Article I. Purpose

Knights of Columbus
College Council
Bylaws addition to the Constitution
Provisions and additional amendments to this constitution shall not be in conflict with the
Supreme and State Knights of Columbus Constitution or bylaws.
Article I. Purpose
The goal of Loras College Council #9224 is to gather together as Catholic gentlemen
and provide service to our college, church, and local community, through acts of Charity,
Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Article II. Meetings (Regular, Special, Quorum)
Section 1: Meetings will be held biweekly and at other times as deemed necessary. The
first meeting will be determined by the officers of the council. Meetings may be canceled
or rescheduled by a majority vote of all Knights present in a quorum at a given meeting.
Section 2: In the month of April, the Installation of New Officers shall be held in
conjunction with the regular business meeting, at which time new officers will be elected.
Immediately following the election of officers the installation ceremony will commence,
and the newly elected officers will act out their duties in the regular business meeting.
Section 3: Special meetings may be called at any time by the Grand Knight. Also, any 5
Knights may request a special meeting through any officer, in writing. In all cases,
special meetings shall be limited to the stated purpose, which must be communicated in
advance to all knights.
Section 4: 2/3 of Knights in Good Standing will be deemed a quorum. At any regular or
special meeting in order for official business to be conducted there must be a quorum of
knights. A majority vote from the Knights present is needed to approve any business not
otherwise specified in the Bylaws herein.
Section 5: A majority of Knights shall be present at any regular, special, or event
meeting before the election of officers or amendments to this constitution can
Section 6: Each Knight shall have one vote in all matters, if they have their dues paid.
Article III. Elections and Officer’s Duties
Section 1: In April the majority of positions go up for nomination, a fellow knight must
nominate a candidate that they believe would perform the duties of the position to the
fullest. Once nominations are over it will be brought to a vote on the proposed
candidates and voting will commence. The only Knights that do not get a vote are those
up for the position and the current recorder of the council. The position explanation
should be read before any nominations occur and they are as follows:
Section 2: Grand Knight: The grand knight is responsible for the welfare of the council.
He presides over council meetings, acts as an ex-officio member of all committees, and
ensures all necessary reports are submitted to the state and Supreme Council. He
should also be aware of the council’s financial status. Grand Knight is also a member of
the Commission of Officers.
Section 3: Deputy Grand Knight: The deputy grand knight is second in command. He
assists the Grand Knight with council affairs and fulfills all duties assigned to him by the
grand knight. Should the grand knight be absent from a council meeting, the deputy
grand knight will preside. He is chairman of the council’s retention committee and also a
member of the commission of officers.
Section 4: Chancellor: The chancellor has a variety of responsibilities. Primarily, he
assists the grand knight and the deputy grand knight in the execution of their duties and
oversees the council in both their absences. He is charged with strengthening the
members’ interests in council activities. The chancellor is co-chairman of the public
relations committee and a member of the commission of officers.
Section 5: Recorder: The recorder is responsible for keeping a true record of all the
actions of the council and maintains all correspondence of the council. The Recorder will
take minutes of all council meetings. The recorder is a liaison to the commission of
officers and does not receive a vote. He is also in charge of presenting matters to the
council from a non-bias stand point. Recorder is also in charge of the handling of the
election and will not be able to vote in any of the elections.
Section 6: Treasurer: The treasurer is the elected official in charge of handling all
council funds. He is responsible for depositing all money in the council account and
providing a voucher or certificate of deposit to the grand knight for each transaction. The
treasurer is also responsible for issuing payments to the Supreme Council on all
assessments made by it to the council and for all orders of the council. Finally, the
treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the monies in the general
expense fund of the council. He must be able to provide up-to-date records on these
accounts to the grand knight, financial secretary or board of trustees. They are in
charge of handling the purchases through the account and to issue checks for
reimbursement. They are also responsible for reporting the councils balance at all
business meetings.
Section 7: Advocate: The advocate is the parliamentarian for the council. He should be
thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the "Charter, Constitution
and Laws" and with the council bylaws. The Advocate will be required to review council
bylaws on a yearly basis and bring revisions before the council.
Section 8: Warden: Warden is responsible for keeping track of attendance at all events,
this shall be documented in the council log. If the Warden is not in attendance at events
a Log Keeper shall be appointed for that event by the Warden and should report back to
him within one week of the event. Warden will prepare a report one week prior to the
completion of each semester for the Commission of Officers of each Knight who is not in
good standing. The Warden is responsible for set-up and take-down of the ceremonials
and meetings. Warden can appoint guards as deemed necessary.
Section 9: Inside/Outside Guard: The guards shall attend the doors of the council
chamber, checking on current membership cards before allowing entrance.
Section 10: Board of Trustees(1-year, 2 year, 3-year): The board of trustees consists of
the Grand Knight and three members elected by the council. Trustees supervise all
financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semiannual audits and
oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The grand knight is the
chairman of the board
Section 11: Chaplain: The priest chosen to serve the council as chaplain will primarily
act as spiritual advisor to the brother knights and families of that council. Since he will
have full-time ministry demanding the major part of his time and effort, no specific duties
with regard to running the council have been assigned to him. He is expected, however,
to make a report at council meetings.
Section 12: Program Director: Program director should be an organizer of monthly
social or educational activities. Director should submit mid-term and end of semester
overview of duties performed.
Section 13: Church Director: Church Director shall organize all Knights liturgical
ministries, and coordinating all church related ministries. Director should submit midterm and end of semester overview of duties performed.
Section 14: Vocations Chairman: Vocations Chairman should be a liaison between the
seminarians and the council. Vocations Chairman should present to the Council a
vocations program, outside of a regular business meeting, once each semester.
Section 15: Community Director: Community Director shall be the representative of the
Knights of Columbus to the Student Senate, Campus Ministries personnel, and other
campus organizations.
Section 16: Pro-Life Couple: This position will be filled only if there is a council member
with a fiancé/spouse willing to fill this position. The couple’s duties shall include
representing the council in Loras student organizations affiliated with the pro-life
Section 17: Council Director: Council Director shall oversee regular business meetings
in the absence of the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, and Chancellor. The Council
director should have a working knowledge of meeting protocol and should assist as
needed in regular business meetings.
Section 18: Public Relations: Public Relations Director shall be the representative of the
Knights of Columbus to the general public. His duties shall include announcements at
masses and verbal invitations to open Knights events.
Section 19: Membership Director: Membership director shall make contact with
prospective members and explain to them the main ideals of the Knights of Columbus.
The Membership Director should have a basic knowledge of basic Knights of Columbus
policies. He is also the Chairman for the Recruitment committee.
Section 20: Recruitment Chairs: Recruitment Chair should represent the Knights to the
student body presenting information, via e-mail or visual displays around campus with
information pertaining to joining the Knights of Columbus. Recruitment Chair should
display new promotions at least once monthly. The position consists of 2 chairs and they
will both serve on the Recruitment committee.
Section 21: Retention Chairman: Retention Chairman should work collaboratively with
the Warden. Maintaining attendance and following up with those Knights who have three
consecutive unexcused absences.
Section 22: Insurance Promoter: Insurance Promoter shall be responsible for providing
information to those interested in the Knights of Columbus Insurance program.
Section 23: Lecturer: The lecturer is appointed by the grand knight to provide suitable
educational and entertaining programs which may include such items as speakers,
presentations on special topics, etc. The lecturer must be knowledgeable of all aspects
of council programming in order to provide members with informative and entertaining
programs. As such he must administer an interests survey to the council at the
beginning of each semester.
Article IV. Commission of Officers
Section 1: The Commission of Officers will act as a procedural committee in response
to any violations of Loras College rules and regulations and also rules from Knights of
Columbus Supreme Constitution, State and Council bylaws.
Section 2: The Commission of Officers shall include the Grand Knight, Deputy Grand
Knight, Advocate, Chancellor and Warden as voting members. The Recorder will be a
member of the Commission of Officers, but shall act as a liaison, take minutes and
report findings to the council when necessary.
Section 3: Any Knight that has been in direct conflict to those rules and regulations shall
be deemed a Knight Acting Unaccordingly and will meet with this commission on a set
date and time determined by all parties involved. Any member of the Council may bring
up a violation by any other member of the council.
Section 4: If the Knight Acting Unaccordingly does not feel they can continue their
duties as described in Article III they may resign their post at the meeting with the
Commission of Officers. The resignation must be submitted to the Commission in
Section 5: The Commission of Officers will hand down a ruling for any situation on
which they have a hearing. This ruling should be one which offsets the negative effects
of the violation in question and shall not be excessive.
Section 6: If the judgment is for complete suspension it shall be voted on by the whole
council. Each voting member is allowed their say in the matter and can hear the
circumstances only pertinent to the violation at hand.
Section 7: Commission of Officers rulings can be challenged by the Knight acting
unaccordingly. This challenge shall be brought before a special session where the
current Officers of the council are obligated to attend and any other council members
wishing to voice their opinion may attend. Any current Council members in good
standing in attendance may vote on approving or overturning the ruling of the
Commission of Officers. The Knight Acting Unaccordingly may not vote in this matter.
The vote shall be taken by secret ballot.
Section 8: Should the original ruling of the Commission of Officers be overturned, all
members present must approve a new ruling as determined by that collective. Voting
must be approved by a 2/3 majority vote of those Knights in attendance.
Section 9: If a member of the commission is charged with being a knight acting
unaccordingly, the advocate shall appoint a temporary member to the commission.
Section 10: Should an infraction involve more than one member of the commission the
temporary members shall be appointed by the Chaplin and no parties involved will
receive a vote.
Section 11: All members and temporary members shall be in good standings with the
Article V. Removal of an Officer
Section 1: If any officer of this council does not fulfill duties required as described in
Article III, that officer will be notified by the Commission of Officers, in writing of the
meeting at which removal from office will be discussed and voted upon. At that meeting,
the Knight may present statements to the commission of officers, mentioned in Article IV,
in an effort to retain the position.
Section 2: Removal will occur, if so voted, by the majority of the commission of officers
at the meeting. This will not remove the officer in offense out of the council but out of
their designated office. At the time of next elections the former officer may run again.
Section 3: Any member of the council may challenge an officer’s activities by contacting
a member of the Commission of Officers outside of regular council meetings. The
Commission of Officers will review the situation and then meet with the Officer being
challenged and review the duties of their office and their recent performance of said
Section 4: Once there is a vacant Officers position, a special session will take place so
that a vote can be made to appoint a new officer.
Article VI. Guests
Guests are allowed at the meeting under if the following three conditions are met:
They are Catholic and are in good standings with the Holy See
They are a male over the age of 18
And that they are a prospective member for our council.
Guests shall be permitted only to observe at regular business meetings. They shall have
no vote on any council matters.
Special exemption to guest requirements shall be permitted at open meetings as
deemed necessary by the council.
Article VII. Committees
Section 1: Committees are to be supervised by the Deputy Grand Knight. These
responsibilities include checking that all committees are performing their duties as
assigned, and may bring any committee chair which is not performing his duties up for
review by the Commission of Officers.
Section 2: If need for a new committee should arise sponsorship of this committee will
be the duty of the Recorder. These duties will include but not be limited to the
establishment of committee hierarchy and presentation of committee proposal to the
Section 3: Committee Chairs shall be appointed by the members of the council by
election, taking place at the same time as the election of officers. If new committees are
form election of the new chairperson will take place after the presentation of the
committee proposal.
Section 4: Each Committee Chair’s position shall come under review each semester by
the Commission of Officers, on job performance for their position. If any committee chair
is not upholding to their fullest potential the Commission of Officers has the right to
appoint a temporary chair before the next meeting. At the next meeting immediately
following the removal of a Committee Chair, the position shall be voted on by the full
Article VIII. Alcohol and Drug Policy
Knights are to abide by the Alcohol and Drug policy set forth by Loras College. Council
Members, Officers and Committee Chairs shall be required to appear before the
Commission of Officers within one week after violations of said guidelines.
Article IX. Good Standing
To be considered a Knight in good standing with the council a Knight must maintain the
following regulations:
Attendance at three regular business meetings per semester.
Attendance at all mandatory meetings each semester
Participation in at least five Knights of Columbus events; service, social or
liturgical activities.
Maintain a 2.0 grade point average
Attendance at mass each Sunday
Remaining a practicing Catholic
Any Knight on the current roster who does not comply with these current precedents will
be summoned for an appearance before the commission of officers, before the end of
the semester in which these violations occurred.
Article X. Treasury
Section 1: The Treasury shall be handled by the Budget Committee which shall consist
of the Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Board of Trustees. The responsibilities of this
committee will be to handle paperwork, financial occurrences at events and addressing
the council on the financial situation.
Section 2: All funds shall be located in the Knights of Columbus account through the
Loras College Business Office. The Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Recorder shall
have access to account information and funds.
Section 3: Appropriations by the Council shall be brought to a vote only if they exceed
$100.00. Any transaction under $100.00 must be approved by the Treasurer or Financial
Article XI. Resignations
Section 1: Should an Officer take leave of the council for an extended period of time
they may resign their post. This should take place during any regular business meeting
as long as the Officer resigning states the reasoning for his resignation to the
Commission of Officers before said meeting.
Section 2: Should an Officer feel they can no longer perform their duties as described in
Article III, they may resign their post. The intention to resign should be made clear to the
Commission of officers prior to the meeting where resignation shall occur. Resignation
must also be on the official agenda for the meeting.
Article XII. Ratification and Amendments
Any additions or alterations to this constitution and bylaws must be proposed and voted
on by 2/3 of the Knights in good standing and will go into effect after the next election.