WWHHIIPPPPEETT AANNNNOOUUNNCCEEMMEENNTTSS SSTTUUDDEENNTT IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN Monday May 23, 2011 MENU Mon: Salisbury steak, mash potato, green beans, peaches, milk today! Coach Haupt’s classes will report to the compute lab The last day of school will be Thursday May 26th and we will dismiss at 12:00 p.m. The Academic awards assembly will be held on Wednesday May 25th @ 12:20 p.m. BIG SPRINGS CONFERENCE T-SHIRTS $5.00 MUST GO! ATTN ALL 9TH GRADERS: YOU WILL PARTICIPATING IN THE PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST ON TUESDAY MAY 24TH. BOYS ARE SCHEDULE FOR THE MORNING SESSION, GIRLS WILL BE IN THE AFTERNOON SESSION. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BRING PE CLOTHES AND TENNIS SHOES! EVERYONE MUST PARTICIPATE. Please remember to pay all lunch charges, library fines, etc before you leave on Thursday. Left over Prom Glasses and Mugs will go on sale Monday. Glasses $6.00 Mugs $5.00 See Mrs. Elliott. All students who are no longer in art, but received a letter that you would have something in the show, please come by the art room and pick up your pictures. HS Cheerleaders: Please bring in your uniforms to Tracy no later than 5/25/11. 8th grade graduation practice will be held on Tuesday May 24th @ 9:00 a.m. All 8th graders will be allowed to leave with a parent note right after graduation practice. YOU DO HAVE TO BE HERE ON MONDAY MAY 23RD. 8th graders: Please make sure that all lunch charges and any fines are paid before you leave on May 24th. HS softball players need to have uniforms turned in ASAP. ATTN DRIVERS: PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU PARK IN YOUR ASSIGNED PARKING SPOTS! PTO is selling Whippet T-shirts. Samples are in the HS office. Bus riders: Just a reminder you are not to buy drinks from the soda machines to take on the bus. Students going to the shop or Fac’s building, due to the construction work on that side of the building please use the sidewalk. Thank You. Student Reminder: Students coming up from the cafeteria in the morning, please do not use the oors by the Art room, you must come in the doors between the elementary and high school, you can wait in the lobby by the office to be released. You can not go to elementary to be picked up in the afternoons you must be picked up at the HS doors. Also, if you are a walker, please do not use the doors by the superintendent’s office you must use the doors by the HS office. COUNSELORS CORNER: ATTN JUNIORS: If you would like to apply for an Academic Letter, please stop by Mrs. Bland’s office to pick up an application. Applications must be returned to Mrs. Bland by 3:00 p.m. on Monday May 23rd. Students 17 -21 Yrs. Old: If you are interested in getting a summer job at one of Missouri's state parks then this announcement is for YOU. Go to www.thinkoutside.mo.gov complete the online application. If you are hired your minimum pay scale will be $7.25 per hour. I don't have an application deadline but as most things the sooner the better. Ms. Bland CLASS AND CLUB INFO: 8TH GRADERS: PLEASE PAY $24.50 FOR CAP AND GOWNS TO THE HS OFFICE TODAY. NO CHECKS PLEASE! All BETA hours due by Tuesday May 24th.Mrs. Homeyer HS BETA: If you are interested in working at Whole Kids Outreach babysitting, please sign up on Mrs. Homeyer's door. May25. 9:45-2:15 Juniors: Baseball Field Concession Stand sign up sheet on Mrs. Elliott's door. ASD SCHEDULE: Mon-Ms.Jokerst, Tuesday-Mrs. Buckner, Wednesday-Mrs. Cindy Johnson, Thursday- Mrs. Elliott