Remote Data Audit for Robustness and Dynamic Integrity on Multi

Remote Data Audit for Robustness and Dynamic
Integrity on Multi Cloud Storage
M.Ramesh*1, E.suresh#2
Department of Information Technology
SKP Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai-606611, TamilNadu
Department of Information Technology
SKP Engineering College, Tiruvannamalai-606611, TamilNadu
Abstract- A multi cloud is a cloud computing environment in which
an organization provides and manages some internal and external
resources. Provable data possession (PDP) is an audit technique for
ensuring the integrity of data in storage outsourcing. However,
early remote data audit schemes have focused on static data,
whereas later schemes such as DPDP (Dynamic Provable Data
Possession) support the full range of dynamic operations on the
deletions. Robustness is required for both static and dynamic RDA
schemes that rely on spot checking for efficiency.
In this project proposes the RDA (Remote Data Audit) mechanism
in multi clouds to support the scalable service and data migration,
in which multiple cloud service providers to collaboratively store
and maintain the clients' data. Remote Data Audit (RDA) allows
users to efficiently check the modification of data stored at cloud
servers. This audit service construction is based on the techniques
supporting provable updates to outsourced data and timely anomaly
detection. This method based on probabilistic query and periodic
verification for improving the performance of audit services. The
security of this scheme based on multi-prover.
or external pressures (e.g., government censure). The server
Keywords-Provable Data Possession, Interactive Protocol,
Zero _ Knowledge, Audit Service, Multiple Cloud, Cooperative.
Remote Data Audit (RDC) is a technique that allows checking
might also accidentally erase some data and choose not to
notify the client. Exacerbating the problem are factors such as
limited bandwidth between the client and server, as well as the
client's limited resources. Cloud storage is a dynamic service
provided by Server. Clients can pay a fee to obtain an
appropriate storage space to store their own data. Because the
storage device is not under the control of Clients and Server
has not been fully trusted, Clients have no way to prevent
unauthorized individuals, or even Server itself to access or
tamper their data. It is a great challenge for data integrity and
the integrity of data stored at a third party, such as a Cloud
Storage Provider (CSP). Especially when the CSP is not fully
In recent years, cloud storage service has become a faster
trusted, RDC can be used for data auditing. Security audit is
profit growth point by providing a for clients’ data.based on
an important solution enabling trace back and analysis of any
distributed cloud environment as a multi-Cloud (or hybrid
activities including data accesses the application activities, and
cloud). In access his/her resources remotely through interfaces
so on. Robust means that the auditing scheme for mitigating
such as Web services provided by Amazon EC2. Outsourcing
arbitrary amounts of data corruption. Protecting against large
storage prompts a number of interesting challenges. One
modification ensures the CSP has committed the storage
problem is to verify that the server continually and faithfully
resources. Small space can be reclaimed undetectably, making
stores the entire file the server is untrusted in terms of both
it useless to delete data to save on storage costs or sell the
security and reliability: it might maliciously or accidentally
same storage multiple times. Protecting against small
erase the data or place it onto temporarily unavailable storage.
corruptions protects the data itself, not just the storage
The could occur for numerous reasons including cost-savings
resource. In the modifying a single bit may destroy an
only timely detect abnormality, but also take up less resource,
encrypted file or invalidate authentication information. Thus,
or rationally allocate resources. Hence, a new PDP scheme is
robustness is important for all audit schemes that rely on spot
desirable to accommodate these application requirements from
checking, which includes the majority of static and dynamic
hybrid clouds.
RDC schemes.
1) Efficiency and Security: The plan proposed by the PDP is
safer to rely on a non-symmetric key encryption will be clear,
The traditional cryptographic technologies for data
efficient in the use of symmetric key operations in the settings
integrity and availability, based on Hash functions and
(once) and the validation stage.However, our plan is more
signature schemes cannot support the outsourced data without
efficient than the PORs, because it does not require lots of
a local copy of data. It is evidently impractical for a cloud
data encryption in outsourced and no additional posts on the
storage service to download the whole data for data validation
symbol block, and the ratio is more secure because we encrypt
due to the expensiveness of communication, especially, for
data to prevent unauthorized third parties to know its contents.
large-size files. Recently, several PDP schemes are proposed
2) Proof of availability of data: We plan a major variation of
to address this issue. In fact, PDP is essentially an interactive
PDP, to provide public validation. Allow people other than the
proof between a CSP and a client because the client makes a
owner for information on the server has proved challenge.
false/true decision for data possession without downloading
Another major concern is the security issue of
data. Existing PDP schemes mainly focus on integrity
dynamic data operations for public audit services. In clouds,
verification issues at untrusted stores in public clouds, but
one of the core design principles is to provide dynamic
these schemes are not suitable for a hybrid cloud environment
scalability for various applications. This means that remotely
since they were originally constructed based on a two-party
stored data might be not only accessed by the clients, but also
interactive proof system. For a hybrid cloud, these schemes
dynamically updated by them, for instance, through block
can only be used in a trivial way: clients must invoke them
operations such as modification, deletion and insertion.
repeatedly to check the integrity of data stored in each single
However, these operations may raise security issues in most of
cloud. This means that clients must know the exact position of
existing schemes, e.g., the forgery of the verification metadata
each data block in outsourced data. Moreover, this process
(called as tags) generated by data owners and the leakage of
the user’s secret key. Hence, it is crucial to develop a more
computation costs at client sides.
Early audit schemes have focused on static data, in
which the client cannot modify the original data or can only
efficient and secure mechanism for dynamic audit services, in
which a potential adversary’s advantage through dynamic data
operations should be prohibited.
perform a limited set of updates. The DPDP, a scheme that
supports the full range of dynamic updates on the outsourced
data, while providing the same strong guarantees about data
integrity. Ability to perform updates such as insertions,
Although existing techniques offer a publicly
modifications, or deletions, extends the database services and
accessible remote interface for checking and managing the
more complex cloud storage system. Solving these problems
tremendous amount of data, the majority of existing PDP
will help improve the quality of PDP services, which can not
schemes are incapable to satisfy the inherent requirements
from multiple clouds in terms of communication and
is not directly involved in the CPDP scheme in order to reduce
computation costs. To address this problem, we consider a
the complexity of cryptosystem.
multi-cloud storage service as illustrated in Figure 1. In this
a. Fragment Structure and Secure Tags
architecture, we consider that a data storage service involves
To maximize the storage efficiency and audit
four entities: data owner (DO), who has a large amount of data
performance, our audit system introduces a general fragment
to be stored in the cloud; cloud service provider (CSP), who
structure for outsourced storages. An instance for this
provides data storage service and has enough storage space
framework which is used in our approach is shown in Fig. 3:
and computation.
an outsourced file 𝐹 is split into 𝑛 blocks {π‘š1,2, ⋅⋅⋅ ,π‘šπ‘›}, and
each block π‘šπ‘– is split into 𝑠 sectors {π‘šπ‘–,1,π‘šπ‘–,2, ⋅⋅⋅ ,π‘šπ‘–,𝑠}. The
fragment framework consists of 𝑛 block-tag pair (π‘šπ‘–, πœŽπ‘–),
where πœŽπ‘– is a signature tag of a block π‘šπ‘– generated by some
secrets 𝜏 = (𝜏1, 𝜏2, ⋅⋅⋅ , πœπ‘ ). We can use such tags and
corresponding data to construct a response in terms of the
TPA’s challenges in the verification protocol, such that this
response can be verified without raw data. If a tag is
enforceable by anyone except the original signer, we call it a
Architecture for Data Integrity
secure tag. Finally, these block-tag pairs are stored in CSP and
resources; third party auditor (TPA), who has capabilities
the encrypted secrets 𝜏 (called as PVP) are in TTP. Although
to manage or monitor the outsourced data under the delegation
this fragment structure is simple and straightforward, but the
of data owner; and authorized applications (AA), who have
file is split into 𝑛 × π‘  sectors and each block (𝑠 sectors)
the right to access and manipulate the stored data. Finally,
corresponds to a tag, so that the storage of signature tags can
application users can enjoy various cloud application services
be reduced with the increase of 𝑠. Hence, this structure can
via these authorized applications
reduce the extra storage for tags and improve the audit
Then, by using a verification protocol, the clients can
performance. There exist some schemes for the convergence
issue a challenge for one CSP to check the integrity and
of 𝑠 blocks to generate a secure signature tag. These schemes,
availability of outsourced data with respect to public
built from collision-resistance hash functions (see Section 5)
information stored in TPA. We neither assume that CSP is
and a random oracle model, support the features of scalability,
trust to guarantee the security of the stored data, nor assume
performance and security.
that data owner has the ability to collect the evidence of the
b. Index-Hash Table:
CSP’s fault after errors have been found. To achieve this goal,
In order to support dynamic data operations,
a TPA server is constructed as a core trust base on the cloud
we introduce a simple index-hash table to record the changes
for the sake of security. We assume the TPA is reliable and
of file blocks, as well as generate the hash value of each block
independent through the following functions: to setup and
in the verification process. The structure of our index-hash
maintain the CPDP(Cooperative Provable Data Possession)
table is similar to that of file block allocation table in file
cryptosystem; to generate and store data owner’s public key;
systems. Generally, the index-hash table πœ’ consists of serial
and to store the public parameters used to execute the
number, block number, version number, and random integer.
verification protocol in the CPDP scheme. Note that the TPA
Note that we must assure all records in the index-hash table
differ from one another to prevent the forgery of data blocks
set of random index-coefficient pairs Q to the organizer; 3) the
and tags. In addition to recording data changes, each record πœ’π‘–
organizer relays them into each Pi in P according to the exact
in the table is used to generate a unique hash value, which in
position of each data block; 4) each Pi returns its response of
turn is used for the construction of a signature tag πœŽπ‘– by the
challenge to the organizer; 5) the organizer synthesizes a final
secret key π‘ π‘˜. The relationship between πœ’π‘– and πœŽπ‘– must be
response from these responses and sends it to the verifier.
cryptographically secure, and we make use of it to design our
The above process would guarantee that the verifier
verification protocol. Although the index-hash table may
accesses files without knowing on which CSP or in what
increase the complexity of an audit system, it provides a
geographical locations their files reside.
higher assurance to monitor the behavior of an untrusted CSP,
as well as valuable evidence for computer forensics, due to the
reason that anyone cannot forge the valid πœ’π‘– (in TPA) and πœŽπ‘–
(in CSP) without the secret key π‘ π‘˜.
1) Setup Phase: We start with a database D divided into y
blocks, such as: 1 2 , , ,y D = D D _ D . We want to be able to
challenge storage SER t times. We make use of a pseudorandom function (PRF), f, and a pseudo-random permutation
(PRP) g with the following parameters: In our example, l = log
Index-Hash Hierarchies for CPDP Model
y since we use g to exchange index. The output of f is used to
generate the key for g and c = logt (t as a challenge to the
number of SER) we note that using a standard block cipher can
According to the above-mentioned architecture, four
be f and g generated, such as AES. In this case, L = 128. In
different network entities can be identified as follows: the
setup phase, we will use the pseudo-random function f and two
verifier (V), trusted third party (TTP), the organizer (0), and
k -bit master secret keys W and Z. The key W is used to
some cloud service providers (CSP s) in hybrid P = {PihE[l,c]'
generate session permutation keys while Z is used to generate
The organizer is an entity that directly contacts with the
the current challenges
verifier. Moreover it can initiate and organize the verification
process. Often, the organizer is an independent server or a
certain CSP in P. In our scheme, the verification is performed
by a 5-move interactive proof protocol as follows:
1) the organizer initiates the protocol and sends a
commitment to the verifier; 2) the verifier returns a challenge
2) Verification Phase: When owners want to save it h the
verification server get proof of, the first owner to recalculate
the tag key i k and i C .For example, setup phase for 5)a).
steps, from this, Only need to encryption save files owner
addition, the parameter πœ“ is used to store the file-related
public key pk and private key sk and a verification of the
information, so an owner can employ a unique public key to
master key W , Z , K and the current tags i . Then the owner
deal with a large number of outsourced files.
send i k and i c to the SER (such as the verification phase of
the algorithm, step 2). When the server receives the owner of
4) Zero-knowledge property of verification: In the CSPs’
the message, then the calculated z value:
robustness against attempts to gain knowledge by interacting
with them. For our construction we make use of the zeroknowledge property to preserve the privacy of data blocks and
If it is equal, then the owner will identify the correct storage
signature tags. Firstly, randomness is adopted into the CSPs’
server ciphertext file M. This construction is directly derived
responses in order to resist the data leakage attacks. That is,
from multi-prover zero-knowledge proof system (MPZKPS),
the random integer πœ†π‘—, is introduced into the response πœ‡π‘—,, i.e.,
which satisfies following properties for a given assertion, 𝐿:
πœ‡π‘—,π‘˜ = πœ†π‘—,π‘˜ + Σ (𝑖,𝑣𝑖)∈π‘„π‘˜π‘£π‘–⋅π‘šπ‘–,𝑗 . This means that the
a) Completeness: whenever π‘₯∈𝐿, there exists a strategy for the
cheating verifier cannot obtain π‘šπ‘–, from πœ‡π‘—, because he does
provers that convinces the verifier that this is the case;
not know the random integer πœ†π‘—,. At the same time, a random
b) Soundness: whenever π‘₯ βˆ•∈𝐿, whatever strategy the proves
integer 𝛾 is also introduced to randomize the verification tag
employ, they will not convince the verifier that π‘₯∈𝐿;
c) Zero-knowledge: no cheating verifier can learn anything
i.e., 𝜎′ ← (Ππ‘ƒπ‘˜∈π’«πœŽ′π‘˜⋅𝑅− ). Thus, the tag 𝜎 cannot reveal to
other than the veracity of the statement. According to existing
the cheating verifier in terms of randomness.
IPS research [15], these properties can protect our construction
from various attacks, such as data leakage attack (privacy
5) Knowledge soundness of verification: In every data-tag
leakage), tag forgery attack (ownership cheating), etc.
pairs (𝐹, 𝜎) βˆ•∈π‘‡π‘Žπ‘”πΊ(π‘ π‘˜, 𝐹), in order to prove nonexistence of
fraudulent 𝒫and 𝑂, we require that the scheme satisfies the
3) Completeness property of verification: In our scheme, the
knowledge soundness property, that is,
completeness property implies public verifiability property,
which allows anyone, not just the client (data owner), to
challenge the cloud server for data integrity and data
ownership without the need for any secret information. First,
where πœ– is a negligible error. We make use of 𝒫to construct a
for every available data-tag pair (𝐹, 𝜎) ∈π‘‡π‘Žπ‘”πΊπ‘’π‘›(π‘ π‘˜, 𝐹) and a
knowledge extractor β„³ , which gets the common input (π‘π‘˜,
random challenge 𝑄 = (𝑖 , 𝑣𝑖)𝑖∈𝐼, the verification protocol
πœ“) and rewindable blackbox accesses to the prover 𝑃, and then
should be completed with success probability a, that is,In this
attempts to break the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH)
process, anyone can obtain the owner’s public key π‘π‘˜ = (𝑔,
problem in 𝔾: given 𝐺,𝐺1 = πΊπ‘Ž,𝐺2 = 𝐺𝑏∈𝑅𝔾, output πΊπ‘Žπ‘∈𝔾.
β„Ž,𝐻1 = β„Žπ›Ό,𝐻2 = β„Žπ›½) and the corresponding file parameter πœ“ =
But it is unacceptable because the CDH problem is widely
(𝑒, πœ‰(1), πœ’) from TTP to execute the verification protocol,
regarded as an unsolved problem in polynomial-time.
hence this is a public verifiable protocol. Moreover, for
different owners, the secrets 𝛼 and 𝛽 hidden in their public key
π‘π‘˜ are also different, determining that success verification can
only be implemented by the real owner’s public key. In
(for example, when modifying a data block, all the symbols in
Achieving robustness of data over groups of symbols
that block and the corresponding parity symbols should be
(constraint groups) and it requires to hide the association
between symbols and constraint groups (i.e., the server should
not know which symbols belong to the same constraint group).
When dynamic updates are performed overfile data, the parity
of the affected constraint groups should also be updated,
which requires knowledge of the data and the parity symbols
in those constraint groups.
However, the user cannot simply retrieve only the symbols of
the affected constraint groups, as that would reveal the
contents of the corresponding constraint groups and break
robustness. Moreover, the client cannot simply update only the
parity symbols in the affected constraint groups, as that may
allow the server to infer which parity symbols are in the same
constraint group by comparing the new parity with the old
parity also be updated, which requires knowledge of the data
and the parity symbols in those constraint groups .
We use two independent logical representation of the file for
different purposes: For the purpose of file updating (during the
Update phase), the file is seen as an ordered collection of
blocks. Basically, update operations occur at the block level.
This is also the representation used for checking data
possession (during the Challenge phase), as each block has
one corresponding verification tag. For the purpose of
encoding for robustness, the file is seenas a collection of
symbols, which are grouped into constraintgroups and each
constraint group is encoded independently. For each file
block, there is a corresponding verification tag which needs to
be stored at the server. Thus, larger file blocks result in
smaller additional server storage overhead due to verification
tags. On the other hand, efficient encoding and decoding
requires the symbols to be from a small size field. As a result,
one file block will usually contain multiple symbols. Each file
update operation which is performed at the block level results
into several operations applied to the symbols in that block
In this paper, we presented the construction of an
efficient Remote Data Audit scheme for distributed cloud
storage. Based on homomorphic verifiable response and hash
index hierarchy, to support dynamic scalability on multiple
storage servers. We also showed that our scheme provided all
security properties required by zero knowledge interactive
proof system, so that it can resist various attacks even if it is
deployed as a public audit service in clouds. This provide
robustness and, at the same time, support dynamic data
updates, while requiring small, constant, client storage. The
main challenge that had to be overcome was to reduce the
Furthermore, we optimized the probabilistic query and
periodic verification to improve the audit performance. Our
experiments clearly demonstrated that our approaches only
introduce a small amount of computation and communication
overheads. Therefore, our solution can be treated as a new
candidate for data integrity verification in outsourcing data
storage systems. As part of future work, we would extend our
work to explore more effective CPDP constructions. First,
from our experiments we found that the performance of CPDP
scheme, especially for large files, is affected by the bilinear
mapping operations due to its high complexity. To solve this
problem, Abased constructions may be a better choice, but this
is still a challenging task because the existing RSAbased
schemes have too many restrictions on the performance and
security [2. Finally, it is still a challenging problem for the
generation of tags with the length irrelevant to the size of data
blocks. We would explore such a issue to provide the support
of variable-length block verification.
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