Part I: Multiple Choice

Tech Support 110
Quiz Review
Part I: Multiple Choice
1. It wasn’t until the __________ that computers entered our homes and really
made an impact on the average person’s life.
a. 60s
b. 70s
c. 80s
d. 90s
2. George Stibitz invented a machine called the CNC and performed the first
remote-access computing demonstration on it in 1940. What does CNC
stand for?
a. Common number computer
b. Complex number calculator
3. In 1943, computer engineers at MIT embarked on an eight-year project to
design a flight simulator for the U.S. Navy. What was the project called?
a. Soaring Eagle
b. Whirlwind
c. Flying Aces
d. Tornado
4. The Whirlwind debuted on this TV show hosted by Edward R. Murrow.
a. Nova
b. See it Now
c. That’s Incredible!
d. Discovery Channel
5. How much floor space did the ENIAC computer, unveiled in 1946, take up?
a. 500 square feet
b. 1,000 square feet
c. 5,000 square feet
d. 10,000 square feet
6. What was the first commercial produced computer?
a. Zuse Z3
b. ERA 1101
d. Harvard Mark I
7. This computer, which was used at the U.S. Census Bureau, was the first wellknown commercial computer.
b. Sinclair VX80
c. American Supercomputer
8. CBS News used a UNIVAC computer on November 4, 1952, to predict the
outcome of this presidential race.
a. Franklin D. Roosevelt vs. Wendell Willkie
b. Dwight D. Eisenhower vs. Adlai Stevenson
c. Harry S. Truman vs. Thomas E. Dewey
9. Which of the games below made its debut first?
a. Galaga
b. SpaceWar!
c. Pong
d. Paperboy
10. Two professors at this college developed the BASIC programming language
in 1964.
a. Stanford
b. MIT
c. Dartmouth
d. Harvard
11. In what year was the first e-mail sent?
a. 1965
b. 1971
c. 1982
12. Who designed the Apple I?
a. Bill Gates
b. Steve Jobs
c. Steve Wozniak
13. What video game did the Apple II come with?
a. Space Invaders
b. Pac-man
c. Breakout
d. Pong
14. What was the first portable computer?
a. Irving II
b. Sanders I
c. Parker II
d. Osborne I
15. What’s the best-selling computer model of all time?
a. Apple I
b. Apple II
c. Commodore 64
d. Apple Macintosh
16. This computer language, which controlled a mechanical ‘turtle,’ was
developed for children.
a. Linux
c. Java
d. Pascal
17. Microsoft distributed 450,000 disks of this new product in the November 1983
issue of ‘PC World’ magazine.
a. PowerPoint
b. Excel
c. Word
18. What was the first computer with graphical user interface?
a. Commodore PET
b. Amstrad CPC 464
c. Apple Lisa
d. Tandy Color Computer 3
19. Who designed the Linux operating system?
a. Liam Nuxhall
b. Linus Stromberg
c. Linus Torvalds
d. Lionel Robards
20. This groundbreaking ultraviolent computer game was released in 1993.
a. Doom
b. Halo
c. Counter-Strike
21. What was the original name of Yahoo when the company was founded in
a. Find it Now!
b. Search This
c. Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web
d. Go Get It