May 12th - FCES PTSA

May 12th, Art In Action Highlights
This week the Kindergarten and 1st graders received instruction on the following elements
and principles of art:
Color: Colors all come from the three primaries and black and white. They have three
properties – hue, value, and intensity.
Line: Line is the path of a point moving through space.
Value: Value refers to relative lightness and darkness and is perceived in terms of varying
levels of contrast.
Shape/Form: Shape implies spatial form and is usually perceived as two-dimensional. Form
has depth, length, and width and resides in space. It is perceived as three-dimensional.
Pattern: Pattern refers to the repetition or recurrence of a design element, exact or varied,
which establishes a visual beat.
Space / Perspective: Space refers to the area in which art is organized. Perspective is
representing a volume of space or a 3-dimensional object on a flat surface.
Susan Walker (Harrison, Marek, Davis, Fremouw)
Mrs. Walker did an abstract lesson. Kids did the eyes and noses on separate paper then glued those
onto the head. We focused on eye reflections and how they show shape.
Karen Nieman (Marek, Harrison, Fremouw, Turner)
Mrs. Nieman taught the Kindergartners a lesson on Van Gough's Sunflowers using oil pastels. Spring
is a fun time to talk about all the pretty flowers, especially the beauty of sunflowers. Oil pastels are a
fabulous medium to use for creating a multitude of bright and blended colors that we see in
nature. Mrs. Nieman began the lesson by showing the students various photos of sunflowers to give
the students a visual of the different colors in sunflowers and the shape and layering of the petals.
Then Mrs. Nieman showed the students how to draw a vase and table and a few sunflowers. After
that, the students started creating their own masterpieces. It was so much fun to see all the
creativity in the room, all of them turned out uniquely beautiful! What a wonderful mother's day
present too.
Mrs. Nieman taught a lesson to the first graders on using patterns to make snakes. We began with a
story to learn some fun facts about snakes and then the students created a pattern on a white piece of
paper with different colors using markers or crayons. After they finished their pattern, they turned
their paper over and drew the letter "S" to make the shape of a snake. The students then cut the
snake out and pasted it on to a blue piece of paper and made a grass design using green paper. The
last step was to add clouds using a sponge and white tempera paint. Some kiddos added rainbows
and suns. These turned out so cute and just in time for the field trip to the reptile zoo coming up!
Kara Popp (Danberg, Kim, Turner, Anderson)
Mrs. Popp did a fun lesson on creating butterflies with the Kindergarten and 1st graders using toilet
paper rolls and paper wings. They painted their the body (roll) and designed their wings with colorful
accents. They attached their wings and antennas and they made faces to finish off their creations. So
Kaila Russell(Kim, Danberg, Anderson, Fremouw)
Kindergarteners and first graders also did the Wassily Kandinsky inspired collage cards. This was a big
project for their little hands as many struggle with trying to cut circles. By just using paper, scissors
and glue for this project students felt the freedom to create without worrying about trying to do it
perfectly. Enjoy these little masterpieces!