成功的演講 李燦榮 不同文化與演講 美國: 爭著講 中國: 領導講 香港: 唔識講 後遺症: 飲宴 大學 尋找隱世演講技巧 參考人物 彭定康: 身體演譯 詹瑞文: 投入角色 朱鎔基: 意在言外 溫家寶: 謙卑細緻 易中天: 智慧淵博 馬英九: 信仁謙禮 智信仁勇嚴….愛? 沒有最好.只有更好 一言蔽之 視聽兼觸 自我演譯 拋開手稿 檢討無間 借鑑天下 薪火相傳 人心互動 交叉思維 卡耐基 Toastmaster club 內地培訓 我的方程式 減: 一句講 加: 視聽觸 乘:借鑑表表者 除:系統化 除的進階:破冰.創意.收成 How to develop self confidence & influence people by public speaking Dale Carnegie卡耐基 Develop courage & self confidence 1.start with a strong and persistent desire強 烈意向 2.prepare準備 3.act confident表現信心 4.practice練習 preparation A speech must grow.假以時日 Ask all possible questions about it盡問 Library….now is internet網上行 More than intended to use有多無少 Develop reserve power卓有餘裕 Famous speakers:引起行動方程式 Dr. Conwell: A. state your facts B. argue from them C. appeal for action -A. show something that is wrong B. show how to remedy it C. appeal for action -A. secure interested attention B. state your facts C. appeal to the motives that make men act. Lincoln: conclusion with mathematical exactness. Use tape recorder…now tv Do not read your talk Gestures 記憶 腦圖 Essential elements in successful speaking Sudden success after plateaus like experience高峰前的平路 Overcome initial fear解決前期恐懼 Keep faithfully busy充滿信心 Think success正面思維 Benchmarking借鑑他人 The secret of good delivery: Heart 1.Stress 2.Pitch 3.Rate 4.Pause 大聲 高音 快慢 停頓 Platform presence and personality Don’t speak when tired. Rest ,recuperate, store up energy Eat sparingly Energy Dress Smile Crowd your audience Keep air fresh Don’t stand behind furniture No guest on platform How to open a talk A question A quote A statement Exhibit Own story Shocking facts 你喜歡甚麼顏色 “多難興邦” 陰謀家愛做的幾件事:爭 寵,告密,找事,造謠 真假人民幣 “零四年十月” 四人結婚.兩人離婚 How to close a talk Summarizing, restating, outline Appeal for action Paying sincere compliment Raising a laugh Quoting poetry Bible Building up a climax 六何.六思考帽 請捐錢.捐血.信耶穌 衷心感謝行動.聆聽 “不要說我是任一招” 溫總告誡特首 列根:挑戰者號 抽獎.離職.新人出現.新 計劃 4 大目標 To make something clear弄清事情 To impress and convince影響及游說 To get action引起行動 To entertain娛樂 4p Preparation Presentation Practice performance SAVI approach Somatic: by moving and doing Auditory: talking and hearing Visual: observing and picturing Intellectual: problem solving and reflecting To make things clear Comparison比較 Avoid jargon避免術語 Appeal to sense of sight利用五感 How to interest audience Ourselves自己 Stories故事 1. sex: we can create life性 2. property: maintain it住 3. religion: hope to continue it 宗教 Be a good conversationalist口語化 Pictures圖像 Improving your diciton 我的建議:多聆聽 例:無限創意在英九 九萬 Angel 鷹鷲 例:好奇心與窺私癖 中國人不好奇:因為怕人說少見多怪, 有家教,不要小家子氣,遭人笑話 奇,有怪的意思,不足為奇, 易中天談女人 男人談女人,意在欣賞,女人談女人,意在批 評 男人較少對女人作道德評價,女人則很難對女 人作審美欣賞 男人的態度是美學的,女人的態度是倫理學 閒話陰謀家愛做的幾件事: 爭寵,告密,找事,造謠