
Andhra University
Choice Based Credit System
BA Sociology Syllabus
I Year- I Semester:
Paper I (Compulsory): Basic Concepts in Sociology
Sociology- definition, scope and subject matter
Human Society and its salient features
Individual and Society
Social structure, Social function and Social organization
Social Group, Association, Institution and Community
Role, Statues, Norms and Values
6. Social Differentiation and Stratification
7. Social Evolution, Social Progress and Social Change
8. Socialization, Social Order and Social Control
Books suggested:
1. Robert Bierstedt: Social Order
2. T.B. Bottommore: Sociology
3. Haralambos and Holborn: Sociology
4. NCERT: Sociology
5. Telugu Academy: Samaja Nirmiti and Parivarthana
I Year- II Semester:
Paper II (Compulsory): Sociology of Indian Society
1. India as a plural society
Unity in Diversity
2. Social Institutions and their Changing dimensions:
Caste, Tribe, Village, Family and Kinship
3. Social Change in India
Islamization, Sanskritization, Westernization and Globalization
4. Social Movements in India:
Dalit Movement, Backward Class Movement, Women’s Movement, and Kisan
5. Indian Society and its challenges:
Communalism, Secularism, Regionalism, Ethnicism, Gender discrimination, and
Books suggested:
1. S.C.Dube: Indian Society
2. David Mandelbaum: Society in India
3. Ram Ahuja: Society in India
4. Stern R. W: Changing India
5. M.S.A. Rao: Social Movements in India
6. Louis Dumont: Religion, Politics and History in India
7. Satish Deshpande: Contemporary India: A Sociological View
8. M.N.Srinivas: 1. India’s Social Structure
2. Caste in Modern India and Other Essays
3. Social Change in Modern India
9. P.N. Prabhu: Hindu Social Organization
10. K M. Kapadia: Marriage and Family in India
II Year- III Semester:
Paper III (Compulsory): Selected Sociological Theories
1. Auguste Comte: Hierarchy of Sciences, Law of Three Stages
2. Herbert Spencer: Organismic model and Social Biology
3. Karl Marx: Historical Materialism, Dialectical Materialism, Class Struggle and
4. Emile Durkheim: Division of Labour, Suicide, and Religion
5. Max Weber: Religion, Social Action, Bureaucracy and Power & Authority
Books suggested:
1. Raymond Aron: Main Currents of Social Thought: Volume I & II
2. Jayapalan N : Sociological Theories
3. Calhoun: Classical Sociological Theories
II Year- IV Semester:
Paper IV(Compulsory): Methods of Social Research
1. Nature of Science and Scientific Method, Application of Scientific Method to Social
2. Relationship between Concepts, Theory and Fact
3. Survey Research-its Problems and Prospects
4. Types of Research Design
5. Types of Sampling Design
6. Techniques of Data Collection
7. Fieldwork and its Importance
8. Report Writing
Books suggested:
1. Babie: Survey Research Methods
2. David Dooley: Survey Research Methods
3. Moser and Kalton: Survey Methods in Social Investigation
4. T.N.Madan: Encounter and Experience
5. M.N.Srinivas, The Fieldworker and the Field.
III Year- V Semester:
Paper V (Compulsory): Social Demography
1. Definition, Nature and Scope of Social Demography, its relation with Sociology
2. Sources of Demographic Data: Population Census, Vital Statistics and National
Sample Survey
3. Size, Composition and Distribution of Population in India
4. Population Theories: Malthus and Demographic Transition
5. Components of Population Growth: Fertility, Mortality, and Migration
6. Population Policy
7. Problems of Rapid Population Growth in India
8. Need for Population Control: Various Strategies adopted
Books suggested:
1. Asha Binde and Tara Kanitkar: Principles of Population Studies
2. David M. Heer: Population and Society
3. M.K.Premi: An introduction to Social Demography
4. U.N.O: Determinants and Consequences of Population Trends
III Year- V Semester:
Paper VI (Optionals):
(A) Rural Sociology and Development
1. Scope, Need and Importance of Rural Sociology
2. Rural Social Structure
3. Rural Social Problems
4. Major Agrarian Movements
5. Agrarian Distress and Farmers’ Suicides
6. Panchayatiraj and Village Factions
7. Green, White and Blue Revolutions and Sustainable Development
8. Rural Development and Welfare Programmes
Books suggested:
1. A.R. Desai: Rural Sociology
2. D.N.Dhanagare: Peasant Movements in India
3. K.Radhakrishna Murty e.tal.: Agrarian Distress and Farmers’ Suicides in Andhra
4. Thorner and Thorner: Land and Labour in India
(B) Urban Sociology and Development
1. Urban Sociology-Scope and Need for its Study in India
2. Urban Community and its Features, Rural-Urban differences, Rural-Urban
3. India’s Urbanization: Its Trends and Components
4. Classification of Cities and their characteristics
5. Urban Social Organization
6. Urban Social Problems
7. Municipal Administration in India and its Challenges
8. Urban Community Development Programmes
Books suggested:
1. M.S.A. Rao: Urban Sociology in India
2. Gist and Fawa: Urban Society
3. Alfred Desouza: The Indian City
4. Asish Bose: Studies in India’s Urbanization
5. K.Ranga Rao and M.S.A. Rao: Cities and Slums
6. K.Radhakrishna Murty (Ed): Urbanization at the New Millennium: The Indian
III Year- VI Semester:
Paper VII(Compulsory):Polity, Economy and Society in India
1. Scope and subject matter of Political Sociology;
2. Power and Society: Weber, Pareto, and Rajni Kothari
3. Political Identities and Political Processes; Political Culture and Political
4. Political Parties and their Functions
5. Sociological Aspects of Economic Phenomenon
6. Interaction between Polity, Economy and Society
7. Modes of Production in Feudalism, Capitalism and Socialism
8. The Impact of Globalization on Economic Development
Books suggested:
1. Partha Chatterjee: State and Politics in India
2. Rajni Kothari (Ed): Caste and Politics in India
3. A.Kohli: India’s Democracy
4. Ritzer: The Macdonaldization of Indian Society
5. Neil Smelser: The Sociology of Economic Life
III Year- VI Semester:
Paper VIII (Optionals):
(A) Society and Environment
1. The rise and Development of Environmental Sociology in India
2. Relationship between Ecology, Habitat and Environment; Relationship between
Society, Economy and Environment
3. The Nature of Ecosystems
4. Environmental Degradation: Air, Water, Land, Soil Pollution
5. Environmental Policy in India
6. Environmental Activism in India
7. Environmental Management Programmes
8. The Disaster Management
Books suggested:
1. I.S.Chauhan: Environmental Degradation
2. Dharam Ghai: Development and Environment
3. Anthony Giddens: Global Problems and Ecological Crisis
4. S.R. Mehata: Poverty, Population and Sustainable Development
5. Centre for Science and Environment (Govt. of India): The State of India’s
(B) Society and Education
Sociological Approach to Education; Education as a Social System; Social Functions
of Education
Problems of Education in India; Wastage and Stagnation; Medium of Instruction;
Assessment and Evaluation
Education of Women, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes
Sociology of Teaching; Experiments in Education; Students unrest
New Education Policy- 1986
Impact of Education on Modernization and Social Change
The Concept of Lifelong Education
Impact of Globalization and Privatization on Education in India
Books suggested:
Mohanty: Modern Trends in Indian Education
M.S.Gore: Indian Education, Structure and Processes
Shakuntala Saxena: Sociological Perspectives in Indian Education
Susan Verghese: Education, Modernization and Alienation: An Interface Study
Ashley and Slatter: An Introduction to Sociology of Education