November 2, 2015
Anyone wanting to join the church through the RCIA process, please contact Fr. Hoffman or Fr. Bruce or me
at any time. We have one catechumen at this time.
An anointing Mass will be held on November 17 at 9:00 am in St. Paul
A widow and single ladies party was held on October 13 to honor Mary. A video of the life of Mary was
shown in the Ossenbrink Center. The next party will be held in January.
Religious education for St. Mary’s began on September 16th with a Mass. There are 36 students enrolled. St.
James & St. Johns began on September 20th. There are 22 students enrolled. St. Boniface began on September 6th.
St. Boniface has 16 students enrolled. All children in the religious education programs receive a card on their
birthday and it contains a small gift. We will continue working with the children to learn their prayers. They each
receive a small book of prayers and when they can recite the prayer from memory, they get a sticker on the page and
pick a small gift from our gift basket. They are also learning how to pray the rosary.
Anyone interested in learning more about their faith should consider the Ministry Formation program. For
more information, please call Fr. Hoffman or Fr. Bruce. Any gentleman who is considering the deaconate must take
the first year of MFP. The at home sessions meet once a month here in West Point and I am the facilitator. We have
one candidate in the program at this time. Since the sessions rotate every 2 years, you can start at any time and
complete the program in 2 years.
There are 8 Catholics at the Donnellson Care Center and I take Communion to them 3 Fridays of the month;
there are 14 at the West Point Care Center and I take Communion to them on Sunday. I also take Communion to
homebound on Sundays. If you are homebound and would like to receive Communion on either Thursday or Sunday
please let me know. We have volunteer Eucharistic Ministers who take Communion to the homebound on Thursday
mornings. On First Fridays either Fr. Hoffman or Fr. Bruce, celebrate Mass at the Donnellson Care Center. A
gentleman from St. Boniface takes care of the homebound communion visits for their parish and when he is not
available, I fill in for him.
The four parishes send letters to parents of newly baptized from the time of baptism for 5 years. They receive
a letter every 6 months with ways to share their faith and help their child grow in faith. Each one contains a small gift
for the family or the child. This has been a ministry of the parishes now for over 12 years. St. Mary’s gives the
parents of the newly baptized a blanket donated by the sewing ladies, a book donated by an anonymous donor, and a
cross made by one of our parishioners. Several families have also donated stuffed animals to be given to the babies
here in West Point. Also, the K of C donates a rose to the mother and a rosary to the father of the baby for all 4
parishes. St. Boniface Altar and Rosary ladies get a gift for the newly baptized in their parish and a blanket from an
anonymous donor. St. James & St. John’s also present the baby a blanket from an anonymous donor.
St. Mary’s and St. Boniface have wonderful libraries with selections for families, women, children, grief,
history, biographies, stories of the saints, and much more. This includes books, videos and DVD’s. Please stop by
and check out some great reading and entertainment.
If you are an employee of a parish or want to help with children or vulnerable adults you must have the
Protecting God’s Children training. Background checks must be updated every 5 years. New and 5 year renewal
people do their training online. If you are a renewal, please contact me before you do your training.
The four parishes remember families who have lost a loved one with a prayer card on the one year anniversary
of the person’s death. There are also cards sent at Christmas and Easter to all parishioners who are in long term care
facilities. If you have a family member in a care facility please let me know. The parishes are honoring couples on
their 25th, 50th, 60th anniversaries and all anniversaries over 60 will be remembered yearly.
I am preparing special activities for the year of mercy which begins December 8th. Watch for more details.
Respectfully submitted
Dixie Booten, Director of Religious Education