APPENDICES: A: B: C: D: Personnel Publications and other products Consultants and related senior scholars External funding and major events Appendix A: Personnel Principal Investigators Christopher Boone George L. Cowgill Sharon L. Harlan Michael E. Smith Barbara L. Stark Abigail York Postdoctoral Scholar Alison Kohn (2010-2011) Graduate Research Assistants Timothy Dennehy (2011-12) Juliana Novic (2008-09; 2009-10) Benjamin Stanley (2008-09; 201011; 2011-12) Other Graduate Participants Juliana Novic, ASU (2010-present) Rhian Stotts, ASU (2011-present) Marion Forest, Université de Paris 1, Pantheón-Sorbonne (2010-2011) Bridgette Gilliland (Fall 2011) Yui Kamoda (Fall 2011) Sara Robertson (Fall 2011) Amanda Young (Fall 2011) Undergraduate volunteers Spring 2012: Jake Lulewicz Fall 2011: Genevieve Zorc 2010-2011: Marcus Farman Cinthia Carvajal Sara Robertson Yui Kamoda Caitlin Grigaitis Bridgette Gilliland Lily Pierce Norma Elizondo Kenneth Udall Undergraduate Employees Ashley Engquist (2011-12) Cynthia Carvajal (2010-11) Katrina Johnston (2009-10) Maricha Friedman (2008-09) 2009-2010: Maria Amezquita Alexis Nielson-Pachofsky Cinthia Carvajai Ashley Engquist Karin Sidaway Benjamin Snow Undergraduate Interns Monica Algara (2011-12) Cinthia Carvajal (2009-10) Ashley Engquist (2009-10) 2008-2009: Kristin Campbell Cinthia Carvajai 1 Appendix B: Publications and Other Products 1. Publications Deriving Primarily from Project Activities1 Stanley, Benjamin W., Barbara L. Stark, Katrina Johnston, and Michael E. Smith n.d. Urban Open Spaces in Historical Perspective: A Transdisciplinary Typology and Analysis. Urban Geography (accepted pending revisions). Smith, Michael E., Ashley Engquist, Cinthia Carvajal, Johnston, Katrina, Amanda Young, Monica Algara, Yui Kamoda, and Bridgette Gilliland n.d. Neighborhood Formation in Semi-Urban Settlements. Journal of Urbanism (und. review) Stanley, Benjamin W. 2012 An Historical Perspective on the Viability of Urban Diversity: Lessons from SocioSpatial Identity Construction in Nineteenth Century Algiers and Cape Town. Journal of Urbanism 5(1): 67-86. Smith, Michael E. and Juliana Novic 2012 Neighborhoods and Districts in Ancient Mesoamerica. In The Neighborhood as a Social and Spatial Unit in Mesoamerican Cities, edited by Marie Charlotte Arnauld, Linda Manzanilla, and Michael E. Smith. U of AZ Press, Tucson (in press). Smith, Michael E. 2011 Classic Maya Settlement Clusters as Urban Neighborhoods: A Comparative Perspective on Low-Density Urbanism. Journal de la Société des Américanistes 97(1): 51-73. York, Abigail, Michael E. Smith, Benjamin W. Stanley, Barbara L. Stark, Juliana Novic, Sharon L. Harlan, George L. Cowgill and Christopher G. Boone 2011 Ethnic and Class-Based Clustering Through the Ages: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Urban Social Patterns. Urban Studies 48 (11): 2399-2415. Smith, Michael E. 2010 The Archaeological Study of Neighborhoods and Districts in Ancient Cities. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29(2): 137-154. Smith, Michael E. 2010 Sprawl, Squatters, and Sustainable Cities: Can Archaeological Data Shed Light on Modern Urban Issues? Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20: 229-253. 2. Publications the Incorporate Data from Project Activities Stark, Barbara L. n.d. Urban Gardens and Parks in Pre-modern States and Empires. American Anthropologist (to be resubmitted). Isendahl, Christian and Michael E. Smith 1 Entires are listed in date order, with the most recent at the top of each section. 2 n.d. Sustainable Agrarian Urbanism: The Low-Density Cities of the Mayas and Aztecs. Cities (under review). Stark, Barbara L. 2012 Ancient Open Space, Gardens, and Parks: A Comparative Discussion for Mesoamerican Urbanism. In Making Ancient Cities: Studies of the Production of Space in Early Urban Environments, edited by Kevin D. Fisher and Andrew Creekmore (book under review). Warren, P.S., Sharon L. Harlan, Christopher Boone, S.B. Lerman, E. Shochat, & A.P. Kinzig 2010 Urban Ecology and Human Social Organization. In Urban Ecology, edited by Kevin J. Gascon, pp. 172-201. Cambridge University Press, New York. 3. Publications by Project Members on Closely Related Topics Arnauld, Marie Charlotte, Linda Manzanilla and Michael E. Smith (editors) 2012 The Neighborhood as a Social and Spatial Unit in Mesoamerican Cities. Tucson: University of Arizona Press (in press). Boone, Christopher G., M. Nation, S. Hall, C. Raish, D.M. Finch, N. Grimm, E. Cook, and Abigail M. York 2012 A comparative gradient approach to understanding and managing urban ecosystems. Urban Ecosystems (in press). Smith, Michael E., Gary M. Feinman, Robert D. Drennan, Timothy Earle, and Ian Morris 2012 Archaeology as a Social Science. Proceedings of the National Acad. Sciences: (in press). York, Abigal M., M. Shrestha, Christopher G Boone, S. Zhang, Jr. J.A. Harrington, T. Prebyl, A. Swann, M. Agar, M.F. Antolin, B. Nolin, J.B. Wright, and R. Skaggs 2011 Land Fragmentation under Rapid Urbanization: A Cross-site Analysis of Southwestern Cities. Urban Ecosystems 14:429-455. Harris, Richard and Michael E. Smith 2011 The History in Urban Studies: A Comment. Journal of Urban Affairs 33(1):99-105. Jenerette, G. Darrel, Sharon L. Harlan, William L. Stefanov, and Chris A. Martin 2011 Ecosystem Services and Urban Heat Riskscape Moderation: Water, Green Spaces, and Social Inequality in Phoenix, USA. Ecological Applications 21(7):2637-2651. Smith, Michael E. 2009 Editorial: Just How Comparative is Comparative Urban Geography?: A Perspective from Archaeology. Urban Geography 30: 113-117. Conference Papers Forest, Marion 2011 Constructing Social Space: Multi-Scalar Organization on the Zacapu Malpaís. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento. Isendahl, Christian and Michael E. Smith 3 2011 Urban Agriculture and Dispersed Housing in the Low-density Cities of Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Sacramento. Stanley, Benjamin W. 2011 An historical perspective on the viability of urban diversity: lessons from socio-spatial identity construction in nineteenth century Algiers and Cape Town. Paper presented at the 2011 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Seattle. Stark, Barbara L. 2010 Comparative Analysis of Ancient Urban Green Space. Professional lecture, Dumbarton Oaks, Washington, D.C. Stark, Barbara L. 2009 Urban Gardens in a Tropical Lowland Capital. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Atlanta. York, Abigail, Benjamin W. Stanley, Juliana Novic, and Michael E. Smith 2009 Understanding Urban Neighborhoods Through the Ages: Ethnic, Occupational, and Class Clustering. Paper presented at the Urban Affairs Association Conference, Chicago. Theses Novic, Juliana n.d. Neighborhood Dynamics at Calixtlahuaca, Mexico. Ph.D. dissertation, Anthropology, Arizona State University. In preparation. Gilliland, Bridgette 2011 Planned Neighborhoods in Pre-Modern Egyptian Cities: A Comparison of Workers Villages. Senior Honors Thesis, SHESC and Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University. Friedman, Maricha 2009 Urban Neighborhoods in Ancient Mesoamerica. Senior Honors Thesis, Department of Arizona State University. Other Products Smith, Michael E., Christopher Boone, George L. Cowgill, Sharon L. Harlan, Alison Kohn, Barbara L. Stark and Abigail York 2010 An Expanded Social Scientific Perspective on Urbanism. White Paper for the program, Future Research in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences. National Science Foundation, Washington, DC. 4 Appendix C: Consultants and Related Senior Scholars “Paid consultants” are external experts brought to ASU with project funds to consult with project members. Each gave a public lecture in addition to workshops and meetings with project personnel. “Other external experts” are scholars who visited ASU through other programs, but spent time working with project personnel on the themes of our project. “Occasional faculty participants” are ASU faculty in other units who have participated in project events and consulted with us in various ways. 1. Paid Consultants Dr. Roland Fletcher (Spring, 2008) Roland Fletcher is Professor of Archaeology at the University of Sydney. Two of his research themes relate closely to our project: (1) cross-cultural analysis of the sizes of settlements and their determinants; and (2) fieldwork at Angkor. His formal lecture at ASU was titled: "Angkor: The Living City" Dr. Besim Hakim (Fall, 2008) Besim Hakim is a planner and architectural historian based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He has written extensively on Islamic cities and neighborhoods, emphasizing the contemporary value of traditional Islamic principles of design and conduct for modern urbanism. He advocates bottom-up, generative forces in the creation of livable neighborhoods instead of central planning. His public lecture was titled "Eco-Policies and Generative Programs for Sustainable Cities". Dr. Robert Sampson (Spring, 2009) Robert Sampson, Henry Ford II Professor of Social Sciences and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Harvard University, was on campus as a consultant for the project on Feb 4 and 5. Dr. Sampson is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and one of the foremost scholars today on neighborhoods, neighborhood effects, urban sociology, and criminology. His public lecture was titled, "Neighborhood Inequality and the Social Order of the American City." Dr. Richard Blanton (Spring, 2009) Richard Blanton is Professor of Archaeology at Purdue University. Two of his research themes relate closely to our project: (1) comparative preindustrial urbanism; and (2) collective action analyses of premoden states. His formal lecture at ASU was titled: "The Collective Basis of Premodern Cities." Dr. Jill Grant (Spring, 2011) Jill Grant is a Professor of Planning at Dalhousie University. Her current research projects include examining trends in residential environments, the theory and practice of planning suburbs, the influence of new urbanism on Canadian planning practice, the planning response to gated communities in Canada, planning for creative cities (with special interest in the needs of music and cultural sector workers), and health and the built environment. She has also published on comparative urbanism and comparisons of ancient and modern cities. Her public lecture was titled "Structured space: Archaeology and the urban neighborhood." 5 2. Other External Experts Dan Smail (2008-09) Dan Smail, a historian from Harvard University, visited SHESC and the History Department. He is an expert in urban life in medieval Marseille, particularly neighborhoods and social variation. We discussed medieval urban neighborhoods with him Michael Batty (2008-09) Michael Batty, a geographer at University College, London, visited the School of Geographical Sciences. He is a renowned quantitative urban modeler. We met with Dr. Batty and discussed issues of spatial and quantitative methods. Cynthia Robin (2008-09) Cynthia Robin, an archaeologist at Northwestern University, visited ASU (sponsored by the Barrett Honors College) to serve as the outside reader in Maricha Friedman’s honors thesis defense. She is an archaeologist who works on social models of Maya daily life and activities, including households and neighborhoods. She gave a public lecture and met with our project group. Jan Nijman (Spring 2011) Jan Nijman, formerly of the University of Miami (currently at the University of Amsterdam), visited ASU through SHESC. His research focuses on urban and regional development, globalization and comparative urbanism. He has published extensively on metropolitan Miami and the Dharavi slum of Mumbai, India. 3. Occasional Faculty Participants from ASU Programs Katherine Crewe; an associate Professor at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Andrew Kirby; a Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences Jose Lobo; a Post Doctoral Associate, Global Institute of Sustainability; Associate Research Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emily Talen; a Professor at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning Victoria Thompson; Associate Professor at the School or Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Kelly Turner: Ph.D. Program at the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning 6 Appendix D: External Funding and Major Events This appendix lists proposals for external funding and other project events not included in the previous appendices. External Funding Anticipated, August 2012: The Principal Investigators will apply for funding from the National Science Foundation; the tentative project title is “Urban elites, governance, and neighborhoods: Social and spatial inequality in premodern cities.” We submitted a preproposal to programs in the Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences at NSF and received positive responses from four programs: Archaeology, Geography, Sociology, and Political Science. This will be a major grant to cover part or all of our Stage 2 activities. Spring 2011: Project members Alison Kohn and Abigal York submitted a proposal to the Urban Studies Foundation to fund an international seminar, “The Formation and Persistence of Neighborhoods: Past, Present, Future.” Although reviewed positively, this proposal was not funded. Shortly thereafter we decided to change directions and focus on continued systematic research (the Stage 2 and 3 projects) instead of holding a seminar. Spring 2010: Barbara L. Stark was awarded a competitive fellowship to conduct research at the Dumbarton Oaks research facility in Washington, DC, for a project titled “Comparative Understanding of Peripheral Urban Gardens and Garden Functions.” This work is part of the Open Space theme of our project. Other Activities Database (2008-2012) A database of digital images related to premodern and modern cities across the world has been compiled and stored on project servers. Undergraduate and graduate workers have scanned maps, pictures, illustrations and other visual material, and have created a digital archive including complete metadata describing sources, specific citations, and explanatory information. We are exploring ways to make some portion of this material available to other scholars. Pilot project (Spring 2012) Graduate Assistants Benjamin Stanley and Timothy Dennehy are supervising a pilot project to explore the kinds of data and methods to be employed in our Stage 2 project. Because of the groundbreaking and exploratory nature of this research, we need to show that the kinds of analyses we propose can indeed be carried out successfully with historical and archaeological data. The results so far are encouraging and will probably result in a journal article; they will also be incorporated into our proposal to the National Science Foundation. Neighborhood Dynamics Workshop (Feb. 11, 2011) Our project held a workshop to plan for a potential symposium and publications that would focus on neighborhoods in comparative context. The workshop included the project’s PIs and graduate students, related faculty at ASU, and a group of invited participants and 7 consultants. Participants included project members, several ASU colleagues (see Appendix A, Paricipants), and two outside scholars (Jill Grant and Jan Nijman); see Appendix C, Consultants. When funding for the proposed symposium was turned down (see External Funding, above), the PIs had a series of meetings and decided to change to a more ambitious and systematic scientific course of activities. Undergraduate Research Project: Neighborhoods in Semi-Urban Settlements” (Fall 2011) Under the direction of Michael E. Smith, a group of undergraduates conducted research on neighborhood formation in “semi-urban settlements.” They compiled historical, ethnographic, and spatial data on temporary or semi-permanent settlements such as military camps, refugee camps, squatter settlements, and company towns. Undergraduate employee Ashley Engquist coordinated the research and assembly of data. It was discovered that neighborhood organization is found in all of the semi-urban settlement types except for disaster camps. The students and Dr. Smith wrote a jointly-authored paper, which is now under review with a journal. Undergraduate student posters (2010) Several undergraduate students produced posters on their research on premodern neighborhoods; these posters were displayed publically in the Social Science Building. White paper for the National Science Foundation (2010) Project PIs Michael E. Smith, Christopher Boone, George L. Cowgill, Sharon L. Harlan, Alison Kohn, Barbara L. Stark and Abigail York submitted a White Paper in response to a call from the National Science Foundation program, “Future Research in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.” Titled An Expanded Social Scientific Perspective on Urbanism, this document promoted the kind of transdisciplinary, historical and comparative approach advocated by our project. The document is posted on the NSF website ( and was incorporated into a study titled “Rebuilding the Mosaic: Fostering Research in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences at the National Science Foundation in the Next Decade.” Graduate Seminar: Principles of Urbanism (Fall, 2010) Project PIs all participated in teaching a graduate seminar that broadly explored the topic of urbanism across a variety of disciplines such as archaeology, geography, political science, sociology, anthropology, and urban planning. This course took a long-term perspective on urbanism and urbanization, from ancient cities to the present. Such a longue durée perspective is critical for understanding the cycles, dynamics, and processes of urbanization, which might not otherwise be apparent from present-day cross-sectional studies. It also permits scholars to ask questions about both locally distinct and general characteristics of urbanism through time and space. 8