NANC 468 –V1 Origination Date: 09/03/15 Originator: iconectiv Change Order Number: NANC 468 Description: Change Phone Conversation Requirement Functional Backwards Compatible: Yes IMPACT/CHANGE ASSESSMENT DOC CMIP FRS IIS Y N GDMO ASN.1 NPAC SOA LSMS N N N N N XIS XSD NPAC SOA LSMS N N N N N XML Business Need Original: R7-108.3 indicates that a phone conversation between NPAC Operations and the Customer be conducted to verify the MD5 has of CMIP files exchanged. Is this currently done through a phone conversation? Neustar original answer: There is always a phone conversation, however, based on the industry approved M&P requirement R7-108.2 supersedes R7-108.3. Updated: If R7-108.2 "supersedes" R7-108.3, can R7-108.3 be deleted, since it specifically talks about the MD5 hash of the entire key file being exchanged via a phone conversation. In other words, if the M&P does not include this exchange of the MD5 hash for the entire file, even if a phone conversation is involved, then there seems to be no need to keep R7-108.3. Description of Change: Delete requirement. Page 1 of 2 NANC 468 –V1 Requirements: R7-108.3 Phone Confirmation DeletedThe recipient shall call the sender by phone for further confirmation and provide the sender with the MD5 hash of the whole list. Page 2 of 2