Executive Board Roles and Responsibilities Finance Association, College of Business and Economics membership@csufinance.org All Board Members: Copy President and Vice President for all e-mail communication internally and externally Dedicate a minimum of 3 hours per week to table during recruitment (first two weeks) Be trained on procedure for collecting membership payments/forms President Build and maintain Alumni Relations Communicate with Finance Department o Portal requests, collaborations, etc. Build and maintain relationship with faculty Outline non-speaker events for calendar Follow up with speakers after events Work closely with Finance, Membership, and Activities departments Collaborate with other student organizations and Mihaylo Career Services Meet with faculty advisors (J. Lim, Clark, Jolley) monthly Schedule shifts for recruitment/tabling at the beginning of the semester Vice President Build and maintain Alumni Relations Communicate with Finance Department Build and maintain relationship with faculty Follow up with speakers after events Outline non-speaker events for calendar Work closely with Communications to attract guest speakers Provides Marketing with events to be advertised to members Meets with faculty advisors (J. Lim, Clark, Jolley) monthly VP of Finance Monitor inflow/outflow of funds Manage Finance Association’s ASI accounts Handle check requests/reimbursements and deposits Create invoice template as receipt for membership dues (transitioning from paper forms to electronic) Work closely with VP of Activities during logistics phase of planning for fundraisers Approve any purchase requests made by E-board members Director of Membership (2) Work closely with VP of Finance Develop electronic membership application form Spearhead recruitment (first two weeks) Maintain membership database with VP of Finance o Must be able to table at least 4 hours a week o Train membership committee for tabling VP of Communications Reach out to employers for speaker events o Includes communication via e-mail, phone, and office visits Maintain relationships with employers o Follow up with speakers after each event o Send holiday thank you cards o Invite to banquet and other FA functions Director of Corporate Relations Work closely with VP of Communications Reach out to employers for speaker events (including communication via E-mail, phone, and office visits) Handle the following for speaker events: o Send parking permit requests to President/Vice President at least 3 weeks prior to event o Prepare speaker gifts (must receive approval from President and VP of Finance prior to purchase) VP of Marketing Qualifications: MUST be familiar with WordPress and basic coding, Microsoft Office (PowerPoint and Excel) Redesign and maintain Finance Association website Provide updates via Facebook page o One week before o Day before o Morning of event Design event flyers (electronic ads and occasional handbills) o Every speaker event o Recruitment flyers o Networking/fundraisers Make classroom announcements Director of Marketing Design tri-fold poster for launch week o Photos of board members, Fall speakers, softball game, etc.) Create Eventbrite pages to track attendance for each event Capture photos at each event for Facebook and website Make classroom announcements Work with President to submit portal message requests two weeks prior to event VP of Activities Plan and execute one fundraiser per month Create pricing analysis (must be approved by President and VP of Finance prior to execution phase) Schedule shifts and oversee committee (on campus fundraising sales) Organize alumni networking events (1-2) Arrange semi-annual alumni/student softball game --> maybe volleyball instead Schedule brunch on a Saturday or Sunday Must be available from 3PM – 4PM to pick up catering before meetings (alternate with Director of Activities) Director of Activities Plan 1-2 philanthropy events for the semester Build and oversee committee Place order for catering for each event (communicate with BICC Rep) Must be available from 3PM – 4PM to pick up catering before meetings (alternate with VP of Activities) BICC Representative Create BICC proposals: select feasible options and verify costs Submit requests for BICC to meet required deadlines before events Provide weekly updates of other club events