TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN – ACADEMIC APPEAL FORM STUDENT NUMBER: Sections 1 & 2 to be completed by the Appellant’s Tutor Section 1 Please enter student’s ID number in the document header on page 1 as well as in the table below. Academic Appeal Form This form is for use in appeals to Courts of First Appeal and the Academic Appeals Committee. See the Senior Tutor’s website for Guidelines on completing this form ( ). Please mark as appropriate: This is an appeal to the Court of First Appeal for the Faculty / School / Course ________________________________ This is an appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee Examination session: (Annual / Supplemental YYYY (year) _______________________________________________ Please refer to the document Procedures for Courts of First Appeals for Undergraduate Students prior to completing and submitting this form. Tutors are required to familiarise themselves with the deadlines for submission of appeals. At a Court of First Appeal, the student’s tutor, or the Senior Tutor, must attend to represent the student. The student may also attend if s/he so wishes. For appeals to the Academic Appeals Committee, tutors should note that their tutee (the appellant) must attend at the statement of their case to the committee. In exceptional circumstances, the committee may permit an appellant not to appear before it. Name of Appellant: ID Number: Course: Current College standing: Tutor name: I wish to make an appeal on behalf of my tutee whose case: (i) is not adequately covered by the ordinary regulations of the College (ii) is based on a claim that the regulations of the College were not properly applied in the appellant’s case (iii) represents an ad misericordiam appeal Tick box, as appropriate, to indicate the grounds for the appeal This appeal is being brought against the decision of the Faculty / School / Course ________________________________ according to the rule(s) set out on the course at Calendar page _____. If this is an appeal to the Academic Appeals Committee, please state the decision of the Court of First Appeal: Insert text here Please state clearly the objective of the Appeal: My tutee is appealing to be allowed to Insert text here TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN – ACADEMIC APPEAL FORM Section 2 – Details of the Appeal STUDENT NUMBER: Please indicate dates of illness covered by any Medical Certificates presented: Insert text here Please provide details of Non Satisfactory returns in relation to the appellant: Insert text here Full details of appellant’s academic record, including examination results:* Insert text here *Tutors are advised that, if necessary, Faculty / School / Course Offices may be called upon to make available to them details of academic records. Where appropriate, marks and dates for individual examinations should be provided. Detailed account of the case being made by the appellant: (Please ensure that you provide exact dates of the principal events cited in the appeal. If there is more than one ground for the appeal, please ensure that you specify which facts are to be relied upon in support of each ground. Where necessary, please provide appropriate background information. This account may be continued on an additional page. Cases need to be sufficiently detailed and backed up with appropriate evidence. Unsupported claims may not be entertained by the Committee.) Insert text here Submitted by (Tutor name): _______________________________ Date: _____________________ Please ensure that any supporting documentation is submitted in advance of the deadline for its receipt TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN – ACADEMIC APPEAL FORM STUDENT NUMBER: Sections 3 & 4 For Courts of First Appeals only and for onward submission to the Senior Lecturer for approval Section 3 Summary of Court of First Appeal’s deliberations: Insert text here TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN – ACADEMIC APPEAL FORM STUDENT NUMBER: Section 4 Recommendation of Court of First Appeal to the Senior Lecturer (please state clearly the action recommended) Insert text here (i) Published annual / supplemental examination result (including results comments): Insert text here (ii) Recommended annual / supplemental examination result following Court of First Appeal (including results comments): Insert text here (iii) Additional recommendations / comments on student’s status for the next academic year (e.g. may go off books and take examinations only at the end of the academic year etc.) Insert text here Please ensure that a revised examination result sheet is submitted to the Timetable and Examinations Office in the event that the published annual / supplemental result is revised and approved by the Senior Lecturer. Submitted on behalf of ________________________________________________ (Chair of Court of First Appeal) Date: For use by Senior Lecturer Recommendation approved: Yes / No / Further information required Signed: ____________________________________________________ (Senior Lecturer) Date: ______________________________________________________