Measure 6 Achieving HIQA standards end of project reporting

Measure 6 – Achieving HIQA Standards for Residential Centres for People with Disabilities
The first table below shows the Output/Outcome Indicators that were published as part of the Measure Sheet on Pobal’s website. These are what Pobal
will report on to the Department at the end of the funding.
In order for us to compile the end of funding report (covering data for all funded projects), you will be asked to provide answers to the questions set out in
Table 2.
Table 1: Published Outputs/Outcomes
Number of training/workshop courses;
Number of participating organisations in training/workshops;
Number of persons attending training/workshops;
Number of grants awarded capital/training;
Number of minor works undertaken in 2015;
Number of minor works completed in 2015
Number of centres achieving HIQA standards within the year as a result of funding
Numbers making changes to service as a result of training
Note: Training project proposals will be required to undertake post training follow ups on a sample of participants OR their managers, 2 months after each
training session.
Table 2: Reporting Questions
Data Query
Measure 6 (a): CAPITAL
1. Has the minor capital work or equipment
installation you were funded for under DAF
been completed?
2. Have you completed a HIQA inspection since
you completed the minor capital work or
the purchase of new equipment and if so
Data format
If No, please give expected completion date
completed inspection Yes/No
received the results
have you been notified of the results?
3. For those who have had an inspection and
had results:
Did the funding received from the Dormant
Accounts Fund assist you in complying with
either of the following HIQA Standards
4. If you have completed your development
or installed equipment but are either
awaiting HIQA inspection, or the results of
your HIQA inspection, what improvements
did you make using the DAF funding:
Measure 6 (b): TRAINING
5. Details of the training/workshop courses
that you have organised and run over the
funding period.
6. Number of organisations who were
represented at training courses throughout
Tick Box for the following:
 Safe and suitable premises
 Safeguarding and Safety
Tick box for all that apply
 Undertaking urgent structural works or decorative
repair to meet the specific needs of the residents
 Improving, repairing or replacing heating,
ventilation and lighting systems to ensure they
comply with standard requirements
 Purchasing or replacing equipment necessary to
ensure the safety and improve the quality of life for
 Upgrading or replacing safety equipment for
vehicles to ensure the safety of people with
disabilities (adults and children)
 Other (Please specify)
Data format
Record the following course details
 Course Name
 Course Start and End Dates
 Number of sessions
 Number of persons attending at least one session
 Number of persons completing all sessions
Total number
A course is characterised by having a clear start
and end date and offering a complete package
of educational content. A course could be run in
a single session (half day or full day) or over a
number of sessions.
A course could for instance involve 4 half day
sessions run over a month or 2 x one day
sessions run over a weekend.
You are asked to record and provide the listed
details for each course.
This is to capture how many organisations
benefit from your training. If for example a
the year:
community group sent staff to 3 different
courses over the year, it counts as one
Questionnaire to individuals attending ‘achieving HIQA standards’ training
For the purposes of reporting on training outcomes, agencies are required to follow up with training participants 2 months after the delivery of all training
sessions with a simple questionnaire on changes that organisations made to practice. Only one person per organisation should be approached and where
possible this should be a manager who has the responsibility for introducing changes. This means that at the time of training you will need to identify managers
or staff representative to be contacted after 2 months for feedback and get contact details.
The questionnaire is to be based on two questions as outlined below.
Q1. As a result of the training, have you made
Tick box for all that apply
any changes to your practice within your
 Safeguarding and safety of residents
organisation in the following areas
 Health and Safety
 Risk Management
 Management roles and responsibilities
 Residents rights
 Medication Management
 Social Care Needs
 Person Centred Approach
 Other (Please specify)
Q2. Examples of changes made as a result of the
Please give more details of the changes made.
These should be simple statements and only up
to max 5 examples e.g.
 Improved our fire and emergency policy
 Introduced annual information sessions
delivered by local Citizens Information
 Increased activity of our health and safety
Free text
Note - You will need to add further details to the questionnaire like respondent details (name/organisation and designation e.g. manager), reference to the type
and date of training, who to respond to and a description of the purpose of the questionnaire. Suggested wording for this (for adaptation) is as follows:
We would like to get feedback on the training we provided on XXX covering XXX. We are sending this questionnaire to one training participant from each
organisation. In most cases this will be the manager, but if you are not a manager you should consult the appropriate person in your organisation who has
responsibility for making any changes as a result of the training.
We would like to seek your feedback on whether it has supported or helped your organisation to make progress towards meeting HIQA standards. Please consult
with any other colleagues who attended the training.
The information you provide will contribute to a national report on the levels and success of training as well as helping us to make improvements to our training if
There are only two short questions. If you have any queries about this or need clarifications please contact XXX
Please respond to XXXX
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Reporting on the questionnaire at end of project
Note - No data will be required in respect of follow ups to any training undertaken within 2 months of the end of project.
For the purposes of reporting at the end of the project, collated figures will be required as follows:
7. Sample size
8. Designation of respondent
Number of questionnaires sent out
Number of completed questionnaires returned
Totals for:
 CEO or Manager with overall organisation
 Functional Manager with responsibility for part of
 Staff with responsibility for introducing changes
9. Numbers of reported changes
10. Examples of changes made
 Other (please specify)
Numbers who ticked any of the categories
 Safeguarding and safety of residents:
 Health and Safety
 Risk Management
 Management roles and responsibilities
 Residents rights
 Medication Management
 Social Care Needs
 Person Centred Approach
 Other (Please specify)
 None of the above
Please select a range of different examples
Any one respondent could tick several of the
categories, you need here to count up all of the
ticks e.g.:
Health and Safety 30
Risk Management 25
Residents rights
This will tell us about the types of changes
made rather than the number of organisations
making changes.
This is to give some a sense of what are the
actual changes organisations have made
following training. You should compile a list
that gives a good representation of the
responses you received. There is no need to
include all responses as there are likely to be
duplicates, but your list should as far as possible
cover examples from all the different categories
listed in Q.8 above.