MODEL - Working With Seams In Laminar Models

IMS 1.0
Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions”
IMS - Working With Seams In Laminar
Produced by W.S. Mart and G. Markey
For MineMap Pty Ltd
Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions” IMS - Working With
Seams In Laminar Models
Copyright © 2013 by William Seldon Mart and Geoff Markey. All rights reserved.
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Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions” IMS - Working With
Seams In Laminar Models
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 3
MODIFYING SEAMS ................................................................................................. 4
VIEWING AND EDITING SEAMS ........................................................................... 9
APPENDIX A: REQUIRED FILES ......................................................................... 11
APPENDIX B: CREATING A ‘TOPO’ SURFACE FILE ....................................... 12
APPENDIX C: OVERTURNED SEAMS/ REVERSE FAULTS ........................... 13
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Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions” IMS - Working With
Seams In Laminar Models
A surface file in a laminar model contains matrices representing the roof, floor and assays for one
stratigraphic unit and is only used in laminar modelling applications such as coal, heavy minerals,
bauxite and alluvial deposits. This document, therefore, uses the word "seam" when referring to
The facility to modify surface files is useful for deposits such as coal, where very steeply dipping or
overturned seams occur. The modelling methods used in building the surface files (via the
<Model><Laminar Model Operations...><Building Surface Files...> menu item) may not
adequately describe the seam structure so, in such cases, it is necessary to manually edit the generated
IMS provides the functionality to alter seam structure, thickness, and assays from either contour plan/
triangulated file of the seam(s), or interactively at the cell level of the model, using the keyboard.
Each cell having an X, Y coordinate, a single elevation and thickness assigned to it, represents the
structure within a surface file. Multiple values (repeats) can occur where a seam is overturned or has a
reverse fault. In these cases, separate matrices (seam names) must be assigned to the upper, middle
and lower portions of the seam where they occur together.
NOTE: The surface files are modified directly on the disk so it is best to make a backup copy of the
surface files before running any of the options discussed in this document.
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Seams In Laminar Models
This option should be used to globally modify the qualities (structural properties such as roof
elevation, floor elevation and thickness, or assay values) of a seam related to laminar modelling with
respect to an IMS CAD layer and/or basic mathematical formulae incorporated with regional
boundary limitations.
To modify a seam:
Load a model file by dragging it from the File Explorer Pane to either the 3D View Pane or the
Loaded File Pane (Figure 1). If you are going to modify a seam by using a triangulation or a
contour string set then load the relevant IMS CAD file too.
Figure 1: Loaded model and CAD file.
Select the <Model><Laminar Model Operations><Modify Surface Files...> menu item to
display the first page of the “modify surface files” wizard (Figure 2).
Choose the name of the required seam.
Select the quality that will be modified.
NOTE: Choose the ‘roof and floor’ option to create a zero thickness seam.
Select the item that will be used to modify the quality selected in step 4.
a. Using a triangulation
Select the required triangulation from the list of triangulations. The elevation of the
triangulation is calculated for each cell centre and this value is used to modify the
quality selected in step 4.
IMS only updates the cells with centres inside the triangulation region. For a new
surface file, if the triangulation does not cover the entire model area, update the
surface file with a constant first to provide a suitable background value.
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Seams In Laminar Models
Figure 2: Selecting options of modifying
b. Using a contour
Select the required IMS CAD file from the list of CAD files. All strings and polygons
in the file are used as contours.
At any given point IMS searches from the location of the point in each of the four
cardinal directions (north, south, east and west) until it finds a line segment. The
elevation of each of these segments is calculated at the point of intersection and these
(up to four) values are combined into a distance weighted average. The final value is
used as the elevation of the surface at that point.
Cells that are not covered by the contour data may be updated if they lie due north,
due south, due east or due west of the data. During the four-way search, if even one
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Intelligent Mining Software “Solutions” IMS - Working With
Seams In Laminar Models
direction contains a segment, a value is calculated and applied. The contour file,
therefore, must contain valid data across the entire model area.
NOTE: Using a contour is slower and less precise than using a triangulation.
Additionally, a triangulation has a clearly defined boundary so it can be used to
update a portion of the model area.
c. Using a constant
Enter the value of the constant that will be used to update quality selected in step 4.
Select the method used to modify the quality selected in step 4 with the value of the item selected
in step 5.
Press the <Next> button to display the Region page (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Setting the region
Select the extents of the model region that will be modified.
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Seams In Laminar Models
Use an additional region by entering the name of an IMS CAD file. All polygons in the file are
used as the region. Leave the name of the region file blank to disable the additional region.
10. Press the <Next> button to display the Assays page (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Setting assay values
11. Enter the background values for each assay in the list. These values are assigned to cells that do
not get updated during the modelling process.
12. Press the <Finish> button to build the modified seam. IMS will display a summary of the results
at the end of the operation (Figure 5).
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Figure 5: Summary of the modification
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Seams In Laminar Models
To view or edit individual cell qualities of surface files:
Load a model file by dragging it from the File Explorer Pane to either the 3D View Pane or the
Loaded File Pane (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Loaded model file
Select the <Model><Laminar model operations><View/ Edit Surface Files...> menu item to
display the View/ Edit Surface Files dialog box (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Viewing/ editing surface files
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Seams In Laminar Models
Select the required Seam, Row and Quality from the dropdown lists. The values of the selected
quality will be displayed for each column of the selected row.
Edit values by clicking on the value cell and entering a new value.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 as required saving or rejecting the edited cells when prompted (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Requesting confirmation of editing
When all the cells are edited as required press the <Close> button to finish editing.
Assay values can be flagged out by filling the Cells of Value field with blanks.
IMS uses a left handed coordinate system when it refers to the rows and columns of a model.
Columns are numbered run from right (east) to left (west) in the model while rows are numbered
run from the bottom (south) to the top (north) of the model.
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Seams In Laminar Models
1. A model definition containing the model and matrix parameters.
2. Surface files for the model are used if present. If a required surface file is not present an
empty one is created automatically.
The actual model data need not exist for the Modify Surface Files and View/Edit Surface
Files options since IMS is only concerned with the surface files that are used to build the
model, but the model definition must exist. The model definition stores a table containing:
i. The seams of interest
ii. The names of seam surface files
iii. The matrix size (dimension and number of cells), and
iv. The number and type of assays
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Seams In Laminar Models
The Topo surface is important since it truncates all underlying seams and does not get created from
the drillhole data used to construct the seam/ore surface files.
To create a Topo surface:
1. Load the required model by dragging the model from the File Explorer Pane to the File
Loaded Pane or the 3D View Pane.
2. Load the triangulated IMS CAD file by dragging the model from the File Explorer Pane to
the File Loaded Pane or the 3D View Pane. The CAD file must contain a triangulation that
covers the entire model area file,
3. Select the <Model><Laminar Model Operations><Modify Surface Files…> menu item to
display the first page of the “modify surface files” wizard (Figure 2).
4. Select the top stratigraphic unit (Surf/Topo/etc).
5. Select the ‘roof and floor’ option. This will create a seam that has the roof and floor at the
same elevations. This is a zero thickness seam.
6. Select the ‘triangulation’ option and select the required triangulation from the list.
7. Select the ‘replacing’ option. All values in the surface will be replaced with the value from
the triangulation.
8. Press the <Next> button to display the Region page (Figure 3).
9. Select <All Rows> and <All Columns> to include the entire model but leave the Region File
10. Press the <Next> button to display the Assays page (Figure 4).
11. Set the Values of all qualities to zero or any other value. The value is meaningless for zero
thickness seams.
12. Press the <Finish> button to modify the selected seam.
13. Weathering zones, topsoil, overburden or similar units that run semi-parallel to the surface
can be modified in subsequent runs if required. Keep the roof elevation constant on the
surface while adjusting the thickness or floor elevation.
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Seams In Laminar Models
The surface modelling technique employed by IMS, for a given modelled surface, allows for only one
vertical value for each point in the horizontal plane. Consequently, when seams are repeated due to
either reverse faulting or being overturned by folding, they cannot be handled using the techiniques
discussed elsewhere in this document. The solution in such cases is to use different seam names for
each part of a seam that is repeated and to delineate the seams accordingly.
For an overturned seam name the seams as follows:
Upper arm of the seam: seam 1A
Overturned portion: seam 1B
Lower arm: seam 1C
Apply sub-crop files to each seam so that their extremities coincide. Reverse faulting is handled
similarly but requires only two seam names.
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