Metally Disabled Project_Site Visit Report

Project Assessment Report by DSL Prasad
Basic Details
Date of visit: 16th October 2013
Person Contacted: Mr Desingu Secretary, SEA
Place Visited: SEA Office at Mamallpuram and the MR school at
Number of Children planned for rehabilitation: 20
Estimated Project Cost: Rs 5 Lakhs or $ 8166 or app.$8200
Period for which funding sought: 1 year
Brief About SEA
Society for Education and Action SEA is a registered charitable Society
registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Act of 1976 in the year 2000. It
is also registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act 1975
(FCRA) with GOI. They obtained IT exemption udder section 80-G al
organization, relevant copies are attached.
This society is 12 year old and they are actively working for the benefit of
fishermen community especially after Tsunami. The founder Director is
Mr Desingu who is also a fisherman; he was the only graduate from the
community 12years ago and he wanted to help his community so that the
people could be socially inclusive and responsible.
SEA focused largely on development of women and children. The focus
areas are right to education, to create a healthy and a vibrant community
and then fight for children’s rights and protect them from child abuse.
SEA has therefore carried out a number of activities in improving the
empowerment of children and women to fight the injustice meted to them
by the community there, by educating them and creating awareness about
their rights. They have also worked along with government agencies to
improve their skills like in computer usage, tailoring etc. This has helped
many of them to get gainful employment which further gave sustenance to
their families.
Recognizing SEA’s work many social organizations and Government of
Tamil Nadu (GOTN) have given a number of awards. GOTN has
appointed Mr Desingu as committee member of a qausi-judicial body
constituted for the purpose of specifically dealing with all cases of child
abuse, child abduction, child labor etc. His area of purview is
Kancheepuram District.
SEA has an office at Mamallaupuram, where it also conducts tailoring &
handicraft classes for women. Hence SEA has all the capabilities to run
any programme relating to women & children of economically backward
classes more so for fishing community in and around Mamallapuram. It
has a good local standing. It also appears from an interaction with some of
the women & children that the local community trusts SEA and also
acknowledged its contribution.
Project Details
This proposal envisages providing a specialized education, training and
nourishment to children who are unfortunately afflicted with mental
sickness from childbirth. The parents of these children do not have the
means, knowledge or experience to deal with them. This has often led to
abandoning these helpless children. It also appears that there is no
systematic method of identifying these special children.
Now local doctors and health care workers of the Kancheepuram District
have mapped all such children at the fishing hamlets between Kovalam
and Kadapakkam. According to their estimate the total number of such
children is around 53.
SEA has started to run a school for MR children at Kalapakkamon which
is 20 Kms from Mamallapuram since 10-07-2013.
1. Facilities: They have taken a portion of the ground floor of a house
on rent . The school has two large rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and
a foyer. The overall area will be around 900 sq.ft.
2. Staff: Mr Ganesh- Physiotherapist, Ms Kalai – Special Teacher, Ms
Meenakshi Administrative Officer and Mrs Chitra Care taker.
3. Special teacher is expected to give academic skills, ADLS skills and
control hyperactivity. Physiotherapist will give regular physical
exercises for reducing disability.
4. To and fro transport is provided for the children.
5. There are about 10 children and they are expecting to increase to 20
by end of November 13. Mothers are also accompanying the
6. A few educational aids and a few toys are available to engage the
7. Tea, biscuits etc are given to children during the school time.
8. Future plans include adding special equipments for physiotherapy.
Food for children.
9. The name Of School is Anjamal Special School for mentally
Challenged Children.
Cost Estimates:
1. The projected amount of Rs 800 per child per month is reasonable
for giving food, medicines and physiotherapy and for other medical
2. The present staff strength is given above. There are plans to add
additional teacher and a cook. Hence the amount projected for
staffing cost is realistic.
3. The rental agreement could not be seen. There was no data available
on local current rentals rates. However a rental of Rs 5000 per month
sounds OK considering the building is relatively new.
4. Hence the total estimate of Rs 5 Lakhs for expenditure could be
5. As ASHA is already dealing with SEA in other projects, the aspects
of fund transactions and other statutory requirements are not dealt
here or verified with SEA.
SEA is a registered society with 12 years’ standing. It enjoys local good
will. The secretary is very knowledgeable and has good work
credentials. The office is organized and the staff maintains good
records. SEA is fully aware of relevant statutory requirements. It has
annual reports duly signed by auditors. The current annual report is
available with me. It files income tax returns and submits returns to
FCRA for foreign exchange component.
SEAhas already started the MR school which is functioning though not
to full strength at the time of the visit. Hence it has noble intentions.
ASHA may therefore consider funding this proposal in full. However a
review by ASHA after 6 months is recommended to assess the progress.
DSL Prasad
Former Executive Director Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.
Adviser Hydrocarbon Consultant Ltd
Adviser Cetex Petrochemicals Ltd
Sr Consultant Fichtner India Ltd.
Attachments: Scan copy of Certificate of Register of Societies
Scan copy of Certificate from FCRA