweaver-Burke plot plots 1/rate vs. 1/[S] for a variety of substrate concentrations with a constant enzyme concentration. This is done by linearizing equation 2 into equation 3. 1 ππ = πΎπ ππ 1 ∗ [π] + 1 ππ 3) The intercept of this graph can be used to solve for Vm of each apple and the slope can then in turn be used to determine the Km. The Lineweaver-Burke plot for each apple can be seen below in figures 10 11 and 12. 250000000 1/V0 [s/M] 200000000 150000000 100000000 (1/V0) = 98681(1/[s]) + 2E+07 50000000 0 0 1000 2000 1/[S] (M-1) 3000 Figure 10. Lineweaver-Burke for golden delicious 1/V0 [s/M] 100000000 80000000 60000000 40000000 1/V0 = 25261(1/[s]) + 3E+07 20000000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 1/[S] (M-1) Figure 11. Lineweaver-Burke for red delicious 80000000 1/V0 [s/M] 60000000 40000000 1/V0 = 26582(1/[s]) + 4E+07 20000000 0 0 500 1000 1/[S] (M-1) Figure 12. Lineweaver-Burke for granny smith 1500 The data obtained from the Lineweaver-Burke plots can be seen more clearly in table 2 below. Notice also the slopes and intercepts in the table are more precise than the values on the graphs because Microsoft Excel rounds the graphical values. Table 2. Calculated Values intercept Granny Smith 35990000 Red Delicious 25290000 Golden Delicious 17890000 calc Vm (M/s) slope 2.77E-08 26500 3.95E-08 25300 5.59E-08 98600 cal Km [S] 0.0007386 0.0009988 0.0055163 Since the maximum rate for granny smith is the lowest among the calculated values it follows that the granny smith apple would brown the slowest and therefore would be the best apple for a fruit salad. Conclusion The Vmax for granny smith was found to be 2.78 x 10-8 (M/s), the Vmax for red delicious was found to be 3.95 x 10-8 (M/s). The Vmax for golden delicious was found to be 5.59 x 10-8 (M/s). The Kmax for granny smith was 0.0007386 M, The Kmax for red delicious was 0.0009988 M, and the Kmax for golden delicious was 0.0055163 M. From this data it can be seen that the granny smith is the best for a fruit salad because both the Vmax and Kmax are lowest for granny smith. References 1. Huisman, H. O. (1950), Investigations on quinones and quinone-derivatives ). Preparation and antibiotic properties of some substituted p-benzo-and p-toluquinones, hydroquinones and hydroquinone diesters. Recl. Trav. Chim. Pays-Bas, 69: 1133–1156. doi: 10.1002/recl.19500690909 2. Laboratory Handout. “Which apple would be best for a Fruit Salad?” CHEM 403. Spring 2014.