1 Potential Interaction between predation risk, food limitation and disease Wigganson Matandiko, Montana State University Supervisor: Prof. Scott Creel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Ecology Co-Supervisor: Dr Matthew Becker Project Duration: August 2012 – July 2015; Budget: U$ 252, 070 1 2 Potential Interaction between predation risk, food limitation and disease Project Summary Predators influence prey in both direct and indirect way resulting in an effect on their population dynamics. The direct influence is observed through prey kills. The indirect effects on pray can either be physiological and / or behavioral responses due to the risk of predation. Both the physiological and behavioral responses are an attempt to counteract predation. The mere risk of predation causes some prey species to alter their group and foraging patterns. Experiments carried out in aquatic and avian species do show remarkable changes in reproduction which include reduced number of eggs laid, reduced offspring per year, and poor hatchability in eggs. These costs some authors argue that they may even be far more detrimental compared to direct effects on prey. The challenge then is how to measure and quantify the effects of risk predation alone being the indirect influence on prey species dynamics. In this this proposal we seek to investigate the distribution of prey in predator home ranges and compare to outside ranges. The home ranges will be determined by radio collared predators of the lion, African wild dog and hyenas. The prey species density will be determined from transects from past aerial surveys to current. We will elect to undertake either air or ground transect in the two ranges to estimate prey density comparable to the census surveys. We also wish to determine the predator home ranges in three seasons (cold, dry and wet) with their associated densities. We are hypothesizing that predator density is more or less equal in the cold and dry but lesser in the wet season. We also seek to determine group size changes and contact rates on two prey species (wildebeest and zebra) in predator and outside predator home range using proximity collars. Approximate position of predators will be determined relative to the group of prey at each observation. The contact rates will be correlated to the proximity distances of predator. The idea here is to correlate high intra-species contacts to higher titers of disease antibodies to foot and mouth disease (FMD), malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) and bovine tuberculosis (BTB). The high contact rates will be interpreted in the context of grazing preference and nearness of the predator. The same analysis will be followed for the zebras except the disease entity chosen will be different. In the case of zebras we will investigate the prevalence of two helminthes common in equine species namely, strongylus and parascaris worms. This later and the earlier we hope will help answer the question of disease transmission driven by the risk of predation through group and foraging pattern alteration (aggregation [high contact rates] and disaggregation[ low contact rates]). The research will also follow dietary changes of prey through examination of the fecal and grass chlorophyll concentrations. Low chlorophyll has to do with a poor diet; this then will have to be correlated with place, contact rates and nearness or absence of predator to come up with analysis as to whether predation risk could be contributing to food limitation of prey species. Ancillary study on metabolite of fecal glucocorticoids hormone variation in game ranches and park animals will be investigated in different environment mimicking diverse stressors. Areas will be classified as high or low in perceived stress and the differences between these analyzed to see if they can be significant level differences that can be warranted to particular stressors. We plan to analyze the data with t-tools, regression analysis and confidence intervals of associated parameters established. Data collection is supposed to span a period of three years beginning July 2012 to June 2015. The project is estimated to cost two hundred and fifty two thousand and seventy United States dollars (U$ 252, 070). 2 3 Introduction Recent studies and publications show that predation risk can play significantly negative impact on prey species such as elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. A conservative view has been that predators limit prey through direct killing. Research finding has however shown that it is not the only factor at play, but those anti-predator responses mounted by prey have costs such as lowered survival, growth and reproduction. Creel (2011) advocates that stronger tests of these hypotheses will require continued development of methods to identify and quantify the fitness costs of anti-predator responses in wild animals2,6,7. That potential interaction between predation risk, food limitation and disease may come about due to altering foraging pattern and group aggregation versus disaggregation is the focus of the proposed study. In an attempt to test the hypothesis of the risks of predation, we seek to quantify the magnitude of disease transmission and food limitation arising from the perceived risk effects of predation. The predators to be considered in the study as a source of risk to prey species are lions (panthera leo), hyenas (crocuta crocuta) and African wild dogs (lycaon pictus) in Liuwa Plain National Park (LPNP) of Western Zambia. The measurements of interest are the average predator home range and predator density (in the cold, dry and wet seasons), prey density (with estimates of age structure) within and outside predator home range, prey fecal glucocorticoid metabolites 7, vegetation and prey fecal chlorophyll trends8 in droppings (to detect alteration in foraging patterns and / or seasonal forage quality), contact rates using proximity collars among prey species [prey species will be limited to Wildebeest and Zebra only for the purpose of this study]. The rational is to establish contact rates that are related to host density due to risk of predation. An estimate of the distance between prey and predator will be established in the vicinity of the prey herds that will be observed at set times and intervals to determine behavioral responses to presence of predator. The serological prevalence of three disease entities will be investigated in wildebeest, these being foot and mouth disease (FMD), malignant catarrhal fever (MCF), bovine tuberculosis (BTB) and fecal parascaris and strongylus helminthes in zebras. The idea is to investigate the correlation of disease exposure or transmission dynamics in various groupings that will 3 4 be observed, the hypothesis being that the higher the contact rates, the higher the disease pathogen transmission (this is density – mediated transmission [DMT]. Predator – prey interaction with the result of limiting prey by direct killing is well documented in both terrestrial and aquatic animals. Of equal importance in current literature is the fact that the risk of predation may have effects of equal magnitude if not greater than direct observable killings.9 The preoccupation in current research on this subject is to find some measure that will quantify the effect of predation risk alone. Behavioral responses observed due to predation risk are reported on altered foraging pattern (e.g. less time spent on grazing and much time spent in hiding from predator), mating and even suppression of conception or laying of eggs in aquatic fishes. 4 Creel, S.,2 has identified and listed the following mounted response to predation risk:i). change of group size in order to dilute direct predation risk. He affirms “the risk that at least one herd member will be killed, increases as herd size increases and that individual risk, decreases as herd size increases”. However it is also important to note that the risk factor for disease transmission also increases as animals congregate. The animals will tend to share common grazing ranges and watering points. So while combating risks of predation, a subtle spread of disease may be enhanced. This is one level where disease can interact with predation risk. At the same time, if this is happening in the dry season when forage is scarce, the herd usually depletes the immediate available resource and then move on in search for better pastures or “sweet spots”. This tends to lead them further away from watering points. It is often the case that the very young and old succumb due to exhaustion and lack of water. Such effects resulting in mortalities are often reported in the drier months of the year (August to November). ii).The degree of forage specialization as a strategy against predation can be seen in some bulk grazers that target the grass plains to improve their visual acuity in detecting predators but others do the opposite by going in the underbrush and forested area 4 5 where they cannot easily be noticed. The strategy is least effective in the dry season when most deciduous shrubs and trees shed their foliage. In Liuwa Plains National Park, our proposed sight for the research, it is observed that wildebeest and zebra graze mostly in the plain grasslands. Sometimes they venture into the woodlands but sparingly. iii). Increased serum glucocorticoid that can be detected in fecal matter as indicator of stress (fecal glucocorticoid [fGC]). This however was found with limitation due to progesterone (pregnancy hormone) that equally yield metabolites resembling fGC and extruded in fecal droppings.7 If GC concentrations increase due to stress; it follows that any stressor outside risk of predation may increase the serum level. In view of the difficulty of measuring fGC in relation to predation risk it is here proposed to investigate the hormonal variation in game ranches (where risk due to predation is absent) to a range of stressors such as hunting, fencing and disturbance due to tourist movements. A comparison with Game ranches where these activities are not taking place will be included to aid in detecting the difference and then followed by comparison with wildebeest and zebra in the wild. The question of interest is whether the changes in concentration are significantly different in game ranch animals with disturbances compared to those without and the wild stock. This investigation will target ranches that have been in establishment for a period of two years and above with the same species being studied in the wild (wildebeest and zebra). This will be a baseline survey to establish how GC hormone varies with factors mentioned in play above. iv). Vigilance - there is a cost that comes with vigilance such as reduction in feeding time as a trade off in trying to minimize chances of being preyed upon. I wish to quantify to some degree the effect of such responses (either directly or indirectly) by investigating firstly the prey density estimates in predator home range versus outside home range. The hypothesis1 to be tested here is that the density of prey in predator home range is lower than outside the predator home range. In other ways the presence of predator will tend to drive the prey away as far as possible to safe 5 6 refuges. The process of animals leaving may be slow but ultimately only few will remain in the predator’s home range. Secondly, we will establish predator home range estimates in the cold, dry and wet season and seek to establish hypothesis2 that the density of predators is less in the wet and cold season than the dry season. Thus seek to establish when risk of predation is more predominant in the three seasons. Monitoring of the collared predator and collared prey movement will aid to estimate the proximity of the predators to prey. While proximity collars will aid in establishing group contacts to be used as follow up on prevalence of disease. Theoretically, in the presence of a transmissible circulating pathogen among herds, the higher the contact rates the more probable the chances of contracting the disease. The season most predominant with high predation risk will impact group size changes and foraging pattern. The comparison then for serological analysis for disease will be carried out between animals exhibiting high contact rates versus those with low contact rates. The hypothesis3a being that antibody titers due to a circulating antigen will tend to be higher in animals with high contact rates than those with low contact rates. Funds allowing, repeated aerial surveys or fixed transect counts in predator home range versus non predator home range will confirm the abundance or scarcity of prey in the two ranges. It is suspected that predation risk is capable of triggering a cascade that can lead to disease and food limitation. It also holds that food limitation can also trigger disease and predation risk, leading to the weaker being hunted first. The challenge stands at isolating predation as a sole factor leading to food limitation or disease because the factors sometimes do interact synergistically. Absence of predators may have a desirable effect in a short to medium terms in that prey abundance may increase. However, over a long period this tends to have deleterious effect as a result of unchecked increase of prey density that results in over foraging (thus leading to food limitation). If the pasture range being foraged is seeded with such organisms as anthrax spores, overgrazing could result in ingestion of the spores from the soil and that could trigger anthrax outbreaks or clostridia disease. For reproductive diseases such as brucellosis, fetal fluids and membranes extruded in the environment increases the oral route transmission to other members of the herd. The 6 7 same can be said of helminthes that are predominantly transmitted via fecal oral route. This will be the focus for strongylus and parascaris worm examination in zebra herds exhibiting high contact rates versus those with low contact. Worm counts and egg load per gram will be measured in fecal matter collected at the time of collaring the zebras followed by a dose of dewormer (subcutaneous administration of ivomectin injection). The zebras will then be followed through the seasons to see how the worm load will fare between the high and the low contact rates (sub-hypothesis3b – average egg count and worm load will be higher in high contact rated zebra than in low contacts). We will apply the ideal situation of selecting a herd of between ten and fifteen and deworm all members of this herd). Then another herd with the same number collared but left without deworming to act as a source of contaminating the pastures with helminthes egg. The overarching hypothesis4a we seek to test is the fact that the disease antibody titers and worm load will be highest in the season when predation risk is higher in animals rated with high contact rates than when predation risk is low. It is hoped that this will bring about the element of risk predation in disease transmission dynamics. We are also going to assume that high predator density in the dry season is synonymous with high predation risk, and hence in the last Sub-hypothesis4b, we want to test the fact that prey fecal chlorophyll will tend to be lower in prey than the vegetation chlorophyll in the “sweet spots”. And that this may be attributed to the disturbance from predators when the prey is driven from the “sweet spots” for fear of being preyed upon (in the dry season). The “sweet spots” being referred to here are those that retain moisture and therefore relatively fresh grazing throughout the dry season and consequently attracting prey to the area. Practically, the predators have to have more than one such spots in their home range if they are to survive from starvation. The specific research objectives are to24: 1. Assess how wildebeest and zebra contact rates relate to group size, disease status, age, and environmental conditions. 7 8 2. Determine relationships between contact rates and measures of population density at several spatial scales, from highly local (group size) to very broad (e.g. mean density for an entire national park). 3. Test for effects of predation risk on patterns of aggregation. 4. Examine relationships of the above variables to the incidence of FMD, MCF, BTB, strongylus and parascaris helminthes. The expected development outcomes are24: 1. Estimation of contact –group size relationships using proximity collars and determination of predator –prey interactions that influence zebra-wildebeest grouping patterns with potential for risk of disease transmission. 2. Determination of group size and prevalence of BTB, FMD, MCF, and some helminthes in zebras (parascaris and strongylus), and thereby justify disease management policy changes where needed. 3. Disease mitigation strategy from the resulting ecological and epidemiological survey. 4. Facilitation to build the tourism potential of the region by taking proactive safety measures in diseases affecting humans, domestic stock and wildlife thereby earn benefit to the local communities in LPNP. 5. Training and advanced education of Zambia’s wildlife professionals. Literature Review “Predation is defined as interactions in which one organism consumes all or part of another organism. This includes predator-prey, herbivore-plant, and parasite-host interactions. These linkages are the prime movers of energy through food chains.”1 Predator-prey interaction also plays a role in natural selection in the sense that the stronger are get favored. To illustrate this point, it is perceived that the better the predators are at hunting the better the chance of passing their fitness trait to succeeding generation through reproduction. The converse is also true that the weak get eliminated through starvation or through becoming easy targets by other predators. The prey in order to survive have to have better anti-predator defense mechanisms such as seeking the safety in big herds thereby diluting the risk of lethal predation on themselves even though the risk is not completely removed. They may also alter their foraging pattern 8 9 due to presence of predators in their habitat. 2, 3 Other anti-predator responses have been documented even in aquatic species, such as altering mating behavior in the presence of predators without the predators necessarily mounting lethal attacks. 4 These observation have led to the theory of costs associated with the risk of predation. That is, the cost arising from the risk of predation and not the actual demise of prey from being hunted. Traditionally, “Predator effects on prey demography have been ascribed solely to direct killing by population ecologists and wildlife managers because the effect of killing is directly observable.” 5, 6 However, “indirect effect resulting from the anti- predator behavior” have been reported to have produced “trophic-level effects similar in form and strength to those generated by direct predation events”10. The same author categorizes the predator effect on prey populations as lethal direct effect, lethal indirect effect (such as risk starvation when foraging pattern is altered due to potential of predation risk) and nonlethal indirect effect. The last one may be seen through such effect as altered reproduction behavior due to predation risk 11, 12. The evidence that predators have an influence on population communities besides direct killing is undeniably being proven with each passing moment in literature publications. This even goes to the level of affecting the demography of communities due to delayed recruitment of young for instance when reproduction pattern is altered due to risk of predation. “The relationship between host density and parasite transmission is fundamental to understanding disease dynamics and implementing effective control strategies 13,14. Models predict that when transmission is correlated with host density the parasite will be unable to persist when the host density is reduced below some threshold 15,16. This forms the basis for using social distancing (e.g. school closures) to control pandemics 17, 18, 19. In natural populations, the distribution and abundance of a host species can be affected by manipulating hunting pressure 20, artificial food sources 21, 22, 23, and predator distributions” 24. The effect of predator distribution on prey grouping patterns to mitigate against predation is one of the main focus for the research proposed. Whether the result of this anti-predator response can be quantified in terms of high prevalence of specific disease entities in high contact rated animals is another focus that is being 9 10 investigated towards the theory of disease transmission dynamics due to risk of predation. The strength of this finding will depend on the frequency of detecting predators within the vicinity of prey groups at any given time. Approach: The interaction between predator and prey may have impacts that are yet to be discovered and explained beyond mere killing of prey. The difficulty comes in when considering methods of detecting and quantifying the cost of the risk due to predation. The investigation proposed supposes that we can quantify the response to predation risk either directly or indirectly. To address the questions the research is designed to take inventory of wildlife numbers in perceived large carnivore ranges by taking transects from previous animal census counts. This is in a bid to establish abundance or absence of prey species. Upon confirmation of their presence, home ranges for three carnivore species (Lion, hyena and African wild dog) will be determined from the collared carnivores that are a source of risk predation. The information of aerial surveys from the past to current record will be a used to asses density of prey in both predator home range and outside the predator home range. The density of predators will also be determined with the changing seasons from the approximated home ranges. In view of the challenge that exists in census counts of large carnivores that are nocturnal, we are going to apply the number of predators in our study to compute density that will be assumed to be proportionately to the estimates of the actual density. “In this study, we will deploy 30 contact collars on wildebeest and 30 on zebra, distributing the collars in clusters of 5 sampling both large and small herds. What defines a contact depends upon the transmission mode of the parasite. As in prior work by Creel et al, we will define contact as being within 2m (approximately one body length) of another individual. The 2m radius is a compromise between providing an adequate number of contacts and decreasing the number of false-positives (i.e. contacts that are too distant to result in transmission). We recognize that this is only an index of the contacts that can cause transmission, but this index is probably not biased by age, serostatus or group size (i.e. those individuals that have more 2m contacts are 10 11 also likely to have more 1m contacts). We will set 3 collars to a critical distance of 10m and 20m (6 total) to assess the importance of contact distance. In addition, we will investigate several different contact metrics (probability of contact per day, number of unique individuals contacted, and cumulative time in contact per dyad per day), as in the current work on brucellosis in elk. The proximity collar data will allow us to assess which variables affect contact (e.g. group size, habitat, predation risk, age, sex)”24. The second aspect of the research study is to assess the response to predation by the frequency with which prey is found within the home ranges of the selected carnivores comparatively to outside predator home range. “We will conduct ground line transect surveys (but preferably funds allowing by airplane transects) to determine the distribution of group sizes across LPNP and the underlying factors associated with large groups. Sampling will be stratified by season, topography and habitat type, intensity of use by lions and spotted hyenas, human activity and livestock density” 24. The analysis will narrow down to compare predator home range versus outside. The information will also be correlated to previous transect counts for rough comparison of the distribution prey in past record. Observing fecal glucocorticoid metabolites in some studies have not yielded results to warrant stress levels due to predation. Moreover as already mentioned it has been noted that pregnant females tend to have high yields of the metabolite due to progesterone whose metabolites resemble that of glucocorticoids and have an affinity for serum binding globulins. None the less the metabolites will still be investigated after careful consideration of the likely calving seasons and avoid fecal sample collection in the months of suspected pregnancy. Reproducing the findings reported by other researchers in a different environmental setting will augment the conclusion of the results from other researchers. The addition here is that we will collect fresh fecal droppings in control groups of the same species found in game ranches so as to provide a comparison platform of how serum glucocorticoids vary in a range of stressing disturbances in the game ranches versus the wild species. The disturbances in consideration are those arising from hunter and tourist activities and seasonal changes. 11 12 The third aspect of this research will look at changes in the diet of prey species to be investigated through assessment of fecal and grass chlorophyll concentration using the technique applied by Christiansen et al (2009)8. The question of interest is whether food limitation can be detected at differing predator density in prey species in the three seasons. The currency used in this question is chlorophyll measurement because it is the bulk constituent in the diet of herbivores. In the study random browse and grass samples will be collected within predator ranges and outside to be used in assessing months of scarcity in contrast to the months of abundance grazing. The landscapes in Zambia have a typical three season phase categorized as the rain, dry and cold. By experience, we know the months when browse and grazing grass is scarce. In such months prey tend to travel longer distances in search of forage or keep to some soil patches with high ground water table that retain moisture and hence maintain fresh grazing. Such patches can maintain fresh grazing well into the dry season and sometimes up to the following rain season. In the rain season the weather is favorable to an abundance of plant regrowth and hence acts to limit the long distance movements between grazing grounds and water (natural water catchment areas tend to be full in the rain season). As a result of abundance in vegetation prey species tend to spread over a wider area. Of interest is how ‘elastic’ the carnivore home range will be in response to availability of food resource, will it remain static or is there periodic oscillation between expansion and shrinkage? What does it mean when there is expansion; can it be interpreted in terms of expanding carnivore population or a sign of food scarcity such that carnivores have to spread in search of prey? What is the effect on such survival instincts on both predator and prey? In the unlikely hood of shrinkage of home ranges, what would the carnivores be subsisting on? This might lead to a theory of survival on scavenging or targeting one or more patches that still attracts prey. Scavenging may be a function of inability to hunt in some predators due to a variety of reasons one of which is lack of readily available prey for hunting. The implication of scavenging on carcasses whose cause of death is unknown is in itself a risk that might lead to the demise of carnivores. The research will broadly attempt to answer the following pertinent questions: 12 13 i) When prey is most abundant within the carnivore home range and why. ii) When prey have to balance between risk of predation and survival (food and water availability). iii) Whether prey herd pattern changes in the face of predation risk can lead to disease transmission dynamics that can significantly be quantified. iv) Synchrony variation in carnivore home range size with the seasonal change. v) Evaluation of fGC as stress indicator from diverse disturbance regimes (human and non-human induced. vi) Factors affecting carnivore home range. vii) Differences among prey within and outside carnivore home ranges. viii) Anti-predator responses to predation risk. Two sources of retrospective data will be sort to arrive at species density estimates. The anti-poaching patrol teams keep records of animals encountered and mortalities seen in the area of patrol. This will be useful information pertaining to the area where research is to be conducted. Other sources through interviews and questionnaire surveys to be considered are the tour operators, non-governmental organizations actively engaged in conservation activities and hunting safari operators. Secondly records from aerial surveys will be used to guide in determining prey species abundance in assumed carnivore home ranges. Random transect counts, (preferably by airplane, financial resources allowing) will be undertaken in the areas to see how the figures correlate with aerial surveys on record. This will be followed by selection of an area (transects most consistent with aerial surveys) in the park where two to three predator (lion, hyena and wild dogs) species are frequently located in proximity to the prey species from the aerial survey records. To the existing collared predators additional representative predator species will be fitted with VHF collars that will be used to monitor movement and subsequent home range size. It is anticipated that at least two lions per pride will be collared (minimum of two prides to be monitored), two hyenas per clan (minimum of three clans) and three wild dogs per park (minimum of two parks). Chemical immobilization will be done by use of Dan inject darting gun. A cocktail immobilizing drug of MZT (Medetomidine hydrochloride – 8mg [Zalopine] and Zolazepam-Tiletamine 13 14 – 125mg [Zoletil]) is here proposed for use because of the advantage of reversal with antidote (Atipamezole [antisedan 5mg/ml]). This will minimize mortality risk due to anesthesia by reducing wake up time. As home ranges of the predators become more and more pronounced, the transects will narrow down to the home ranges of the predators. This will give a good comparison of the transect densities within predator home range versus outside. A foot and vehicle patrol team will undertake quarterly visits to assess vegetation biomass, mortality and frequency of prey presence / absence in the predator ranges. Prior information of any recorded mortalities in the area will also be used as baseline data for investigating pathogens endemic to the area in prey species. Selection of game ranches to be used as control will be subjected to random sampling after looking at those ranches with most representative prey species. It is targeted to at least have a minimum of three to four game ranches where fecal and vegetation biomass will be obtained to tally with samples from the National Parks. Data to be collected and measurement method i. Predator and prey density – for monitoring changes in group size of the quarterly transects in predator ranges compared with transects outside the predator range (Ground or aero transects depending on availability of resources) ii. Predator home range size fluctuation determined by VHF collared representative species – mean areas for different seasons to be compared for analysis of statistical variation within and between seasons. iii. Frequency of prey species presence within predator range in comparison with outside predator range (Ground or aero transects depending on availability of resources). iv. Prey fecal Glucocorticoids in park animals versus game ranch species (from 14 15 fresh dropping to be preserved in liquid nitrogen tanks upon collection) to be submitted to specialized laboratory for hormone assay reading. v. Fecal and grass chlorophyll concentration trends in the park versus control group of game ranches randomly selected (Laboratory spectrophotometry of forage and fecal extract is used to read chlorophyll concentration)8. Environmental conditions through fecal and chlorophyll concentration analysis are to be used as a guide in following the nutritional curve and hence the body condition estimates of the prey and predator (pictures and video recording to be taken). vi. Alterations in foraging pattern – Where are the prey species found foraging when transects are taken? Is it in the savannah grasslands, miombo woodlands, plains, riparian forests? It is generally hoped that a species without threat or risk of predation will tend to inhabit areas of high nutritional gain most of the time intermittent with breaks for watering (Proximity collars will aid in determination of herd pattern changes). Statistical methods This far we have identified two statistical methods that will be used to analyze the results as follows: Prey Density Estimates in Predator home range Versus Outside predator home range step1: Repeated prey counts up to 100000 trials in predator home range (set the average of the counts = lamda = 5 in Poisson random generator) 10000 0 5000 Frequency 15000 Distribution of Counts of Prey within predator home range 0 5 10 15 Counts of Prey Step 2: Repeated prey counts up to 100000 trials outside predator home range (set the 15 16 average of the counts = lamda = 20 in Poisson random generator) 4000 0 2000 Frequency 6000 8000 Distribution of Counts of Prey outside predator home range 10 20 30 40 Counts of Prey Prey density for each of the 100000 trials in predator home range and outside predator home range (Area set at 200km²) Step 3 – Prey density in predator Home range versus outside predator home range Density of Counts 4000 Frequency 10000 0 0 2000 5000 Frequency 6000 15000 8000 Density of Counts 0.00 0.04 0.08 Counts of Prey Within Home Range of Predator 16 0.05 0.15 Counts of Prey Outside Home Range of Predator 17 Step 4: Difference: Prey density outside – prey density in predator home range Density of Counts Difference in densities 0.04 0.08 Counts of Prey Within Home Range of Predator 2000 0 2000 0 0 0.00 4000 Frequency 4000 Frequency 10000 5000 Frequency 6000 6000 15000 8000 8000 Density of Counts 0.05 0.15 Counts of Prey Outside Home Range of Predator 0.00 0.10 0.20 Counts of Prey Outside - Home Range of Predator Step 5: Comparison of the Range of prey densities – within, outside & difference • Within home range of predator 0.0 to 0.08 prey / km² • Outside predator home range 0.04 to 0.2 prey / km² • Difference of the densities 0.00 to 0.2 prey / km² Step 6: Conclusion – 1st part • The hypothesis is that density of prey in predator home range is lower than outside predator home range. - Calculate the mean density for within & out Calculate standard error of the mean density Proceed with a paired sample t test for the difference in the mean Null Hypothesis: Mean density difference = 0 Alternative Hypothesis: Mean density difference ≠ 0 17 18 Step 7: Predator Home range estimates in the cold season (cs), dry season (ds), wet season(ws) • Number of trials 10,000 (cold, dry & wet) Cold Season Predator Home range Mean home range 250km² Standard Deviation 30km² Predator density = 0.06 lions / km² Dry Season Predator Home range mean home range 190km² standard deviation 25km² Predator Density = 0.079 lions /km² Wet Season Predator Home range Mean home range 300km² Standard deviation 35km² Predator density = 0.05 lions / km² Step 8: Comparison of seasonal Predator Home Ranges Distribution of area estimates (cold season) Distribution of area estimates (dry season) 250 200 150 Frequency 100 200 50 100 200 250 300 Area estimates of Predator cs 350 0 0 50 50 0 150 18 150 Frequency 150 100 Frequency 200 250 250 300 300 350 Distribution of area estimates(wet season) 100 150 200 Area estimates of Predator ds 250 200 250 300 350 Area estimates of Predator ws 400 450 19 Step 9: Conclusion – Second Part • - The Hypothesis is that density of Predator: Wet Season ≤ Cold Season < Dry Season 0.05 < 0.06 < 0.079 Regression of Seasonal Prey density vs Predator density (wet, cold, dry) = Separate line model - Compare the intercepts (β₀) for the three regression lions (Parameter relates to zero predator) - Compare the slope (β₁) for the three regression lines (Parameter relates to rate of prey decrease per unit increase in predator) We will subject the parameters to power analysis by calculating the 95% confidence intervals and compare as to whether there is an overlap in the intervals for each season. Absence of overlap will be indicative of significant difference in prey and predator densities in the seasons whereas overlaps will cast doubt on plausibility of the research findings. Adequacy of design (Appendix V refers) 19 20 APPENDIX I References 1. www.global change.umich.edu/globalchange1/current/lectures/predation/predation.html 2. Creel, S. (2011): Toward a predictive theory of risk effects: hypothesis for prey attributes and compensatory mortality. Ecology 110726112314008 (2011).doi.1890/11-0327.1 3. Christianson D. and Creel S. (2008): Risk effects in elk: Sex-specific responses in grazing and browsing due to predation risk from wolves. Behavioral Ecology doi.10.1093/beheco /arn 079. Pp 1258 - 1265 4. Fraser, D. F and Gilliam, J.F. (1992): None-lethal impacts of predator invasion: facultative suppression of growth and reproduction. Ecology 73, pp 959 – 970 5. Lima S.L.(1998): Nonlethal Effects in the Ecology of predator prey interactions. BioScience Vol. 48, pp 25 – 34 6. Scott Creel and David Christianson (2008): Relationship between direct Predation and Risk Effects. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Vol 23, pp 194 – 201. 7. Creel, S., Winnie, J. A., Christianson, D. (2009): Glucocorticoid Stress Hormones and the effects of Predation Risk on Elk. PNAS – WWW.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.0902235106 8. Christianson, D. and Creel, S. (2009): Fecal chlorophyll describes the link between primary production and consumption in a terrestrial herbivore. Ecological Applications, 19(5), pp. 1323 – 1335 9. Smith, M. T and Smith, L. R (200): elements of Ecology- 7th Edition Published by Benjamin Cummings pp. 304 - 306 10. Schmitz, O. J., et al (1977): Behaviorally mediated trophic cascades: Effects of predation risk on food web interactions. Ecology, 78(5), 1997, pp 1388 – 1399 11. Berglund, A. (1993): Risky sex: Male pipe fishes mate at random in the presence of a predator. Animal Behavior, 46, pp 169 – 175 12. Forsgreen, E.(1992): Predation risk affects mate choice in a Gobbid fish. American Naturalist 140 pp 1041 – 1049. 13. Anderson R.M. & May R.M. (1991) Infectious Diseases Dynamics and Control. Oxford University Press, Oxford. of Humans: 14. McCallum H., Barlow N. & Hone J. (2001) How should pathogen transmission be 20 21 modelled? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 16, 295-300. 15. Kermack W.O. & McKendrick A.G. (1927) Contributions to the mathematical theory of epidemics. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 115, 700-721. 16. Getz W.M. & Pickering J. (1983) Epidemic models: population regulation. American Naturalist, 121, 892-898. thresholds and 17. 5. Halloran M.E., Ferguson N.M., Eubank S., Longini I.M., Cummings D.A., Lewis B., Xu S., Fraser C., Vullikanti A., Germann T.C., Wagener D., Beckman R., Kadau K., Barrett C., Macken C.A., Burke D.S. & Cooley P. (2008) Modeling targeted layered containment of an influenza pandemic in the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 105, 46394644. 18. Glass K. & Barnes B. (2007) How much would closing schools reduce transmission during an influenza pandemic? Epidemiology, 18, 623-628. 19. Cauchemez S., Valleron A., Boëlle P., Flahault A. & Ferguson N.M. (2008) Estimating the impact of school closure on influenza transmission from Sentinel data. Nature, 452, 750-754. 20. Conner M.M., Miller M.W., Ebinger M.R. & Burnham K.P. (2007) A meta-BACI approach for evaluating management intervention on chronic wasting disease in mule deer. Ecological Applications, 17, 140153. 21. Miller R.E., Kaneene J.B., Fitzgerald S.D. & Schmitt S.M. (2003) Evaluation of the influence of supplemental feeding of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in the Michigan wild deer population. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 39, 84-95. 22. Cross P.C., Edwards W.H., Scurlock B.M., Maichak E.J. & Rogerson J.D. (2007) Effects of management and climate on elk brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Ecological Applications, 17, 957-964. 23. Rudolph B.A., Riley S.J., Hickling G.J., Frawley B.J., Garner M.S. & Winterstein S.R. (2006) Regulating hunter baiting for white-tailed deer in Michigan: Biological and social considerations. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 34, 314-321. 24. Creel, S. and Matandiko, W.(2011) – Proposal for grant application submitted to National Science Foundation – 30th November, 2011 21 22 APPENDIX II Travel Details 10th June 2012 – Travel from Bozeman, Montana State, to Lusaka Zambia, via Republic of South Africa by air. 12thJune, 2012 – Travel to Liuwa Plains National Park by road from Lusaka via Mongu and Kalabo districts of Western Zambia 14th June – 30th July, 2012 – one and half month at the research site in LPNP 5th August, 2012 – Travel from LPNP to Lusaka by road 15th August, 2012 – Travel back to Bozeman, Montana State (in readiness for fall semester) by air 1st August, 2013 – Travel from Bozeman, Montana State, to Lusaka Zambia, via Republic of South Africa by air. 5th August, 2013 - Travel to Liuwa Plains National Park by road from Lusaka via Mongu and Kalabo districts of Western Zambia to commence research for two more years. 8th August, 2015 - Travel from LPNP to Lusaka by road 10th August, 2015 – Travel back to the Bozeman, Montana State by air and commence data analysis, write up on research findings and compilation of PhD dissertation 22 23 APPENDIX III PROJECT BUDGET TABLE 1. SUMMARIZED BUDGET (SEE TABLE 2 FOR DETAILS) Note: List all amounts in U.S. dollars only Travel Year 1 Year Two (if requested) Year Three (if requested) Project Total 1. Domestic Travel 2. Per Diem, Domestic 2,800 2,800 2,800 8,400 Travel Costs Total (A) 2,800 2,800 2,800 8,400 Equipment 1. Instruments 35,815 2. Materials and Supplies 2,475 1,350 1,350 5,175 Equipment Costs Total (B) 38,290 1,350 1,350 40,990 Other Direct Costs 770 3 International Travel 4. Per Diem, International 1. Computer Services 35,815 770 2. Publication Costs 1,500 1,500 3. Workshops and conferences 4. Other (describe, add additional lines if needed) Helicopter Hire 5. Immobilizing / therapeutic drugs 5,000 5,000 8,000 5,604 8,000 5,603 8,000 5,603 24,000 16,810 6. Transport running costs 9,533 9,533 9,534 28,600 7. Laboratory services 9,500 9,500 9,500 28,500 Other Direct Costs Total (C) 33,407 32,636 39,137 105,180 Salaries and Stipends (list each position on separate line and indicate % of time to be spent – add more lines if needed) Principal Researcher 5,000 30,000 30,000 65,000 Health Insurance 300 1,800 1,800 3,900 1,200 1,200 2,600 3, 600 3,600 10,800 36, 200 36,600 82,300 4,800 4,800 14,400 $78,186 $84,687 $251,270 Relocation Allowance (Storage fees for 200 household goods) Research Assistant x 2 @ 300 / month x 26 (100% 3,600 Full time in shifts) Labor Costs Total (D) 9,100 Institutional Indirect Costs (if requested, full justification must be provided) (E) Grand Total Project Costs (F) (A+B+C+D+E) 23 4,800 $ 88, 397 24 Table 2 – Detailed Budget A International Travel Number Unit price (U$) Total Cost (U$) required 1 2 June 2012 Round trip – Bozeman (USA) Lusaka (Zambia) – Air ticket & Excess lug Aug 2013 Round trip – Bozeman(USA)Lusaka (Zambia) – Air ticket & Excess lug 1 2,800 2,800 1 2,800 2,800 Aug 2015 Round trip – Bozeman(USA) – Lusaka(Zambia) – Air ticket & Excess lug Subtotal 1 1 2,800 2800 3 4 B Living Expenses 1 Living Allowance: June- Aug 2012 Aug 2013 – July 2014 Aug 2014 – July 2015 8,400 2 months 2,500 5,000 12 months 2,500 30,000 12 months 2,500 30,000 150U$ /month 3,900 400/month 10,400 2 Health Insurance 26 months 3 Institutional Allowance for camp utilities, accommodation, electricity, internet ($400/month x 26 months) Relocation Allowance (Storage fees: $100/month x 26 months) 26 months 4 100/month 81,900 Subtotal 2 C 1 2 2,600 26 months Labor / Service Higher Research Assistants x 2 x 300 x 26 months Helicopter higher (800 U$ / Hour x 10hrs / year x 3 years 26 months 10 hours x 3yrs 600 15,600 800 24,000 39,600 Subtotal 3 D Instruments required 1 Pole syringe (jab stick) with syringe Spare Nylon syringe for Pole syringe 2 VHF Proximity collars for herbivores 3 GPS hand set 4 Batteries and miscellaneous supplies ($50/month x 26 months) 2 750 1500 10 13 130 60 200 12,000 2 220 440 50 1300 26 months 3 150 450 5 Flash lights 6 Night vision binoculars 3 700 2,100 7 Daylight binoculars 2 450 900 8 Trap cameras 25 300 7,500 24 25 9 10 11 12 13 Dan inject Darting Gun – 7 –JM- St 16mm bar 11 m smooth barrel Carbon dioxide canisters 74g Carbon dioxide canisters 45g Darts for dispensing chemical immobilizer - 3ml with already fitted barbed needles Digital Camera – Canon EOS Rebel T 2i 18.0 megapixel, ISO 100 – 6400 (expandable to 12,800) Portable 12v fridge 1 1,975 1,975 20 16.00 320 10 10.00 100 300 17.00 5,100 1 700 700 2 650 1300 Subtotal 4 E Computer Services 1 Computer software for downloading data from VHF collars Internet Broad band adapter 2 35,815 1 650 650 1 100 120 Subtotal 5 F Publication cost (Journal & Doctoral thesis), Subtotal 6 770 lump sum 1,500 1500 1,500 G Laboratory Materials Required 1 6 x 100 pkt 40 240 3 x 100 pkt 40 120 3 Vacutainers (for serum) – red topped, green topped Vacutainers (for whole blood) – purple topped with heparin or EDT Vacutainer needle holder 10 20 200 4 Vacutainer needles 9 x 100 pkts 15 135 5 Probang cups 3 cups 120 360 6 Universal bottles 60 12.50 750 7 Phosphate buffer polypac Phenol Red pH indicator 3 x 4 liters 140 420 3 x 500ml 15 45 5 x 100g pkt 55 275 1 x 10 lt 480 480 1x 20lt 720 720 3 x 40 lt 1.5 / lt 180 1 pack 1250 1250 2 8 citric acid crystals 9 Liquid Nitrogen tank (flask) 10 Liquid Nitrogen – 40 lts per year x 3 years 11 Cryogenic vials (3.6mls tubes) Subtotal 7 H Laboratory services Laboratory tests – FMD, MCF, Parascaris, and strongylus worm test 25 5,175 150x FMD 90 13,500 26 150x MCF 90 13,500 100x worm 15 1,500 Subtotal 8 28,500 I Drugs for Chemical immobilization 1 Etorphine Hydrochloride (M99) @ 8 animals / bottle [for 3 years] with Dioprenorphine Hydrochloride (M5050 – animal antidote) NB:Naltrexone (Human antidote): 50mg / ml 35 bottles 420 14700 3 bottle 420 1,260 Azaperone @ 66 animals/bottle [for 3 years] Drug alternative (if the above is not available – but not effective in equines) Thianil (A3838) - Dose Range: 5 – 6 mg Thianil for in combination with (Antidote / Reversal: Trexnil @ 10mg/ mg of Thianil used Azaperon (Tranquillizer) 5 bottles 20 100 250 750 2 3 * ** *** 4 J K Miscellaneous drugs – e.g. penicillin LA (10), phenylbutazone (5), dexamethasone, ivermectin (10), wound spray (5), healing oil (5 litres) – 250U$ per year x 3 Subtotal 9 Workshop & conference – to attend at least 2 Subtotal 10 35 bottles 5 bottles 3 years 16,810 2 2500 5,000 5,000 Transport running cost at project site Vehicle Fuel ($600/month x 26 months) Vehicle Maintenance ($500/month x 26 months) Subtotal 11 GRAND TOTAL (A – K) 26 35 bottles 26 months 600 15,600 500 13,000 26 28,600 252,070 27 Researcher’s Curriculum Vitae APPENDIX IV Wigganson Matandiko Graduate Student Department of Ecology Montana State University Bozeman MT 59717 Education: MSc. in Wild Animal Health, 1998, Royal Veterinary College, University of London Batchelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM), 1990, University of Zambia Current Position: Graduate Student Past Appointments: 2009 - 2011 2002 - 2008 Head of Veterinary, Zambia Wildlife Authority, Chilanga, Zambia. State Veterinarian, Department of Animal Health & Production, Nata & Lobatse, Botswana. 2000 – 2002 State Veterinarian in charge of the Wild Animal Health Unit, Lusaka, Zambia. 1999 – 2000 State Veterinarian in charge of Disease Control, Southern Province, Zambia. 1997 - 1997 1991 - 1996 Counterpart – Southern Africa Animal Disease Control project (SAADCP) – Lusaka, Zambia. State Veterinarian, Department of Animal Health & Production, Choma, Zambia. Most Closely Related Academic Publications: 1998 1998 1998 1997 Matandiko Wigganson - “Electrophoretic Analysis of Sera in Mycobacterium avium infected wild waterfowls compared with the non-infected” Royal Veterinary College, University of London – UK. Matandiko Wigganson – “Food and Mouth Disease in Zambia”. Royal Veterinary College – University of London – UK. Matandiko Wigganson – “Lead poisoning in a Blue streaked Lory (Eos Reticulate) without exhibition of clinical syndrome” Royal Veterinary College, University of London – UK. Matandiko Wigganson – “Rabies Country report for Zambia” Hokkaido University – Sapporo, Japan. Core – authored closely Related Publications 1. 27 Munang’andu, H.M., Victor. Siamudaala, Wigganson Matandiko, Mulumba Misheck, Andrew Nambota, Musso Munyeme, Stephen Mutoloki and Hezron Nonga (2009). Detection of Theileria parva Antibodies in the African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Livestock-Wildlife Interface areas of Zambia. Veterinary Parasitology 166 (2009) pp. 163-166 28 2. 3. 4. Munang'andu HM., Mweene AS, Syachaba MZ, Siamudaala VM, Muma JB , Matandiko W (2009). The rabies status in Zambia for the period 1994 – 2004. Zoonoses and Public Health Munang’andu H.M., Victor Siamudaala, Musso Munyeme, Andrew Nambota, and Wigganson Matandiko (2009). Detection of Trypanosoma brucei in Asymptomatic Greater Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) on a Game Ranch in Zambia. Vector borne and zoonoses, VBZ-2009-0133 Munang'andu HM., Mweene AS, Siamudaala VM, Muma JB , Matandiko W (2011). Review of rabies status in Zambia for the period 1985 – 2004. Zoonoses and Public Health, Vol 58, pp. 21-27 Other Significant Document related to export trade: 2009 Matandiko Wigganson, Masterson Chap, Siamudaala Victor, Sinkala Yona , Sitima Almond – “Proposed Protocol to Facilitate Export of Sable Antelope to the Republic of South Africa.” – Submission to the Department Veterinary Services and Livestock Development in Zambia and Republic of South Africa. Synergistic Activities: Coordinated and / or participated in the following (Botswana and Zambia): Disease outbreak control & surveillance, drought mitigation, game capture and translocation, Probang sampling for FMD virus isolation, Bovine TB testing in Dairy herds and Buffaloes, establishment of FMD free Buffalo herd and VHF collaring of lions, spotted and brown hyenas. Collaborators in the last 48 months: Dr Scott Creel – Montana State University, US, Bozeman, MT. Dr Mattew Becker – Zambia Carnivore Program, Mfuwe, Zambia. Dr Hetrone Munan’gandu – Norwegian School of Veterinary Medicine, Oslo, Norway. Dr Musso Munyeme – University of Zambia School of Veterinary Medicine, Lusaka, Zambia . Graduate Advisor: Professor Scott Creel, Montana State University, Bozeman MT. 28 29 APPENDIX V ADEQUACY OF DESIGN Simulated data set, graphs and R-codes used > #Generate data from a poisson distribution for the number of prey > #in the home range of a predator > #Use lambda = 5 (mean of prey) and for 100000 trials > #################################################### > > set.seed(2000) > L1 <- 5 > ntr <- 100000 > prey.vec <- numeric(0) > for (i in 1:ntr) + prey.vec[i] <- rpois(1, L1) > hist(prey.vec, xlab='Counts of Prey', main = 'Distribution of Counts of Prey within predator home range', nclass=60) 10000 0 5000 Frequency 15000 Distribution of Counts of Prey within predator home range 0 5 10 15 Counts of Prey > > > #suppose area is 200 km2 area <- 200 home.dens <- prey.vec/area ############################################# > #Generate data from poisson distn for the number of prey outside the home range of the predator > set.seed(3000) > L2 <- 20 # mean of prey outside predator home range > ntr <- 100000 # Number of trials > prey.vec2 <- numeric(0) # let R choose the values for the prey count in vector > for (i in 1:ntr){ + prey.vec2[i] <- rpois(1, L2) + prey.vec2} > > hist(prey.vec2, xlab='Counts of Prey', main = 'Distribution of Counts of Prey outside predator home range', nclass=60) 29 30 4000 0 2000 Frequency 6000 8000 Distribution of Counts of Prey outside predator home range 10 20 30 40 Counts of Prey > > > > #suppose area is 200 km2 area <- 200 outhom.dens <- prey.vec2/area #look closely at the distribution of densities > par(mfrow=c(1,3)) > hist(home.dens, xlab='Counts of Prey', main = 'Density of Counts', nclass=60, col='blue') > title(sub='Within Home Range of Predator') > hist(outhom.dens, xlab='Counts of Prey', main = 'Density of Counts', nclass=60, col='lightgray') > title(sub='Outside Home Range of Predator') Density of Counts Frequency 4000 10000 0 0 2000 5000 Frequency 6000 15000 8000 Density of Counts 0.00 0.04 0.08 Counts of Prey Within Home Range of Predator 0.05 0.15 Counts of Prey Outside Home Range of Predator diff <- outhom.dens - home.dens > hist(diff, xlab='Counts of Prey', main = 'Difference in densities', nclass=60, col='green') > title(sub='Outside - Home Range of Predator') > 30 31 Density of Counts Difference in densities 0.04 0.08 2000 0 2000 0 0 0.00 Counts of Prey Within Home Range of Predator 4000 Frequency Frequency 4000 10000 5000 Frequency 6000 6000 15000 8000 8000 Density of Counts 0.05 0.15 Counts of Prey Outside Home Range of Predator 0.00 0.10 0.20 Counts of Prey Outside - Home Range of Predator ############################################################################# ######## > # Predator Home range estimates in the cold season (cs), dry season(ds), wet season(ws) > ########################COLD SEASON Predator Home Range############################ # set.seed(350) > #Use mean home range = 250 km2 for 10000 trials > #standard deviation = 30 km2 > #number of predators = 15 > set.seed(350) > A1.cs <- 250 # mean of home range in square kilometers > > ntr <- 10000 # number of trials or measurement of area for home range > sd <- 30 # Standard deviation of home range > pred <- 15 # Number of predators > csPred.density <- A1.cs/pred # Cold season predator density in the home range > Area1.vec <- numeric(0) > > for (i in 1:ntr) + Area1.vec[i] <- rnorm(ntr,A1.cs,sd) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > hist(Area1.vec, xlab='Area estimates of Predator cs', + main = 'Distribution of area estimates (cold season)', nclass=100) 31 32 0 50 100 150 Frequency 200 250 300 Distribution of area estimates (cold season) 150 200 250 300 350 Area estimates of Predator cs ##########################DRY SEASON Predator Home Range ############################# > set.seed(200) > A2.ds <- 190 # mean of home range in ssquare kilometers > > ntr <- 10000 # number of trials or measurement of area for home range > sd <- 25 # Standard deviation of home range > pred <- 15 # Number of predators > dsPred.density <- A2.ds/pred # Dry season predator density in the home range > Area2.vec <- numeric(0) > > for (i in 1:ntr) + Area2.vec[i] <- rnorm(ntr,A2.ds,sd) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > hist(Area2.vec, xlab='Area estimates of Predator ds', + main = 'Distribution of area estimates (dry season)', nclass=100) 200 150 0 50 100 Frequency 250 300 350 Distribution of area estimates (dry season) 100 > 32 150 200 Area estimates of Predator ds 250 33 ##########################WET SEASON Predator Home Range ######################### > set.seed(400) > A3.ws <- 300 # mean of home range in square kilometers > > ntr <- 10000 # number of trials or measurement of area for home range > sd <- 35 # Standard deviation of home range > pred <- 15 # Number of predators > wsPred.density <- A3.ws/pred # Wet season predator density in the home range > Area3.vec <- numeric(0) > for (i in 1:ntr) + Area3.vec[i] <- rnorm(ntr,A3.ws,sd) There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50) > hist(Area3.vec, xlab='Area estimates of Predator ws', + main = 'Distribution of area estimates(wet season)', nclass=100) 150 100 0 50 Frequency 200 250 Distribution of area estimates(wet season) 200 250 300 350 Area estimates of Predator ws 33 400 450